Power Struggle (AU)
Title: Power Struggle, Chapter 6
Author: Vigdis
Fandom: Smallville/Original
Pairings: Clark/Lex
Rating: PG-13
Category: AU, Angst
Status: WIP
Series: The Power Series
Date: April 14, 2002
E-Mail: vigdis@squidge.org
Feedback: Craved! Need feedback! Please be constructive... Details are good! Also, tell me what you want to see more of, what you want to find out the answers to, etc... I love details!
Archive: WWOMB, Vigs Vale
Valdrons Handy Dandy Disclaimer: (modified for this work)
Smallville, the series, concepts and characters, are the property, copyright and trademark of Warner Bros. & DC Comics. No ownership or claim on said property, copyright or trademark is made or implied by the use in this work. This work constitutes a personal comment on the aforesaid properties pursuant to doctrines of fair use and fair comment. This work is non-commercial, not for sale or profit, and may not be sold or reproduced for commercial purposes. All other characters and situations which are not specifically owned by the above mentioned are sole copyright of the author.
Dorinari Disclaimer: (I realize this is slightly redun#146, but...)
The Dorinari Empire, all of its citizens, and the entire concept of this place, its citizens, and its culture are the creation, property, and sole copyright of the author.
Thanks: To Caroline Corken for inspiring me with her lovely Smallville stories and to Mom-Ra for beta reading for storyline. She is wonderful. (And very helpful.)
Notes: Please bear with me on the Dorinari pronunciations.
Some general rules are:
Three syllable surnames generally have the stress on the first syllable.
Example: Dorias [DOR-ee-ahs].
Three syllable personal names generally have the stress on the middle syllable.
Example: Alandae [Ah-LAHN-day].
ae is pronounced as in hot fudge sundae and a solitary a is generally pronounced as an AH sound.
The letter y in the middle of a word is pronounced as in sky.
The letter i is pronounced as in kin in the middle of a word and pronounced like a long e as in me at the end of a word, so the words tiri (meaning prince) and tira (meaning princess) are pronounced [tir-ee] and [tir-ah] or, in other words, exactly as we would pronounce them in english.
Unless otherwise indicated, names are pronounced as in english, with the middle syllable stressed, as stated above.
Example: Talisa is [Tah-LEE-sah] not [Tah-LISS-ah].
Dorinari clothing is vaguely medieval/renaissance in style. They prefer all natural fabrics. Dorinari boots are made of soft leather, have pointed toes and riding heels, and are exceedingly comfortable to wear. Everyone wears them. I think its a law or something... (just kidding).
Also, Nathan bears a striking resemblance to a young Michael Praed. If you dont know what he looks like, check out http://www.chaoticworks.com/praed/ and
Warnings: Lots of focus on the Dorinari in this chapter. You need to get to know them a little for future stuff.
Youll notice they seem to like leather an awful lot. Dont get any ideas, though. Its not about BDSM.
And don't get any ideas about Nathan and Jaed. The Dorinari don't DO incest!
Summary: A visit to the Dorinari Embassy to get the visas and Marriage license.
Chapter Six:
The following Tuesday morning
Lex dropped Clark off at school and headed for Metropolis. He was armed with handwritten letters of consent from Clark and his parents. He was just glad that the previous days phone calls had been so productive. He would be able to meet with the Dorinari Ambassador at their Metropolis Embassy instead of having to travel all the way to Gotham City. And so quickly, too. He had thought it would take several weeks, at least, to get an appointment. And, surprisingly, the letters were all he needed to present in order to request visas.
Lex was a little nervous, of course, but that was only to be expected. He would never let them know it. He would walk into the meeting in complete control.
And they would give him what he wanted.
He was determined.
Meanwhile, at the Dorinari Embassy
The ambassador was not surprised to learn that her appointment with Mr. Lex Luthor had drawn the attention of the Imperial House. They were deeply concerned about the lack of tolerance and acceptance of the citizens of the United States. What did surprise her was the fact that, not one, but several members of House Dorias were planning to make an appearance.
She checked the hall mirror one last time. She was very tall and willowy, yet she was not overly thin. Her long, dark hair fell in soft curls down around her slim hips. Her unlined face suggested youth. Her features were delicate, elfin, in appearance. Her sparkling eyes were emerald green. She was lovely.
Thankfully, she was not expected to wear American clothing unless she was leaving the embassy grounds. Dorinari clothing was generally loose-fitting and somewhat similar in style to that of medieval Europe. Her dress was a soft blue with long sleeves and a round neckline. It flared slightly at the hips and stopped just above her ankles. A loose, corded, bright yellow belt circled her waistline, front to back, and came back around to form a triangle and fall down the front. Over this she wore a matching translucent yellow, sleeveless, open-front robe of the same length. Her soft, leather ankle-boots were the same shade of yellow.
She would, at least, be comfortable.
It wasnt that she wasnt looking forward to their visit. She had met many members of the Imperial House over the course of her career and had been on very friendly terms with a few of them over the years, including the current crown prince.
She was however, very nervous. She supposed an American would feel this way if they were about to meet a group of their favorite movie stars in a personal setting. The way Americans saw their top entertainment celebrities was the way the Dorinari tended to see their Imperials and Royals. They were loved and respected. Unlike movie stars, though, they worked hard for that love and respect. Americans tended to look askew at any star who used their fame in a political manner, so their meaningful endeavors, outside of entertainment, were generally relegated to social issues.
House Dorias was required to delve into all aspects of Dorinari life. They were not allowed to hold themselves aloof and untouchable. Where Americans felt strongly about limited government and invasion of privacy, the Dorinari looked at their society more as a huge family, with the Imperial Monarch, a Queen at present, as the parental figure. Her duties required her to be intimately involved with her people. The Imperial and Royal house was, therefore, burdened with a great responsibility to the Dorinari people. They were the eyes and ears and hands of the Queen. It was their duty to care for the people on many levels. Most held positions of great responsibility within the government.
Those visiting today, however, were of the younger generation. They would not be required to take on assignments within the government for some years yet. The Dorinari believed the young should be able to enjoy life without too many restrictions on their time. Thus, they were free to delve into any matters that caught their attention. The young were prone to excessive enthusiasm but in the Dorinari culture, unlike the American, this was greatly encouraged. The glowing exuberance of youth could bring to light the greatest injustices and sorrowful situations that age tended to overlook. Youth noticed things and caused changes for the better. So, youthful input and investigations were cherished for the sake of the society as a whole.
Adjusting her robes one last time, she straightened her shoulders and stepped into the arrival chamber.
Lex nervously approached the embassy gate. The gate opened before he could press the call button. He stepped inside and started up the walk. The door opened wide allowing him entrance, but there was no one in evidence. He entered cautiously and jumped when the door closed behind him.
A handsome, well-built young man stepped into view. At six and a half feet, he towered over Lex. His eyes were the bright green of new leaves and his golden-blond hair fell nearly to his waist in soft waves and curls. He was dressed entirely in a brown so dark it was hard to be sure it wasnt black. He wore a tailored linen suit that appeared to an Armani. His slacks creased lightly over matching, unstitched, matte leather, pointed-toe cowboy boots. Their thick riding heels made him appear even taller. His shirt was silk and open at the throat, revealing a carved onyx and emerald pendant on a flat, flexible, wide gold chain that fell just below his collarbones.
He smiled.
Hello. My name is Jaedanar. He pronounced it [Jay-DAH-nar]. You can call me Jaed.
Jade? Lex asked, startled.
Yes, thats right, he assured, still smiling. Jaed. Its spelled J-A-E-D.
Alright, Lex said slowly, Jaed.
If youll come with me? The ambassador is waiting.
Ambassador Talisa Dulanor sat quietly with her other two guests.
Her Imperial Highness Alandae was sprawled across a large, comfy, leather chair, her full dress, in varying shades of green, was very similar to the ambassadors. She was very tall and slender and her curves were proportioned perfectly. Her dark slate-brown hair fell in gentle waves to just below her shoulder blades and her golden brown eyes had the look of warm milk chocolate. The shape of her face was caught somewhere between oval and heart-shaped. Her features were sharply defined and quite beautiful.
Her nephew, Nathan, resembled her so closely, his face seemed merely a masculine version of her own feminine features. He sat on the sofa against the wall with his guitar, strumming quietly. His hair, the same shade as his aunts, was cut traditionally - short in back, long on top and parted on the side. It fell forward, over his eyes, as he swayed with the music. He wore black cowboy boots, faded blue jeans and a silk poets shirt in periwinkle blue .
Talisa smiled contentedly as Nathans extraordinary voice rose softly in accompaniment.
As Jaed led him down the main hall, Lex was surprised to see the doorways were each guarded by two soldiers, seemingly in uniform. There wasnt one, of either gender, under six feet. They all wore straight dark brown leather boots, with the same heels and pointed toes as Jaeds, but, otherwise, their clothing was in a completely different style. It looked like something out of a pirate movie - or The Three Musketeers. Both genders wore dark brown breeches of skin-hugging, flexible leather that would easily move with them. Lex couldnt tell where the breeches ended and the boots began. They wore fitted matching tunic-style vests and beige silk poets shirts. They looked like a romantic fantasy waiting to happen.
Lex tried not to stare as they passed. When they finally reached the end of the hall, Jaed nodded to the guards and the double doors began to open. The moment the doors cracked open, the most soothing music wafted out. Lex smiled at the beauty of it. Jaed just grinned as the doors opened wide and led Lex into the room.
The music stopped abruptly. Lex looked around, bewildered, until his eyes fell on the beautiful youth with the guitar. That was you?
The boy smiled and nodded slightly.
Nathan, Jaed rolled his eyes, Aunt Dae, Talisa, he continued, may I introduce Lex Luthor? Lex, Id like you meet my cousin, His Imperial Highness Nathan Dorias, Jaed said, raising an eyebrow. His father, my uncle, is the Crown Prince of Dorinar. Nathan set his guitar aside and offered his hand. Lex shook it, with a confused look. And this lovely lady, who looks like Nathans sister, is our aunt, Her Imperial Highness Alandae Dorias. She waved her fingers at him with a smile, but did not move from her lounging position. And, of course, the esteemed Ambassador - Talisa Dulanor. She rose and bowed slightly in his direction.
Its a great honor to meet you all, Lex said politely, a little stunned by the appearance of royalty at this little meeting. I must admit to a certain consternation. I was under the impression that this was a fairly routine matter, not requiring any special attention.
It is, Nathan confirmed stilling up straight. We were just interested.
Do you have the letters, Lex? the ambassador asked, politely.
Yes, Maam, he replied, handing them to her.
Please, sit. Talisa motioned him to the free chair.
Lex glanced at the princess, who nodded, before he sat.
Youre of legal age? Talisa asked gently.
Yes, maam, Lex nodded. Im 22. Youll find a copy of my birth certificate there, as well.
Talisa nodded as she looked through the papers. And Clark?
Hes seventeen, now.
The ambassador nodded. Have you told your father about this?
Lex frowned. No, I havent. And I dont intend to. Its none of his business. He has no interest in my life except as it relates to Luthor Corp.
Lex was startled to notice they were all looking at him with sad eyes.
Talisa smiled sympathetically and said, Ill just take a few minutes to read these letters.
Lex nodded and sat back in the plush leather chair, unsure of what to do next.
Oh, by the way, Nathan distracted him, Id be willing to bet large sums of money that Jaed told you his name and nothing else. Am I right?
Lex smiled. Yes, you are.
Nathan grinned as Jaed groaned. Jaed, here, is the son of His Imperial Highness Gelanar, my fathers younger brother. His title is a little more difficult to explain, though. He is technically a royal prince, but since hes ineligible for the throne, his title in our language is a little different. It doesnt really translate. The word tiri translates as prince. An imperial prince is called Ar-Tiri and a royal is Tiri. The difference in the two is generational. Only the immediate descendants in direct line are imperials. Im an imperial prince because Im the son of the crown prince. Aunt Dae, here, is also the child of a crown prince. However, her children, like Jaed, are royals. Lex nodded his understanding. Jaed is different, however. His title is Kir-Tiri. Its because hes what we call Kyrin. That means hes pretty much a warrior through and through. Thats why he cant inherit the throne.
You mean his career choice determines his eligibility?
Not exactly. He didnt really choose his career. It chose him. He was born to be a warrior - a defender of the Empire. Its a part of who he is.
Jaed nodded solemnly. Its true. I have to be a warrior. Its built into my DNA. I cant be anything else. I have, however, chosen to dedicate myself to keeping my cousin, here, safe.
Alright, Lex said, considering. Are you happy?
No, Jaed grinned. He, he gave Nathan a little shove, wont let me kill anybody. He crossed his arms over his chest and managed a very passable sulk as he sank onto the sofa beside his cousin.
I understand how you feel, Lex responded with a frown. Clark wont let me kill anybody, either, he said, breaking into a grin.
Nathan laughed. In all matters, except those pertaining directly to my safety, I get to order Jaed around. Hes totally in charge if Im in danger.
Its true, Jaed nodded his head in mock sorrow. He outranks me. He grinned at Lex, Pitiful, isnt it? If we had our way, wed make the world a better place by force. Unfortunately, history tells us that that never really works, so... I guess its a good thing there are people like Nathan and Clark around to remind us of that, huh?
Lex tilted his head, pondering for a moment. I suppose youre correct. He gave a hint of a smile as he continued, I just know I like who I am when Im with Clark and I dont much like who I would be without him.
Nathan and Jaed exchanged grins.
Im very glad to hear that! Nathan softly told Lex, as their eyes met.
Alandae finally spoke. You approve, then? Both of her nephews nodded firmly. Good, she rolled her eyes in exasperation. Then lets get on with this.
Talisa was busily stamping parchments with an official seal. Along with the documents Lex had given her, she placed the stamped documents carefully into a formal parchment envelope and sealed it with wax and the official Ambassadorial seal. She handed Lex duplicates on a strangely smooth paper he had never seen before. Simply present this envelope to the Dorinari representative at the customs desk at the port in Gotham City and you and your party will be boarded immediately. She smiled as he took them. You might want to give us a call the day before and let us know how many wedding guests will be accompanying you.
Certainly, he smiled back, a bit bewildered by the concept of wedding guests.