Title: Night Thoughts

Author: three eyes open

Email: VirginiaShutters@planet-save.com

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Tribune owns Andromeda, etc.

Notes: My muse won't shut up and let me sleep.

Night Thoughts
by three eyes open

She is kissing his throat, her body pushing against his. He reverses their position, pressing her against the wall. His dreadlocks form a veil around them.

Slowly, he sniffs her hair."Have fantasies about Nietzcheans?" he asks huskily. She moans, still kissing his skin, her hands on his ass.

His hand slides down her side to her hip and then to her crotch, gripping her strongly. He nuzzles her ear and she moans again, insistently.

Suddenly he lets ago and backs away, brushing her hands off. "Then dream on," he says with a grin.

He walks away, leaving her in shock.
