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thelostboyschatandfic - Chat and fic for The Lost Boys

Subject: Chat and fic for The Lost Boys

Description: Love The Lost Boys Movie. Discuss the show....share a general, hetero or
slash story. All stories will be posted to WWOMB Archive unless you include a
do not archive notation in the headers. The stories posted to this list will be
uploaded to the shared files here as web pages as I get time, as will the
stories posted to the parent YG list, which in time will be completely
transferred over here and closed out on that other server.

Pictures and photo manips are welcome on the list, simply drop them into a
folder on the shared web and send the list a post so we know their there.
Discuss of the movie and characters is encouraged. Previously viewed stories
as well as current releases are more that welcome here.

Please, post us an intro so we know you're here, and tell us what attracts you
to the fandom. The list lives and grows by sib participation. Please chat us,
and do remember to feedback our authors. Its the only pay they get for long
hours spent hunched over that hot keyboard. They deserve so much more. Let them
know they are appreciated.

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