Third part in Gillian saga.

Summary: Secrets revealed, something tragic happens... Finished!

Rated: G



"Gillian 3: Corona Astralis"
By Cherubino

Gillian woke up to the sound of shower running. She stretched lazily and then made herself get up. She was not due in Medical for another few hours but she wanted to spend morning with Dylan. He was away most of the past two months on various diplomatic missions and she missed him. She walked into the bathroom. Dylan has already got out and stood in front of the fogged-up mirror, towel wrapped around his hips. He reached out to wipe the moisture off the glass when Gillian came closer and snaked her arms around his waist, kissing lightly between his shoulder blades. Her lips touched a scar, one of so many, too many for one man. She could read his body like a map; she made a point to know and remember each and every one of his marks.

"Good morning."

He turned around and pulled her close, nuzzling her hair. "Good morning. You didn't have to get up yet."

"I wanted to. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Wanna play hooky and stay with me?"

He looked thoughtful, like he was actually considering her suggestion. "Guess I could get a doctor's note that I am."

"In dire need of bed rest? Yes, I think you could. Actually, I think you should get to bed immediately. Doctor's orders."

Dylan gave her a mock salute: "Yes, Ma'am." Turning, he headed towards the bedroom. "Are you coming?"

"Be right there, go on."

Gillian went to the kitchenette. One of the perks of Captain's quarters was not having to go to Mess Hall for food. She made a quick work of eggs and toast and coffee and went in to the bedroom with a tray. Dylan was sprawled across the bed, still wrapped in the towel. He sniffed the air and looked up:

"Ahh, breakfast in bed. You know, maybe I should go away more often if I get a treatment like that every time I leave?"

"Captain Hunt, you are turning into a hedonist."

"And it is all your doing, Doctor Ratischer. You know, I think I would like Doctor Hunt better."

"It'll still be Doctor Ratischer."

"You don't want to take my name?"

"I do, but I am keeping mine as well. So officially it'll be Doctor Gillian B. Ratischer Hunt."

"Hmm, I could live with that. What's "B" stand for?"

"My middle name."

"And that would be.?"

"Never you mind."

"I do mind, I should know my future wife's middle name!"

"Eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

"Don't switch subjects on me. What is it?"

"I am not telling."

"Oh yes you are!"

"Oh no I am not!"

Gillian put the tray on the nightstand and turned to leave when Dylan suddenly tackled her from behind. She twisted out of his grip but he now held her robe and she was left in pretty much nothing. Dylan's gaze wondered up and down her body and suddenly he forgot all about her middle name, his breakfast and anything else for that matter. He let the silk of her wrap slid out of his fingers and, covering the distance between them in one step he pulled her into a kiss. Without breaking the kiss he backed down to the bed and fell backwards, Gillian on top of him.

She pulled off for air and looking at Dylan suddenly laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I just had a thought about your High Guard Uniforms."


"I was just thinking that it's unfair that female uniforms are so revealing and male are way too concealing. It's a shame to hide all this." And she ran her hands over his broad shoulders, arms, chest, reveling in the feeling.

"So, would you prefer me wearing chain mail, like Tyr?"

"Hmm, now that's a thought to ponder. but no. It wouldn't be you. But a nice, tight black jersey paired up with your casual khakis would do beautifully." She painted a mental image complete with boots and hip- holster and looked positively dreamy to Dylan, who started to laugh.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"I am familiar with expression "undressing with your mind", but "dressing with your mind"? That's new."

"I am picking out what I would like to take off of you later."

"In case you haven't noticed I am laying right here, in only a towel and you are completely ignoring me, busy with my imaginary uniforms. Gillian, you are ."

He never finished what he was trying to say because Gillian showed him exactly how much she was NOT ignoring him.

Much, much later Dylan looked at his breakfast forgotten and now cold and sighed: "Guess we have to go to Mess after all. I don't know about you, but I am starving."

"I'm famished. Give me fifteen minutes. Think you'll live that long?"

"I need a shower too. Again. Mind if we share?"

"If we do, we'll never get out of here and I don't want you to die of starvation. Wait your turn."

Half an hour later they showed up at the Mess Hall and found the entire crew sans Rev there. They got their food and joined the others at the table. Tyr sniffed the air and made a face. Dylan actually blushed and Gillian gave Tyr a look and said: "Can it." He raised his eyebrows and she added "I said put a lid on it." It would have been insulting if at the same time she didn't come over and gave him a quick hug: "Good morning," and barely audible, for him only, "Uber." He pretended to growl indignantly but couldn't help smiling: "You too," and then theatrically whispered, "Kludge."

Beka turned to Dylan: "You know, Dylan, we are really close to the Big Easy. What do you say we take a quick stop? We could all use some down time."

Gillian was excited: "Big Easy? Wonderful, do you think we could make a stop there? I haven't been there in ages!"

Tyr looked perplexed: "What are you talking about? What is Big Easy?"

Beka and Gillian laughed and Beka explained: "The New Orleans Drift. On Earth, in the old times, may cities had nicknames. New York was called The Big Apple, Chicago -- The Windy City and New Orleans was The Big Easy. So everyone calls the New Orleans drift that. It's a great place to relax at. Mostly bars, restaurants, hotels, casinos, jazz clubs."

"And I know just the place to go to," Gillian chimed in. "The Blue Note bar. They have the best jazz band in the galaxy."

"Man, I heard this place was good! You think we could go, Boss?" Harper's face was absolutely child-like with expectation and anticipation, Beka and Gillian gave him their best puppy-eyed faces and he crumbled. After all, tomorrow was his birthday. He didn't tell Gillian, he didn't want to put her on the spot, but he thought he could use some R&R.

"Ok, ok, we'll stop there tomorrow. I think we could spare a day or two." The crew erupted with cheers; Dylan and Tyr looking indulgently at them for a moment and then Dylan switched back to his Captain mode:

"Ok, people, let's get something done before tomorrow. We all have work to do, so let's get moving." When everyone was leaving the Mess Hall, Tyr pulled Beka aside.

"I am still waiting for your answer, Rebecca. It has been over two months and you keep telling me you need more time. How much more? I ache for you, Rebecca, don't play with my feelings and my pride."

"I am worried, Tyr. I am worried that if I become your mate it will ruin your life."

"What? How did you come up with this idea?"

"Tyr, you want to re-build your Pride, restore your legacy. How are you going to accomplish anything with human mate? You will be seen as weak or aberrant, I can't allow that to happen to you. I don't want to destroy your dreams."

"Is this a "no", Rebecca?"

"I don't know. I want to say "Yes", I feel the longing for you I have never felt for anyone else, but I don't want to stand in your way. I love you too much to do that to you, Tyr. That's why I need more time. Just a little more."

"I told you already, but I will say it again, Rebecca. The past several months have changed my life irreversibly. I am not the same person any more, my priorities are not the same, my goals are not the same and my loyalties are not the same. I have my Pride now; I have my family now. It is here, on the Andromeda. I need my mate." He took her face in his hands and spoke very quietly, so quietly that she didn't realize he was reading her a poem until the third verse:

"Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;

Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,

Join with the sprite of fortune, make me bow,

And do not drop in for an after-loss:

Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow,

Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;

Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,

To linger out a purposed overthrow.

If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,

When others petty griefs have done their sprite,

But in the onset come, so shell I taste

At first the very worst of fortune's might,

And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,

Compared with loss of thee will not seem so."

He finished, kissed her lips lightly and left. Beka stood absolutely stunned for a few moments before asking tentatively:

"Rommie? Where you listening?"

"The privacy mode was not engaged, so yes, I was aware of your conversation."

"What was the poem he read?"

"It was Sonnet number 90 by William Shakespeare, an ancient English poet. He was also called The Bard. He authored a great number of plays -- tragedies mostly, but comedies as well."

"Yeah, right. Thanks, Rommie." Beka was glad she was not on duty. She had some serious thinking to do.

* * *

Gillian practically ran to her quarters. It was too perfect! She went to the comm screen and punched in the numbers. The screen lit up and a face of an old man appeared and split in the widest of grins:

"Gillian, baby, I haven't seen you in God knows how long! What's going on? How are you?"

"Mose, it's good to see you too. I need a favor."

"Anything for you, sweetheart."

"Ok, here's what I need you to do."

When Gillian finished the conversation she turned off the comm screen and called: "Rommie!"

"Yes?" The hologram appeared next to her.

"I trust you to keep this a secret. I don't want to spoil Dylan's surprise."

"Neither do I. Now all we have to do is to convince Rev Bem to come with us. The party will not be complete without him."

"You are right. Let's go talk to him."

* * *

The Big Easy buzzed and hummed with life. Bright with lights and smelling of every spice and spirit in the known world it was a delight for Trance and Harper, an amusement for Dylan, Gillian and Beka, and an annoyance for Tyr since his extra-sensitive nose couldn't tolerate the onslaught of sensations. Rommie appeared mildly interested in her surroundings and Rev Bem was outright surprised that he was not ostracized here. He even heard a few friendly greetings regarding him and the Way. Gillian leaned to him and whispered:

"I told you you'd like this place, Reverend."

"And you were right. I thank you for convincing me to come, Doctor."

They approached their destination; a jazz bar named The Blue Note. Upon entrance they were greeted by an old man in a crooked hat. He rushed towards Gillian and grabbed her in a bear hug.

"Baby, I am so glad to see you! It has been too long! Come, sit, and bring your friends in!"

Dylan and the others were surprised to witness this exchange but followed them inside. They walked through already very crowded room and sat at the table obviously prepared for them, right in front of the still-darkened stage. The waitress brought their drinks without asking but getting exactly what they wanted:

"Ok, let's see, Scotch for you, sir," and she handed Dylan his glass filled with amber liquid, "Tequila Slammer for you," and the drink slid towards Beka, "Weissbraw for young man here," Harper got his ale and just stared, Trance carefully lifting his jaw closed, "fruit juice for young lady", she smiled at Trance and got a shining grin in return, "water for Reverend and club soda with lemon for the gentleman here", Rev nodded his thanks and Tyr just looked at her, nonplussed. The waitress turned to Gillian and smiled: "Your gin, dear. It is so good to see you again." She squeezed Gillian's shoulder affectionately and turned to leave, but stopped by Rommie: "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

Rommie smiled "Yes, I am sure. AIs don't need food or drink."

"Well," the waitress answered, "You might not need it but still like it!" And she left the table.

Dylan turned to Gillian: "Give." He tried to sound severe but the twinkle in his eyes betrayed him. Beka joined in on the interrogation:

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Nothing, I know the owner, I used to hang out here years ago. I just called ahead and made sure he was prepared for us, 'tis all." She saw something or someone and turned to the group:

"Excuse me, guys, I'll be right back." She disappeared in the crowd.

Everyone was relaxing and enjoying their drinks when the now-familiar old man in his crooked hat came up on stage and stood there for a second in front of the black velvet curtain. From behind it sounds of the instruments tuning and music sheets rustling could be heard. The man cleared his throat and spoke:

"Good evening, folks, and welcome to The Blue Note. I am very happy that you could come here tonight, especially since it is a very special night, I have a big surprise for all of you."

"Where is she," Dylan whispered to no one in particular, "It is about to start and she wanted to see the show so much!"

"Don't worry, Boss, she'll be here," Harper tried to appease Dylan when the curtain slowly opened and the audience could see a figure sitting on the bar stool in the middle of the small stage. When the single blue spotlight hit the stage, Dylan's mouth gaped open in total astonishment, because there was sitting and smiling none other but Gillian. The rest of the crew were no less surprised. She nodded to the band and they started to play something very bluesy and slow. She brought up the microphone and said:

"Hello, folks. It's good to be here. Tonight is a very special night for me and for someone very special in my life. Tonight is for you, my love, so I hope you will enjoy it."

Loud cheers sounded form the audience, mixed with applause and "We missed you!" "Where have you been hiding all this time!", and more. Gillian raised her hand and the music became slightly louder and she began to sing. The first song she chose was a classic Saint Louis blues; "The Blues Are Brewin'". Her voice was surprisingly low and sultry and seductive and Dylan was in total owe. When she got to the lyric "And when the lord God above you/ Sends someone to love you / The blues are something you loose" she looked straight at Dylan and stretched her hand out to him and everyone in the audience applauded. The object of her affection turned red but smiled nevertheless.

When the song was finished, the small club drowned in applause. Gillian raised her hand again and started to leave when the same old man came up on stage again.

"Hey, lady, where are you going? At least you can tell me your name!"

She sat back down and looked at him: "I'm Gillian. And what's yours, Grandpa?"

"Me? I'm Mose, don't ya know?"

"Say, Mose? I heard about a man named Mose. With a very crooked nose." This exchange would have passed for a casual conversation, but Gillian started snapping her fingers in an interesting rhythm that band picked up quickly. She turned to the band and asked: "Ya know? Old man Mose? With a very crooked nose? I heard that old man Mose was dead!" The band answered Gillian in a five-man-harmony style: "Yes, we believe that old man Mose is dead!" And exchange continued, a Dixie dialog on the subject of Mose's demise. By the time they were finished, everyone was laughing despite the morbid contents of the song.

When the room once again quieted down, Gillian got up and walked over to the piano. She sat down and touched the keys lightly. Pulling down the microphone she spoke:

"I already told you that tonight is special, but I didn't tell you why. You see, tonight is my love's birthday. He thought I didn't know, but I do. So I want to say to him, " she took a few cords and started singing an ancient Earth song "Happy Birthday To You, My Darling." When she was finished, Mose (and it actually was his real name) brought out a huge cake lit up with candles. Everyone cheered and applauded and wished him a happy birthday. Gillian came off the stage and over to Dylan. He looked at her with misty eyes:

"This is the best birthday I have ever had. How did you find out?"

"I should be insulted by this question, but I forgive you. How could I not know about your birthday! Anyway, I have one more song I want to sing and then I'll come back."

Gillian went back to the piano and sat down. She spoke again: "The next song is very special. I just want you to know how I feel about you, Dylan." And she began to sing:

"When the night has come,

And the land is dark,

And the moon is the only light,

I will not be afraid

As long as you stand by me."

When she was finished and came down from the stage Dylan just hugged her and held her tight. He rested his chin on the top of her head and said:

"I guess I must've had done something good in my life to deserve you."

They sat down and she was barraged by questions from everyone about the club, Mose and her singing. She told them that years ago she hung out here, became friendly with the band and occasionally sang with them when she was in the mood. Over time she even acquired her own audience. When Mose learned she was coming tonight and that she wanted to sing, he let people know.

The evening continued, the band played all kinds of oldies and everyone enjoyed themselves. Only Tyr seemed a little broody, but that was his usual countenance, so it went without much notice by anyone except Gillian. But she decided to talk to him later. She reached fir her bag under the table and pulled out a box. Handing it to Dylan, she said:

"Here, I hope you like it."

He took it, untied the ribbon and opened it. From under the layers of tissue paper came up a clear glass globe on a metal stand with a small replica of an elaborate building inside. The building was surrounded by miniature gardens with tiny figures appearing walking or playing there. Some of the figures looked like people, others like feathered horses. The trees were in full bloom and when the globe was shaken the miniscule petals fell off in white flurries, like snowflakes. Dylan looked at Gillian and barely managed to say:

"This - this is the Vedran Imperial Palace and Gardens! How - where - how did you find it? It mast be hundreds of years old!"

"Look at the date on the bottom of the base," Gillian said.

He complied and looked back at her: "It was made in the year I was born. This is incredible. Gillian, thank you! You don't know how much it means to me!"

"Oh, I think I do. That's why I was searching for it high and low for months. I was lucky I found it."

"How did you manage that?"

"My father collects antiques. I enlisted his help and Daddy came through for me."

"Speaking of your father, does he know about our engagement?"

"Yes, but he still wants to meet you before giving his final blessing."

"Should I be worried?"

"No. He is just being fastidious. We can plan our visit to him for the next time you can take leave, the planet he lives on is a small paradise with beaches and jungle and lots of fun stuff to do."

"How about we leave next week? Andromeda is due for an overhaul and I was planning to take her to Sintii to dock and repair, so we can go and meet your father."

"We could take Tyr and Beka with us too. It'll be fun!"

"Ok, we are settled then, next week it is. Now, would you dance with me?"

"It's your birthday, Dylan, your wish is my command!"

"Now, that's a thought! I could think of a few things to wish for." Laughing, they went to the dance floor.

They left among the very last patrons, when Mose and his staff were closing up shop. The drift was still very much alive, this place never slept. The group was walking towards the docks to board the Maru; Dylan was talking to Beka and Gillian caught up with Tyr. He put his arm around her shoulder.

"Dylan is on Seventh Heaven. I told you would be good as mates. You are the woman for him." His lips twitched and he looked away.

"Beka still didn't give you the answer?"

"It's been over two months. I think she wants to refuse me but afraid to say so."

"She loves you. She is worried that having human wife will ruin your plans for the future."

"Have you been talking to her?"

"No. Am I right?"

"She said exactly the same thing to me yesterday."

"And what did you say to her?"

"I didn't. Shakespeare did."

"Let me guess, Sonnet number 90?"

"You know me too well, Kludge."

"It's one of my favorite ones."

Tyr was about to say something when someone yelled "Die, you Nietzschean bastard! Die with all you Nietzschean-loving lap dogs!" Tyr whipped his head about and saw a young man with a Gauss rifle aimed at him and Gillian. By the time he pulled out his weapon the youth pressed the trigger. Tyr tried to cover Gillian, but she shoved him aside to the left and made a pushing motion with her right hand, like she would do to splash the water. Suddenly the shooter fell back, sending his shot upwards and the rifle exploded in his hand, killing him instantly. Tyr ran over to Gillian who was kneeling on the pavement and covering her face with her hands. She was shaking. Tyr tried to get her up, but she couldn't. Dylan ran over and put his arms around her but she screamed:

"Don't touch me! Stay away from me, just stay away!" The next moment she lost consciousness. Tyr caught her and picked her up. Beka was already talking to the security guards who showed up seconds after the incident. She turned to Dylan:

"Take Trance with you and go, Harper, Rev and I will straighten this out." He nodded his thanks and followed Tyr and Trance to the Andromeda.

In Medical Trance was with Gillian behind the curtains and Dylan was pacing the anteroom. Tyr was standing like a statue, motionless, arms folded on his chest. Finally Trance came out.

"She is asleep now."

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know."

Tyr was in her face in a split second: "What do you mean you don't know, girl?"

Dylan just looked at her.

"I mean that everything seems to be normal, but there is this strange energy fluctuation around her and neither I nor Andromeda know what it is."

"I suggest that Gillian be allowed to rest. Everything may clear up in the morning." Holo-Rommie appeared next to them. "All of you should do the same. Beka and the others are coming aboard now. Talk to them and rest, I will monitor here."

Dylan shook his head: "I will stay here. I'll return after I talk to Beka."

"I do not think it will be advisable, Dylan." Hunt looked at Anasazi with surprise. Tyr continued: "We don't know why she had such strange reaction to you back there. But should she wake up and see you it may happen again. I think I should stay here tonight."

"Tyr is right, Dylan." Rommie looked compassionate. "If anyone stays here tonight it should be him." Dylan nodded his acquiescence and left the Medical.

* * *

Dylan woke up around 0500 hours with uneasy feeling. "Lights on, low." He sat up in bed. "Andromeda, how is Gillian?"

After an unusually long pause, Rommie answered: "Dylan, Gillian is not on board. Neither is Pegasus."

"What? Where is Tyr?"

Another pause. "Medical. Dylan, he is unconscious."

"Andromeda, how did you miss all that?"

"My sensors around the Medical and the Hangar Bay are jammed. The controls on the docking doors are overridden. And before you ask, it was not Harper. Looks like Gillian did it all on her own."

Dylan was already dressed and headed for Medical. "Rommie, get Trance and Beka here now."

"Aye, Captain."

By the time Dylan got to Medical Trance already came and was scanning Tyr. "Dylan, he was injected with a strong tranquilizer. He should be up soon; it usually wears of in a couple of hours." No sooner then she finished talking Tyr came to with a growl. He rubbed his neck, still sore from the injection.

"This woman will be the death of me yet."

"Tyr," Dylan was going crazy, "what happened?"

"She woke up, we talked for a while, and then she got up and said that she needed to use the bathroom. Next thing I know the hypo is in my neck and she is saying, "I am sorry it has to be this way." I should have never let my guard down. Where is she?"

"She took the Pegasus and left." Tyr covered his face with his hands.

"Rommie, get Harper and see if you can find where did she go."

"Aye, Captain."

"Beka, I need to talk to you."


"My quarters."

They entered Dylan's quarters and sat down at the bar.

"Beka, do you know anything I don't? Was there something bothering Gillian, something that she wouldn't talk to me about?"

"No, not that I know of. But I was thinking."


"Dylan, remember what happened on Jaguar Prime? In the cave, when she destroyed that creature?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, to me it looked the same last night. Was she behaving any different after the incident on Jaguar?"

"She was uneasy for a while, but then we wrote it all off on to the creature itself. Are you saying that it was Gillian?"

"Looks like it."

"For a while she entertained the idea to talk to her father about it but then she dropped it altogether. She mentioned something about finally finding out about her mother."

"Well, maybe she went to see her father after all? Why don't we take a ride there? We can take the Maru and be there in a day."

"Beka, you are a genius."

"No, Harper is a genius. I am simply a miracle." Dylan smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Coffee?"

"Sure, thanks."

Dylan went to the kitchenette to get the pot brewing and suddenly saw an envelope laying on his desk. He picked it up and saw that it was addressed "To Dylan" in Gillian's handwriting. He sat on the edge of his desk and opened the letter.

"My love,

By the time you find this letter I will be long gone. I am sorry for leaving like that, but I can't go through good-byes now.

I hope you understand why I have to go. I still love you; I love you so much it hurts. But right now I don't know who I am any more. I am not the person you met few months ago, I am not the woman you fell in love with and want to marry. I am someone else, and I fear I am dangerous to you and others. I have to find out who or what I am. I don't know where to start and whom to ask, but I will figure it out. When I do, I will come back. Please don't hate me.


When he accidentally turned the envelope, he saw the ring fall out. It was the engagement ring he gave Gillian two months ago on Jaguar Prime.

He looked so devastated that Beka came over and touched his arm:

"Dylan, what is it?"

Unable to speak he handed her the letter and the ring. She took them and skimmed the letter. "Dylan, I - I don't know what to say."

"Say that you help me find her. Say that you help me convince her that I love her no matter what."

"I will, Dylan, I will do anything to help you." She took a chain off her neck and put the ring on it, that she fastened the chain around Dylan's neck.

"There. It's against the regulations, but this way it'll always be with you. You must keep it safe for her."

"Thank you, Beka. If you don't mind, I need to be alone for a while."

"Sure, I understand. But promise me, if it gets too tough to handle you talk to me. Or Rev, or Tyr, anyone, ok?"

"I promise."

"Ok. First thing tomorrow we are leaving to Gillian's father." Beka hugged him briefly and left. She left his quarters and headed for her own rooms. Suddenly she stopped and turned around. She marched down the corridor and halted in front of Tyr's door. After a second of hesitation she pressed the access button.


The door slid open and she walked in. The room was almost dark but she could still make out Tyr sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Ship, lights on low" he commanded and stood up.

"What can I do for you, Rebecca?" He sounded tired and a little colder then usual.

"It's yes."


"Yes. As in "Yes, I will be your mate."

He covered the distance between them in on stride and took her by the shoulders: "Are you absolutely sure? You know there will be no way back. I may have picked up more human traits then I cared to, but I still do not agree with the practice of divorce. If we mate, it will be for life."

"Did you want me to say "No"?"

"No, I wanted you to say, "Yes"

"Then what's with the third degree?"

"I want to be sure that you are sure. What about other wives? What if I have to take a Nietzschean wife? How would you feel about that?"

"Would I still be your First?"


"Will it change the way you feel about me?"


"Then I say, "Mine be thy love and thy love's use their treasure."

Tyr smiled his shining white-toothed smile that could melt ice. "I love you, Rebecca. You could be rest assured that no Nietzschean woman will ever hear that from me. My DNA I may have to share in the future, but my heart is yours."

He put his arms around her and kissed her deeply, holding her close. When she broke off for air she said:

"The only thing is - I want to wait with the Helix Ceremony until."

"Until Dylan and Gillian are back together, right?"


"I want the same thing. I want her to be there when we make it official."

"I love you, Anasazi." And she pulled him in for another kiss. Caught up in it, she didn't notice him inching her backwards and realized his plot only when she found herself on the bed, pinned down by his weight.

"You sneaky son of a gun! How."

"I am a Nietzschean, sneakiness is in my blood. And that was not sneaky, it was just clever. You haven't seen sneaky yet."

"Well, if what you say is true, I have a lifetime to find out more about it. And you other attributes." She accompanied her last words with a sensual caress. Tyr caught the double-entendre and laughed.

"Oh, I am about to give you a demonstration right now."

Hours later Beka tried to get up but Tyr held her close:

"I need you here, Rebecca. Please, stay."

"I am taking Dylan to see Gillian's father. We think he may have some answers. We are leaving in a few hours. I need to go to my rooms to pack."

Tyr sat up: "I will go with you. I am not sure Dylan is thinking rationally now, you may need my help."

"Ok, if Dylan is Ok with it I think it's a good idea."

"Let's get moving."

* * *

Doctor Jonathan Ratischer greeted Dylan, Beka and Tyr and invited them in. He was tall, almost as tall as Dylan, and very good-looking. He had the same stormy-gray as Gillian, but there the resemblance ended. It was obvious that Gillian got her delicate features and slight figure from her mother.

"Please, come, sit. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Captain Hunt, and you, Captain Valentine, Mr. Anasazi. But where is that wayward daughter of mine?"

His question was met by an uneasy silence. Finally Tyr spoke:

"We were hoping Gillian was here. I guess we were wrong."

"Did something happen? Captain Hunt, what is going on?"

"Please, call me Dylan. And yes, something did happen and we are hoping you could shed some light on the events that transpired."

" Talk to me."

And Dylan proceeded to tell Gillian's father everything that took place, starting with the incident on the Jaguar Prime. When he finished, Jonathan's face was grave.

"I was praying it wouldn't come to pass, but evidently my prayers went unanswered. There is something you need to know about Gillian and her mother. I'll get us something to drink, it will be a long story."

He went to the small kitchen in the back of the house. Beka followed,"I'll give you a hand." When they left the sitting area, Doctor Ratischer turned to Beka:

"What is it you wanted to tell me, Captain Valentine?"

"Please, it's Beka. And now I see where Gillian got her smarts. Yes, I actually wanted to ask you to be careful. Dylan is in a very fragile state now. I am sure Gillian told you his story."

"About being frozen in time? Yes, she did."

"He lost everything and everyone he cared about. Before he met Gillian he was like a robot, sometimes our AI was livelier then him. Gillian brought him back to life. I have never seen him so alive in almost two years I've known him. She left him and left his ring. If he doesn't find her - I am worried about his sanity."

"I understand your concern, Beka. But I have to tell him the whole truth to help him understand her and maybe find her. Come, they are waiting."

When they finally settled, Jonathan began his tale.

"First thing first - you need to know that both incidents were Gillian's doing. She is apparently highly telekinetic. From what you said, she didn't only move objects, but used their own energy to counter effect their actions, hence the explosions, because she did it instinctively, not actually knowing what she was doing. I was hoping that she was not born with these abilities, and indeed they did not manifest until two months ago. I am not surprised at this fact because her mother was telekinetic and telepathic as well. Gillian never knew her mother and since she didn't show any sign of possessing her qualities, I didn't feel the need to tell her anything about it.

Marianna, Gillian's mother was born and raised on Samurai Prime. She was human, like me, but a part of selective breeding experiment. As you may probably know, some humans are born with some telepathic and telekinetic abilities. The Samurai were trying to single out the genes responsible for these attributes to incorporate them into their own genetic layout. There was nothing cruel or evil in these experiments up to a certain point, but there is always one scientist who forgets that his subjects are sentient beings. Especially when the researchers are Nietzschean and the subjects Human."

He paused for a second: "No offence," he turned to Tyr. "None taken." And Jonathan continued:

"In Marianna's generation the level of their telepathy and telekinesis was raised to dangerous level. When the Samurai realized that these people could manipulate them mentally and control many aspects of their life, they decided to stop the experiment by elimination the study group. Marianna was the strongest of them all and despite all the blocking she learned of these plans and escaped, warning others. They paid her no heed and were destroyed, but not before Marianna's absence was noticed. One of the Samurai was sent to track her down.

Meanwhile she came to T'hara 7. We met by accident and fell instantly in love. She told me her story and when she realized that what she was didn't bother me, she agreed to marry me. We were happy. Whatever time we had together, was the happiest time of our lives. When Gillian was born she was ecstatic. But then I noticed that something was wrong. What we didn't know was she was genetically programmed to die after having a child. It had something to do with the experiments the Samurai ran on her and her people. I couldn't do anything to save her; I didn't have the knowledge of what had been done to her and how to reverse it. We knew she was dying. So one day Marianna came to me and said that she wanted to leave. She said she had some unfinished business to take care of and she didn't want to wait any longer. I couldn't persuade her to stay but she promised to return. However after she was gone I found her wedding band in the envelope on my desk. She released me of our wedding vows. I have never seen her since.

Many years later a Samurai came to T'hara 7. I thought he was looking for Marianna, but actually he was looking for me. He was one of the renegades that left the home world. He brought me a letter from Marianna. She returned to Samurai Prime. The process was reversed and she lived. She told them that the child was dead, so no one would look for Gillian. The new group was formed and new generation of telepaths and telekinetics was born and studied. I couldn't understand why did she do it until I learned that a very stable sun in the Samurai system went Super-Nova."

Jonathan paused and sipped his drink. Tyr looked at him, comprehending. "She paid for one genocide with another."


Dylan spoke: "So, you are saying that Gillian could have the same ability to destroy worlds?"

"No, she can not be that strong. But apparently she is strong enough. She needs guidance; she needs to learn to control her powers. Ideally she would need a Samurai teacher. Come to think of it, the Samurai who brought me Marianna's last message took quite an interest in Gillian. He probably suspected something."

Dylan stood up and began pacing the room. Suddenly he stopped.

"On Jaguar Prime she met a Samurai, Hirohito Koyasaba. She even did the Dance of the Fans with him. He told her that there was much she didn't know about herself and when the time comes he will find her and help her. She probably went there, to talk to him."

Jonathan and the others agreed that it could be a possibility. Just as Dylan was trying to contact Andromeda, a message screen lit up. Rommie's face looked somber.

"Doctor Ratischer, I need to speak to Captain Hunt. This is urgent."

"He is right here." Jonathan got up to give Dylan and others some privacy, but Rommie stopped him:

"Please, stay. You need to know this too. Dylan, we found Pegasus. Or rather what's left of it. It was blown up by unknown hostile ship approximately two days ago. The debris contains enough DNA material to conclude that Gillian didn't survive the explosion. I am so sorry, Dylan, Doctor."

The silence in the room was palpable. Beka turned to Dylan and saw that is face was ashen. Doctor Ratischer was sitting as he was a minute ago, not noticing the tears rolling down his face. Tyr turned to Andromeda:

"Ship, did you find the body?"

"No, Tyr, but..."

"I refuse to believe she is dead until I see her body."

"The explosion did not leave much, Tyr."

"Collect everything and keep it safe, I want to study it myself."


Beka turned to Dylan: "C'mon, we need to go." Dylan felt frozen; he didn't understand what was happening any more. He looked at Beka and slowly nodded and turned to leave. He paused by the door:

"Would you like to come with us, Jonathan?"

"No, I don't think I can right now. I'll be in touch." Dylan nodded and left, Tyr and Beka followed.

"Beka," Dylan spoke, "I am transferring command to you until further notice."


All the way back on the Maru Dylan didn't say a word. On Andromeda he locked himself in his quarters, engaged privacy mode and didn't come out for three days. In the course if these three days Tyr, Rommie and Harper sifted through the remains of Pegasus. Nothing was found to counter the conclusion that Gillian did not survive. Beka ordered Rommie to monitor Dylan's life signs. She was worried about his mental state but respected his need to grieve. When he finally came out he was as composed and efficient as ever, uniform impeccable, freshly shaven, hair neatly combed. But the right side of his bangs, from brow to temple was absolutely white.


They made love, slow and sensual, on the veranda of the beach house. The suns were setting, sliding down into the turquoise water from the silver sky, coloring the water brilliant red and yellow and gold, sneaking in some green and purple sparks. Gillian smiled to him and pulled him up:

"C'mon, let's take a swim! Race you to the water!" She ran and he followed. She reached the water edge and turned to him, backing into the ocean: "Hurry up, you slowpoke!" She kept walking backwards and didn't, couldn't see the wave coming up from behind, a huge, enormous wave. He tried to warn her, to get her to turn and run but his voice froze in his throat, and he couldn't move, so he just watched in mute horror as the wall of water hit her and dragged her into the depths of the ocean. He finally broke out of his paralysis and ran to the water but there was no trace of her, not even a footprint on the sand and he stood there, yelling from the top of his lungs: "Gillian! Gillian!" He sank down to his knees and buried his face in his hands and whispered again: "Gillian!"

Dylan woke up with a start and ran his hand over tear-stained face. He kept having this dream over and over and over again. He tried not to sleep but even he could only go so long without rest. He got out of bed, pulled on his sweats and padded over to the bar. Pulling out the bottle with what was left of his precious Scotch he dumped it into the glass and took a long swallow. He felt the burn of the alcohol going down. Dylan smiled ruefully. No amount of booze could dull his pain. No amount of anything could do it. Knowing he wouldn't be going back to bed he took the glass and left his quarters, following his nightly route to Obs deck.

He sat down on the carpeted steps in front of the viewer and leaned back. The stars looked same as always, cold and distant and uncaring. Tonight he could see the Corona Astralis, Wreath of Stars, an amazing astronomical phenomenon -- a belt of meteorites from the constellation of Leo moving away, twirling and swirling, hanging in space like a crown. It would hang like that for a while before dissipating into a rain of falling stars. Another bitter smile twisted his lips. Gillian would have loved to see it.

"You disgust me." Dylan jumped at the voice and turned around, swaying slightly. The scotch did get to him after all. He made another step and walked smack into a wall of chainmail covered muscle that was Tyr. Strong hands steadied him and a pair of angry brown eyes bore into him. Nostrils flared, offended by the smell of alcohol on Dylan's breath.

"Mr. Anasazi. What are you doing here?" Dylan asked, voice slightly slurred.

"Looking for a chance to beat you senseless, Captain Hunt." Tyr replied, his formal address to Dylan dripping with sarcasm. "But now I see you are not worth the effort."

"Really? And why is that?" Dylan began to sober up.

"Because you are a pathetic excuse for an officer and a man and I should have supported Captain Valentine's suggestion to relieve you of duty."

"I was not aware there was mutiny on my ship."

"You are not very aware lately, Captain."

"You are out of line, Mr. Anasazi."

"Am I, Dylan?" Suddenly Tyr's voice became softer. "Can you honestly tell me that you have been functioning normally these two months? Can you honestly tell me that you haven't become reckless? That you do not have a death wish?"

Dylan was startled by obvious concern in Tyr's voice. It was not a typical behavior for his resident Nietzschean. But then again, Anasazi was not a typical Nietzschean. Suddenly, Dylan felt drained and limp. He sagged back to the floor and sat down, leaning against the railing of the steps. He wanted to take another swallow of his scotch but Tyr got a hold of his glass first and splashed the amber liquid out on the floor.

"Do you have any idea how much it hurts, Tyr? Do you know what it does to me, to go through it all again?"

"Actually, I do. Maybe more then anyone here, present company excluded. Do you not know how Gillian and I met?"

"I know the story."

"Then you know I already grieved for her once." Tyr sat down next to Dylan and ran his hand over his face. His eyes became even darker, almost black. "Only to find out that she was alive ten years later. Dylan, I don't believe she is gone. We saw no body. We don't know what transpired there."

"Tyr, the DNA evidence…"

"Could have been planted there. It could have been simply blood from the wound. It could have been anything. But you refused to let yourself hope. You betrayed her."

Dylan jumped at the last comment. "How dare you, Anasazi! How dare you to say that! I loved her!"

Tyr was in his feet in a second: "You loved her and still you betrayed her. You just accepted the fact that she was gone and that was it for you. How dare you call it love! How dare…" He never finished what he wanted to say because Dylan punched him on the jaw, hard. Tyr reciprocated and soon they were tearing at each other mercilessly.
Finally Tyr, having the advantage of being completely sober, pinned Dylan to the floor and pressed his forearm to his throat, bone blades fully raised and marking Dylan's skin with tree crimson dots. At this moment Beka walked or rather stormed in and Rommie followed closely behind.

"Stop it! Now!" Beka's voice brooked no argument. Tyr growled and got up, and Dylan followed suit. Both were bruised and bloodied, but Beka noticed that Tyr was smirking. 'Son of a gun,' she thought, 'he did it on purpose!' She monitored their exchange, alerted by Rommie, who was under orders to monitor Dylan at all times. Beka never believed his seeming calmness and noticed his recent recklessness. At first Beka thought to let the boys play it out, but at the end she feared that Tyr was genuinely pissed at Dylan and could do some real harm, so she and Rommie interfered.

"What the hell was that all about?" Beka stood between the two, arms folded on her chest.

"A difference of opinion on certain aspects of my life that are really none of anyone's business." Dylan replied testily and spat blood from his mouth.

"You are being juvenile. One more incident like that and I will relieve you of duty as mentally unfit, is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am, Captain Valentine, ma'am!" Hunt gave a mock salute and glared at Beka. She returned his glare and turned to Anasazi:

"Tyr, I suggest you restrain yourself unless you want to end up in the brig for a day or two."


"Rommie, please take these two to Medical. I want their injuries looked at. After that I want to have a talk with both of you."

"Aye. Dylan, Tyr, let's go."

"I'm fine!" Came simultaneous reply.

"Now, please."

They grudgingly followed. In half an hour they were done and on their way to see Beka when holo-Rommie appeared:

"We are receiving a transmission from Jaguar Prime. It's Archduke Bolivar and the message states urgent."

"On our way. What could he possibly want at 0200 hours?" Dylan grumbled and picked up the pace. Tyr followed grimly.

* * *

The "Butterflies" bar on El Dorado Drift was bustling. It was not actually a bar but a well-known 'house of ill-repute', veiled as a drinking establishment. It catered to the variety of tastes and was frequented by Nietzscheans who desired aberrant entertainment. Yassir and Mahdi entered said establishment in anticipation. Jaguar soldiers were celebrating Yassir's promotion to the Lieutenant of Archduke Bolivar personal Guard. They were on leave and since both were not yet mated this place was a natural choice for them. They were quickly approached by the hostess:

"What would be your pleasure, gentlemen?"

"We'll take a look around first."

"Sure, whatever makes you happy." She escorted them to the table and took their order for drinks. A young woman who served them later caught Yassir's eye. There was something familiar about her but he couldn't put his finger on it. He beckoned the hostess:

"Who is the waitress that served us?"

"You'd like her to entertain you?"

"Perhaps. Who is she?"

"Human, I can tell you that much. I bought her recently. The clients like her. She is quiet though, won't be good company. I suggest…"

"I didn't come here to talk, if you know what I mean. Send her over."

"Yes, sir."

Mahdi was surprised at his friend's behavior.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"I think I know that woman. If I am right it could make me a Captain in no time."

The subject of their discussion approached the table. Bowing slightly she spoke to Yassir: "My lord, you requested my presence? How may I be of service?"

"Sit with us, have a drink."

"Thank you, my Lord." She bowed again and took a seat next to Yassir.

"What is your name?"

"I am a slave, I do not need a name. You may call me whatever you wish, my Lord."

"How about I call you Gillian?"

The name produced no reaction except for curt "As you wish, sir."

Yassir asked her a number of hinting questions but got no information out of her. She looked at him with desperate eyes: "Would you like to retire to the room, my Lord?" If she looses another client she will suffer the wrath of her madam.

"Would you?"

"I am here to please you, my Lord. I will do as you wish."

Yassir took a hold of her left arm and looked carefully. Sure enough, he saw the tattoo. A string of letters and numbers, dark smudge on pale skin.

"What is this?"

"I do not know sir."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

She looked at her feet. Yassir tipped her chin up and looked her in the eyes:

"Do not make me angry, woman. Speak."

"I am telling the truth, sir. I have no recollection of my past beyond two months ago. I was told I was a slave and that's the only thing I know."

Yassir called the madam over. When she came her smile looked more like a sneer:

"What did she do this time?" Not waiting for an answer she backhanded young woman across the face. Raised her arm to do it again but was caught in a vice-like grip:

"I did not say she upset me. Do not do it again. If I am displeased I can punish the whore myself."

Madam wavered in fear. Upset Nietzschean was dangerous. "Forgive me, kind sir. I..."

"I want to buy this whore from you. How much?"

"I am sorry sir, but…"

"Do I not speak Common? How much?"

"Three thousand thrones."

"Here." Yassir threw a credit chip at her. "We are leaving." He turned to his newly acquired slave: "Get your things, woman. You are leaving with me."

* * *

Archduke Charlemagne Bolivar didn't like to be disturbed in the middle of the night. But he realized that if the newly appointed Lieutenant of his personal guard interrupted his long anticipated leave and came back to wake him up in the wee hours of the morning it was important. Or the said Lieutenant suddenly developed a very non-Nietzschean death wish. So Bolivar growled at his servant, pulled on a robe and walked in his sitting room. And almost fainted. Charlemagne Bolivar did not believe in ghosts, but what other explanation could there be? In the middle of his sitting room stood Doctor Gillian Ratischer, Dylan Hunt's dead fiancée. Correction, if she stood in front of him she couldn't be dead, could she? He sped up his pace and walked up to her:

"Gillian, what happened to you?" On closer look he saw that she looked terrible. She was too thin, her skin was almost translucent and bruised, marks old and new, the freshest one on her right cheekbone. The dress and makeup suggested what she has been doing for a living. She didn't look up and didn't answer his question, so he asked again:

"Doctor Ratischer, what happened?" She raised her head slightly and said: "Forgive me, my Lord, but I do not know the person you are talking about."

"Gillian? What is going on? You don't know your name?"

"I am a slave, my Lord. I do not need a name."

At this moment Elssbett walked in from her rooms, woken up by all the commotion. She saw the woman and stopped, shocked:

"Gillian, you are alive! How did you get here?" Gillian, as everyone insisted on calling her, looked distressed. She started shaking and crying and backed into a corner of the room. Hugging herself she almost screamed: "I don't know! I don't remember anything! I don't remember! I don't know who I am! I don't know!"

Bolivar pressed the comm link: "Get Doctor Pascal in my quarters now." He approached Gillian carefully.

"Calm down, please. We don't want to hurt you, we want to help." He motioned for others to clear the room. It seemed to calm her down a little and Charlemagne moved a little closer. "Please, relax. I called a doctor, he is going to look at you, ok?" She nodded. She knew she didn't really have a choice in the matter, so maybe if she complied she wouldn't get hurt. Much.

Doctor Pascal entered the room and walked over to her. He saw Elssbett and Yassir on his way and was prepared. He took out the hypo injector and swiftly pressed it into her neck. She went limp in an instant and would have collapsed on the floor but Bolivar caught her and put her on the couch.

Doctor Pascal looked her over quickly: "What a shame. I can't tell much without detailed examination, but this woman was hurt and abused badly." Bolivar looked grim. He punched a code on the comm panel: "Get me through to Captain Hunt. Now. Tell him it is urgent." He turned to the doctor: "Make sure she is well taken care of. I would
suspect Hunt will be on his way as soon as I speak to him." The older Nietzschean nodded: "I will do my best, sir." He stepped outside and brought in his aids and a stretcher for Gillian. Bolivar called Yassir in and sat down to speak to him.

* * *

Tyr and Dylan were standing in the anteroom of the infirmary. Doctor Pascal insisted that he was to be present when they go in and see Gillian.

"Captain, Mr. Anasazi, I need you to understand that Doctor Ratischer has no memory of her past. She most likely wouldn't recognize you. I have established some semblance of a relationship with her; at least she is not afraid of me any more. She is confused. I am sure Archduke had told you where she worked when Lieutenant Yassir found her."

Tyr growled, his jaw tense, and Dylan just said a hoarse "Yes". Doctor continued: "She was hurt and abused. I am warning you now so you do not overreact. She may or may not be afraid of either of you. If she shows any sign of distress I wan you to leave immediately. Is that understood?"


"Very well, we can go in now."

They walked in and Dylan's heart caught in his throat. He felt his knees give and knew he would have fallen, but he felt Tyr's hand on his shoulder and somehow it gave him strength. Gillian was laying in bed asleep. She was so thin; it made her look child-like. Her face and arms were covered by faded bruises, although the one on her cheekbone was fresh. Something caught Tyr's attention. He moved closer and lifted the sleeve of her robe, exposing the shoulder. There was a half-healed brand and when Tyr looked at it he visibly paled: "Drago-Katzov. She was taken by their slavers. Dylan, most likely it was not an accident." Doctor Pascal was shocked: "You mean someone targeted Doctor Ratischer? Why?"

Dylan looked weary. "Could be a number of reasons. We will discuss it later, right now I want to spend some time with her."

Tyr nodded his agreement. Dylan sat in the chair next to the bed and took Gillian's hand. She stirred but didn't wake up. He just sat there, holding her hand for a while, and then her eyes fluttered opened. He saw fear in them, something he was not used to seeing in her eyes before. She drew her hand back and clutched at the covers. Doctor Pascal spoke in soothing voice: "Gillian, these are your friends. No one will hurt you, I promise." She nodded and looked at Dylan, then at Tyr. She spoke to Dylan:

"You are not Nietzschean."

"No, I am not. I am human, like you."

"Are you also a slave?"

"No, I am not. And neither are you. Do you not remember me?"

"No, I am sorry, I don't. But you have kind eyes. I am not afraid of you. You will not hurt me."

"No, I will never hurt you, nor I will let anyone hurt you ever again."

Faint smile. She looked at him: "Your hair looks strange."

"Yes, I know. It got this way when you… When I thought you had died."


"I don't know. It just happened."

"You got upset because you thought I died?"



"We'll talk about it later, when you feel better."

"I feel fine now, why won't you tell me?"

Tyr and Doctor Pascal left the room. Dylan sighed:

"I loved -- love you very much. We were engaged to be married. When I thought you were dead something happened to me. It was like I couldn't go on living any longer. For three days I was -- I honestly don't know what I was doing. I lost these three days. When I looked in the mirror I saw this." And he touched the white streak in his hair. Gillian looked thoughtful.

"I am sorry I caused you pain." Dylan laughed bitterly.

"You shouldn't apologize to me. I am happy to have you back, Gillian."

"Even though I do not remember you -- us?"

"I am just glad you are alive. You have many friends on my ship, they all miss you."

"Your ship?"

"Yes, I am a starship Captain."


"Would you come back to Andromeda with me?"

"Andromeda is your ship?"


"I'd like that. Would you tell me about me?"


He proceeded to tell Gillian about her, her father, her work, and their adventures. He talked for hours and by the time he was finished he almost lost his voice. Gillian looked shocked:

"All that happened to us? To me?"

"It absolutely did." Tyr walked in and smiled at her: "All that and much more. Dylan was kind enough to leave my part of the story to me." She looked up at the dark-skinned Nietzschean:

"You are different. You are not Jaguar and not Dragan." The last name mentioned made Tyr growl. Gillian looked terrified and he stopped himself:

"I am sorry. I get upset when the latter are mentioned."

"I didn't mean to upset you, sir, I am sorry." Tyr came closer and crouched next to her bed:

"My name is Tyr. Tyr Anasazi of Kodiak Pride out of Victoria by Barbarossa. You and I were very good friends. You saved my life many times. Please, do not be afraid of me. I will never do anything to harm you. And I promise, when I find those who did this to you," he pointed to her brand, "may the Divine have mercy on them because I will not."

Gillian touched his face gently: "I do feel like I know you. It's lurking somewhere and I can't catch it but the feeling is strong."

Tyr smiled gently, something Dylan never saw him do, and kissed Gillian's hand. He got up swiftly and turned to Dylan:

"Are you staying here?"


"I am going to the Maru then, I have to see Rebecca." Dylan nodded. He understood Tyr's need to see his mate. They haven't gone through the official Helix ceremony but they were mates nevertheless.

Gillian was tired and soon she fell asleep again. Dylan was escorted to his rooms. The bar in the anteroom was fully stocked and he was very glad to find a bottle of a very good Scotch. No sooner than he poured himself a drink the door access chimed. When Dylan opened the door he saw Hirohito Koyasaba standing in the hallway.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Captain Hunt, but there is something I need to talk to you about. It is about Doctor Ratischer and her, shell I say, unusual abilities."

Dylan looked at him wearily and stepped aside to let his visitor in.


Beka jumped when Tyr entered the Maru.

"How is she?"

"Gillian does not know who she is. The only memory she has is of the last two months she spent working in the brothel on Eldorado Drift. Bolivar’s guard recognized her and bought her out. Rebecca, she was branded a slave!"

Beka was speechless. Tyr ran his hands over his face. His hate for the Drago-Katzov has reached a boiling point. Unable to control himself he screamed and punched a hole in the wallboard. His face was twitching as he tried to contain his rage. He took several deep breaths and continued speaking, a little calmer now.

"I saw a brand on her arm, a mark of Drago-Katzov slavers. These brands were put on prisoners of war, on people like me. She was not grabbed incidentally -- someone wanted her. And I think I know who."

"Cuchulain. Do you know why, though?"

"You are right, I am positive it was his doing. Could be a number of reasons. Dylan has made Cuchulain open a personal vendetta on him after the Acheron. I am his long-term enemy and everyone knows Gillian and I are close. And another thing – someone must have seen what she did to this idiot who tried to shoot us on the New Orleans Drift. If she could be convinced or coerced to use her telekinetic abilities in battle -- the possibilities are endless. They could have simply wanted to use her as a weapon."

Tyr kept pacing the cabin. He didn’t know what to do. Beka came up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. It was comforting and her scent was calming. He longed for her but he was afraid he would be too aggressive and might accidentally hurt her. Beka guided him to the bunk and they sat down. She took is face in her hands and kissed him. Breaking off, she looked him in the eyes:

"Tyr, you have to calm down and keep yourself together. I feel that Dylan has become unstable and his nerves are frayed. You need to be strong; you have to be the rock for him, for Gillian, and for me. Get some rest, Tyr, I have a hunch we’ll have a lot of work to do and soon."

He kissed Beka, gently at first, but she responded with such fierce passion that he lost his control and soon was drowning in the ocean of sensations that was Beka. He couldn't think any more; all he could do was feel. Feel her hands in his braids, on his chest, caressing, exploring, teasing, feel her lips, her entire body molding to his in perfect harmony. In his entire life he has never experienced anything even remotely like this.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking Tyr pulled Beka close, kissed her forehead and said, "If you would give me a child, that would make me the happiest man in the known world."

‘Did he say "man"? Man in human terms?’ Beka thought, but didn’t say anything. She just kissed him and pretended to drift off.

* * *

Hirohito Koyasaba spent many hours talking to Dylan. He also thought that Gillian’s kidnapping was not an accident and was almost sure that it had a lot to do with her telekinetic abilities. Dylan was surprised.

"You think Drago-Katzov are interested in her "gift"? Why?"

"You told me yourself, she killed a man with barely a thought and a flick of her wrist. Do you realize what power she possesses? Her mother and few others together triggered a supernova! Even if she can’t be used as a weapon, the gene responsible for her abilities can be isolated and added to their genetic map."

"Can she learn to control that power?"

"Absolutely. I was a part of the research team on Samurai home world, and there is a system of meditative exercises that allows people possessing these abilities to be in control of them so they wouldn’t harm themselves or others. As soon as Dr. Ratischer regains her memory, she can start training."

"You really think she will remember herself again?"

"Her memory loss was induced artificially by a neural blocker. Doctor Pascal detected and identified it with my help. Samurai used this technique as well. If she remained where she was, he would have been receiving boosters of the drug to retain her amnesia. I estimate that it will wear off in a few weeks."

"Do you need her to stay here so you can train her? I was planning to take her back to Andromeda."

"No, I don’t have to be there in person. I will record the sessions for her and she can always contact me with concerns and questions.

* * *

Several days later Gillian’s condition improved to the point where Doctor Pascal agreed that she could travel. Dylan was eager to leave. Gillian was not sure, but she was hopeful that maybe on the Andromeda she would remember something. She was experiencing strange flashbacks, jumbled visions of people and places she didn’t know. Sometimes they did have familiar faces in them, but she couldn’t recognize anything else.

On the Andromeda everyone was happy to see Gillian, but she felt lost and confused. Her memory refused to come back. Day after day, she walked around not knowing what to do with herself. Dylan was careful and attentive to her, but she felt strange coldness in his manner, like he was distancing himself purposely. She spent a lot of time with Trance, sweet purple girl, always cheerful, always helpful. Sometimes the dark Nietzschean spent time with her, but her inability to remember usually put him in a brooding mood.

One day she accompanied Trance to the hydroponics. This vast space served as on-board gardens as well as Dylan’s basketball court. He was playing one-on-one with Tyr and the game was very aggressive. Gillian stopped to watch them play. During one of the especially tense moments both Tyr and Dylan jumped up and slammed into the board that held the hoop. The impact disconnected the board together with the part of the heavy metal structure attached to it. Neither Tyr nor Dylan saw it and continued to fight over the ball. Gillian saw that the whole thing was about to fall and sharp pipes would pierce them like bugs. It was too late to get them out and she screamed "NO!" and suddenly the structure turned and flew into the opposite side of the court and crushed into the wall. Hunt and Anasazi were stunned for a moment, and then they ran over to Gillian who almost collapsed. Trance was supporting her and talking to her soothingly:

"Gillian, it’s alright, they are alright, no one was hurt. Look at me, Gillian, please just look at me!"

Gillian looked into her eyes and suddenly she saw – she couldn’t even say what she saw. It seemed that the Universe itself was in Trance’s eyes, endless and limitless. And then Gillian remembered. Her memory came back as an avalanche of feelings and visions and emotions that she simply couldn’t handle, and she lost consciousness.

She came to in Medical. Trance was there, and so was Tyr, but not Dylan. She looked at Nietzschean:

"Good to see you, Uber!"

Tyr smiled and hugged her gently: "Welcome back, Kludge!"

Beka came in, followed closely by Rev and Harper. And still no Dylan. Gillian had a sinking feeling that he just didn’t want to see her, but she tried to convince herself that he was just busy. He’ll show up.

Several hours later Trance said that she could go back to her quarters. Tyr and Beka came to take her there. But still Dylan hasn’t come.

After she got back to her quarters Gillian showered and changed.

"Rommie, where is Dylan?"

"Dylan is in his quarters."

"Thank you."

Gillian decided to go and talk to him. She walked over to his door, hesitated a moment but pressed the access button.

"Come in."

She walked in and saw Dylan sitting at his desk, reading.




"Yes, I have a lot to do. Paperwork never ends."

"You were so busy that you couldn’t come and see me?"

"I knew you were ok."

Neither said anything for sometime. Gillian waked over to the shelf and saw the glass globe she gave Dylan for his birthday. His followed her with is eyes and asked:

"Was there anything you wanted? Because I really do have a lot of work to do." Gillian was stunned but she answered in a calm voice:

"Actually I was wondering, I remember I stayed most of the time here. Even when you were busy working, you always said you liked me to keep you company. You don’t like it any more?"

"I would rather prefer you stay at your own quarters."

She came up closer and asked, almost sarcastically: "I take it you wouldn’t want my company at night as well?"

Dylan looked at her, irritation clear on his face: "How many times do I have to say, I am busy!"

"Don’t worry, Dylan, I am leaving."

"That’s what you do best!" His last remark hit her when she was closing the doors.

* * *

All was well on the good ship Andromeda. If one didn’t count the palpable tension between the Captain and the Chief Medical Officer. They were not talking to each other and their misery was contagious. Rommie was sure now that old High Guard regulations regarding the relationships within the ship’s crew were good as gold. She was worried that if something were to happen between Tyr and Beka, mutiny would be unavoidable.

One day Gillian was working on her research in Medical when Dylan came in.

"I am leaving."


"I have to meet with Madam Ortiz on Sintii. There are two more worlds, former members of her alliance that are interested in joining the Commonwealth. She wants me to be prepared for the negotiations."

"Who is coming with you?"

"No one. I am going alone."

"Would you like me to come?" Her voice was tentative.

"No, I don't want you to." He sounded harsh. It was not intentional but that was how he felt. He was angry at Gillian but couldn't bring himself to talk to her about it. He didn't have to leave, Isabella Ortiz offered to come to Andromeda, but he felt the need to get away and sort out is feelings. The flight to Sintii will take a couple of days each way; it will give him ample time to think. He continued: "I will be back in a week."

Feeling suddenly numb, Gillian nodded, not looking at him, "I will see you then. Have a safe trip." Dylan waited for a few moments, than turned around and left.

Few hours later she realized that nothing would get accomplished, so she abandoned her experiment and went to the Obs deck. She just sat there, looking at the stars. Tears came unbidden but somehow welcome. Right now she didn't know what to do. Tyr walked in soundlessly as usual.

"You are crying." He came closer and put a hand on her shoulder.

"No, just thinking."


She wanted to say something snappy but couldn't. She just fell apart. Tyr held her and let her cry. When she was able to talk again, she said:

"I don't know what to do. Since we came back form Jaguar Prime, since I got my memory back I have felt like I lost Dylan. And now -- he came to tell me he was leaving. And he was -- I can't explain, it sounded like he was dismissing me. And another thing -- when we were on Jaguar, he showed me the engagement ring he gave me, told me he kept it for me. But he never gave it back to me. I guess he does not want to marry me any more."

Tyr looked at her: "Have you ever tried talking to him? Everyone noticed you two were avoiding each other, ever since you got your memory back."

"I tried. He just seemed so cold, so distant – it’s like I don’t know him any more. I guess it is my fault; after all, a man can only take so much before he reaches his limit. I’ll have a serious talk with him when he comes back."

"So, what are you going to do if it is over between the two of you?"

"I could always go stay with Father for a while. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it."

* * *

Several days later Tyr was on the bridge when Rommie informed him of an incoming message form Sintii. When the view screen lit he saw Isabella Ortiz.

"It is good to see you again, Mr. Anasazi."

"Madam Ortiz, what can we do for you?"

"I was wondering when Captain Hunt was planning to come to Sintii? I was expecting him yesterday morning, but when he didn’t show until today I began to wonder, maybe we had misunderstood each other?"

"Madam Ortiz, Captain Hunt left for Sintii three and a half days ago. Are you saying he did not arrive?"

Isabella Ortiz looked worried. "It looks like he is missing. I will alert the planetary security."

Tyr nodded: "Thank you. Please inform us on your progress, Madam Ortiz. We will begin our search immediately and in turn notify you as soon as we know anything. Andromeda out." He switched the view screen off. Holo-Rommie appeared and Tyr ordered: "Ship, inform Captain Valentine and the others of the situation. Bring Harper to the bridge, we will require his assistance on tracking down Eureka Maru."

* * *

Andromeda followed Maru’s trail but it brought her to the empty space sector that held no more clues on Dylan’s whereabouts. All scans showed nothing but the space dust. The entire crew gathered in Command and were discussing further options or rather lack of thereof. Holo-Rommie suddenly appeared next to her avatar.

"Multiple slipstream portals opening. I detect a Nietzschean destroyer and seven Garuda class fighters. All Drago-Katzov."

Beka was at the command console instantly: "Battle stations!"

Rommie cocked her head: "Beka, their weapons are idle and – yes, the are hailing us."

"Put it through."

The face on the view-screen made Gillian flinch. "Cuchulain." She said to no one in particular. Beka folded her arms across her chest: "What can we do for you, Fleet Marshall Cuchulain?"

"Actually, Captain Valentine, it is something that I can do for you. You see, you have something that belongs to me. And to ensure that I get it back, I had to take something – or someone -- that belongs to you. He snapped his fingers and two soldiers dragged someone in. Cuchulain grabbed the man by his hair and jerked his head up and everyone on the bridge of Andromeda saw Dylan’s bloodied face. The Nietzschean let go of him and snapped his fingers again and Dylan was taken away. "You see, Captain Valentine, Mr. Anasazi took something from us. And I want it back. You have two hours to get ready for an exchange. Otherwise you’ll have the honor of collecting pieces of Captain Hunt’s body from different parts of the galaxy. And if I detect any of Andromeda's weapons active, I'll kill Hunt instantly." The transmission ended and for a moment everyone was silent. Suddenly Gillian spoke:

"I will handle this."

Everyone turned to her, surprised. She continued: "I know what he wants, and there is no way I can let him have it."

"You can't possibly know what it is that he wants."

"Tyr, you just thought about it. If you do not believe me, I can tell you that he is referring to the item in Storage Area 15."

"So, when did you start reading our minds?" Anasazi was livid.

"I don't read your minds, at my level of telepathy I would need your cooperation to do it. Right now I picked up your thoughts because you are too agitated. Satisfied?"

"For now."

"Ok, could we get on with it?"

Rommie looked unsure: "What exactly do you have in mind?"

"A little manipulation, some blackmail and maybe a tad of threat."

"It sounds like a recipe for disaster." Beka was skeptical.

"It will work. Rommie, do you have a schematic of the destroyer or a similar type of vessel?"


"Bring it up please." A holographic blueprint appeared on the console. "Harper, if I wanted to disable this ship, leave it dead in the water, but not to destroy it, how would I do it?"

Seamus walked up to the blueprint and cocked his head: "You would have to disable the slipstream core and exotic matter reactor. That will leave them seriously crippled."

"If these items were removed from the ship, would it do the trick?"

"Yeah, and the exotic matter reactor will blow up as soon as it is out of the protective shielding."

"Good. Rommie, hail the Nietzschean ship please."

"Hailing." Moments later Cuchulain's face was on the view screen. His smile was smug: "I see you have reached your decision rather quickly, Captain Valentine?"

Instead of answering, Beka stepped aside letting him see Gillian. His smile was gone and it was obvious he didn't know what to say. Gillian sneered: "Have a mere kludge like me rendered you speechless?"

"You are supposed to be…"

"What? A whore at "Butterflies"? Or maybe dead? Well, I am here. And not only I have regained my memory, I also remember quite well everything you and your goons did to me. And let me tell you, payback is a bitch. Let me demonstrate." She looked at Cuchulain and his head suddenly snapped back and he staggered, like he would from a blow.

"You little witch! You said you couldn’t use your power at will! You lied to me!"

"What did you expect, that I would jump at the opportunity to be your lab rat and a handy weapon? Besides, I didn’t lie. I really didn’t know much about what I can actually do at that time. But believe me, I do now." Gillian looked at him again and this time he grabbed his groin and doubled over.

"You see, Fleet Marshall, as much as I would like to turn you into a wall decoration on your own bridge, right now I have more pressing matters to attend to. You hold Captain Hunt against his will. I want you to release him and I want you to do it quickly, or the consequences will be dire. Am I clear?"

"Few blows are not going to make me give up the Progenitor's remains." Cuchulain spat, panting.

"I have warned you. Observe." Gillian turned and concentrated on one of the cruisers. Pieces of hull began to tear off of it. She was plucking them like crust off the bread. She was doing it slowly enough to give the pilot a chance to eject. As soon as she saw a pod coming out, the cruiser imploded. She turned back to Cuchulain: "Was I convincing enough?"

"So, you can destroy the ship. You will kill your Captain with it."

"Not if you let him go. And by the way, I want the Eureka Maru back too."

"And why would I do all that?"

"That's why." Gillian concentrated and suddenly Cuchulain grabbed his throat. He looked like he was choking.

"You -- are -- strangling me!'" he coughed, turning blue.

"Very perceptive, Marshall. If you like me to stop, you know what to do." He writhed, hands at his throat, and then he sank to the floor, gasping.

"Alright," he spoke hoarsely, "what do you want?"

"I want Captain Hunt and Eureka Maru released immediately." Cuchulain barked the orders to his crewmen. Gillian turned to Rommie: "Please monitor activity on the Dragan ship, I want to be sure they are doing what they are told."

"Monitoring. Dylan is being taken from the brig. He is not going to the Maru but the guards are taking him to the escape pod."

"Why is Captain Hunt not on the Maru?" Gillian looked at Cuchulain and his breathing became labored again.

"The rust bucket you call Eureka Maru was damaged. Its environmental controls were compromised. Hunt has to be transported in the escape pod. Both the pod and Eureka Maru will be towed to Andromeda by one of my smaller fighters. It will disengage the tow grappling hooks when Andromeda is ready to bring the ship and the pod inside. Will this be to your satisfaction?"

Gillian looked at Rommie and Beka. Both nodded their agreement and Gillian said: "Proceed." She released Cuchulain but kept an eye on him.

"You may prepare your docking bays for the incoming cargo." Rommie switched the visual from Cuchulain to the outside and they saw the Dragan fighter tow the Maru and the escape pod towards Andromeda. When they were close and Andromeda opened the docking hatch, the unexpected happened. The fighter suddenly turned 180 degrees and sped away. Opening the slipstream portal it disappeared before anyone could do anything. Gillian was too shocked to even say anything when the view screen showed the laughing face of Cuchulain:

"Never underestimate a Nietzschean, my dear. You should have learned by now, but after all -- what could be expected from a kludge! Well, what can I say -- happy hunting? And yes, the pun was intended." The link was broken and the Nietzschean ship took off. But before it got to the slipstream portal it stopped, as if it hit an invisible wall. Something shot out of it like a rocket and exploded immediately. Another subject followed it.

"Rommie, what was it?" Beka was puzzled.

"It appears that the destroyer suddenly ejected its slipstream and the exotic matter reactors. The latter exploded instantaneously. Wait – and their weapons array exploded as well. Beka, we are being hailed."

"Ignore them. I don’t have time for them, we have to get Dylan. Let’s go." Tyr looked at Beka:

"This is a perfect opportunity for us to finish Cuchulain once and for all. Few well-aimed missiles should do the trick."

"I can’t risk it. If he manages to get the message to the fighter, they may kill Dylan. His safety is my first priority. Besides, I do not shoot unarmed people. Rommie please set a course following the Dragan fighter. "


Despite all the efforts, their attempts to catch up with the Maru and Dylan were futile. When yet another jump brought them to an empty area of space, Gillian hit the nearest console with her fist: "Bastard! Damned bastard!" She continued yelling and the selection of expletives she used made Beka laugh despite the dire circumstances. Rev Bem exclaimed: "Doctor, please!" Harper was turning red, Rommie raised her eyebrows and Tyr finally clamped his hand over her mouth:

"Do not disgrace yourself with such language!"

She wriggled frantically but unsuccessfully and finally calmed down enough for him to release her. When he removed his hand from her mouth she said:

"I apologize. I just -- I guess I am just too mad."

Tyr was just as furious but he was trying to channel his anger into something productive. He looked at Beka: "Where is the Purple one?"


"Did she not locate Dylan and the Ship when they were on Hell 9?"

"Yes, she did. Rommie, please ask Trance to come here ASAP"

"Trance is already on the way."

Trance walked in to the Command and approached the star chart. Tyr started saying something to her but she interrupted:

"I know, I need to find Dylan, like the last time. Right?" Everyone nodded their confirmation and Trance turned to Gillian:

"Give me your hands and look me in the eyes."

Tyr snorted: "Shouldn't she be looking at the star charts?" Trance turned to him and answered, unperturbed:

"Gillian and Dylan are emotionally in tune, even though they have been at odds lately. She is telepathic, as you know and I am going to help her find Dylan. When she has the feeling of him we'll locate it on the Star chart. Easy, actually." She returned her attention to Gillian: "Ok, concentrate. Do you feel or see anything?"

Gillian looked into Trance's eyes and again she was lost in the starry swirls. She saw one star get bigger and bigger, it was coming closer at a frightening speed. Wait, it is not a star, it's a planet. White and snowy, and cold, so cold… She started shivering, the cold was overwhelming, all the could feel was cold and pain, so much pain, it was taking over, sucking her in, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe and … Trance broke off their connection. She went over to the Star chart and pointed: "There. Dylan is there." Going back to Gillian she hugged her: "You did great! You found him!" Gillian couldn't answer; she was still shivering, tears running down her face. Tyr took off his coat and wrapped her in it.

Rommie magnified the point Trance showed and Tyr and Beka recognized it immediately: "Damn, it's the Ice world. Five mining planets, all covered in ice and snow, all seismically unstable. Well, let's go" Beka went over to the piloting station and took controls: "Brace for Slipstream!"

* * *

The pod landed on the rock and started rolling down, hitting every bump on its way. It stopped finally and the hatch opened with a slow hiss, letting in cold air. Dylan looked at the panel and winced at the coordinates he recognized. The Ice World. Not the same planet where he encountered scworms but one of the same system. Great, just great. He made himself move and got out of the pod. He was not at all sure why did Cuchulain suddenly decide to let him go and wanted to get away form the pod as soon as possible, just in case it was going to explode or something. Every step was an agony, but he willed his legs to take one, and another, and another, slowly moving but feeling cold air engulfing his body. He didn't have enough strength to run to warm up, so he pressed on walking, knee-deep in snow, his bare feet numb from the cold, not noticing sharp shards of ice cut into his soles, marking his trail with blood. Suddenly the ground gave in and he was falling down, sliding and bumping and finally hitting his head one time too many and blacking out before landing twenty-something feet below surface level.

* * *

When Andromeda arrived to the Ice World to Beka's immense joy the Eureka Maru was there, orbiting one of the planets on autopilot. After Rommie's drones searched the ship and determined that it was not booby-trapped and more or less functional, Rommie pulled the Maru into the Hangar bay. She kept scanning the planets, searching for Dylan, and on the fourth one she detected the crashed life pod with Drago-Katzov markings and faint life sign, but she couldn't identify it or determine its origin. They had to go planetside to search further.

"Rebecca, is Eureka Maru in any condition to be taken to the planet?" Tyr was concerned. If it was not, they will have to take slip fighters down and these were built to carry only one. Under different circumstances he would just bring one in tow for Dylan, but everything indicated that Hunt was injured and most likely will not be able to operate the fighter alone.

"Yes, it is. I am going to get her ready, we'll be leaving as soon as you get the gear." Gillian stood up: "I am coming too. No ifs or buts." She and Trance left the command and went to the Medical. Gillian put together the things she felt were needed in addition to her regular emergency kit.

"Trance, get things ready here. Most likely he will be hypothermic, get the warmer running. And make sure we have enough..." Trance put a hand on her shoulder

"Gillian, everything will be alright. Just go and get him, we'll fix him. And then you can fix everything else." Gillian sighed. If only she could be so sure.


Maru landed near the place where the pod was located. Beka wanted to get the pod and have it examined by Andromeda, just in case. They quickly found Dylan's bloody trail, and that in turn led them to the sinkhole. The crevasse appeared to be about twenty--twenty-five feet deep. They couldn't see anything. Tyr secured a rope ladder to the edge of the opening and prepared to descend, but Gillian stopped him:

"Tyr, let me go first."

"No, we don't know what's down there. You and Rebecca will stay here, I will retrieve Captain Hunt."

"Tyr," Gillian's voice was calm but there was steel in it he hasn't heard before, "you have no experience with rescue operations in the extreme conditions. I do. You will proceed as I tell you, you will follow my instructions without argument. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Tyr knew Gillian could be forceful, but he didn't realize just how forceful could she get under the circumstances. Right now he decided that contradicting her would be anti-survival.

"Very well. Beka, I need you to stay on the Maru and guide us. The fissure is deep and dark and our lights may not be adequate, plus we don't know how stable the ground is here. The Maru should run geo-scans every five minutes, inform us of anything unusual. Tyr, get the anti-G belts and the supply pack, I am taking the Medi-Kit. I am going down first. Tyr, you will begin your descend after I complete mine and give you the go- ahead."

Tyr and Beka nodded their acquiescence and Beka returned to the Maru. Gillian started going down the ladder and five minutes later she reached the bottom of the sinkhole. It appeared stable for the time being and she signaled Tyr it was safe for him to come down. The crevasse was rather large and dark, so Gillian turned on her scan. It showed one very faint life sign about forty feet due west of her location. She waited for Tyr and they started walking in that direction.

"Beka, how are we doing?"

"So far so good, I see no problems. The ground is stable; looks like you are on the bedrock. The only danger is the possibility of ice coming down on you from the top."

"Understood. Keep and eye on us."

"You got it. Do you see Dylan?"

"We are almost there."

They approached the place that scans indicated. At first they couldn't see anything, but then Tyr's superior vision distinguished a shape under the snow and ice. Immediately they began to dig.

"Be very careful," Gillian instructed, "frost-bitten tissue is very fragile, and if we are too rough we may cause more damage."

Soon Gillian saw Dylan's face appear from under the shroud of snow, then the rest of him. By unnatural position of his left arm and shoulder Gillian concluded that it was dislocated or broken. She saw big gash on his forehead right above the right eyebrow. It was bleeding heavily, blood coming down the side of his face and onto the snow, forming bright red spot, almost frozen by now. His eyes were closed and his body was so cold that if not for the faint pulse on his neck he would appear dead. He had no boots and no jacket on, just the uniform pants and the remains of a sweater. Both were torn and the skin visible through the holes was bloody and discolored. Gillian took a deep breath in order to calm herself and began working. The quick scan confirmed that his shoulder was dislocated and the arm broken in two places. To her relief there were no more broken bones. With Tyr's assistance she quickly immobilized the arm and the affected joint and they wrapped Dylan in blankets and secured him on the stretcher. Anti-G belts would lessen the weight and allow Tyr to lift him up to the surface with minimal effort and damage. They were almost done when Beka's voice sounded in their communicators:

"Hurry up, I am detecting small scale tremors, they might create a problem for you."

"We got him," Gillian answered, "already on the way up." Tyr went first; he would have to pull Dylan up. When he was halfway there, the ground began to shake and a barrage of sharp ice shards hit him unexpectedly. He managed to dodge most of them, but one cut his back and another sliced back of his leg open from hip to ankle. The pain was blinding, for a moment he thought he would fall, but he regained his bearings in a moment. He pulled himself up and sat down on the edge of the opening. Gathering his last resolve he hauled the stretcher up. He knew Gillian would be up in a couple of minutes and right now she needed to concentrate on Hunt, so he pulled another snowsuit out of the supply pack and changed quickly. Gillian was up and they picked up the stretcher and went to the Maru. Gillian noticed that Tyr was limping.

"Tyr, are you alright?"


Gillian didn't press the issue but made a mental note to check on him later.

Half an hour later the Maru was docking in the Andromeda's hangar bay. Trance and Rommie were waiting for them and in just minutes Dylan was transported to Medical and Gillian quickly followed.

"Trance, I need a detailed scan on his internal organs. We have to determine the extent of the damage from the cold before wee can start warming him up. Get the drones to remove whatever is left of his clothes. From what I could see there are multiple bruises and lacerations, they need to be tended to. I am worried about his head, he definitely has had the concussion, but I don't know bad it is. Get started, please, I'll be with you in a moment."

Tyr turned to leave, but Gillian stopped him. He was rather irritated at the delay:

"What do you need?" She pointed him to the empty exam room. When he reluctantly followed her she closed the door, turned to face him and said:


"Beg your pardon?"

"I said strip. Or should I remove your clothes forcefully? Tyr, I don't have to be a Nietzschean to smell blood on you. This suit is not the one you left in and you are limping. All that indicates that you have been hurt. My assumption -- by the falling ice in the fissure. What I don’t know is first, why didn't you tell me then, and second - why are you not seeking treatment now."

"You have more pressing matters to attend to and…"

"And you are taking up my valuable time. Strip."

Tyr gave out a low growl but his gaze on Gillian was rather affectionate. When he took off his clothes she closed her eyes for a moment.

"You know, if you were not already hurt, I would hit you. Get on the table, now. " Tyr sat on the table and Gillian groaned in exasperation: "I need you to lay face down." She pressed the comm button on the wall: "Rommie, could you come here, please?" Rommie the Avatar walked in. "Rommie, do me a favor, get these cuts cleaned and prepped, I will stitch him up as soon as I am finished. In the meantime Mr. Anasazi can have something for the pain. He is not to leave this room under any circumstances."

Gillian walked in to the other room. Dylan's clothes, or whatever was left of them, were gone and she could see the full extent of his injuries. She felt physically sick at the site of him. Cruelty was not even close; she couldn't find the words to describe what was done to him.

"Ok, let's get to work. What did the scans show?"

Trance flipped the screen on: "He is hypothermic and we don't know yet what problems it could give us. You already know that his left shoulder is dislocated and the arm is broken in two places, the one around his wrist is an open break. Some of the bone has to be removed and reconstructed. Multiple wounds are scattered all over the surface of his body. But that all is manageable, the biggest issue is his head trauma. The concussion is severe; he has developed a hematoma in his cranium that in turn caused swelling of the brain tissue. He is breathing on his own and other main functions are not affected, but he is comatose, it is not simple loss of consciousness."

Gillian closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart. She felt like crying but she knew this was not the time to fall apart. "Ok, let's take care of our Captain." They set his shoulder and the broken bones and immobilized the entire left side of his body. If all goes well the nanobots should take care of this problem in three or four days. They cleaned and sealed the cuts and treated the bruises. The warmer started working and his body temperature began to rise slowly. The only thing that worried Gillian and Trance now was the swelling in his brain."

"Trance, I have to go take care of Tyr. I'll be back in a little while."

"I could do it, if you want to stay here with Dylan."

"No, it's ok. I'll be back."

In the anteroom Beka was pacing: "How is he?"

"He is in a bad shape. His injuries are pretty severe, but manageable, and we were able to warm him up, but the concussion is severe. He has developed a swelling in his brain and that caused his coma. If he does not wake up by tomorrow -- I really don't know what the consequences could be." Gillian still didn't allow herself to feel the effect of the events; she had another patient to take care of.

Beka looked surprised: "Where are you going?"

"Tyr is waiting for me, I have t take care of his wounds."

"What wounds?" Beka was instantly alarmed.

"He was hurt by falling ice shards while pulling Dylan out. He didn't want us to know, but I saw him limping and forced him to tell me."

"Is it bad?"

"His right shoulder blade and the back of the right leg are cut pretty badly, but the cuts are clean. I asked Rommie to clean and prep them; I will stitch him up now. I'll need you to keep an eye on him for at least twenty-four hours. Think you are up to it?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll keep an eye on him. And when he is better, I'll kick his miserable…" Beka didn't realize that they entered the exam room and Tyr looked up at her: "Kick my miserable what, Rebecca?"

"Whatever I can get to, Anasazi." Rommie interrupted: "Beka, it is not the time to bicker. Gillian, do you need my assistance?"

"I would appreciate it." She took the syringe with anesthetic and started injecting it in small portions around the wound on his back. Tyr hissed: "What are you trying to do -- torture me? I think I am in enough pain as it is."

"Do you want me to stitch you without anesthesia? I doubt you will enjoy it."

"Can't you just seal it?"

"Well, Doctor Anasazi, allow me to explain. The edges of the lacerations on your back and leg are jagged and just sealing it will result in scarring which I am sure you will not appreciate. However, once I lance and suture these cuts the scarring will be minimal or nonexistent. Now, which method do you prefer?"

Tyr growled: "Just get on with it."

"Thank you kindly."

Gillian stitched and sealed the wounds and covered them with sterile bandages. She and Rommie helped Tyr off the table. She went over to the cabinet and motioned to Beka to follow.

"Ok, here is what you need to do. The bandages have to be changed every twelve hours. Every four hours you will give him an injection of antibiotics and every six -- painkillers. Think you can manage?"

Beka nodded and took the supplies. When they came back they saw Tyr leaning against the wall looking balefully at his skin-tight leathers. There was no way he could put these on now. Gillian shook her head and Beka barely restrained herself from laughing. Rommie took pity on Tyr and brought him a pair of white patient pajamas. He looked at them with utter disdain but Beka patted his shoulder and started helping him to dress:

"C'mon, tough guy, one leg at a time, that’s a good boy." She pulled the pants up on him and fastened the velcro. "Now the shirt, right arm first, careful, now left. See -- no big deal, all done. Let's go and get you into bed."

"Let me know immediately if runs a fever or you see anything else out of the ordinary."

"Sure thing." Beka answered and gently guided Tyr out of the Medical and towards his quarters. She brought him inside, opened the bed and helped him to lie down. Tyr groaned: "This is unacceptable, I can’t stay like that for long!"

"Well, you can’t turn on your back just yet, you’ll pull the stitches. Besides, it’ll hurt like hell even with the painkillers. You just have to deal with it." Beka was understanding but firm. She took one of the hypo- injectors and moved his braids aside. She pressed the trigger and released it quickly, and still his hand flew up to rub the tender spot.

"Let me make it better," Beka said and leaned and kissed his neck, "How’s that?"

Tyr growled softly, "I could get used to this kind of nursing."

He looked impish and Beka swatted him on the behind. "Well, don’t. You are under orders to rest and that’s what you will be doing. Do you want to read something or should I put on a vid?"

To her surprise he yawned and said, chuckling, "No, I thing my darling sister put a sedative in the hypo-mix. I am feeling awfully sleepy now."

Beka smiled, "You really do think of her as of your sister?"

"Absolutely. And the best part is, we weren’t made a family by birth, but we chose to be it. Just like I chose you, Helix or not, to be my mate."

Beka kissed his lips softly, "And like I chose you. Now I want you to rest. And just for the record, if you pull a stunt like that ever again, you’ll have to face the wrath of Valentine, and believe you me it is not pretty. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain Valentine, Ma’am, perfectly." Tyr smiled and closed his eyes. Soon he was asleep. Beka pulled up the covers on him and dimmed the lights. Suddenly she felt exhausted, so she grabbed a spare blanket and went over to the couch. "Rommie, please wake me when it is time for his meds."

"Yes, Beka. You can rest now, you have four hours."


* * *

Gillian went back to Dylan. "Trance, why don't you go get some rest, I'll stay here." The purple girl touched Gillian's arm: "He'll be fine. He just needs time to heal. And so do you." Gillian smiled wearily: "Thank you, Trance. What would I do without your help? Get some rest, please." Trance smiled and left.

Gillian sat in the chair next to Dylan's bed and took his hand. He was getting warmer; he didn't look dead anymore. If only he would wake up! She felt helpless, her medical knowledge was useless, she did all she could for him and now all she could do was wait. She rubbed her thumbs against the back of his hand and then pressed it against her cheek.

"God, Dylan, if only you could hear me… I want to tell you so much; I need to tell you so much… I hurt you so badly and now I can't even tell you how sorry I am… I don't care if you mad at me, if you never want to see me again; I just want you to live. You have to wake up, you can't give up now."

Gillian gently touched his face and brushed a stray lock of hair out of his still-closed eyes. She took his face in her hands and kissed his lips lightly. Suddenly she felt strange, like being pulled somewhere and wen she looked up she was not in Medical any more. She was standing on the beach, beautiful wide beach with large waves crushing their foamy crowns on the white sand and three suns shining from the silver sky. She saw a man a few hundred yards away and she knew it was Dylan. Gillian came closer. She knew he saw her, but he made no move. He looked younger, his hair was longer and had no gray in it and his eyes were not surrounded by tiny lines. He was barefoot and had a pair of white drawstring pants sitting low on his hips and white shirt that he wore unbuttoned. Both garments were made of light gauzy material, almost sheer but not quite. He looked youthful and carefree, but when Gillian looked into is eyes she was shocked. She has never seen so much pain held in one’s gaze, she felt like she was drowning in his sorrow. She started walking towards him, almost running, but he held out his hand:

"Why are you here, Gillian? I didn’t ask you to come. Who gave you the right to invade my privacy?"

"I am sorry, I didn’t plan on it, it just happened."

"So leave. Let me be."

"No. I need to talk to you. Please listen to me, Dylan."

"Why should I? Why should I listen to why are you leaving me again? Is that what you came here to say? Don’t bother with explanations; I am not interested any more. Just leave, run. That’s what you do best."

His bitter dismissal hurt, but Gillian bit her lip and pressed on: "Dylan, please let me speak, I beg you."

Instead of answering her, he sat on the sand cross-legged. "Do you know what this place is, Gillian?"


"It is Tarn-Vedra. My parents owned a beach house, see there, up on the hill? This place held my happiest memories. My dream was to bring you here someday. And then you left me and I learned you were dead. And this place became the home of horror. Every night I would dream that we are making love there, on the veranda. And after you run off to the water for a swim, and the tsunami comes and you die and I just stand there, frozen, unable to save you. Over and over and over again. I became insane with grief. Why didn’t you trust me, Gillian? Why did you leave? Why did you give me back the ring?"

Gillian knelt before him and took his hands in hers. "Dylan, when you went looking for me, you met my father and he told you all about my mother and out genetic "gifts". I didn’t know any of that. I told you I have never met my mother, I have not even seen a picture of her. When these things started happening to me, I was terrified. Not for myself but for you, for the others. Dylan, I killed that man with a flick of my wrist! My ethics aside, I had no idea how to control this – this power, how to handle myself. My biggest fear was that one day I would loose my temper for whatever reason and hurt or even kill one of you. I couldn’t risk that, can’t you see? I wanted to go see Father or Koyasaba, to find answers, but apparently someone was already looking for me. If Cuchulain didn’t capture me, I would have came back. I just wasn’t sure that you’d want me back after you would have learned the truth. Please, forgive me. Whatever your feelings are for me, I’ll deal with them, but please come back to us. You can’t stay here forever; you have a life to live." She started to rise, but then stopped and looked him in the eyes: "One more thing, Dylan. I want you to know that I love you. I will always love you, no matter what. Whatever I did, I did out of love." She got up and turned around. She desperately wanted to cry and her resolve was weakening. A gentle hand touched her shoulder.

"Gillian, could you forgive me?"

"What for?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"For being so cold to you. You have been through so much and I – I just wallowed in my own misery, I refused to see or share your pain. I am sorry I didn’t want to listen to you, and I am sorry I denied you when you asked me to make love to you. All I could think of then was…"

"Was what I was doing for those two months. Of me being a whore."

"Don’t say that!"

"Dylan, it’s the truth. Do not think I don’t remember it, because I do. I remember every single moment of those sixty-four days; these memories are with me day and night. I wanted; no I needed you to make love to me to purge these memories, to stop the nightmares. I understand why you didn’t. I understand that you couldn’t bring yourself to touch me. I don’t blame you for it, so there is nothing to forgive."

Dylan turned Gillian around to face him and saw the tears streaming down her face. He framed her face with his hands and started kissing her tears away. He placed tiny butterfly kisses all over her face and then took her lips. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. She resisted at first, but then she just melted into is embrace.

* * *

Tyr woke up and looked at the chronometer. He slept for two hours. He tried to move but stopped, the pain was too much. He knew he had to get up but so far he hasn’t come up with how-to yet. The door access chimed and he quickly said "Open", trying not to wake Beka up. The door slid open and he saw Harper’s head poking in.

"Either come in or get out, boy, make a decision." Harper didn’t believe his menace for a second and walked in. Seeing sleeping Beka on the couch he quickly walked into the bedroom. He looked at Tyr:

"How are you doing?"

"I will be fine."

"I asked how are you now, not how you will be."

Tyr looked at Harper and saw genuine concern in his eyes. "It hurts like hell, I am forced to lie on my stomach which is embarrassing and I have to get up to get there," he motioned his head in the direction of the bathroom, "but I can’t do it alone and I can’t ask Beka to help me with that."

Harper walked over to the bed. "Ok, can you scoot over to the left side of the bed?"


"So I can help you get up."

"And how are you planning to accomplish that?"

"Trust in Harper, Harper is good."

Tyr groaned but did as he was asked. When he moved close enough to the edge of the bed, Harper instructed him to lower his good leg on the floor on the knee. Holding Tyr by the arm and shoulder Harper maneuvered him off the bed and hauled him up with minimal amount of pain. Anasazi was impressed. And grateful.

"I didn’t know you were such an expert, boy."

"Believe me, I have been in these situations more times then I care to remember. C’mon, let’s go."

Ten minutes later they were back in the bedroom and Harper was about to get Tyr back into bed when Rommie’s voice came over the ship-wide comm.:

"Trance, report to Medical immediately, this is an emergency."

Beka jumped up and ran to the Medical as well. Tyr looked at Harper: "What are you waiting for, let’s go!"

Trance ran in still rubbing sleep from her eyes. "What is it, Rommie? What’s wrong with him?"

"It isn’t Dylan, it’s Gillian. Her life signs suddenly dropped, it looked like she went suddenly comatose."

Trance walked in to the room and saw Gillian almost laying next to Dylan, their faces and hands touching. She placed a hand on Gillian’s face for a second and smiled:

"Rommie, it’s ok. She just went to talk to him, that’s all."

"Trance, what are you talking about?"

"Dylan didn’t want to come back, so Gillian had to go to him. You know she is telepathic, right?"


"So, she entered his mind, just like Harper enters your matrix when he has to. It is rather simple, really."

At this moment Beka ran in, Tyr and Harper followed with Rev Bem in tow. Trance raised her hands: "Calm down, it’s ok, they are both ok."

"Ship, what the hell is going on here?" Tyr was really worried and tried to hide it behind his usual menacing manner.

"There is no clear explanation for … Wait a moment, their life signs are picking up. Both of them are waking up!"

Gillian got up and looked around, confused. "What’s happening, why are you all here?"

"Rommie was worried about you, she thought you went into a coma as well. I explained that you just had to talk to Dylan." Trance explained cheerfully. "Hey, Dylan, welcome back!"

Gillian looked at Dylan and saw that his eyes were open and he tried to smile. She smiled back and touched his face: "Indeed, welcome back." She turned to the others: "Ok, we are fine and Dylan is awake now, but he still needs his rest, so why don’t you all go. And Tyr, if I see you out of bed before tomorrow, you’ll be sorry, I guarantee it."

Anasazi growled but this time it was with affection. "Don’t threaten me, woman."

"It was not a threat, it was a warning. Now get out of here." Harper and Beka guided him out of the infirmary, both snickering.

* * *

Gillian walked into Dylan’s quarters to check on him. He was still weak from his ordeal but she thought he would be more comfortable in his own bed. She tiptoed into his bedroom and smiled at the look of him. He slept like a child, covers thrown off, arms outstretched and his face was so peaceful that it made her heart constrict. She couldn’t resist the temptation and kissed him softly. His eyes fluttered open. Gillian smoothed his hair back. "Go back to sleep."

"Stay with me a little."


She sat on the edge of the bed but Dylan pulled her down. Wrapping his arms around her he rested his head on her shoulder. "You smell so good." She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed his neck. "Mmm, that feels good, don’t stop." She kissed the top of his head and continued lightly massaging his neck and moved on to the shoulder. She found a scar and stopped. Dylan looked up, "What’s the matter?"

Gillian sighed. "You have so many of them, it’s scary."

"Hey, I’m a soldier, scars come with the territory."

"Some are there because of me."

"Don’t you dare blaming yourself for anything, do you understand? I am alive because of you, in more ways then one." Dylan sat up and moved Gillian to sit between his legs, holding her tight. "I love you. Don’t send yourself on another guilt trip, please."

"Ok. And I love you too."

"Good. Have you thought about a date yet?"

"What date?"

"For the wedding, silly!"

"Ahm, well, I wasn’t sure you still want to…"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dylan, you never gave me back the ring."

Hunt smacked himself on the forehead. "Tyr is right, I am Captain Idiot. Gillian, I am so sorry! Wait here, don’t go anywhere!" He jumped off the bed; almost fell because his foot got tangled in the sheets, straightened himself and ran into his office. Two minutes later he was back and on his knee in front of Gillian.

"Gillian B. Ratischer, I am asking you again – would you be my wife?"

"Yes," she was laughing and so was he, "I will be your wife, Dylan Hunt."

He put the ring on her finger and kissed her breathless. When they broke off for air he looked at her and asked: "Would you please tell me what the B stands for?"

"Ok, but don’t laugh."

"I won’t, I promise."

"High Guard Honor?"

"High Guard Honor."

"Ok. It’s Beatrice."


"Yes, Beatrice. Hey, you gave me your word!" Dylan doubled over laughing. "Sorry, I couldn’t help it! You just so don’t look like Beatrice!" She swatted him and he lost his balance and fell back on the bed, bringing her with him. She was straddling him now and his desire for her was obvious. They stopped laughing and Gillian leaned down and kissed Dylan again. "By the Divine, I missed you so much I ache for you, Gillian!" His words were her undoing and she just melted into him, kissing, touching, feeling, trying desperately to satiate the hunger he awoke within her. They became one, one body, one mind, and one soul and when they reached their peak she knew that all the horrors they have endured are gone now, in the past. The catharsis was complete.

Dylan held her afterwards and asked: "So, when?"

"How about three weeks form today? I was thinking – my father’s house."

"Not that I don’t like the idea, but why?"

"The beach that house stands on is my father’s too. It’s not Tarn-Vedra but…"

Dylan’s throat was suddenly tight. "You are incredible. Did I tell you that I love you?"

"Yes, but I like hearing it!"

* * *

The wedding was held on the beach, just like Dylan and Gillian wanted. It was small and informal, even though the Archduke and Duchess of United Sabra-Jaguar Prides were in attendance. The weather was very pleasant. Gillian didn’t want anything military, so there were no uniforms. Everyone, including Tyr was wearing light white clothes. Trance made a beautiful crown for Gillian out of the white edelweiss flowers. Giving it to her before the ceremony Trance said: "You know, edelweiss are called the star-flowers. So this is your Wreath of Stars, your Corona Astralis." Dylan heard that and came over. He gave the purple girl a hug and whispered to her: "You know, you are priceless. Thanks for everything." She didn’t answer, just beamed at him and left the room.

Jonathan Ratischer gave his daughter away and couldn’t hold back tears. He kissed her before giving her hand to Dylan and whispered: "If only your mother could be here." Gillian hugged him: "I know, Dad. I love you." He turned around and stood with others, watching Rev perform the ceremony. When he in the name of the Divine pronounced then husband and wife everyone cheered.

When Dylan and Gillian stepped down form the altar, Beka looked at Gillian and something passed between the two women. Gillian nodded to Bolivar and he handed her a box that she, in turn, gave to Beka. Everyone wondered what was going on.

Beka turned to Tyr: "Tyr Anasazi of Kodiak Pride out of Victoria by Barbarossa! I, Rebecca Valentine, daughter of Ignatius choose you to be my mate and father of my children. Do you accept?"

Tyr looked stunned for a second, but he regained his composure quickly. He went over to Gillian and kneeled before her as in supplication.

"My chosen sister Gillian Ratischer Hunt, out of Marianna by Jonathan, do you approve of the woman who desires to become my mate?"

"Yes, my chosen brother, Tyr Anasazi of Kodiak Pride out of Victoria by Barbarossa, I approve of Rebecca Valentine, daughter of Ignatius. She will be a worthy mate for you."

Tyr got up, kissed Gillian’s hand and walked over to where Beka was standing.

"Rebecca Valentine, daughter of Ignatius, I accept you to be my mate and mother of my children."

Beka took a Helix out of the box and placed it on Tyr’s left arm, and then she put one on herself. Tyr saw that the Helix had the crest of Kodiak on it and his throat became suddenly tight. He took Beka in his arms and kissed her. When she broke off the kiss she whispered something in his ear. Tyr looked at her, laughed, threw his head back and let out a mighty roar that probably shook the mountains. He was beaming with happiness. He picked Beka up and carried her away, still laughing.

Dylan looked at Gillian. "What was that all about?"

Gillian smiled at him: "My guess is – Tyr really liked his wedding present." Dylan raised his eyebrows and Gillian explained: "Beka is six weeks pregnant."

Hunt looked concerned. "I can’t let Anasazi beat me in this department!"

Gillian looked impishly at him: "Who says he did?" When the understanding downed, Dylan was almost as vocal as the Nietzschean.

The End.