Title: The History Lesson

Author: S

Fandom: Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea

Pairing: Lee Crane/Harriman Nelson

Rating: PG-13

NOTE: Inspired by Carol's excellent drabbles, I decided to try one myself.

The History Lesson

By S

Lee Crane and Harriman Nelson lay in bed together after enjoying an hour of lovemaking when Lee asked if Nelson knew the date.

"April 9, 1965--why?"

"One hundred years ago today, Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox. It must have been a terrible day for such a proud man."

Nelson agreed. "But it would have been foolish to waste more lives fighting when he knew he couldn't win."

"He's always reminded me of you."


"He believed in duty above all else."

"Lee, I do understand what you mean, but there is only one duty I cherish--loving you."
