Title: First time, last time

Author/pseudonym: Cappristar

Fandom: Starsky & Hutch

Pairing: S/H

Rating: NC-17

Status: WIP

Archive: Please

Feedback: Yes

E-mail address for feedback: montedebs@aol.com

Series/Sequel: N/A

Disclaimers: Starsky & Hutch are not my creations, but this story about them is. It was written only for fun, and not for profit.

Summary: Hutch has issues, Starsky goes ballistic

Warnings: Sex scenes are not included in these first chapters, but will be forthcoming.

First time, last time

by Cappristar

”Whats wrong now!!!” Detective David Starsky thought to himself, as he regarded his partner with love, concern and worry written all over his face.

This particular case was nasty, but they found the perps and managed to rescue the kid before any real harm was done. The paperwork finished and the loose ends tied up the 2 detectives were granted a much needed week off. As to be expected Starsky hit it off with a beautiful redhead on the dance floor of a new club which tooted the claim “The big man is asunder, come dance to the Thunder!”

Starsky called the night short, claiming distress and tiredness over the past weeks case of child abuse and neglect. Starsky smiled wrily as he noticed his date move on to the next available stud., and headed home.

He stopped, unexpectedly at the nearest liquor store and picked up a 24 of bud and headed of to his best friends place. Why? He didn’t know, just that he had to be there! He entered the apartment silently, his best friend was in the middle of playing a song.

”Another ditch in the road, keep movin
another stop sign, keep movin on,
and the years go by so fast! wonder how I ever made it?........."

The rest of the song faded into silence broken by Starsky “Thanks for the spagettii and the beer for dinner, but I am staying to hear you. Hutch what's going on? Please talk to me! His concern and certainty that something was very wrong with his best friend clear in his dark blue eyes.

” Its really nothing Starsk, Just something that pops up from time to time from my past that makes me feel very ashamed and dirty. No that doesn't even begin to express how I feel about what happend then” The tall, too handsome blond hung his head and placed his guitar relunctantly agains the side of the worn courch.

”Ah Hell! its not important anyway, I guess I was just feeling a little sorry for myself." he smiled thinly and motioned for his partner to sit.

Chapter 2

Tentatively he regarded his best friend, then with a wry smile,Starsky,began to talk about his fumbling first time with the redhead that lived a block over and a lifetime ago. It wasn't lost on him that his buddy had pinpointed his distaste or rather avoidance of redheads ever since.

"Aunt Rosie and uncle Al were out, At the time I didn't know where, only that I was alone with Ruth Calaway, man she was hot and according to high school gossip, pretty damn horny. Anyway, I being the stud of the decade (or so I thought) took her home to an empy place and after less than 5 minutes on the couch I came for the first time. God Hutch I didn't even have my jacket off! My Aunt and Uncle came home about 10 minutes later!! I was blessed and cursed at the same time. She stayed (to make matters worse) and then watched a Doris Day movie with my Aunt Rosie while smirking at me during commercials. Anyway Hutch, that was my first and last time with a redhead. How about you? Tell me about your first. Now that the topic has come up I am more than a little curious."

Hutch looked at his best friend in the whole world,wondering if he should talk or just if he should have kept his mouth shut. Finally Hutch looked at his dearest friend, indeed his lifeline and slowly in a shy hesitant voice stated "I was eleven." Starsky gaped at him in surprise and managed only an incredulous "eleven, Hutch you were a baby"

Hutch continued, almost as though he didn't hear his best friend, though he did, he heard every sound his partner ever muttered even in sleep. And continued in a quiet but determined voice"..M.my my parents were going out that night to some sort of polical function or other, my nanny was on her days off and so they got a friend of my mothers to watch me. My sister was staying with friends, she didn't give a damn about me anyway, I was the little brother, pain in the butt and general pest."

"I..I didn't know what she was doing...Sh. she made, made me take my clothes off, said she wanted to give me a ba, bath, "after a very heavy shake and an improptu hug from Starsky, Hutch managed to croak "She came down on me!, I didn't know the term at the time, but she, she, she made me come!!!!"

" I was so ashamed, I let my father down so much!!! My, my mother!!! Then she kept coming at least once or twice a month. She kept telling me that if I didn't do what she said that she would tell my father. God Starsk!!! this went on for more than six months!!!"

Chapter 3

The rage Starsky felt building inside him was threatening to become all consuming. Not for Hutch, God no! No it was all for this Bitch that not only hurt the one person he loved more than anybody he had ever loved before, but also for the scars that she had left over his tender heart. Unknowingly, he also had the feeling that it wasn't just this sick women that caused the pain, but Hutch's parents as well. Didn't his partner say something about his parents not knowing yet? Well now that it was out, he was finally going to get to the bottom of this, if only so that Hutch could begin to finally after 20 years, heal.

Hutch looked so defeated, so alone. The anger quickly drained out of Starsky as he moved closer and wrapped the man he loved, yes he may as well face that now as well, in his arms. All he could do was hold him, when in reality he wanted to to be this mans everything. "Its not your fault Hutch, she was abusing you for crissakes!" Hutch leaned into him, holding on like his life depended on it, not really hearing Starsky's words, but the voice itself he always found comforting and not hearing blame in Starsky's gentle cadence he began to calm down.

"Tell me the rest Hutch, please!" Starsky softly voiced, while gently carressing hutchs back and petting his fine golden hair at the same time.

"I..I don't know how to Starsk" Hutch replied shyly.

"Just tell me how your parents found out and what happend after that and Hutch.. I love you, I'm not goin' nowwhere."

Hutch responded with a tight squeeze then abruptly stood and headed for the kitchen. In the lower cupboard he always kept his stash of hard liquor, and promptly pulled out the bottle of brandy that had been sitting there since its last use, Vanessa's death.

Returning, with two tumblers, he poured himself two fingers and passed the bottle to Starsky. Starsky looked at it then without
thinking just put it on the coffee table in front of Hutch. Drinking for him, Starsky felt, would definately not help his partner, nor
help keep his rage he knew was to come from learning of Mr and Mrs Hutchinson's participation in their sons horror.

"Go on babe" Starsky softly spoke, as if he was afraid of startling his best friend.

For the first time in what seemed hours, Hutch finally looked at his partner, the shame and pleading for forgiveness evident in those beautiful pale blue eyes. The dark, almost black blue eyes gazing back were screaming compassion and love, and so the big blonde continued with his story.

Leaving the couch, Hutch felt he had to put distance between him and Starsky, he could only put up with so much of the love shining in those indigo eyes, he wanted so much to be more than just best friends and buddies with this adorably though man, but he felt he could only dream of something closer. And now he had opened up a vortex of convoluted emotions and desires that he thought would be kept well hidden until...well forever.

He began.......

Chapter 4

Downing the glass, Hutch looked longingly at the bottle, but then deciding against it said "I told you it went on for more than six months." Not a question, not even a statement, just a fact embedded in the mind of a man that just now realized he could finally release the nightmares that had been haunting him for years.

He was quiet for a few moments, enough for Starsky to sit up straight and prepare to hold him if need be.

"I .I ..din ...din't know what to do! Starsk! please believe me, I didn't know what was happening! She made me feel good and dirty and ashamed all at the same time! But I swear I wan.. wan." taking a deap breath he finally managed to spit out, "dammit, I wanted it to stop!"

"Of course I believe you Hutch! You couldn't stop it, you were just a little kid, you weren't in the wrong buddy, she was the adult and goddammit it never should have happened in the first place!" He almost yelled the last as the anger that Starsky was trying to hold back was edging closer to the surface.

More gently he asked, "How did your parents find out? But more importantly Hutch, what was their reaction?"

"They were at a fundraiser, so..some sor..sort of din..din..dinner with the ma..mayor."

The telltale stutter was getting heavier as Hutch struggled with the memories of that long ago time prompting Starsky to call a temporary halt to the confession. Pouring Hutch another 2 fingers of brandy and repeating a line from another long ago time
stated firmly, "drink it."

Obeying his partner, as he almost always did Hutch gulped back the liquid and then sat back to collect himself while waiting for the 4 shots in less than 30 minutes begin to take effect. It didn't take long before he began again.

"They were expected to be gone for hours, but mother forgot the tickets for the dance that followed the dinner and they had to come back to get them." Starsky's intense gaze never left his best friend as he poured another shot of liquor, "No! come on Starsk I won't ever be able to finish this if I get hammered. This is hard enough please... just let me get it out in my own time."

With a slight shrug and a look that told Hutch that he could take forever if need be, Starsky sat back and patiently waited.

"We were in the den, both naked, she was on top of me and she had my arms pinned with her legs. My mother had gone upstairs to get the tickets from their bedroom and found that I wasn't in bed. We didn't hear them come home, it was only about 9 but my parents insisted that I be in bed at 8:30. Anyway my father went about checking the house and was starting to wonder where Marion was, that was her name Starsk, Marion MacDonald." Silence decended on the room as Hutch collected himself to continue.

Starsky sat, a little more rigid than before, as he filed that name for future reference.

With a heavy sigh, Hutch looked at his lifeline, and silently wished he had never brought this up. He could see the love and compassion reserved for him, but he could also see the determined stance that his partners body held, that and the look in his eyes meant that he was gearing up to do something stupid.

"Go on Hutch, what did your father do?"

How could anyone look so ferocious and speak so softly at the same time? Hutch thought.

"He just looked...well he looked so in control..Starsk, thats the best way I can describe it, in control. He handed Marion her clothes, told her to get dressed and then he left to take her home. On the way out he told mother to stay upstairs and get ready for bed, that they wouldn't be attending the dance. Thats when I knew I was in big trouble."

"Let me get this straight, Hutch." Starsky's eyes narrowed as he regarded his blond."Your mother was not allowed see you and you were not allowed to get dressed? And she listened to him!!!!!?"

Hutch was not responding, he was in a faraway place and time, trying to deal with an adults mind what the child had to go through.

Instinctively Starsky moved to Hutch's side and gathered him into his arms, not wanting to, but needing to hear what happened next.

Hutch remained impassive, not responding, but at the same time not pulling back from the comfort that his friend had to offer.

Drawing back a few strands of yellow hair, Starsky whispered into a pale ear, "What did he do Hutch, when he came home?"

Shuddering Hutch buried his face into his partners neck, feeling the warmth and love he felt surround him he managed to continue. "He took me to the basement. He made me walk in front of him and I wasn't allowed to speak."

Giving a tight squeeze and a tender kiss to the top of the golden head, Starsky urged him to continue, somehow knowing that this was the worst of the entire episode. "He beat you, didn't he" Starsky softly stated, as he held his man-child in his arms.

"He used hi..his belt and he didn't stop until I..I finally cried out, he was so angry that he threw me against the wall and....god Starsk..I heard my left arm snap." He chuckled then, a sad, horrid sound after what was just revealed.

Starsky was shaking, the anger bubbling ever closer to the surface, the only thing keeping it in check was the need that Hutch had for him to keep his cool. "and then?" Starsky gently urged, holding this beautiful man even closer to him.

"He stopped. Then he took me to the hospital to have my arm set, the entire time telling me that I was to say I fell down the stairs. I never seen Marion again and my parents never considered the topic closed. I missed school for a week and then everything went on as per normal, except my father never really spoke to me again unless he had to or if we were at a function
where he had to play the loving father."

"What about your mother, Hutch? I mean where the hell was she?" Starsky had to ask as Hutch pulled away from the comfort of those open arms, rubbing his hand over his face Hutch stared off toward the greenhouse and then finally replied in a voice devoid of emotion "In all honesty, Starsk, I don't think to this day that she knows what happened then, only that she had to obey her husband. She was a wife Starsky, never a mother."

The last was stated so simply that tears sprung to Starsky's eyes as he recalled every moment, and they were numerous, that his own mother was there for him.

Chapter 5

The tale, pretty much told, left the tall blond exhausted laying in his friends arms. Starsky was to point of boiling over, but was
severly hampered by the need to hold his partner as close as possible. How could he protect this precious soul from something that had already transpired? How could he go back and wipe out the demons that still haunted the child within his man?

Who was Marion Macdonald? Where was she now? Did Richard Hutchinson buy her off, send her to a place far away from his son or did he beat her also? Why did he beat his only son, when not only a child, was also 15 years her junior? The questions far outweighed the answers and the more Starsky looked into the reasons the more frustrated he became. Why did his own mother not come to his aide, if not to comfort then at least to help comfort her obviously distraught son!

Somehow the excuse that Hutch had given, that his mother was a wife and not a mother did not sit well with the detective. Was she also abused? Where the hell was Katherine, the never present sister, okay she is 4 years older than Hutch, but as protective of Nicky that Starsky was, he couldn't imagine her just disappearing time after time and letting her little brother be sabotaged.

Easing the love of his life down onto the couch, and placing a pillow gently under the golden head, Starsky came to the realization that he had to go to Duluth. He had, for his own piece of mind to confront the monsters that were the basis of his partners worst dreams. He wanted to face the man that beat a helpless child and find the witch that could use and throw away a child without a second thought. More than anything he wanted to interview the sorry excuse for a mother, a mother that would allow her son to live through this nightmare only to let him be further punished when he needed comfort at that time more than at anytime previous or since.

Marion Macdonald, the name kept swimming in his mind, it would be branded there until the last of his days. God how he hated that name!

He couldn't see the man he loved as he called the airport to make reservations, only the child before him. After reservations were made, departing within the next hour, he made a hasty call to Captain Dobey, telling the sleepy grump that he had to be away for a few days due to a family matter.

Next he called Huggy, just to tell him to watch out for Hutch, he would be back by Sunday, three days should be plenty.

Huggy true to form didn't ask questions, just replied that of course he would take care of Mr. America.

Less than an hour later, as he waited to board the plane, the anger threatened once again to come to the surface, this time he let a little of it spill over. He wanted to present himself as a cop, not as his best friends knight........

Chapter 6

After finally landing, thank the gods there was only one stopover, Starsky booked himself into the Holiday Inn close to the airport. He paid for the two days he planned to stay in advance then exhausted headed straight for 309. It was was 1:36 a.m. but as tired as he was he managed to look up MacDonald in the phone book, dammit no M's but luckily there were only about
7 in the book. While taking a much need shower he decided he would start calling at the top of the list, someone had to be a relative! It wasn't long after that he fell into the unfamiliar bed and into much needed sleep.

The wake-up call from the front desk startled him awake, hanging up after acknowledging the call he immediately lay back down thinking he could still get in a few minutes shut-eye, until he remember the mission and why he was there. Almost flying from the bed he immediately headed for yet another shower, only this one to help wake him up, not to cleanse.

Finishing up his morning routine, Starsky picked up the phone book still opened at the listings for MacDonalds, hitting paydirt on the 5th call, an older woman with the even older name of Florence. Yes! She has a daughter named Marion age 48 that works as a waitress at a bar by the name of Peppers.

"Well ma'am would he be alright if I came over later to ask you a few questions about your daughter?" Starsky asked in he smooth, of course nobody's in trouble voice.

Needless to say he was shocked by her response; "Sure you can come an ask honey but I have to tell you that Richard
Hutchinson was the best thing that ever happened to that little harlot!!"

Stunned, Starsky finally sputtered, "Ma'am, would it be alright if I came over now? I don't want to put you out, but I really need some answers to my questions?" Holding his breath, Starsky was thinking he may have found the key to both Hutch's father's reaction and maybe why this woman did what she did.

"Of course!!, I would be delighted to have a friend of little Kenny visit me."

Starsky felt like he was just hit by a medicine ball without knowing it was coming. "y..yo..you know about ke..ken? Mrs. MacDonald?" Starsky didn't think he managed so well, but he finally spit it out.

"Yes, of course young man! I was Katherine and little Kenny's nannie from the time they were born until Ken was 10 yrs old. What a little angel, he was always so kind and thoughtful, he was always stealing flowers from the garden to give to me. Then he would blame, not the gardener, but his friend Jack from the next estate! Little imp that he was, but he never stuttered until he was eleven, it was shortly after I retired and he would still bring me flowers. " She was quiet for so long that Starsky thought she had gone off into another time, when finally she said, somewhat wistfully, "He was different, oh the same sweet, gentle young man, but... well he stuttered just like you did just now and he would not look me in the eye, he wouldn't stay for the cookies that I still made for him, he was always in a rush.

Oh, Oh God!!! He was protecting his nanny!!! From her own daughter!!! Fuck, he had to get back to B.C. before Hutch found him gone..........

Chapter 7

By the time the plane landed in Bay City It was pretty late, deciding not to risk waking Hutch, Starsky headed straight for his own apartment. The whole day he had been wondering what was missing, what did Mrs. MacDonald mean when she said that Hutch's father was the best thing that happened to to her daughter. What confused his aching head even more was that in the very same sentence, this dear old lady, pretty much called this same daughter a slut. Could she have possibly known about what went on with Hutch? Nah, he immediately shoved that thought out of mind, Hutch would never have continued to visit her if there was even the slightest hint that his blond thought she knew any of it.

Finally home, he shut the lights out and killed the engine, pulling himself up and out of the Torino he couldn't help think that it was a good thing that he hadn't confronted Marion or Hutch senior. He paused just before he slid his key in the door. "Why would I think that was a good thing when that's exactly what I went there to do?" Starsky wondered out loud, then with a shrug, which in classic Starsky lingo meant he'd worry it to death some other time, he let himself in.

Even without the benefit of lights on in the apartment he knew he wasn't alone, drawing his beretta wasn't an option either, he left hanging in his closet as he hastily packed for his impromtu flight. He already knew who his unexpected company was though, that smell had been driving him crazy with want for longer than he could remember. Pine, hickory, a touch of smoke with an undertone of spices that he could never quite place.

"What are you doing here, Hutch?"

"What am I doing here? What I'm doing here Gordo was, obviously, waiting for you. Waiting to find out how much damage you've done!"

Turning on a lamp in the living room and then heading for the kitchen to add even more light, starsky replied without taking his eyes off the fridge, as if it could shield him from the accusations evident in the tone that was flung at him. "After you went to sleep, I remembered that I had a hot date all lined up and I didn't want to let the little honey down." With a sheepish grin, he turned and almost looked away from the ice blue eyes glaring holes through him.

"Must have been a pretty wild time buddy." Hutch stated softly, belying the stoney look on his face.

"Are ya kiddin' Hutch, she is one hot little number!! I am so whipped that I am seriously of asking her to marry me, or" with a not so well faked chuckle, "never see her again as long as I live!"

"I imagine you are, after all that exercise and a tight travel schedule on top of it all, I would think that anyone would be tired." Again simply stated, the glare never wavering.

"Travel? Wadda ya mean Hutch, she only lives 20 minutes away." Starsky managed as he tried to stifle a yawn.

"Holiday Inn ring a bell Starsk? Or even better, how about room 309? Do you want me to jog your memory about your flight numbers?" Hutch turned his head away, not being able to look at Starsky any longer.

Stunned, at first it was all Starsky could do to keep his jaw from hitting the floor, he stared mouth agape at the dearest person in his life.


A ball had formed in the pit of Starky's stomach, swallowing the think paste that had formed in his mouth, he whispered. "You know?"

"Of course I know you idiot!!" Hutch bellowed ,quickly standing he whirled around to face the pale, slightly shaking form in front of him. "We haven't been practically glued at the hip without me being able to guess how you would react!" In a softer, almost defeated, tone added. "I just wish I had of thought about your reaction before I opened my big mouth."

"Ah, Hutch.."

"Shut the hell up!" The bellow was back.

"No!!!! You shut-up and listen to me!" It was Starsky's turn to roar. "There you go again, blaming yourself for everybody else's mistakes! You always manage to twist everthing around so that its always your fault!

"Thats not what I was doing!" Hutch replied emphatically.

"For crissake, Hutch, thats exactly what you were doing!" Starsky insisted. "This time I'm not going to let you! You drop a bombshell on me like that, being so much in love with you, do you honestly think that I was just going to sit back and not want vengence?" The dark blue eyes were practically boring into the light ones that still held a glint of their own. More gently he added. "I was wrong to run off like that, but Hutch you have to believe me, I didn't talk to anyone except your nanny. I didn't tell her anything Hutch, nothin at all, she just told me a few things about Marion like where she works. She mentioned your father, but I gotta tell ya that didn't make any sense to me at all."

Visibly more relaxed, Hutch knew that his Starsk would never lie to him or even intentionally hurt him in anyway. "She doesn't know any.. anything, Starsk." With a heavy sigh, Hutch sat back down on the couch. "I didn't ever want her to find out, she was the best Starsk, I have never met a sweeter woman. To this day."

Easing himself down onto the couch himself, Starsky slowly reached out and gently took Hutch's hand into both of his. "And she still doesn't know Hutch, please believe me? When I realized that you were trying to protect her...when I realized that after the hell you went through, you in your own little kid way, were still trying guard her feelings." He bite his lower lip, needing a
brief time-out, to fight the tears that were welling in his eyes. "I knew I had acted on instinct and very little common sense." A small snort from Hutch, and then with a small smile of his own continued. "Thats when I knew I just wanted to come home."

Looking at his hand clasped tightly in those of his partner, Hutch smiled and looked up and into the concerned face that meant so much to him. "Of course I forgive you dummy. I was just afraid that you would open a pandora's box of some sort. I think there is a lot about what happened af..afterward that I don't know about. I knew you hadn't spoken to my father though, and oh buddy! You have no idea how relieved I was to know that."

"You..ya talked to your father?" Stunned, Starsky couldn't believe that Hutch would call his father, and say what? Hi dad has my half-crazed partner shown up on the doorstep yet?

With a burst of laughter, something he felt he hadn't done in a very long time, Hutch pulled his insolent partner into a warm hug. "No jerko! I called Katherine, my parents are in Europe for the next 3 weeks."

A sheepish "Oh." came from the slightly flushed brunette. That impulsive hug was the best thing Starsky had felt in days.

"Come on Starsk! Do you think I would call him up and ask if you had shown up at the house yet?" Hutch chuckled.

For the second time that night, Starsky felt his jaw drop. This brought more giggles from the blond, "Ah jeezus, Starsk! You really thought I would do that? What the hell am I going to do with you?"

Any. Thing. You. Want. Starsky thought to himself, the flush returning . Thank god the lighting was pretty dim.

Turning serious, but with affection and tenderness still in his eyes, Hutch asked. "What did she say about my father Starsk?"

Snapping back to attention, Starsky related what the elderly lady had said about his father and the unflattering remark about her daughter. "I think your right, Hutch. I'm sure that things happened after that you are completely unaware of."

"Not completely unaware babe." Hutch looked into the surprised cobalt blues. "I mean I don't know what happend, but I have a theory." Nodding his head, the blond looked positive that he knew what had happened.

"Well lets hear it Blintz!" A somewhat exasperated Starsky blurted out.

"She was 26 years old."

"I know that blondie."

"She had her own apartment, If I remember correctly it was above a malt shop." Hutch had that faraway look about him again.

"So? Most 26 year olds had their own apartments in the 50's Hutch, higher education wasn't as important then, especially for women." Though true, Starsky hated the way that sounded.

This time it was the blond that took the others hand in both his own. Staring into his brunette's eyes, Hutch stated. "I don't think my father took her straight home that night Starsk."

"Where do you think he took her?" Starsky's gaze was intent on his partner.

"I think he took her out-country and beat her a whole lot worse than what he did to me. I..I think he may have even raped her."

This last was said so quietly that Starsky had to strain to catch it.

"You really think he could do that Hutch?" Disbelief combined with the self-assuredness his partner had in stating this last. A beating he could understand, hell even expect, but rape?

"Your have to understand my father, Starsk. An eye for an eye, she raped me, she had to be raped. Who was going to do it, if it wasn't him?"

"Your fathers a rapist?" Starsky gasped out.

"No! No not at all Starsk, you don't understand." Hutch was now on kneeling on the floor in front of his best friend and fantasy lover. "I was beaten because of what he had to do to punish her, for what she had done to me. God Starsk, I know how twisted it sounds. He did to her what was done to me, but then, I don't know! His shame, rage, probably disgust. He needed an outlet before he went to my mother. I swear Starsk, he was as violent as he was affectionate. That was the first and last time he ever laid a hand on me, except in front of photographers. "

"Jesus Hutch, you sound so sure." As analytical that Starsky knew his friend to be, there was not the even the slightest doubt that the theory was sound. There was 20 years of picking through the pieces to back it up,and knowing the main characters, Starsky had to admit that Hutch was probably right.

"I am." Firmly stated.

"So what do we do buddy?" Starsky ruffled the blond head before pulling Hutch up to sit beside him once again.

"Nothing. Its over, done. I had to tell you Starsk, because I have never hidden anything from you before, and this has been eating away at me for a long time."

"No shit!" His turn again to pull Hutch into a hug, "Nothing Blondie?"

"Nothing, the 3 main characters have all been punished, and only 3 had ever known what had happened until the day before yesterday." Hutch pulled away from the hug, but not before giving a little extra squeeze.

"One more than the others, eh Hutch?" The love and warmth shining from that steady gaze caused a slightly embaressed grin to spread across the handsome face.

"Yeah, well. Not much is ever completely equal. You must be tired Starsk, I should go home and let you get some zzzz's"

"Not yet, I feel like I just came of the roller-coaster from hell, can I hold you for a bit?" Shy, yet almost always honest Starsky asked.

"Sure buddy." Snuggling further into the warmth of his partner and trying without success to disguise a huge yawn, Hutch had one more question to ask. "Starsk?"

"Hmmmm?" His exhausted partner replied.

"What did you mean about being so much in love with me?" The emotionally exhausted blond didn't last through the silence that followed his question.

"Ah! damn!!!" The brunette snapped awake.....

Part 9

Dawn burned bright and early, far to bright and even earlier than

Detective David Starsky would ever wish for. He buried his head under the covers and turned his face into the pillow. Covers? pillow? For the second time in less than 6 hours he shot fully upright. As the events of the last night converged on his , not yet fully alert brain, he bolted from his bedroom, not stopping to think of how he got there, and raced into the living room.

Empty. No Hutch on the couch. No Hutch anywhere in the apartment.

Just as he was about to go into complete panic mode, there was a boot at the door. Apparantely the boot was only a polite declaration of presence as the 6'1" blond barged in with what smelled to be coffee and doughnuts.

"Good morning, Starsk! I brought breakfast, thought you might have to eat something before we hit the streets again!" The big man practically sang as he set out his partners meal.

Delightedly surprised, and more than a little relieved, Starsky managed to blurt out "Thanks Hutch, this is just what I need."

"Ah, no buddy. I know exactly what you need, and this isn't it." Startled, the brunette was turning scarlette. Without looking up he tried to joke. "Oh yeah? Okay, Blintz what do I really need?" Without missing a beat, but with a sly smile Hutch replied, "A bigger couch! Fuck that thing nearly broke me in half last night Gordo! I had to leave at about..oh I don't know, 2 or 3 am."
A little more somber, "Sorry, I should have left a note."

"Its okay, Hutch. Ah Hutch?" Hesitant

"Yeah, Buddy?" Curious, almost bored, but that sly smile sneaking in when he knew his partner wasn't looking.

"I think Dobey will let us beg of for the next few days, I mean he owes us a week on top of the fifteen days vacation time we have this year? " The normally gregarious brunette was suddenly afraid to say what was on his mind next. "Hutch?"

"Yes, what is it Starsk!?" Amusement leaving, and exasperation settling in.

"I already talked to the Capn', he said we are free and clear until the 15th." Statement said, Starsky kept busy watering the half-dead plants that were once thriving when his partner gave them to him. Waiting for the explosion, he was startled when that soft voice he knew so well, gently asked. "What do you want to do, and where do you want to go? "

"After all we, you.. we" Dammit Hutch! " I want to spend some time with you!" Starsky couldn't help spit out some of the anger he felt.

That soft, gentle voice, the voice of angels, gently prodded once more, "What do you want to do babe? Where do we go?"

"I want us to go to Duluth" Starsky stated as calmly as he could have.

"NO!!" screamed his life as a blond blur headed for the door, so fast, he almost missed it. The scream of "Please Hutch!" halted the fair man and he turned back, only halfway, but enought to let his partner know that he was listening .

"Let it go Starsk! I thought we had been through all this before!"

"I want to visit where you grew up Hutch, not how. I want to visit your grandparents farm, I want to meet your parents..relax, I just want to meet them, not judge." Starsky's voice slowly brought the big blond back around to face the room, and more importantly, his partner. "Hutch, I don't want to probe anymore into what you went through, I just want to know where and who you came from. Is that so bad? " Starsky sat back slowly, Letting his love decide the next move.

"You'll leave my fath..fat..father alone? You won't look up where :Peppers: is? You promise that you won't ask my mother or sister anything?" Hutch laid down the rules, and who was Starsky to deny them.

"Of course!! I promise Hutch I will not mention anything about your past, after all I didn't even know you back then, right?" Starsky used his most reasuring, believe in me, voice. It wasn't lost on him though that the stutter became more pronounced when referring to his father.

"Then what Starsk?" The tall blond seemed to warm up to the schedule.

"Then we spend some time on our own, I hate to tell you buddy, but we need a break in a big way and I have plans for that! Guess what?"


"You'll find out when the time comes!" With pursed lips and a wicked grin, Starsky set off to make reservations, plans that only he was aware of.


Starsky had struggled desperately for the perfect place to take his partner on a much needed vacation. Before he even called Captain Dobey, he had poured over every brochure the travel agent recommened for his budget. Things were not looking up, until Huggy in his non-commital but always knowing way, suggested. "Call the sis, Starsk ma' man."

"Come on, Hug! He talks to his sister, maybe, and I mean maybe, once a year. She won't know how he wants to spend his vacation! Besides that she probably couldn't even guess what kind of toothpaste he might use."

The ever observant Huggy, dressed smartly in a burgandy, bordering on the mauve suit, resplendant with a purple tie and matching fedora replied while yawning, "She don't know the man, Starsky. But the girl knows the boy! Not everything mind you, but she knows what he liked best. The who, when, where but quite possibly not the why! The girl knows her little bro'."

Jaw drooping and staring at his gawdily dressed friend, it dawned on Starsky that the Hug probably had more insite into human behavior than freud himself.

Slipping into Hutch's darkened apartment was easy, what with the key over the door and his blonde safely tucked on the couch at his own place. After only a few minutes he found the address book that held family and friends.

Searching carefully, all he came up for under Katherine Hutchinson was a large K beside it a smaller m. Remembering that Hutch said his sister had married a German....Yess!!! Meyer! Directly under Katherines name was Ingolf. Starsky felt like he had struck gold, this. was. his sister.

Hesitant to call right away, after all it was 5 a.m. It took very little time for Starsky to choose between what was appropriate and the necessary. It was 5:10. Starsky was praying that his Hutch wouln't wake up, and the sleepy voice was demanding to know who was bothering his wife at this hour!.

Going into full cop mode, Starsky finally managed to get Katherine on the line. Finding out that she was speaking to her infamous brothers equally infamous partner, She helped behond what was expected of her.

"The only place Kenny was, ever, comfortable was at our grandparents farm. He romped, he roamed, he fished and hunted with our grandfather,but most of all he couldn't wait to snuggle up in the evening with gramma. He was so happy, the freedom of the farm meant more to him than anything that Mother or Father could give him." The tone of her voice told Starsky the story of why brother and sister weren't close. She was the materialistic part of her partents world, his Hutch was the "be one with the soil that gave us birth" of the generation before.

"Whats happened to the farm?" Starsky interrjected, like one bored with the topic.

"It all belongs to Kenneth, There are 7,345 acres, Father maintains the farm and the old house, but the rest has pretty much gone back to the wild."

"It all belongs to him!!!?" Shocked, the brooklyn born kid couldn't even fathom that amount of space.

Laughing, Katherine added, without realizing the impact of what she was saying, "Oh, much more than just the farm! Grandfather owned 53 percent stock in Hutchinson enterprises and left it all to Kenneth. My little brother is the controlling officer of everything that the family has built over that past several hundred years! The stupid little jerk kept going on and on about love and loyalty being more important than things!!! He got that from of our grandparents, they were frugal to the point of almost being hermits, but for some reason Kenneth seemed determined to live up to idiotic ideals. He seemed to live, just to be
able to sit on grandfathers lap or bake cookies with grammama. "

Nothin' wrong with that, Starsky murmured under his breath, out loud, "Who is the uh, controlling officer now?" Trying to be polite, Starsky asked the beautiful woman that was to obnoxious to even pretend to like.

"Silly man! Kenneth, he is the heir!! Father has tried many ways to oust him, so to speak, but my fathers brother, Uncle Vincent is my brothers, well, protector so to speak."

"Where might I find your Uncle Vincent, Katharine?" Softly spoken, Starsky was beginning to get a feel for this family that seemed, divided in half.

"He and his wife, Carmen, I think her name is live just south of the farmstead, They sell fresh produce in the fall. Very quaint." The sarcasm dripping off her made Starsky want to rip her throat out, but he managed a kind smile and a see ya' later, anyway. Supreme Bitch, being his last thought.

Driving up to a very large produce stand, the kind that you might see in any farming state near October, Starsky had to stop, but before he got out of the car he needed several deep breaths, the man in front of the register. The man was Hutch, thirty years down the road. Hair combed back over a high forhead, teeth as white as snow.

He had a mustache though, and his Hutch had never had one. He was thicker where Hutch was thin,but they were twins, 30 years distant maybe, but twins non-the-less.

"Uncle Vincent?" He didn't know why he called him that, he had not met the man before in his life, but it felt somehow, right.

"Your Davey? Starsky? or better as my boy likes to call you, Starsk?" Amusement was evident in the elderly mans words, but then, "Kenny, take care of my boy, Kenny! Don't let him go to the main house.He belongs here. This is his world Dave. He may own the rest, but he doesn't want it."

"My boy! Yes that is my boy!" He got it all, as he should have.

"Sir?, I don't understand, Kenneth was to inherit everything,but he owns nothing, I know him."

"Ah! no! Mr. Starsky, Kenny owns full outright the farm and lands of his grandfather, that was given to him when his grandfather died. His Grammama the month before she died, she declared what would be in her will. "All property. all. The farm and its sructures would belong to him. Kenneth!

All else would remain until the death of the harvest brought him home again.

......The farm is where he was going to bring his Hutch.

Part 11

The talk with Uncle Vincent, funny how that felt so right, left Starsky more confused than ever as he headed back toward the Comfort Inn where undoubtably Hutch was wondering where he had taken off to so early on their first morning here. 53 percent!!? The curly haired man didn't even want to try and comprehend what that was worth in dollars. What bothered him more than anything though was the way Unc.., yeah okay Uncle Vincent, said the death of the harvest would bring him home again. What the hell did that mean?

Ahh, Hutch I knew you came from money, but buddy I never dreamed you owned so much.

Chuckling out loud and shaking his head, visions of the old ford and the crappy apartement came unbidden into his mind, but it was also funny how Hutch always had money to buy him treats, and unthinkingly every day managed to provide his partner with change for the candy machine. Come to think of it, never once had he ever heard Hutch say that he was broke, when he,
himself was always playing the financial game of staying afloat.

Pulling into his assigned parking spot, just outside the sliding doors of their ground floor room he sat for just a minute. Love for his partner blooming stronger, for just a minute he thought his heart might burst Always there for me, aren't ya Hutch. The nights he had dragged his partner out for dancing and drinks when he knew Hutch just wanted to fiddle in his greenhouse, never mind the times he called in the middle of the night and his partner would either come right over or talk him out of a bad dream.

Slipping into the quiet room from the inside door, It was farther away from the beds than the sliding doors. He seen his blond tightly wrapped in the hotel bedding. It looked like it could take him the rest of their vacation to untangle himself from the mess. Feeling extremely sappy, but unable to help himself, he claimed the uncomfortable chair at the little round table tucked into the far corner of the room and watched his sleeping partner.

The tall blond kicked off the blankets and sheet covering his naked torso, endearingly turning and rubbing his face into the pillow. Starsky held his breath, bearly stifling a gasp, as the golden body before him stretched cat-like into an arch that would break most people in half. Nothing but clear skin and rippling muscle exposed to Starsky's riveted eyes, and truth be known, the sight quickly aroused other parts of him also! Jumping up, so as not to give himself away he quickly headed for the bathroom, and a much needed shower. After a few minutes, and some deep breathing exercises, Starsky put the water at a more reasonable temperature and continued with the basics of body and hair washing .

"Starsk?, save some water for me would you buddy?" The blond tripped as he entered the small washroom.

Stifling a snicker, Starsky responded "Come in the front blondie, I'm about to exit the back, and by the way you should have more than enough hot water this is a motel! the water tank should be able to handle more than just two dirt bags."

Both showered and wide awake after their long flight of the night before, they headed to a nearby restaurant for breakfast, deeming the motel a little to expensive for their budget. Sipping their first coffee after placing their orders Hutch looked up at the curly headed imp across from him and with a michevious smile inquired in a deadpan voice, "So, Starsk, where did you head off to so early this morning?"

Part 12

Staring at Hutch over his newly delivered scrambled eggs, a look on his face that Hutch had already filed away as priceless! "How did you know!! You, you were sound asleep!!"

"Give me a break, Starsk! you rented a transam!! I think it was missing a muffler from the date of its birth!"

Reaching over the table and fishing a packet of strawberry jam out of the little silver dish sitting along the side of the table the blond added, "Let me guess, you went to see Uncle Vince. He told you I own the farm and then he let it slip that I also own the majority of shares in my fathers company."

Calmly opening the small packet and liberally spreading the confection on a slice of toast. The colbalt eyes were never so round as then,as he stared at his would be lover. "You..Your sister told me..." Shit! Now who had the stutter! " Hutch.."

"Can it Starsk!" Angry, not good. Throwing the jam smeared piece of toast down, the tall blonde headed out the door, The brunette quickly following.

"Hutch, just listen!" Starsky pleaded, not caring that they were beginning to draw stares from others. "Jesus!" Whirling around a more than angry Hutch faced the pale face of what he thought as his best friend. "You called my sister? My sister, Starsk. Katherine? Ahh Starsk, she hates me more than my father does." sinking down onto the low cement wall near the edge of the
highway and the beginning of the motel. "Why Starsk? Why." both hands were covering his mouth as he managed to get the last out.

"I didn't even know you had an uncle, let alone an Uncle Vincent!! Christ Hutch, Huggy told me to call your sister." He immediately knew to shut up at that point, as his blond's head shot up. Bright blue eyes burned through him. "Hutch." He stammered, at the same time amazed at the way those pale eyes could burn so bright when excited or, well, angry. Knowing to be quiet and knowing that, doing it was never his strong suit "Hutch.. come on buddy..all I ever knew about your past was that you had a Mother, Father and older sister. Hug..Hugg..Huggy just thought that the key to getting to know you was throu..through your sister."

Eyes closed and gripping is nose with his right hand, Hutch just shook his head a bit before opening the clear blue orbs, with a huff " Huggy thought."

"Hutch, Hug just wanted to help." Starsky tried to explain.

Rising to his full 6'1" and glaring at the smaller, but even in anger knew, the equally powerful brunette, "Just what Starsk, just wh...wha...what did you tel..say to him? Huh? Buddy?"

Deflated, Hutch sunk down once more onto the concrete.

Alarmed at the way his blond collapsed onto the wall, Starsky rushed closer, and kneeling down in front of the one person that meant more than anything to him, he clutched the large hands in both his own. "Hutch, look at me! Just look at me, Hutch." The quiet pleading brought pain filled pale blue eyes up to meet the dark equally pain encrusted blue of his partner. "Huggy doesn't know anything Hutch, I would never, look at me dammit!!! I.would. never. betray. your. confidence." The colbalt eyes were trying desperately to meet the sky pale ones as the latter turned to the left.

Softly, "I know Starsk. I...I'mmm...I'm sorry. Katherine, christ!! she is, holy...Starsk she is like my father reincarnated!"

Starsky felt that all was well between them again and couldn't help adding, "and your weren't cloned from your Uncle Vincent?"

Looking up sharply, the blond began to laugh, and then added, "you haven't met my Aunt Carmy!" Laughing outloud for the first time in awhile, Hutch thought it fair to warn his curly top, "For heavens sake Starsk! Call him Vince or Uncle Vince, and
Carmen just likes to be called Carmy or, well, she will tolerate Auntie Carmy."

Quietly, not wanting to break the mood, Starsky added, "Uncle Vince invited us out to lunch today."

Nodding, like he knew this was coming, the eyes were once again bright as they gazed at his best friend.

"Sounds great Starsk." The relief flooding through his body was what Starsky thought immeaserable, until he heard a quiet. "Starsk?"

"Yeah Hutch?" Whispered

"Wanna see my farm?..........

Part 13

Heading toward the countryside, Starsky couldn't stop glancing over at his blond, bright eyes alight, silence seemed the lesser of all evils. Turning his thoughts inward he couldn't help wonder, <How did he know that I was gone this morning? He wasn't faking being asleep when I returned. > easing up a bit on the brakes. <he wasn't faking that stretch.....Oh! God!!!>

Rolling to a sudden stop, he had to get his mind back on the curriculum, but more pressing than the timetable was what was threatening to bust the fly in his favorite pair of jeans.

"Straight ahead Starsk, first turn on the left. Our farm is a bit further down the road and on the right." Non-pulsed his noramally observant Hutch was totally oblivious to the minor battle being fought barely a foot away.<Of course, He knows the area. Our farm?> Pleased more than he could imagine, getting to Uncle Vincent's was more important than ever.

"When was the last time ya seen Uncle Vince, Hutch?" Asked, to draw attention away from his predicament but, also born out of curiosity.

Silence just long enought for Starsky to begin to regret asking, and then. "Jeez, its been awhile. Six years next summer. God Starsk! I had no idea it has been that long. We talk every month though, we take turns calling. This last said quietly as it hit home to the blond that he hadn't been back as often as he should.

"You had alot of reasons not to come back Babe." Replied an equally soft voice as his hand reached over and tenderly squeezed his partners thigh.

"No, Starsk, your wrong. Vince is my Grandfathers oldest son and Carmy the perfect match for him. I used to fantasize that my Uncle was my father and that.." looking away, face flushed, Starsky knew that his blond had wished his father never existed. "My father is four years younger."

Turning into the lane that was just past the farmers stand that Starsky was at, just a few short hours earlier, it wasn't long before they pulled up outside the home of Uncle Vincent and Auntie Carmy. Calling the elderly lady Carmy was going to take some getting used to Starsky thought. The house itself was a little disappointing, at least to Starsky's brooklyn stereotype of what a farm house should look. It was a ranch style, the front veranda surprisingly small as the home made a little horseshoe near the circular driveway. What couldn't be denied was that it was big. Big was coming quickly down the three steps from the front porch, as, who Starsky had come to think of affectionately as Uncle Vincent came barrelling down, heading not for him, but for the beautiful bundle in the passenger seat.

Behind him, and waiting expectantly by the front door, wringing her hands and tears falling from the most beautiful brown eyes that Starsky had ever seen, could only be Carmy.

Hauling the Blond out of the car and delivering a bear hug that would rival a grizzly. "Its time Kenny, its time and look at you!!!" Love and pride were threatening to overwelm Hutch, Starksy managed to pull himself away from the mezermising deapths of the liquid brown.

"Uncle Vince?" Firmly stated, trying desperately to save Hutch's rib cage.

Loosening the tight grip on his nephew, The older man grinned over at the curly topped man.

"Of course, David! You must be hungry I'll bet!" This said like he somehow knew of Starsky's gargantuan appetite.

In fact he was starving. Hearing his blonds laughter ring out over the countryside, though, caused him to glance back as Hutch gripped his uncle and then let go and ran up the short steps to engulf his Aunt in an almost reverant clutch. The mingled tears weren't missed by Starsky as he was ushered into the woodsy, but opulent home of what was turned out to be, Hutch's, wished for, real family.

Finding the resemblance between Hutch and his uncle more than eerie, Starsky headed to the backyard after dinner. Air was good. The green eye was beginning to raise its ugly head. His Hutch was thin, tall, but not too tall, Vince is at maybe an inch taller and broader, not fat though. They love each other, alot, that much was certain. Green kept filling his vision.

"You love Kenny as much as I love Vincent." A soft voice from the shadows of the garden."

Turning slowly, Starsky once again confronted the lovely eyes of what he had come to think of as warm velvet pools, and said.

"Aunt Carmy. Its not the same, not nearly."

"As they sit, conversing, plotting? Yes Davey, they are plotting, how to get back at Richard! Your love for Kenny tells me that your will follow him no matter the path."

"Do you have any idea what his father put him through?" Starsky was exasperated.

"Yes and I know why." No longer lost in the beautiful eyes, his partner formost on his mind. "Why?"

"Everything was fine until his grandfather passed on. The will was irrefuteable. Then a few years later his grandmother passed on. The will was could not be contested. Solid as stone. Kenneth would receive everything, except the holdings that Richard and Vincent held. My husband sided with Kenny. Combined they hold about 65 percent of the company stocks."

Listening intently, Starsky Urged "Go on."

Smiling softly, but tears were beginning to form as she went back down memory land. "Richard was never fond of children, he only had them really to produce and heir. He knew that Vince had very little interest in the company, my Vincent is a much simpler man. Anyway, because of this, Richard fully expected to inherit everything except the 12 percent holdings that both Vince and he were each given at birth." Taking Starsky"s arm, she led him over to a nearby bench. When they were both seated, Starsky looked over at her saying, "Aunt Carmy I still don't understand..."

"Hush child!" She lightly scolded. "You must let me finish." Taking a deep breath she then continued.

"Many say that Richard was the spoiled by-product of a wealthy man, I think he was just a by-product, I don't know, but maybe Charles, Kenny's grandfather, didn't finish squirting the night Richard was conceived."

Blushing furiously, Carmy exclaimed. "Goodness! I am so sorry David, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Laughing the brunette gave her a squeeze and managed to get out. "I think that was beautifully put Auntie! From what I've heard of the man he's missing a few vital pieces, thats for sure."

"Anyway David, After the will was made known, Richard in his own mind convinced himself that the only way to gain control of everything was to have Kenneth declared mentally disturbed."

"What!!!" Starsky barely managed to shout. "His own son!?" Red hot rage was back, threatening to tip Starsky over the edge. "How was he planning to do do tha....Marion." Horror hit him like a frieght train as the realization hit.

"Yes dear, the young woman was quite down in her luck. Richard must have seemed like a dream come true.

He trussed her up so she would seem to come from an affluent family. To this day I think Kenneth still believes her to be the daughter of a friend of his mother. Anyway, it cost Richard a mere five thousand dollars to almost destroy his son." A lone tear trickled down her right cheek as she finished.

Reaching out with his left arm, Starsky gently wiped the tear way with his thumb. "Hutch was too strong. Why did he beat him?" Then the answer came to him. "He needed the tickets in order to keep his wife away from the house. Damn!"

"Yes David, even though, to this day she is oblivious to what went on, Richard knew the game was over. He thought the beating would send Kenneth over the edge." The gentle smile returned, although the grief never left her eyes.

"It didn't work." Starsky glanced toward the house, where his life was shielded from view.

"No dear, I don't think Richard ever noticed his son, he certainly wasn't aware of the inner strength and lust for life our boy possessed. Ironically, I think, now this just an old lady's opinion..."

"I'd take your opinion over most peoples facts, and your beautiful not old Auntie." Starsky interrupted.

Blushing again, this time from the compliment from a young man, she continued. "I think it was Richard that gave Kenneth his strength. From birth he was ignored, except when the need for public display brought father and son together. I believe this toughened him enougth to get through almost anything. This combined with the love he received from his grandparents, Vincent and myself, well...I guess...perhaps its just wishfull thinking, but I like to think we were somehow his lifeline as his father was trying to drown him."

Both sat quietly for awhile, lost in their individual thoughts, when out of the silence she had to add.

"Your love is the same David, your devotion unquestionable. You want him sexually yes, but you want his undivided love more than anything.. You have that Davey, my Kenny loves you unconditionally. He may not know it yet, but he loves you with no restrictions.!!!

Stunned by what his adopted aunt just said, Starsky finally managed to utter. "What do you mean they are conspiring against Richard?..."

Part 14

"Enough of that for now dear, we really must let you and Kenneth get on with the day, heaven knows he must be very anxious to show you around." That said, she stood and started toward the house.

Rising himself, Starsky spit out in disbelief. "Revenge? Hutch doesn't do revenge Carmie, thats not his style it just doesn't fi.."
"This has nothing to do with revenge David." Turning back and catching the dark blue eyes with her own. Shaking her head slowly. "No dear, not at all. This is all about justice, and as you know, our Kenny is very big on justice." With a tiny smile she continued on inside.

Staring at the back door, Starsky began nodding his head and with a small snort said outloud. "Justice. Yup thats our kenny, my Hutch to the core." He then headed inside himself.

"I thought you got lost Starsk!" That bright grin never failed to warm the brunette down to his very soul.

"You and Uncle Vince seemed off on your own planet, thought I would just give ya a bit of space." A crooked smile aimed first at his partner, then over to the older man.

"Nonsense kid!" Vincent's voice could rival Dobey's. "Kenneth here kept looking at the door every few seconds the whole time you were out there. Didn't know if he was hoping you would come back in or if he was getting seriously attached to that door, had me worried there for a minute." A grin identical to Hutch's, slightly duller with age, met Starsky's and a quick wink was aimed towards his wife.

"He'd be better off with a door if you met some of the women he's dated." Starsky shot back, giggling at the look of outrage on the blonds face. "Okay, okay Hutch! down boy. Just kidding buddy."

After a bit more good natured ribbing and a promise to come back the next evening for dinner the pair headed off for the short drive down the road. Turning right onto what looked to be a paved driveway, Starsky once more glanced over at his partner. "Where's the house Hutch?"

"Wait for it buddy, its set a bit back from the road." The blond was calm, making Starsky feel a little disappointed. He expected Hutch to so excited he would be ready to burst. 'Course this was where Hutch was happiest, with his grandparents, maybe the good memories were being clouded by the sadness of their passing.

The curly head glanced over at his partner once again, and just before he was to comment on how far, exactly, was a bit back from the road, he noticed that the driveway was now lined with large shade trees. The road began to curve and then Starsky saw it. "Holy shit! Hutch its..its huge!"

"Yeah its big Starsk, but not as big as you think, the stone walls are four feet thick, so the outside looks alot bigger than in." Hutch's eyes were the brightest Starsky and ever seen them.

"How come there are those huge chimneys on both ends of the house Hutch?" Awed, Starsky could barely get his voice above a whisper.

"There are two more in the back Starsk., every room has a fireplace, you have to remember that back when it was built they didn't have furnaces." Hutch was milking in the childlike wonder his partner displayed over the sight of their house. The blond almost felt that he was seeing it again for the first time.

Parking in front of what Starsky later learned was the carriage house. They began closing the distance towards the front steps leading up to the double doors. For some reason the Munsters theme song was bouncing around in Starsky's head.

"Relax Gordo Its just a house, and a really neat one at that. Don't worry buddy there aren't any cop eating monsters about to leap out of the closet. As a matter of fact their aren't any closets in the rooms."

"Waddaya mean there aren't any closets, all houses have closets Hutch." The brown head swung to the side, looking at Hutch like his partner had just sprouted another head.

"Not way back then Starsk, there are shranks in every bedroom, I suppose you could call the storage room off the kitchen a closet, but we always called it the pantry."

"What the hell is a shrank?"

"Its a big bureau, only you hang clothes in it, like a portable closet Starsk." Hutch unlocked the massive front doors and pushed them opened. "After you buddy."

Tentatively stepping inside, Starsky was totally unprepared for the opulance that greeted him. Over the next hour Hutch took him through every room, and although most of the furnishings were covered, Starsky had no doubt that the items under the drop cloths were in pristine condition. Finally they ended up in the large kitchen which sported a huge wrought iron wood stove. "The fire from this sucker can heat a quarter of the house by itself Gordo. The pipes run under the floors on this end of the house until they come out into the right hand chimney in back. Its kind of an really old method of conservation, I mean I don't think the fireplaces on the upper floors on this side were ever used, even during the coldest winters." Hutch ran his hand
affectionately over the top of the black metal.

"Your right Blintz."


"Its not scary at all, but its still huge. Come on Hutch! We could lose an irate Dobey in here! Its warm..its comfortable, almost" Pausing briefly and catching his blonds eyes, "like coming home."

The joy in Hutch's eyes was threatening the colbalt ones to shed tears of happiness. Gripping both of the taller mans arms with his hands and getting lost for a moment in the pale blue depths. "What now partner?"

"I uh, I asked Uncle Vincent to get a few rooms ready for us. I uh, I mean you know, I was hoping we could stay here tomorrow night instead of the motel." The normally confident blond tried, without success, to avoid the gaze of his always intense partner.

"If thats what you want partner, Then stay here we will." Thinking that would relax the big blond, Starsky was unprepared for the nervousness that seemed to engulf his normally staid partner.

"Whats wrong Hutch?"

"Noth...nothing Starsk. Thats what I want. Us to be here." Breaking the hold from his partner, Hutch headed Back to the main entrance.

Starsky stood for a moment and wondered what the hell just happened, then as always he followed his partner out the door and back to the car.

"Hutch?" Quiet but demanding.


"Tomorrows going to be a great day." Reaching over and squeezing the blond's knee.

"I sure hope so Gordo." Laying his head back on the seat as the car sped down the drive toward the road. "I really, really hope so.."

Part 15

Over dinner at a local steak house, next to the motel, Starsky excitedly rambled on about the next days activities. His eyes never leaving the sight of his blond for longer than a few seconds, he couldn't help but notice that there was one meal on the table hardly touched.

"Your not eating babe." Blushing just a little, Hutch averted his gaze and replied with a week. "Just hope tomorrow goes okay. Honestly Starsk, I'm alright."

"Whats going on with Uncle Vincent and your father, and more importantly you, Hutch?" Tired of being left out, Starsky finally put forth the question that had been bothering him all day, and hating to be left out of the action.

Looking into the honest dark blue, that had always mesmorizied him, the blond responded. "Tomorrow morning I am taking control of the company."

Pushing his almost untouched plate away, and turning his gaze toward the unexciting view of the parking lot, the blond added. "Tomorrow I destroy my father."

Shoving his own plate to the side, Starsky reached across the table and grabbed the pale left hand of his heart. "What are you and Vince planning to do?"

"Tomorrow at nine I sign the paperwork giving me full control of Hutchinson and sons." Tears in his eyes the tall blond looked into the dark, understanding eyes of his best friend in the world. "It will destroy him, Starsk, I will be taking everything he has ever lived for away from him." The tears began to spill.

"Its yours to take Hutch, he is the one that almost destroyed you to get it! Holy Christ!!! How can you feel sympathy for this monster!!!" Exasperated, Starsky was surprised he wasn't asked to leave the quiet diner.

"He. Is. My. Father. What I do tomorrow Starsk is going to kill him!!! I don't know if I can. The company is his life Starsk! He's my father!" Abruptly standing, the blond headed for the door and the nearby shelter of their room.

Slamming a few bills on the table, Starsky quickly followed his blond back to their inner sanctum.

"I thought...I thought even at lunch today.. Talking with Vince.. that the time had come. It feels so much like payback Starsk! I just don't know anymore. I don't know what to do Starsk..I just don't know what to do." The blond melted into the comforting warmth of his curly haired friend.

Snuggling into the familiar scent of his beautiful friend, Starsky urged. "Take him down Hutch, his father wanted it, his brother wanted it, and you paid the ultimate price for his greed. Bring him to his knees buddy! He will never go to prison, Hutch, but you and only you can make him pay. For your grandparents!!!"

"Okay...Okay Starsk..but can you come with me?" The little boy touched Starsky's soul

"I'm right beside ya every step of the way buddy!" Tears springing from his partners eyes had been all the brunette needed to start leaking a few of his own.

Vincent and Carmen were both waiting when the two detectives arrived at the office of Zimmerman, McCleod and Gleese.

Uncle Vince seemed to instinctively know that his Kenny was having a hard go of it. He immediately crossed the room and put his strong arm around his boy. Starsky moved in quickly to be on the other side.

"Relax people, My name is Brice Brandes. I just want you to know Mr. Hutchinson," Obviously deferring to Vincent, "that all the paper work is in order. "

"The man that needs to sign is my nephew Kenneth.

"Kenneth Hutchinson will take control over his father. You do realize this?"

"I realize it and accept the consequenses, where do I sign?" Starsky was never so proud of his blond, as he was at that moment.

As Hutch completed the paperwork, The brunette knew he was witnessing the downfall of who he considered the most evil man he had ever heard of. He just wished he could see the mans face when he found out all he had was taken away.

Looking at his Aunt and Uncle and then to Starsky. "Mr. Brandes."

"Please call me Brice, sir."

"Fine, Brice it is. They are to keep their home..."

"No! Son thats to good for him!" Vincent bellowed enough to cause everyone but Hutch to wince.

"They are to keep their home and be given a living allowance of 10,000 dollars a month." Hutch's tone was one that Starsky new was not worth arguing with.

"Why Kenny?" His Uncle's voice was low but there was a great deal of anger just below the surface.

"They are my parents!" Turning to face his Aunt, who had thus far remained silent. "For Gods sake! Aunt Carmie, my mother has never worked a day in her life! Ho..how can I just..just throw her out on the street? I can't, I won't."

Wrapping her arms around her now shaking nephew she soothed. "No, of course you won't Kenneth. I never expected you would do such a thing. You have done exactly what I suspected you might."


"Yes really. Justice has been served today." A quick glance over at her second favorite adopted son. "Revenge just isn't your style."

The extremely embarrassed lawyer cleared his throat. "I can have the paper work drawn up and ready by the end of the day Mr. Hutchinson."

"Fine." Uncle and nephew answered in unison, breaking the tension of the last several moments as the five of them broke into chuckles.

"Just one more thing, Brice." The blond continued as four sets of eyes snapped back to stare at him.

"I want my uncle here to be named acting CEO. He will run the firm in my absence. He will also have complete control and final say over every detail affecting the firm." Turning to his much loved uncle. "I want you to replace every employee my father ever personally hired. I trust you uncle Vincent to weed out any and all individuals who could possibly have any loyalty, real or
imagined, towards my father."

With a smile full of love and admiration Vincent responded with, "Thy will be done." This got them all giggling again.

"What now Hutch?" The curly haired man inquired as they once again stepped out into the sun shine.

"Now you kiss your Aunt Carmie goodbye. Then she will head off home to prepare a glorious dinner. Meanwhile you I and Mr. Kenneth Hutchinson are off to face the former CEO of our boys company. You up to it son?" This last aimed at his nephew.

"Yeah. Yeah lets get it over with." Hutch quickly embraced his Aunt and headed for the Transam. Starsky likewise gave his aunt a quick hug and a peck on the cheek then followed his partner. After Vincent said his goodbyes and his wife was well on her way, he quickly caught up with the two younger men.

"Good Lord!!! You don't honestly expect me to fit in that!?" He boomed across the parking lot.

Laughing Starsky quickly told them the seating order. "Hutch here is gonna drive uncle Vincent and I'm gonna be in the back, you'll be ridin shotgun and you can put the seat back as far as you need too."

As Starsky crawled into the back of the small vehicle Vincent caught his nephews eye.

"Yes Uncle you can drive, I'll ride shotgun."

Blushing slightly the older man answered. "Thanks Kenny, I never got to drive a sports car before. Hell never even been in one."

"Just try and get us there alive uncle Vince." Hutch chuckling and shaking his head climbed in to the car.

Less than 10 minutes later the trio pulled up in front of the huge office building where Hutch knew his father was currently seated behind his massive desk.

Just inside the lobby and waiting patiently near the elevators stood four uniformed police officers.

"What are they doing here Hutch?" Starsky asked as if his blond would have any better clue than himself.

"Huh" Uncle Vincent cleared his throat. "I called my good friend Bill Monroe last night. I suppose I might have mentioned what would tranpire this morning."

"Bill Monroe?" The obviously still confused Starsky asked.

"He's the Chief of police Starsk."


"You know Kenneth, your father isn't going to take this lightly, I just thought a few reinforcements might make things easier." The older man was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Its alright Uncle Vincent, I just never thought that far ahead. Your right though, he isn't going to like this at all." The blond squeezed his uncle's shoulder.

Reaching the elevators and the four officers Vincent said to them all. "Well boys we ready to go up?"

Two yes sirs, a you bet and one right on later the seven of them boarded the lift.

"You have the honour Kenny."

"22nd floor, going up." His nephew pushed the button and they began to rise.

"You okay Hutch?" Whispered near the fair ear.

"No, I'm scared Starsk." The blond reached out to hold his partners hand. Giving a tight squeeze but not letting go "I'm right here Hutch, no matter what happens, I'm right here."

A squeeze back. "I know, I know buddy and you will never know how much that means to me." Then as the elevator came to a stop "We're here."

The doors slid open.

Part 16

Stepping out onto the plush grey carpet, the seven men made an impressive sight.

"Lead the way Kenneth"The comforting hand at the small of the his back along with the assured voice of his dearly loved uncle pushed Hutch to head off down the right side corridor, his curly topped friend matching him stride for stride.

The suits and skirts encountered along the way just stared at the awesome brigade headed down their path. Many recognized the senior man as being Richard Hutchinson's brother, but more than a few also seen that the younger blond was the son of their boss. Whispers of "Thats Kenneth" circulated quickly throughout the complex.

Finally reaching the end of the hall, two double glass doors were facing the small, yet imposing force. CEO Richard K. Hutchinson was written in gold over the plate glass.

"Get it down, I want it replaced immediately with Vincent C. Hutchinson." Hutch barked at the nearest young suit still brave enough to face the imposing force.

"Yes sir!!! Right away!" the young man scurried off, knowing he had just faced his new boss.

Barging through the double doors, Starsky immediately headed for the secretary. Taking the phone out of her hand and laying it back on the cradle. His blond stated quietly behind him. "You can pack up your belongings now Mrs. Carswell. Your services are no longer required." The hate in the hazel eyes were aimed at Starsky as she was blocked from seeing the soft voice that
uttered in her retirement.

"Do you require assistance?" Starsky asked the shocked secretary, in his most sarcastic voice.

"This is only temporary..." Catching a glipse of the tall blond behind the brunette she suddenly began packing her belongings. "You are just another thorn in his side" Glaring at the handsome young man before her. "Yeah, well this thorn is deadly woman." Vincent piped up from behind his nephew.

Facing the door that would lead to his father, Hutch took a deep breath. Starsky leaned in closer and Vince came up the back. His hand on his nephews shoulder. "Go ahead son. Bring him down."

Hutch looked back at his Uncle then glanced quickly to his lifeline. Not opening the door, he kicked it free of its hinges.

The startled look on the middle aged blond would stay with Starsky for the rest of his life. Nothing but anger in those eyes as he glared at his older brother. "Vincent you have sunk to the bottom of the pit"

"No Father you have." Simply stated, but the impact was clear as the fathers eyes met those of his son.

"I have allowed you to keep your house, I have also granted you a monthly salary of 10 grand a month.

"Your a fool Kenneth!! I can crush you!"

"You already tried that father, it didn't work then, and it won't work now. You won.. I lost, I won, we both lost." The blond was leaning toward his partner. With a pleading look, Starsky managed to convey to Uncle Vince that it was the older mans time to end the confrontation.

"Out Richard. You can march quietly or be forced out in handcuffs."

"You can let me go quietly. Watch your back brother!!! I will be there."

"Got that boys?" the elder brother asked

"Sounded like a death threat to me sir!" One of the officers responded.

"Then charge him." Vince wanted to head back and see how his boy was doing.

"Ken?" The older man asked the brunette.

"He didn't sleep last night and today has worn him out." Starsky looked up at the man that was now his Uncle. "I want to help you Uncle Vince, but I have to be with Hutch."

"Get him back to the motel, make sure he is at our place for dinner."

"Yes sir! We'll be there!"

Back in the car, shot gun again, "Starsk?"

"Yeah babe." Starsky was about to fire up the engine.

"I want to see my mother."


"I have to see her Starsk. I have to know if she knew."

Let me have a leak Hutch. Stopping at a nearby gas stop, Starsky quickly called Vincent.

Waiting at the top of the step, leading toward his parents townhouse. Stood uncle Vincent.

"Your work" Hutch directed at the brunette beside him.

"My work" Your father is a lunatic silent but vocal all the same.

Ringing the bell, Hutch managed to see his mother for all of three seconds before it was slammed in his face.

"Take him back to the hotel son." The big man instructed. "Bring him to dinner."

Part 17

Back at the motel Starsky helped his emotionally drained blond from the car and into their room.

"Hungry babe?"

"No." The tall blond all but collapsed on the bed.

"Strip down buddy and get between the sheets." The brunette gently ordered.

Naked except for his boxers Hutch pulled down the covers and managed to get most of his legs covered as his head sunk into the pillow.

With a sympathetic smile Starsky began the, not unenjoyable, task of tucking his partner in.

"Starsk?" Eyes closed and voice weary.

"Yeah Hutch?"

"Why did she not want to see me?" The pain heard in that small question almost bringing tears to the smaller man's eyes.

"I imagine your father called her from the police station. Come on babe!" Softly stroking the side of the fair mans face. "You said yourself that she was a wife and not a mother."

"I guess." Silence for a few moments. "Starsk?"

"Yeah Hutch?"

"Your going to stay with me right?"

"I'm strippin right now and then get ready blondie, cause I'm crawlin in right beside ya." Doing just that the brunette gathered the blond into his arms and waited for the flood gates to open. It didn't take long. After less then 10 minutes of the blond releasing his pent up emotions and with Starsky uttering soothing whispers into the pale ear, Hutch was fast asleep. With a
corner of the sheet he gently wiped the others face and then snuggling down with his precious package still in his arms, Starsky too, quickly fell into the oblivion of slumber.

The sound of the shower caused the bleary colbalt eyes to crack open long enough to glance at the alarm clock. 4:15. Jeesus Who takes a shower at this time of the morning, his disoriented mind took another minute to register the angle of sunlight coming into the room through the cracks in the heavy drapery. Its afternoon the curly haired man snapped awake. Rubbing his face he looked around realizing it must be Hutch in the shower. "Some detective you are." He gently scolded himself.

Rising, it also donned on the great detective that his bladder wasn't going to hold out until his partner was finished. Dasking into the misty warmth and quickly relieving himself "Hutch!"

"What Starsk!" Came the wet reply.

"Leave me some hot water Blintz its warm enough in here to rival the hot springs in Banff!"

"Its a motel Starsk! They don't run out of hot water." The blond patiently explained.

"They never had you for a guest before either." mumbled.

"Whats that?"

"Nothin, just hurry up kay?"

"Coming out now." True to his word the water was abruptly shut off and a long arm snaked around the curtain to snag a towel. A minute later the dripping blond stepped out of the tub, the towel wrapped loosly around his waste. Barely able to keep from gawking, Starsky managed to get his golden mass out of the bathroom before the situation could turn extremely embarrassing. Facial expressions he could pretty much control, what was happening beneath the flimsy cloth of his underwear he couldn't.

When he emerged, squeeky clean and shaven himself, Hutch was already dressed. The site of all that gold encased in black jeans, black boots and black turtleneck all topped off with the soft brown leather blazer nearly sent the curly headed man running back to the safety of the washroom.

"Whats wrong Starsk!" The blond quicky crossed the room to steady his trembling partner.

"Ah, Ah nothin Hutch, nothing." He looked away and then back to the concerned eyes of his partner.

"Ya just look so fuckin gorgeous! I mean are you okay?" Getting a little flushed he headed for the dresser and began to dress himself.

"Gee Starsk! You compliment me and then ask if I'm okay? Your a real shot in the arm, Gordo. No wonder your not married." The blond chuckled.

"Oh yes I am." The brunette silently thought as he pulled out a denim shirt.

"Not that one Starsk. Um, would you wear the red one tonight?" The pale face was turning a delicate shade of pink.

Not understanding the request, but obliging his blond anyway, Starsky abandonned the denim in favor of the red rugby shirt. Topping off the outfit he thought he would be positively spiffy if he wore his newest jeans. Although a tad small he thought if his southern buddy could behave he would look terrific. He was just about to reach for his blue windbreaker when aparrently the blond had one other request.

"Uh Starsk?"

"Yes Hutch? No let me guess, the leather bomber?" Starsky was amused and more than a little flattered that his blond was, in effect, dressing him.

"Yeah, thats.. well thats if you don't mind." The shy smile and worried look in the sky blue eyes brought out the protectiveness in Starsky.

"Relax buddy, this is your party. If you want me to get naked, wear feathers and do a rain dance I would ya know." The twinkle in his eyes and the broad grin caused the blond to burst into giggles.

"I'm sorry Starsk. I must sound like one of those overprotective mothers that won't let their kid play in the mud." Sobering a bit he added. "We have to pack up and check out buddy."

"Are you kiddin Hutch! I'm pretty much ready to go, I've been looking forward to stayin at the farm ever since I first heard of it."

"You sure?" The hesitance in the soft voice brought the brunette closer to his blond.

"Yeah! Oh Yeah Hutch, I'm more than sure. Besides like you said it isn't creepy at all and I wanna see the rest of it too."

"The rest is just the carriage house and a couple of barns Starsk. There was a guest house, but my grandfather had it torn down a long time ago."

"You kidding Hutch, barns facinate me!! I mean, after all, I can count on one hand how many I've been in one, and as I recall the last one went up in flames before I could get attached to it."

"All right, all right! Just stop Starsk. Actually I do want to show you the one. Well the one that I spent alot of time in as a kid." The blond smiled wistfully.

"I'm starved Hutch, and its after five lets get to Uncle Vincents, waddya say?"

"Yeah I'm hungry too."

"Its about time! Your getting positivly scrawny!" For emphasis the blond received a poke in the ribs.

"I'll get the bags and you check us out. And take note blondie, its not often I volunteer to do manual labour, you must be special." Starsky urged his Hutch out the door with both keys.

Soon the duo were on their way once more toward the haven of Uncle Vincent and Aunt Carmie, Hutch very much wanted to get lost in the warmth of his Aunts affection. Meanwhile, Starsky was thinking that it was finally his time alone with uncle Vince.

Sitting in the living room of the large ranch house, Starsky couldn't help think that Carmie was the decorator in the family and that Uncle Vince either didn't care or didn't mind that the room was dominated by floral prints.

The meal had been beyond fabulous. Roast pork with all the fixings and an apple cobbler for dessert. His Hutch was in the kitchen helping their aunt with cleaning up and doing the dishes.

"I suppose formost on your mind son is why your Aunt and I haven't done anything about Richard before." Blunt and to the point, the elder version of Hutch gazed intently into the dark blue, questioning eyes of his now, favorite Uncle.

"So tell me now Uncle Vince." The younger man implored.

"Kenneth. Kenny didn't want anything done. He always said that there would be a time. I have waited many, many years for that time David. When you showed up at the stand, I knew the time had finally come. My boy had come home, he had finally come home to take back what is his. I also knew that he had finally found someone he loved enough to share the horror of what he went through. That someone is you Davey."

The older man paused as he continued to stare with admiration at the younger man across from him, fondling the glass that held his 2 fingers of scotch, he raised it to his lips and took a healthy swig.

"Take him home David. Take him home and give him the love he really needs to put this behind him. Your the only one that can do that son. I hope you don't let him down." Rising, Starsky knew the older man was finished.

"Sir?" Starsky just needed a little clarification.

"Enough said boy. Just listen to him and follow your heart." With a quick squeeze to his shoulder the older man was gone. Starsky rose to collect his blond and head out to the place he was beginning to think of as theirs.