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sapphicscendant - Sapphic 'Scendant - A list for Andromeda femmeslash...

Subject: Sapphic 'Scendant - A list for Andromeda femmeslash...

Beka and RommieBeka and Trance

A list for femmeslash fic (and general discussion) featuring the ladies of 'Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda' - Beka Valentine, Trance Gemini, Andromeda (Rommie) herself, and any female guest characters.

Like the idea of Beka and Trance together? Or Rommie and Beka? Or even Rommie, Trance, *and* Beka, with maybe a dose of Elssbett Mossadim on the side? Then this is the place to be...

NOTE: This group contains adult content, and joining states you are of legal age for that in your area. If not, you join at your own risk, as you have been warned...

Also, the lovely pics are screencaps off the excellent Andromeda Realm Of Sight And Sound and Lady Maigrey's Andromeda Ascendant sites. I highly recommend checking them out...

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