Title: Perfect
Author: Tayla
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Blair/other
Rating: PG
Category: Angst,
Status: Complete April 28, 2002
Archive: Yes to WWOMB/Peja. All others please ask
Feedback: Yes, please. All constructive criticism will be graciously accepted
tayla36@aol.comSeries/Sequel: no
Disclaimers: The Sentinel and its characters belong to Pet Fly Productions and Paramount Network Television. No copyright infringement is intended. The author makes no profit and exists solely on the accolades from fellow fans.
Authors Notes: Peja posted a drabble challenge.
Spoilers: Sentinel Too, Part Two
Summary: Jim is too late
Warnings: none
by Tayla
He's perfect.
I'm watching him dance. He's moving to the music, his eyes half closed, his body swaying, his hands reaching out to touch his dance partner. He's smiling, leaning in to whisper something, leaning in to touch and caress, his strong hands brushing down the back and cupping buttocks and pulling the person closer, their hips grinding, moans gasping from half parted lips. Those lips touching, kissing, tongues teasing, mouths devouring each other.
He is perfect.
They are perfect together.
Only one thing wrong. It's not me.
I followed him tonight to see where he was going, to see where he's been going for the past few weeks, dressed to kill. He comes home smelling of smoke and sweat and sex. I almost recognize the scent, but I can't quite place it. I can tell it's a man.
I waited too long.
He asked me to come on in; the water's nice.
But I wasn't ready then.
I'm ready now, but it's too late.
I followed him here, to see who belongs to the scent. To see if it's someone I know. I wish I hadn't. I really didn't want to know this.
I turn and leave the club and walk out into the rainy night, leaving the perfect couple to their dance.