Subject: Chat and fic
A list for the popular fandoms like The Sentinel, X-Files and A-Team and the Rare ones, like Barretta, LA Heat and Kojak. Any fandom from any media...that's novels, pulps, toonies, rags, television and movie fic are encouraged here. Or better yet, cross the lines...The wilder the better, explore your fetish of choice. General (If ya can imagine it), hetero or slash, Smarm and beyond fics are all welcome here.We're also up for discussing the many and varied fetishes, so wanna chat 'em, go for it
The stories posted to this list will eventually be hosted on the archive unless you make a 'DO NOT POST' notation. Stories posted should use the template found in the submissions page on the archive.
I do not have the time or inclination to moderate this list for underage ears, so joining this list confirms you are of age. Be responsible.
Finally, the list has been getting quite a lot of adult site spamming of late. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE for this. Anyone who sends them to the list will be put on moderated status and if it continues, will be banned. Don't join thinking it will get through cuz I'm here to tell you it won't get past the first one. and if I miss it one of the sibs WILL draw my attention to it.