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lostinspacechatandfic - Chat and fic for Lost In Space

Subject: Chat and fic for Lost In Space

Description: Don has a secret longing, for Smith... Will grew up in space and developed a strong affection for him too. Judy wants to play in Don's playground. Whatcha gonna do? Come discuss the zaniness of the show and share a general friendship, hetero or slash fiction for Lost In Space. The characters can be from either the old time show or the new revamped decide...

We're looking for Smarm through BDSM and beyond. Most anything goes...Long as it's tasteful...lets try not to break too many laws here...

Joining us confirms you are over the legal age. It's a matter of trust guys...I don't want any irrate moms posting me nasty notes.

The fiction posted to the list is posted at the Wonderful World Of MakeBelieve Archive.

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