Title: The Return
Author: Erica
Fandom: The Lost World
Pairing: None
Summary: the title speaks for itself
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The Return
By Erica
Two months later the young blonde woman was summoned to court. She bowed to the Protector as she entered and awaited her instructions.
"The time has come, my daughter," she stated. Confused, the younger looked to her mother, waiting for her to continue. "Morrigain has returned, and now it is time."
Shocked, Abigail turned to see the grieved faces of her dearest friends. Celina clutched her baby to her as Gamel held his wife, both silently crying. If what her mother said was true, then their broken hearts were well understood.
"Mother, are you sure, their must be some kind of mistake."
"There is no mistake!" she cried. As if to confirm the Protector’s statement, Celina stepped forward and pulled the blanket from the infant’s back, revealing the birthmark.
Trying another tactic to ease her friends’ suffering she turned back, "Can’t it wait, she is so young, would it not be better to let her stay and learn to use her gifts?"
The Protector was unmoved by her daughter’s heartfelt pleas. "It will be as it is written. The Priestess will go into the world before she knows the world. She will assemble the Council and return them to Avalon when the time is right."
Knowing the Protector’s word was law, she quelled any other argument that might pass her lips. After many centuries the time had come, though she wished that it had not come upon her.
"You will prepare immediately. You will be escorted to the gate on the morrow." Thus dismissed, Abigail went to her friends to comfort them.
Avatar lined the gilded streets as they rejoiced. They couldn’t believe that their generation would see the return of the Council of Avalon. The future Protector walked through the throng of cheering people with her head held high and the tiny Priestess in her arms. She was not so happy, knowing the trials that would accompany the Council.
It would not be the time of the Council if the Storm were not fast approaching.
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