PAIRING: Mulder/Krycek Cade/Eddy


SUMMARY: After the abduction, Mulder discovers he is not alone.

DISCLAIMER: Not mine. But I would love to change that

FEEDBACK: If you want to see more of this, you have to nag

EMAIL: daltonavon@mailandnews.com

ARCHIVE: To the WWOMB and I Want To Believe

WEBSITE: http://members.100free.com/users/daltonavon/PEJA.html

WARNINGS: Kry-rat ooowwies over the series. (if it lives that long)



The cell door slammed open and the guards tossed in a new body. The guy sprawled, face-down on the hard floor and laid there, unmoving.

Mulder slitted his eyes open, watching a dribble of blood seep out from under the newcomer's arm. A deformed arm that filled only a fourth of .his sleeve.

Feigning sleep, Mulder continued to watch through his lashes and wait.

The door clanged shut again.

Neither man stirred. The silence grew, playing on Mulder's frayed nerves.

"Hey?" he said at length. "You alive?"

The limp man jerked and a soft whimper sounded in the room.

"Good, you are alive." Mulder heaved to his feet and took a step toward the quivering body.

The man bolted into the corner so fast Mulder barely saw him move. Hunched down, arms clutched protectively over his head, Mulder couldn't have identified the guy if his life depended on it.

He did, however recognize the sheer terror in every shaking line of his body.

"It's all right, guy," Mulder said, approaching the man with slow, measured steps. "Nobody here is going to hurt you."

The guy scrunched lower into himself, whimpering.

"Easy," Mulder coaxed, squatting down beside him. "I'm just going to check you over, okay? Make sure you aren't bleeding to death or anything."

He reached out, gently coaxing the man's arms down. "Let me look at you, guy."

"No-o-o-o..." the anguished cry filled the room.

And recognizing the whiskey smooth voice, Mulder recoiled. "Krycek?"

The assassin surprised him by crying out and trying to scramble away...through the wall. His hands clawed the steel reinforced walls, tearing and ripping out nails and skin before Mulder could pull him away.

Krycek screamed. And kept on screaming until his voice was hoarse. Until the sound died from his throat. And still he continued to scream. Silently.

At a loss, Mulder caught him up and rocked him, caressing small circles over the trembling man's back. Could Krycek's distress was the real thing.

How could this be? This man had been the bane of his existence for so long. How in the hell had he been reduced to this brittle shell of terror?

Was this to be his fate as well?

Oh God, give me a knife with a sharp blade before.....

"I tell you Kry-rat, if you are faking this...." he cut off the thought, rocking the man in his arms while he trembled and wept. Meaningless comfort words spilled from Mulder's lips as time went by.

Finally Krycek settled into stillness.

Mulder pulled back enough to look down on the other man. "Krycek?"

Krycek remained unmoving, barely taking enough breath to keep himself alive.

"Alex, can you hear me? Are you listening?"

A low tremble flowed through him.

"Okay, I take that as a yes. I want you to let me look at that arm of yours," he said, reaching for the other man's arm.

"No..." Krycek wrapped his good arm around the deformed one. "Its mine. You can't have it. Its mine."

"Its okay, Alex, I'm not trying to take the arm away from you." He reached toward Alex' arm again.

The man cowered away.

"Alex, look at me."

Alex shook his head. "Don' wanna."

"Krycek, don't give me any shit.." Mulder curled a finger under Alex' chin and pressed him to look up.

Green pools of shadowy confusion battled with fear. But there was no recognition. None of the cool, suave hardness of the practiced assassin.

Nothing Mulder recognized at all.


"Please.....I...I want to go home now." Alex said, still holding his arm away from the man towering over him. "My guardian said....Please, I'll get in trouble."

"Alex, do you know who I am?"

Gaze darting everywhere, Alex shook his head..

"Do you know where we are?"

Another quick shake met the question.

Mulder frowned. "Alex, Are you trying to tell me you don't remember working with me on the x-files?"

The man relaxed a bit, laughing softly "How can I work. I'm still in high school."

Mulder rocked back on his heels. "High...school..?" His dark gaze swept the man before him and a nagging fear swept through his blood. "Krycek....Alex, how old are you?"

A cocky smile, albeit a pale shadow of the infamous Krycek smile, tickled Krycek's generous lips. "I'm eighteen. Gonna graduate with honors next week. My guardian says...." The smile wavered. "Please, mister. I gotta go. If I'm late he'll...." Something..was it shame...flickered in the dimming green gaze. "I gotta get back..."

Mulder sighed, leaning back against the cot he'd occupied for several long weeks. "You and me both, Krycek," he said. "Trouble is our jailers aren't so willing to cooperate in that plan."

"Jailers...." Green pools of desperation rocketed up and locked on Mulder's "I gotta get back." The man/boy scrambled to his feet, attacking the door with his fists and feet. "No....Oh God, no...Don't lock me in. Let me out. Let me out...Oh god....I can't..." His breaths came in a great gulping rush.

Mulder pulled the wounded soul into his arms, cooing nonsense words in his ear and patting his back until once more the man calmed.

"Hey," Mulder murmured softly. "What's that all about. I thought nothing scared the great Alex Krycek."

"Locked in." Alex's voice was deadpan. "Locked me in the dark."

"Easy, Krycek. Its not dark...What are you babbling..."

"So cold. Dark. I'm alone. Alone."

"Jesus...." Mulder whispered, Krycek was reliving some horror in his mind.

"Throat swollen up. Need...food...water. No, you can do this, Alex. Don't think abut the....Oh, its so dark. Don't want to die....in the dark." His voice droned on. "Don't leave me here to die."


"I hear them. Scurrying about in the dark. Scratching little clawed feet. Clicking sharp teeth. Their waiting. Waiting... Ahhhhh..." Krycek kicked out at something he alone saw. "Jesus, they're coming for me. Damn... Sharp little teeth. God, I'm rat food. Please, not yet. I'm still alive. I'm..."


"Soon now. Tongue so fat I can't swallow. I'm going to suffocate on my own tongue." Krycek chuckled flatly. "Always thought I'd go out from a bullet. God...its so cold. I'm so tired. Just a little sleep."

The body in his arms seemed to reflect the exhausted words, growing heavier and heavier. He gave Krycek a rough shake, staring into his pale face. No good. Krycek's eyelids drooped over dead eyes. His breathing slowed. His body shutting down.

"Don't you even think about doing this, Kry-rat." Mulder's hand lashed out, striking a ringing blow against one pale cheek. And another. And another.

The shadows receded in Alex' eyes. He gazed up into Mulder's worried face. "Why are you here?"

Mulder chuckled. "Damned if I know. The aliens snatched me and here I am."

Krycek snorted. "Aliens? You crazy or something. Ain't no such thing as aliens."


Mulder watched Krycek through his lashes and waited for the cell door to clang shut. When the loud bang sounded, he bolted from his cot and crept up on the cowering man.

The assassin had been taken out three times now. And he always came back in a state of major confusion.


The younger man glanced up, beaming. "I know you..."

Whoa, now that was a surprise. Mulder's lips quirked in a half smile. "Yeah?"

Krycek nodded eagerly. "You're Spooky Mulder. I'm supposed to be assigned to you."


"You got the orders, right? We're really gonna work together?"

Hiding his disappointment, Mulder hunched down next to the other man. At least he'd gotten to this point. "Yeah, you and me, kid. You and me."

Krycek grinned. "I can't tell you how excited I am. You were my inspiration for joining the FBI."

Mulder suppressed his irritated frown. "Really?"

"Well sure. They say you don't follow the book. You get results and you break the rules. I love it."

A brow lifted. Well that was different. "You don't like following the rules?"

Krycek shrugged. "I like getting results."

"Is that right?"

Krycek nodded eagerly, casting a curious look around. "Ah ...Mulder?"

Mulder tilted his head, staring curiously at the deformed arm. It had grown, filling half the sleeve this time. "Hmmmmm?"

"Mulder, this isn't your office.....Is it?"

Mulder sighed, looking around the cell. "This? Nope. Although now I've been here so damn long, well, I guess you might say..."

"Mulder, I..." A note of tension crept into Krycek's voice . "I don't know why, but...."

Mulder held up a hand. "Let me look at your arm, Alex."

The younger man blanched. "My....arm?"

"Yeah. It's bleeding again. I want to take a look."

"No....." Krycek bolted to his feet, cradling the deformed limb close. "I...I mean...Its fine."

"Every time they bring you back it's grown some. Each time its bleeding. I know it hurts you. Why won't you let me see?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Krycek said, becoming agitated. "I've never laid eyes on you before. Just heard the rumors. The stories made you out to be a marvel. A legend. I wanted to see the man behind...."

"You know what, Krycek? I'm really getting tired of playing this game with you. Now I think you should answer some questions for me."

"Questions...?" Krycek stammered.

Mulder nodded. "Like... why are you pretending you don't know me?" he snarled. "Why pretend you don't remember killing my father. Scully's sister. Infecting Skinner."

Krycek lost the last color in his face, backing away. "You're crazy. I haven't killed anyone."

"What happens when they take you out of here, Krycek?" Mulder demanded, advancing on the other man. "What mindgames are you playing with me this time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure, Kry-rat," Mulder closed the distance between them. "You'd love me to buy into that, wouldn't you? Spooky Mulder will find an explanation for anything, right?" He grabbed Krycek's arms in a talon grip and slammed the man against the wall. "What's the game this time, Krycek?"

Krycek cried out as his head struck the hard wall.

Mulder got his hands around the other man's neck, rage spitting from his dark eyes. "I'm going to kill you, Kry-rat." His fingers tightened.

Krycek whimpered softly, clawing at the biting fingers without much enthusiasm.

"I'm going to rip your cock and balls off your body and feed them to you," Mulder rasped in the other man's ears. "I'm going to tear your beating heart out of your chest with my bare hands and stomp on it while you watch," he growled.

Krycek's fingers loosened in stages, his breath stuttering in his throat. Dying.

And the world rocked under Mulder's feet. Muscles jerked as the electric pulse flooded him, throwing him back against the wall forcefully. Stars dazzled his vision, but not enough to make him miss the robed and hooded form bending down over a stunned Krycek.

The figure reached out a slender hand and brushed back Krycek's dirty blonde hair. "He lives." She said over her shoulder. "Alex, my precious one. Can you hear me? Can you speak?"

Breath rattled in the emotionally charged room. "Lady..." Krycek's trembling hand reached, fell. "He...Please, my guardian..I want..Please, Lady..."

The woman smoothed his cheek. "He is coming, precious."

Mulder shifted, getting his feet under him.

"Don't..." The woman snarled, turning to face the older man "Don't you move, Fox."

Mulder's gaze meshed with the furious one and was rocked to his soul. "Sam?" A slow smile spread over his face and he coiled, getting his feet under him.

"If he moves," Samantha hissed an order at the two hulking men with her. "Terminate him."

Mulder blanched. "Sam..."

"So, this is how you treat a child I place in your charge."

Mulder's shocked gaze rocketed toward the large dark skinned man who strode into the cell.

"Milord," Sam drew his attention. "Our precious child is...injured."

"Child...?" Mulder's head spun under that one. "Krycek....?"

"He will survive?"

"In body," Samantha said. "But his mind....is delicate, Joshua."

Joshua hunkered down beside Krycek and enfolded his good hand in both of his.

"Lord..." Krycek murmured. "He hurt me."

"I know child. He will be punished."

"No, Lord...My fault...Punish me..."

Mulder stared at the scene acted out before him and wondered if he was losing his grasp on his sanity.

Joshua patted the pale hand. "Don't fret your mind, child. Trust me. I know what is best for you."

"But..." Krycek nodded. "Yes, Lord."

Smiling, Joshua gained his feet. "Take him to regression. Back to eighteen, I think."

On of the guards stepped forward gathering Krycek in tender arms. Krycek cast a quick glance toward Mulder. "I am sorry I displeased you."

Mulder watched, stunned as the other man was carried from the room. "What are you going to do to him?"

Joshua closed on the agent, dragging him to his feet. "You have no right to ask." He flung Mulder onto the cot. "You will not attack your companion again. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand anything? I..."

"The child has begged for you this time. His plea amuses me, so I'm feeling generous. But the next time you violate the mandates, even the child's plea will not save you."

"That man isn't Krycek?" Mulder asked softly.

"Of course he is...." Samantha said. "Or he was."

"Was.." Mulder glared at the woman who was and was not the child he had sought for so many years. "You said something about.. regression...."

Samantha nodded. "It was best for him."


"He knows.." Joshua smiled grimly. "Knew too much about us. The choices for him were termination or regression. It suited my mood to claim a child."

"Jeez..." Mulder whispered. "What kind of man are you?"

Joshua's lip curled. "An inhuman man." He strode back to the door and waved. "Bring them in." He turned back toward Mulder. "I think it would be best if you had more of your...kind here to monitor your behavior before my ward is returned here."

Two men were thrust into the room.

The sandy haired man moved with quiet dignity even when a hard hand shoved him the last few steps into the middle of the room. The dark haired man was ushered in uttering a storm of angry words.

"You three are welcome to kill each other." Joshua proclaimed. "But you will treat the child with respect. Any violation of this will result in the instant termination of one of your number."

Joshua offered his arm to Samantha and together they swept from the room with the guards taking up the rear.


"Well?" The dark haired man flailed the air as the door clanged shut before him. He whirled around to direct a pointed stare at his companion. "Well?" he demanded again.

The other man shrugged, approaching Krycek's cot.

"That one belongs to Kry-rat," Mulder groused, waving toward two empty cots on the opposite wall. "Try those."

Sandy-hair arched a brow. "Kryrat? is that the guy you assaulted?"

Mulder had the grace to blush.

"What'd he do to ya, anyway?" The other guy asked. "Joshua absolutely freaked out when he found out someone had attacked that one."

Mulder gave him a cool glare. "Long story."

Sandy propped himself on the cot, drawing one knee up to rest his hand while the other stretched out before him. Tilting a jaundiced glance at the door, he grinned coaxingly. "Think we have time."

Mulder tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. "You look familiar. Have we met?"

"Dammit, Cade, what are you doing?" the other guy jumped in quickly, pacing kinetically, his arms waving like windmills. "We've got to get out of here before they decide its time to dissect you."

"I'm open to suggestions, Eddie," Cade said softly.

"Well....how about..No....Ah, yeah, let's...ah, no that wouldn't work..How about..." Eddie wound down, slumping on the cot next to Cade. "So, what we gonna do?"

Grinning, Cade gathered the other man into his arms and eased his head down against his chest. "All in good time, Eddie. Rest now. I want to get to know our...roommate."

Mulder's narrowed gaze widened suddenly. "I do know you." He scrambled to his feet. "Cade Foster. Wanted for murdering his wife. Then following up with a nation wide killing spree. Word is you claim your wife was killed by aliens. The people you've killed are supposed to be....Ga...? Rah..?"


Mulder nodded. "Yeah, what you said. I know them as the Colonists."

"Exterminators is more like it," Eddie said. "Or enslavers. Either way I don't want any part of it."

Cade pressed a tender kiss on the older man's forehead. "Trust Joshua, Eddie. He's covered our backs all the way so far. Why question him now?"

Eddie slanted him a pouty glare. "I don't like him."

Chuckling, Joshua tightened his arms around the nervous bundle in his arms. "You don't like to share."

"How can you be so sure that's our Joshua and not...?"

"I can tell. Our agent inside the Gua Council reactivated his lifeforce before she was uncovered."

"And put him back inside an identical husk. A husk that looks just like the Gua that's leading the attack against us."

Mulder cleared his throat. "Are you crazy saying all that in front of someone you don't know? Someone who could be a plant?"

Eddie arched a brow, grinning. "Fox Mulder. Son of Bill Mulder, who was a prime player in the Consortium, a group of fools who sided with the aliens to aid the invasion thinking they would be placed in stations of power. The senior Mulder was involved in the planning and apparent abduction of his daughter.


Cade gave Eddie and affectionate squeeze. "Eddie is something of a paranoia freak where this invasion is concerned." Cade explained. "Keeps tabs on all the main players."

Mulder grimaced. "Isn't that special," he drawled, glaring distrust at his companions.

Cade shrugged off the sarcasm. "You been here long?"

"Don't you know?"

Eddie snuggled down in his friend's arms. "You really don't trust anyone, do you?"

Mulder stared at them, tight-lipped.

"What do you know about that guy they took out of here, Mulder?" Cade demanded suddenly.

"Krycek?" The agent drawled. "He used to be my partner once upon a time."

"A plant, more to the point." Eddie contradicted. "Under direct orders by old man Spender. The bastard would sell out his own mother if he thought it would get him an inch ahead."

"If you know so much why are you asking?" Mulder grumbled, his gaze moving to the door. "What do you think they're doing to him?"

Cade shrugged. "Something nasty. Does it concern you?"

Mulder shook his head. "Doesn't worry me, dammit." He continued to watch the door, chewing at his lower lip. "Whatever that guy gets isn't half of what he deserves." His thumped his head against the wall, frowning at the door. "How long has he been gone anyway?"

Eddie slanted a glance at Cade, grinning. "He don't sound worried to me. How about you?"

Cade laid a finger on Eddie's overactive mouth. "Don't dig into the nice FBI man, Eddie. We're both on the wanted list, remember?"

"What's he gonna do, slap cuffs on us and interrogate us? Shoot us?" Eddie threw a look at Mulder. "You gonna shoot us, Mulder?"

Mulder growled, "Don't tempt me." He flung himself off the bed again. "Dammit, what are they doing to him? You don't think they're going to kill...."

The door swung open and Krycek wandered into the room, grinning.