Power Struggle (AU)
Title: Power Struggle, Chapter 3
Author: Vigdis
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings: Clark/Lex
Rating: PG-13
Category: AU, Angst
Status: WIP
Series: The Power Series
Date: March 28, 2002
E-Mail: vigdis@squidge.org
Feedback: Craved! Need feedback! Please be constructive... Details are good! Also, tell me what you want to see more of, what you want to find out the answers to, etc... I love details!
Archive: WWOMB, Vigs Vale
Valdrons Handy Dandy Disclaimer: (modified for this work)
Smallville, the series, concepts and characters, are the property, copyright and trademark of Warner Bros. & DC Comics. No ownership or claim on said property, copyright or trademark is made or implied by the use in this work. This work constitutes a personal comment on the aforesaid properties pursuant to doctrines of fair use and fair comment. This work is non-commercial, not for sale or profit, and may not be sold or reproduced for commercial purposes. All other characters and situations which are not specifically owned by the above mentioned are sole copyright of the author.
Thanks: To Caroline Corken for inspiring me with her lovely Smallville stories.
Notes: This one was on my mind when I woke up this morning. Not betad.
Warnings: M/M relationship discussed, language
Summary: Clark has the talk with his parents.
Chapter Three:
The next morning:
Clark made his way down the stairs to breakfast. His parents were waiting at the table.
Good morning, son, Jonathan Kent said cheerfully. How did you sleep?
Clark smiled slightly. Not too well, actually.
Jonathan set his coffee down and turned a questioning look on his son. Martha stopped pouring the orange juice and gave him the same look. Clark couldnt help but grin. His parents love and concern was so much a part of his life, he had known exactly how they would react to his words. Pity he didnt know how they would react to what he had to tell them next.
Jonathan and Martha relaxed a little at Clarks grin. Whatever was bothering him, Clark, at least, was okay.
Can I tell you about it after breakfast? Im starved. And theres no real hurry. I just need to talk to the two of you.
Well, its Saturday morning, so I guess you picked the right day. At least you wont be rushing off to school, Jonathan grinned back.
Would you like some pancakes, Clark? Martha asked sweetly.
Yes, maam, he replied easily, offering his plate.
After breakfast, the family settled in for a talk. Clark stood and paced. Jonathan and Martha exchanged a look. Whatever it was, it wasnt easy for Clark to come to them with it.
Finally, Clark took a deep breath and started talking.
I dont know how to tell you this. I have no idea how you are going to react. I know how you feel in the abstract, but the reality is something else entirely.
Clark, Martha began, whatever it is, just remember we love you. Nothing could ever change that.
Your mothers right, son, Jonathan continued. Whatevers on your mind, were here for you.
Clark smiled, but his eyes were still worried. You know how I feel about Lana. That hasnt changed. Maybe it never will. But Ive fallen in love with someone else. Jonathan and Martha glanced at each other, then turned back to Clark. He bit his lower lip. Mom, Dad, this is the real thing. Its not going to go away. Its not going to change. If it was, I wouldnt be telling you about it. But this is my life. This is the way its going to be from now on. Ive made a commitment. I cant break it. I wont break it.
He stopped and looked at his parents. The worry and confusion on their faces saddened him, but he couldnt soften it. He waited while they considered his words.
Son, Jonathan finally began, I guess you know we feel youre too young to make that sort of commitment.
But we cant really know if thats true, can we? Martha asked, worried. How can we know, for certain, whats normal for you, Clark? Maybe its just the way you are. The same sense of certainty and responsibility that makes you such a strong person might be leading you to make life choices now, rather than later.
Jonathan frowned. We didnt teach you those things, Clark. You were born with them. We taught you right from wrong, but what you do with that knowledge comes from who and what you are, just as it does for anyone else. Maybe this is inborn, too. Jonathan paused. Are you ready to continue, son?
Yes, sir, Clark was fighting back tears. Their ready acceptance was so moving. He had to continue; had to tell them. The person Ive fallen in love with... Well... It isnt a girl. Clark waited, breathing faster.
Jonathan and Martha locked eyes for a long moment before turning back to Clark.
Jonathan spoke first, his words as carefully considered as ever. All right, son, he said with a nod. Clark visibly relaxed. Let me make sure were understanding you correctly. You are in love with and physically attracted to another man. But you also still feel love or at least affection and attraction for Lana, a woman. Have I got it so far?
Yes, sir, Clark nodded quickly.
Alright. I suppose that means youre bisexual.
Yes, sir, I suppose so.
Martha had a worried look on her face. Clark, Im fairly certain youve never actually done anything... sexual... with Lana. What about this boy? Have you become lovers? Is that what you meant when you said youd made the commitment?
No, Mom. Thats not what I meant. We have become lovers. Clarks expression was very serious as he clarified. But what I meant was Ive trusted him with my secrets. I havent told him everything, yet, but I will. I need the two of you to accept him as a permanent part of my life. Clarks eyes pleaded, I need you to make him a part of this family.
Jonathan went cold inside. He knew. Its Lex, isnt it, Clark? Youve fallen in love with him and trusted him and... he broke off, visions of Clark in a cage, the subject of experiments flooding his mind. Oh, son? What if he doesnt love you as much? What if he betrays you? What if all this was an elaborate seduction and all he wants is to use you?
Clark put his arms around his father and hugged him tight. Its alright, Dad. It was an elaborate seduction. I planned it very carefully, he grinned and went back to pacing. He would never have made a move on his own. He was careful to never let on that he was interested at all. In fact, anyone else would have missed the signs entirely, he hid them so well. But I have these advantages, you see. I could hear his heartrate increase whenever I walked into a room. I could see the nearly invisible changes in his skin that betrayed his arousal. Do you have any idea how much trouble Lex has gone to to help me with Lana? He would never have told me how he felt. So I had to encourage him. Clark laughed. I flirted and he didnt seem to notice. I took advantage of proximity to touch him whenever possible. He wrote it off to friendship. Finally, I had to be more... well... blunt. He was telling me his latest scheme to help me show Lana that I was the right man for her, instead of Whitney. Id had enough. So... I kissed him. You should have seen the look on his face, Clark lit up the room with his smile. And he still didnt believe it. I had to do some awfully fast talking to convince him I was serious. Clarks face grew solemn. But I did convince him. Weve been lovers for 4 months now. Last night... Last night I told him the truth about his wreck. I showed him how fast I can move. I promised to tell him the rest. He trusts me. He isnt afraid of my strength. He understands that if I lost control - of my temper or my passion - I could easily kill him by accident. But he isnt afraid of me. Clark smiled wistfully. Hes afraid of you, Dad.
Me? Jonathan was startled.
Yeah, Clark nodded. Hes certain that youll never accept him. Either of you. Thats why I need you to. I need you welcome him and make him a part of our family. I know you dont trust him. Im asking you to trust me. Give him a chance to prove himself. He will, you know. He wont betray me. He loves me. The problem is, love is something he doesnt have much experience with. Youve seen how his father is. He has tried so hard to win that mans approval or even just his acceptance. Clark was fighting back tears as he described the emptiness of Lexs home-life. No one ever taught him to love. No one ever taught him right from wrong. He was taught winning is right and losing is wrong. Winners are loved and losers are despised. But the reality is, no one can win all the time. So he feels he cant be worthy of love. Thats why our family is so precious to him. He sees the love. Hes seen that its unconditional and that blows him away. No one has ever loved him unconditionally before. But I do... Im teaching him about love. Real love. He craves it. Hes desperate to believe I wont give up on him - stop loving him.
Clark saw the dawning acceptance in his parents eyes and grinned. So, whats the verdict? he quipped. Can I keep him?