Title: Black White and Shades of Blue

Author/pseudonym: Cappristar (Debs)

Fandom: Starsky and Hutch

Pairing: S/H

Rating: R

Status: WIP

Archive: Yes

Feedback: Yes

Critique: Yes

E-mail address for feedback: montedebs@aol.com

Series/Sequel: No

Disclaimers: Don't own them, wish I did. I do this for fun and friends and certainly not for profit
Notes: This story is an idea Michelle (my beta-reader) sent my way. I took it and we both began to run with it. Thanks again partner, your becoming invaluable!

Summary: Hutch goes missing and Starsky goes nuts

Warnings: There will be no actual full intercourse rape scene, but the blond is abused and molested.

Black White and Shades of Blue
by Cappristar (Debs)

Kenneth Richard Hutchinson was in the process of washing the grime from his body after a long day with the hot sun causing the filth of the city to stick to his skin like a fly to sticky paper. 'Some weekend this is going to be.' He thought, sounding sulky even to himself. He and his partner had had a heated argument earlier in the day. An argument that caused neither man to speak, more than they had to, for the remainder of their shift.

It was stupid the blond man thought. The idea of two long days and three incredibly long nights stretched out before him. Hutch was certain that his lover of three weeks wasn't cheating on him now and never would. He knew better, but couldn't stop the self-doubts that kept creeping into his psyche. Starsky, disappearing for a couple of hours each night after logging off duty, only fueled his insecurity. It had started just after their first week together as lovers. Hutch cursed his low self-esteem for even thinking his own private fear. No one could stand to be around someone twenty four/seven, his partner deserved some time to himself. As he quickly dried off and wrapped a towel around his middle, he decided he would call his curly imp and apologize for being such a complete and total jerk. He smiled as he thought of how he could make it all up to his lover. Heading towards the phone, he didn't hear or see, and only momentarily felt, the blunt object that struck the back of his skull, rendering him unconscious.

David Michael Starsky was fuming. His own shower had been brief, necessary more than wanted. He dreaded not being with his tall beautiful blond for an entire weekend. Time off was not something either one of them could afford to take for granted. Hutch's words had stung the hyper brunette, he had been working so hard to grab some time alone to create a special photo album depicting their time together throughout the years. He had wanted so desperately to present it to his life blood on his thirty fourth birthday next month. Three weeks and two days to be exact. He couldn't get over how many pictures of his blond he had amassed over the years. The job was turning out to be a far bigger project than he had originally anticipated. He had only just finished separating into time piles, and had yet to start on the actual album. Staring at the telephone only added flames to his hurt. Jumping to his feet he decided he was going to rid his blond of every insecurity he had. If it took him the entire weekend to do it. He grinned in anticipation of running his hands over his lover's tantalizingly smooth skin, grabbing his jacket and keys he hurried out the door. His mind racing over the day's conversation, as he hurried toward the car.

"I'll be over 'bout nine or ten tonight babe."Starsky smiled as they began cruising the streets, for once no particular crime to focus on. "We gotta whole weekend off for once." "Why bother." Hutch glared first at his lover and then focused his gaze out the window, jaw clamped firmly shut.

Starsky tried to focus on his partner and the road at the same time. Fear, concern and a hint of anger warred behind the cobalt orbs. "What the hell is that suppos'd ta mean!?"

"I mean why bother coming over at all Starsk. It's obvious that you're getting a little something on the side, and I don't want you to feel you have to come to my bed just because we're partners." Hutch was proud of himself for keeping the hitch out of his voice.

"You don't...you have no fuckin' idea what you’re talkin' about!" Starsky didn't shout, but it felt like a scream in the confines of the Torino.

The sad smile his blond tossed his way threatened to break his heart and pumped his anger at the same time. "You found some curvy little lovely to fill your time. Face it Starsk you'd rather we just remain friends, and I really don't need any sympathy fucks from anyone, least of all you." The blond began to play with his hands. Starsky noticed for the first time that the normally long nails were now almost chewed to the quick.

Disbelief and rage caused Starsky to keep his voice level. "Even, before we started the sex thing.. whenever I was with, in your words "a little lovely", it was always only you that I had on my mind." He hoped his words would sink in before they worked themselves into a full fledged, needless, argument. His hopes were quickly dashed.

"You can't tell me Starsk, and I can't blame you, that you haven't found someone more attractive to fill up your bedtime." The crystal eyes refused to meet the dark hungry one's snatching glimpses of him. "I don't want to know her name, but I wish you would stop coming to me when you're through with her." Sighing and poking at his now ragged fingernail Hutch continued. "I'd rather just get on with my own life."

"You seeing someone else?" Starsky asked in a hushed voice. His own self-doubts threatening to bubble to the surface.

"No. Not yet." The blond took another deep breath. "I don't care if it lasts a day a year or a decade, but I have never cheated on any woman I was ever with."

Starsky was trying desperately to swallow his pain. He thought his blond was trying to gently let him know that he was no longer wanted in the coveted bedroom. "You want us to be over?...I mean as lovers?" He bit his lip trying not to cry.

"It has to be Starsk." Hutch refused to look over at his curly haired bundle. How he wished he could be his partners all. "It's all been a waste of time."

"It hasn't bin a waste ta me!!" Starsky could no longer contain his hurt and anger. "It's been the best time of my entire life..for once I finally found out what its like ta have everything a person could ever wish for!" He bit his lip, nostrils flaring a knife digging sharply into his belly. "I thought we were happy together." He whispered.

Hutch finally looked over. He was momentarily stunned to see the tears coursing down his lover's face. "Ahh Starsk. You made me the happiest man on the planet..but..." He began to shed his own tears."..but..hell! Starsky I just can't..we can't go on like this. It's..it's killing me buddy."

"You really think we can just go back ta being friends and partners?" Starsky thought he just discovered what it felt like to have a shattered heart and still breathe.

"I don't know Gordo." Hutch's voice was barely above a murmur.

"What your sayin' is that you'd rather end it all instead of bein' with me." Starsky hiccuped. "I don't know what I have ta do ta convince ya that I ain't never bin with anyone since we got together Blintz, but I sure as hell wanna try."

Hutch bit his own lip and glanced toward the ceiling of the car. "You've never lied to me before."

"An' I ain't lyin' now." Starsky had pulled the Torino over to the curb and turned the engine off.

"Will you tell me where you've been going every night?" The light blue eyes pleaded.

"I've just bin going home babe. That's all. No great mystery and no woman stashed under my bed or hidin' in the bathtub." A crooked grin crossed sharp features. "I still have an apartment ta maintain Hutch." defended beseechingly.

"Why can't I come with you?" Hope had sprung into the blond's voice while his eyes still held a hint of skepticism. "Since the first week we were together you haven't once invited me over."

"Will it help ya if I said I was workin' on a project I don't want ya ta see until I have it finished?" Starsky grinned hopefully.

Hutch took a deep breath before responding. "Can you just give me the weekend to think things through?"

"Fine." Starsky re-started the car and roughly pulled back onto the street, thinking for certain that if his blond had the whole weekend to himself he would lose him for sure. He would never understand why his Hutch could never just accept the fact that he deserved to be happy. He was deeply wounded and far to upset yet to begin to plot how he could turn this manufactured mess around before the beautifully stupid lug managed to think them both into separate worlds of loneliness. Thinking maybe he could use some time alone to calm down and formulate a plan.

Arriving at Venice Place, Starsky bounced up the stairs two at a time. He quickly rapped on the door, and was a little surprised when it opened a little. Pushing it all the way he called out as he entered the place he had come to refer to as home. 'Time Hutch an' me got our own place.' The thought warmed him as he looked for his blond, it didn't take long in the small apartment to discover that his love wasn't there. Fear seized his heart as he noticed for the first time the towel on the floor in front of the couch. Bending down he reached to pick it up, his eyes zeroing in on a spot of what could only be blood on the corner of the carpet. Falling quickly to his hands and knees he leaned in for a closer look. Sure enough. A few strands of the much loved golden hair were mixed in with the drops of red.

"Oh Christ! Oh Fuck!" He jumped to his feet and flew back down the stairs to the street. Frantically he looked up and down the sidewalk, quickly scanning the opposite side of the road before racing back up to the apartment. He snatched up the phone and dialed Dobey, running on auto-pilot. He hadn't even realized what he had done until he heard the booming, comforting voice of his Captain. "He's gone Capn'!!" Terrified, he couldn't stay still, the phone cord not allowing the room he needed to move, as he spun back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"What the hell do you mean 'He's gone!!" Dobey yelled through the line. Alarm mingled with the authority in the deep voice.

"Hutch!! Some..somebody's got Hutch!!" Starsky raked a hand through his hair, grabbing a handful of curls he let it rest on top of his head. "There's some blood an..and his hair on...Oh shit!...on the floor Cap!"

"Don't move!! I'm going to call a lab crew now, and be over as soon as I can get there!" Dobey tried to keep his own fear out of voice. "Try and relax son. I'm sure we'll find him safe and sound."

Neither man believed his final words.

Part 2

Hutch came to with a blinding headache. It didn't take him long to discover that not only was he blindfolded, but that he had also been bound with his hands above his head. He guessed he was on a bed, judging from the softness beneath him, and with a sinking feeling also realized that he had been stripped naked and left uncovered.

"Sorry I had to hit you so hard beautiful." Hutch felt a hand wrap around the back of his head and tilt it upward. Some kind of capsule was pushed into his mouth and a glass of water was brought to his lips leaving him no other choice but to swallow.

"Who are you?" Hutch tried to keep the panic from his voice. Whoever his captor was, the blond knew he was totally at his mercy.

The voice was thick and raspy, as if it's owner had spent a good deal of the last couple of decades smoking well over a pack a day. "That's not important handsome. What is important is that you've been a very, very naughty boy lately."

"What do you mean?" The light blue eyes widened beneath the cloth. Fear intensified in his already clenched belly.

A deep laugh filled the room, as calloused hands ran across and down the blonds chest. Hutch was grateful that he hadn't eaten anything for some time, as bile began to fill the back of his throat. He could feel what could only be the man's tongue as his left nipple was engulfed in wetness. Hutch began to gulp in air as he fought desperately to keep his stomach from
heaving. "Please stop." He pleaded.

"We've only just begun handsome." Hutch could feel both his nubs stiffen as warm air was blown over the moistened one. "That's my boy." One of the unseen hands reached down and began to fondle the terror shrunken balls.

"Please don't!" Hutch began to toss his head back and forth, at the same time making the mistake of thrusting his hips upwards. He felt another hand hold his hip as the mouth swallowed his cock. "Jesus!!! Please no!!!!" He screamed. Vomit began to trickle from the corner of his mouth. Hutch forced his head to the side, trying not to choke. Tears began to leak from his eyes as he felt an unwanted erection begin to form.

A door opened. Hutch trained his ears toward the sound, trying to block out the satisfied suckling sounds coming from his lower torso. Crying unabashedly now as he felt himself begin to thrust into the unknown but much hated mouth. The moans of pleasure intensified as his scrotum was gently squeezed and massaged. Hutch could no longer hold back. Hating himself for what was happening, he screamed his partner's name, not being able to stop himself from ejaculating down the hungry throat.

"Are you happy now father?" A very female voice asked as the door was firmly slammed shut. "Your weren't supposed to start on him until he’d had a chance to recover from his head wound."

"Oh Layla! He's just so delicious! You really must try him." Hutch could feel the hands run over his chest again as he felt the man's weight leave the bed. The woman's name already committed to memory as his brain raced to find a connection.

Hutch could almost feel the smile in the woman's voice as she responded. "I fully plan on it daddy, but at least I have the patience to wait until he can more readily enjoy himself."

The throaty chuckle was back. "I'm quite certain sweetheart that his headache is completely gone."

With dismay, Hutch realized that the man was right. "What do you people want?" Anger laced his voice as the tears continued to dampen the cloth over his eyes.

A much softer hand began to stroke his abdomen, causing Hutch to open his mouth and begin drawing in deeper breaths. "Relax gorgeous." The woman purred, the heady smell of her perfume almost causing the blond to gag. "We aren't planning to harm you in anyway, well...except alittle..but that's just going to be to heighten your pleasure." Her words did
absolutely nothing to mollify the blond.

"My partner.." Hutch was cut off as the man began to laugh again.

"Yes the incredibly temperamental David Starsky. I imagine he'll be spinning in his sneakers when he finds you gone in the morning." Hutch felt a hand run through his sweat soaked hair. "Your very, very wrong you know Ken." The voice turned to rough silk as warm breath caressed the white ear. "He loves you far too much to even consider cheating on you. It's just our good fortune that you’re so insecure in your new relationship that you drove him away for a little while."

Hutch couldn't believe his ears. "You..you know we had a disagreement?!" He stammered.

"Why of course my blond lovely, we’ve had both of your vehicles and your apartments bugged for some time now." The woman's more delicate laugh joined that of her fathers. "You two certainly know how to please each other. Father had to jack himself off every time he played back your romps together."

"You’re both sick!" Hutch spat. A sharp slap struck him across the face.

"Keep your words nice, handsome, or we'll have no choice but to gag you as well as keep you sightless." The laughter was gone. Hutch knew he must have struck a nerve in the duo to suddenly cause the temperature to drop noticeably in the room. He tried to think over their past cases, where the perps had been committed in lieu of sent to prison. "Ryan Reynolds!" He said aloud as a clear picture of the middle aged man came into his blind sight. Revulsion sprung anew at the thought of the man's mouth covering him.

"So you do remember detective?" Hutch felt the rough hand encircle his flaccid penis. "That pleases me to no end. Though you and your partner were quite wrong. It wasn't me that killed Gloria. It was my dear child here that hastened her mothers demise." The hand squeezed in an almost painful grip.

"Why?" Hutch asked the female, hoping that she wasn't nearly as gone as her father. He had been acquitted of the murder of his wife due to an insanity plea, and sentenced to an indefinite period at a hospital for the criminally insane. The loony bin as his fiery imp referred to it.

"She didn't want to play with the prize. She thought it wrong that we took that lovely man against his will and showed him what real pleasure was all about." Hutch could almost see her shoulders shrug in bewilderment. "It was her that called the police, saying we had kidnapped and were torturing that poor law student." The woman couldn't hide the disgust in her voice as she referred to the woman that had given her life. "Torture my ass!" She began to giggle. "I made that boy come so many times he thought he had died and gone to heaven. Isn't that right daddy?"

"I like to think I gave the lad a pretty good time myself." The deep chuckle floated across the room. "Just like we're going to have with you my dear, beautiful man. If you’re lucky we'll even let you live to show your lover what tricks we're going to teach you."

Hutch had clamped his jaw shut. He knew now that he had little or no hope of getting out of this alive. There was no way these two extreme nutcases were going to release him no matter what he said or did. "Why don't you just kill me now and get it over with?" He sent a silent apology to his partner, hoping it wouldn't be his curly haired bundle that found his body. He vowed to himself that he wouldn't in any way cooperate with theses people's sick desires.

"Oh baby blue, you just rest your pretty little mind. We have no intention of killing you. Although, I must say that, even if we get to the point of trusting you enough to undo your arms, you'll never leave this room for longer than it takes to clean you up and allow you to relieve yourself." The feminine voice was back. Hutch tried to squirm away as her fingers rolled down his leg.

"Fuck you bitch!!" Hutch was near the breaking point. Once again he felt the sting of another slap. This time his scrotum was also squeezed in a vice like grip, drawing blood as he bit his lip holding back a scream.

"Father." Hutch exhaled loudly as he was released, sensing the woman pull away as she referred to the man, the lash of what had to be a belt slapped repeatedly over his abdomen and chest causing him to cry out as fresh pain seared through him.

"You mark so nicely." The harsh voice milked over the blond. "I imagine come morning you'll have some lovely shades of lavender painting that white flesh of yours. God how I love the color blue." The belt continued to rain down on him until nothing else was known, and Hutch mercifully passed back into blackness. His partner filled his vision as he slipped away, hoping his lover wouldn't be too pissed off at him.

The man and daughter stood over the lax form of their internee. The gray haired man draped an arm over his girl's shoulder, silver enhanced moustache twitching as he regarded the man on the bed. "Don't take offence my pet." He squeezed the slender shoulder he was holding.

"I hate being called that!" She spat, reaching down she clawed at the closest exposed leg, a smile of satisfaction crossed her face as the mark she left began to ooze and blood streaked towards the mattress.

"He'll come around love. Don't forget he's probably petrified right now. We'll get to reassure him, I guarantee you it won't be long until he's eating out of your hand." He took a handkerchief from his pocket and delicately wiped the blood away. "It certainly won't do to beat him to a pulp every time he gets a little uppity." He smiled as he kissed his daughter's cheek.

The woman leaned into her father's embrace. "What if the partner finds him before we can break him?" Worry furrowed her brow.

"That my dear will never happen. That illiterate moron wouldn't be able to find ice cream if that's all he had stored in his freezer." He began to chuckle at his own sorry joke. "Besides who would want our blond beauty back after we get through with him?"

"So you want to release him when we're finished?" The woman was a little shocked at the suggestion.

"Why not? They'll be able to ship him straight to the same facility I just recently vacated." Laughing outright he pulled his child towards him and out the door. With a satisfied smirk he snapped the the heavy lock shut before they made their way up the dimly lit stairs.


Part 3

Starsky's nerves were beyond shot. He was wired to the core as he floored the Torino, not caring about traffic, lights or pedestrians as he sped towards 'The Pits' and his best informant and very good friend Huggy Bear. He had left his Captain and the crime team to find any clue's the thieveshad left behind. The frantic mind didn't consider whoever had done this to be merely kidnappers, they had stolen the most precious jewel in his universe, and he was determined that they would pay dearly for the theft.

The reed thin bartender looked up over the busy bar, gently shoving Anita aside as he moved towards the end. Huggy had never seen his curly haired friend so intense or scared. With a snarl, Starsky sent the nearest patron scurrying away into the crowd as he leaned in towards his friend.

"What gives ma'man?" Huggy had come out from behind and drapped a long arm around his pal.

"Think we can get a little privacy Hug?" Starsky thought he was going to cry for a minute as the warm bony fingers clasped his shoulder.

Nodding his head the Bear steered the rigid form towards the kitchen and out the back exit. "As you can prob'ly see, my office is a tad occupied at the moment, but have no fear the back alley is near." Huggy shivered a little as the cool night air went through his thin shirt. He manoeuvred his friend around to face him, eyebrows cocked, concern oozing from the liquid brown eyes. "Level with me dude. What's happened ta Hutch?"

Starsky quickly rattled off all he knew, beginning with his and Hutch's foolish decision to spend the weekend apart, and ending with the blood, hair and towel he had found after arriving at Venice Place.

"Not exactly what one would call an optimistic scenario bro'." Concern turned to apprehension as Huggy took a deep breath. "Seems ta me that you've already ruled out any connection ta Forest and his surviving goons."

"First thing I thought of Hug." Starsky thrust his hands in his pockets to try and quell their shaking. "Ya know! Now that I think of it when I first got ta Hutch's I thought I could smell some sort of revoltin' perfume, ya know the type Hug, floral scented starter fluid?" With a tight grin, Huggy nodded, in his line of work he had run across the scent far too often for his liking.

Huggy shook his head. "If there's a dame involved, it ain't too likely she was alone Starsk." The Bear once again placed a comforting hand on the tense shoulder. "There ain't a broad on the planet that could take down Mr. Universe. Bin tried as I recollect." He turned his head away reflectively thinking. "Someone..someone with more 'en a bit a muscle had ta have carted him away."

"Okay Hug, so that leaves us with a woman and one or two men." Starsky tried to keep himself calm, as hope and excitement began to build in the indigo eyes.

"Take it coolly Starsk. This latest still leaves us with with more questions than answers." Huggy wanted so much to share in the hyper detective's hope, but didn't want to add to it. "Let me get my feelers out there and see what else we can tumble across 'fore we start jumpin' ta conclusions that don't ever really end."

Starsky bit his lip before responding. "He's gotta be okay Hug...he's just gotta be. I'd know it if he wasn't with us anymore."Glancing down the alley he began to chew the inside of his cheek. "I'd know if he was dead." Huggy could barely make out the barely whispered words.

"You just stick close to where I can get a hold of ya quick like. If I have a hard time reachin' ya, not ta worry, I'll give Captain Chubs a call an' leave a message." Huggy snaked his hand around the back of his friends neck, giving it a slight squeeze. They made their way back into the bar. Starsky leaving by the front entrance after a final farewell and thanks.

"Please be okay babe." Starsky murmured aloud as he drove endlessly, pointlessly scouring the streets and back alleys. He was far to wired to even think about heading home and trying to get some rest. Visions of the torment his lover could be going through goaded him to fruitlessly push on. He silently cursed himself for letting his blond convince him to leave him alone for a minute let alone an entire weekend. He had kicked himself repeatedly, even before he realized his life was missing, for letting his own anger and hurt cause him to deny the fair haired idiot the reassurance that he knew his Blintz had so desperately wanted. "Nah. Ya just had ta let 'im off and crawl inta your own cave ta lick the wounds. Jesus Hutch!! We better come outta this in one piece buddy, we got a helluva lot a makin' up ta do." He couldn't have cared less if other drivers noticed he was talking to himself. Cursing to himself he finally decided to go home and wait and see if the lab had managed to come up with anything to help in the search.

The phone started to ring just as Starsky opened the door and let himself in. All but running towards it, he snatched it out of the cradle, not saying a word he let the caller speak first.

"Starsky?!" Dobey's unmistakeable voice came through the line.

"Yeah Cap?!" Starsky crossed his fingers hoping for some good news, glancing at his watch he was surprised to see that it was well past midnight.

"The boys found a crowbar caught in the drain duct in front of Hutchs'. Looks like we got a few partial prints, their running it through the system now to see if we can get a few hits." The Captain tried to keep the optimism out of his voice as he prayed for the safe return of one of his favorite sons.

Starsky heaved a sigh of relief. "Ah Christ! Cap', short of havin' Hutch back, that's even better than I had hoped for."

"It's not over by any stretch yet Starsky." Dobey smiled a little, happy he could ease the frantic mind of his other favored detective, if even they still had very little to go on. "Try and rest up son. We're going to have to be in top form to find him, and the longer he's missing...well I don't have to tell you." The deep voice faded.

"I know Cap." The curls nodded as the brunette sucked in his lips. "I know." He whispered as he slowly hung up breaking the connection.

Starsky took his second shower in less than six hours. Afterwards he forced himself to eat a slice of cold pizza. Chugging down three beers in quick succession, he glanced at the stacks of photos lined up like good little soldiers on his kitchen table. Walking the few feet toward them his eyes began to mist as the first one caught his eye. With a sad smile he lifted it up for a closer view. The memory of taking the picture momentarily dimmed the torment he was going through.

He had captured his blond, eyes widened in surprise, while playing his guitar, as he looked up. Just as his Hutch was about to grin and say "you wouldn't?" Starsky had snapped the picture. Chuckling to himself, Starsky thought how he had forgotten, though loved the white embroidered shirt his lover had worn in the shot. The violet grapes and red flowers could not have been pulled off as being anywhere near masculine on any other man except his Blintz. The open neck revealing a tantalizing hint of the bare chest and further delights that the shirt covered. The gold make of his treasure's instrument shining like a large belt buckle, The brand name 'Ovation' glittered from the hollow of the guitar's base almost as brightly as his lover's light hair and gleaming hint of ultra white teeth. It was the love in the sky blue eyes that snapped him back to the now. Gently replacing the photo, the brunette ran the back of his hand across his nose, tears again began to bubble in his own eyes, as he headed toward his bedroom.


Starsky didn't bother to cover up as he lay with his hands behind his head staring up at himself in the mirror. He wondered how anyone, no matter how strong they were, could manage to get a six foot one, naked and unconcious male into a vehicle, drive away and manage to not be noticed by anyone in the street or surrounding buildings. His mind drifted once more as he noticed that his robe had parted, leaving his chest bare. He smiled wistfully as he recalled the first time he got to watch the pleasing site of his new lover work his lusciously magical lips over his hair covered torso. Rolling to the side he slammed a tightly clenched, and very frustrated, fist into the pillow his blond's head had recently occupied.

After what only seemed like minutes, but had in reality been close to a couple of hours, Starsky finally fell into a fitful slumber. Time had taken it's toll on the brunette as his thoughts alternated between what was happening to his lover now, and the much more pleasurable times they had shared throughout the years. Memories of the last month springing more frequently to his frazzled brain. Emotional exhaustion finally, blessedly, caused the overworked mind to shut down for a while.

Starsky woke with a start. His eyes quickly took in the bedside clock that told him it was four thirty-five A.M.. He wasn't certain what had caused him to wake in such a panic, but did know it had something to do with his partner. "What Hutch? What is it babe your tryin' ta tell me?" The beer he had consumed earlier caused him to rouse long enough to stumble to the washroom and relieve himself before returning to the bed.

Removing his robe, he crawled under the covers, holding his lover's pillow close to his chest and nose. He found he was still able to smell the deliciously erotic scent of his lover if he breathed deeply enough. Woodsy urbanity filtered through along with cedar, grass and the smell of the sea. Starsky found himself stroking the soft mound as softly as he would had his lover's face been there instead. He drifted back to sleep, the pillow wrapped in a death grip against him, as a few unrealized tears leaked to mix with the familiar scent of his lover, the increased flow dilluting the scent as soft snores filled the silence.

Not long later he again woke with a start. "The Greenhouse!!" He hissed through clenched teeth. Did they check the back door!?" Rising swiftly he grabbed the bedside phone before he was fully upright. When Dobey's sleepy voice gruffly answered he did all he could not to yell. "They took him out the back Cap'!!"

Part 4

Hutch moaned aloud as he slowly regained awareness. His head was definitely feeling better, but now it was the rest of his body that silently screamed in agony. His balls throbbed creating a sympathetic ache all across his lower abdomen. The welts, from where he had felt the fierce lashes strike, spread fire over the rest of him.

He didn’t dwell on the state his body was in or how it felt for longer than it took to just acknowledge the hurt. Instead he tensed as he concentrated more on the sounds and smells in the room. Taking only a moment to discover that, once again, he had been left alone. The blond hadn’t realized that he had been holding his breath until it was released in a large rush as he allowed himself to relax a little.

To add even more torment to his troubles, Hutch realized that he had to relieve himself. Although it hadn’t reached a point of desperation yet. A small smile began to form. He decided that if he were going to be forced to piss the bed, he would make damn sure that he wasn’t the only one that was going to wear it. He knew he would probably suffer an even worse beating than he had gotten earlier, but he grinned as he thought that it would be a small sacrifice to pay if he could keep them from using him sexually. As much as he was tempted to call the woman a bitch as often as possible, he didn’t want to dare risk having his mouth taped. Choking to death was definitely not how he wanted to die.

Not liking, but knowing he couldn’t change the circumstances he was in, Hutch’s mind began to drift towards something infinitely more pleasant - his beloved partner. Worry furrowed his forehead, at the same time a new knot formed in his belly. He hoped desperately that the love of his life was at least going to get a good night sleep. Hutch hoped that he would be killed and his body found before his overly excitable lover even realized he was missing. His demise would be hard enough on his curly bundle without also being to be driven to near insanity looking for him, and Hutch had no doubt that Starsky would leave no stone unturned in his search.

"Dammit! Why did I have to treat him so badly? Please Gordo, if you can hear me, don’t remember our last day together." The blond murmured aloud, silently praying that the brunette could somehow hear him, as he drifted back into a troubled sleep.

Even though Captain Dobey had reassured Starsky that yes of course the greenhouse and back of Venice Place had been gone over with a fine toothed comb. The brunette was slowly making his way, flashlight in hand, back through his cherished lover’s apartment. Dawn was just beginning to spread it’s awakening rays across the horizon as Starsky took in the print powder, paused briefly at the chalked circle marking the now dried blood that held the few strands of the much loved silken hair. Swallowing thickly, he buried his grief and fear, allowing rage to fill him, leaving no room for any other emotion. Starsky knew if he had any hope of finding his Blintz, and he wouldn’t allow room for any doubt that he wouldn’t, he would have to stay strong. Only when he stopped his search did the fear begin to overwhelm him as he tried not to envision some of the horrible things his beautiful lover could be going through.

Making his way down the back stairs, he shone the beam of his light over every square inch. It wasn’t until he was at the bottom and three or four steps away that the glow picked up something that flashed back near the base of the building. The brunette edged closer, not feeling anything except mild curiosity. As he stood directly over it however, excitement began to course through his veins. Bending down on one knee he removed a handkerchief from his pocket and carefully picked it up.

The sun had risen enough to begin to warm the leather clad back. Starsky didn’t notice, as he studied the finely crafted bracelet. It appeared to be made of silver, but the brunette didn’t care in the least what metal had forged it. It wasn’t even the multiple charms that dangled from the meshed frame, with the exception of one, that caught his attention . The one closest to the clasp looked like the back of a miniature open book, turning it over, Starsky quickly, as he had hoped, saw that there was an engraving on it. "Dear Layla I love you more than life Dad." He read aloud.

"Layla..Layla. Who the hell is Layla?" Starsky had no idea, but he did know that his gut was telling him that this person was the key to finding the one that he loved more than life.

He wasted no further time staring at the trinket, racing back up the stairs he quickly locked up the apartment and just as hurriedly rushed out the front and towards the Torino. The citizenry of Bay City had no idea how lucky they were that it was such an early hour. The tomato pretty much soared on auto-pilot towards the station as it’s curly headed owner repeated the name over and over, racking his already overwrought brain, trying to come up with why it sounded so familiar, yet any answer stubbornly refused to step past the tip of his tongue. "Hang in there babe! Please Hutch be okay. I’m close sweetheart, I just know I am." Though Starsky knew he had never been very good at praying, he hoped the raw emotion behind the plea would help earn him some much needed brownie points

"Daddy have you seen my bracelet?" The petite redhead came out to the small kitchen dressed in a robe, the damp hair lying limply down her back. She was meticulously made up, and seemed distracted as her eyes barely registered her father sipping coffee at the tiny table for two.

"Which bracelet is that love?" The middle aged man never took his eyes off the newspaper laid out in front of him.

"For heavens sake father!" She huffed as she headed back down the short hall, entering the bedroom on the right. "The one you gave me three years ago for my birthday. The platinum one, with all the wonderful little charms on it." She tossed back over her shoulder before shutting the door.

He nodded his head while taking another sip of coffee. "Ah yes. That one. Good thing I didn’t have to pay for it. I always thought it looked terribly tacky on the little old woman I liberated it from. Suits you perfectly though my dear. Why is it, do you suppose, that so many elderly ladies are so fond of blue hair?"

"What’s that dad?" She re-emerged trying to put on an earring as she came back down the hall. This time dressed in an emerald green pantsuit that she thought matched her eyes wonderfully.

Rising from the table he pulled down his blazer and adjusted his tie." Nothing important. Are we ready to so see how our angel fared throughout the night?"

"I suppose," She frowned. "*I’d really like to know where that bracelet went. I’m going to feel lost until I find it."

"Don’t worry your darling heart about it love." He took her by the elbow and steered her toward the door. Thinking about what he had planned for the blond, he almost began to giggle as he thought that the exquisite treasure waiting for him was worth far more than the stupid piece of jewelry his daughter seemed determined to spend the day fretting about.

Dobey and Starsky were in the Captain’s office. Sitting on opposite sides of the desk, they each had a large stack of files in front of them. "This is hopeless Starsky!" The large man tossed down the folder he had just scanned.

"The answer’s in one a these Cap." Starsky looked up only long enough to glare murderously at his superior. "Ya sound as if ya already gave up on findin' Hutch."

Shaking his head and running a hand over his bloodshot eyes, Dobey sighed heavily. "No son. I’ve known you and Hutch long enough to know that if you think he’s still alive, then in all probability he is. We can only pray that we don’t run out of the time God’s granted us to find him."

Starsky’s eyes softened as he bowed his head back to the folder in front of him. He didn’t want to think about being so close, only to lose his everything in the end. "Sorry Cap."

Huggy thanked the uniform that opened the door for him, and came into the office with three large coffees and a bag full of generously stuffed sandwiches. "Hey blood, bro!" He nodded a greeting first at the surprised Captain, and then at his curly haired friend. "Brought some fuel and nourishment to help sustain us all in this time of trouble." Huggy pulled a chair closer to the end of the desk after depositing his cargo. Dobey’s focus had shifted to the brown paper bag; his nose began to twitch as he tried to find out, without being able to see, what was inside. Amusement briefly lit Starsky’s eyes as he watched his superior try not to appear overly eager. Huggy pretended he also hadn’t notice as he passed them each a coffee, firing a wink the brunettes way as he passed him his. "We got chicken salad, roast beef and ham and cheese, and lots of ‘em so I’m gonna just lay one of each out for us and we can always pull off a trade if need be." Doing just that he sat back and reached his hand out for a stack of his own documents to read through.

"We’re lookin' for any mention of the name Layla Hug." Starsky absently unwrapped a ham and cheese, not feeling hungry; he knew his friend was right, and that they had to occasionally add wood to keep the fire going.

Hutch’s eyes shot open at the sound of a lock being opened. His heart began to pound as he tried to steal himself for another session of terror. He tried to push himself further down into the mattress as the door opened and he heard the male's voice sing out.

"Good morning sunshine!! Did you sleep well my precious doll?" The rough hands once more ran up and down his chest, as Hutch cringed. "My, but aren’t you looking colorful this morning." The throaty voice chuckled.

"Don’t you two have anything better to do?" The reek of the woman’s perfume violated The blond's nostrils as soon as the pair entered the room.

"His humor doesn’t appear to have improved overnight father." Layla had perched herself on a wooden chair in the corner.

With a large grin Ryan loosened his tie. "Well I’m about to change that darling. Unless you’d rather have first go?" He couldn’t hide the disappointment underlying the offer.

"Go ahead father, I’m still too angry with him to think about feeling amorous." She responded.

Hutch felt his hips being held down by both hands this time as he bit his lip to hold back a cry of anguish. The mouth once again began to assault him. Hutch waited until he was fully enshrouded in the hated mouth and then released, as fast, and as hard as he could, the urine that had been collecting since before his arrival here. He began to laugh out loud a touch of hysteria in his voice as it mingled with the laughter coming from the female, as he felt the man spring back coughing, spitting and gagging.

"You son of a bitch!!" Hutch instantly sobered at the sound of the hatred in the shocked voice. He began to tremble as he heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being angrily pulled loose from the loops of a pair of pants.

"Here we go." Hutch sent up a silent prayer to Starsky and God that he would have the strength to get through this one.

Part 5

Starsky and Huggy were so engrossed in the files in front of them, they barely heard the phone ring, as Dobey quickly snatched it up. They also paid no attention to the one side of the conversation they were privy to if they chose to listen. The soothingly gruff voice was more background music than words to both men. It was the clatter of the receiver landing noisily back in the cradle that finally caused the duo to tear their eyes away long enough to look up.

"Well the crowbar turned up empty. Could have been there since they built the street." Dobey shifted his bulk in the chair. "What we have found out, is that the bracelet was stolen a little over three years ago." Dobey met the dark haired detective's intense gaze. His own eyes sparkling a little as a small grin formed on his face. "Elderly woman, widow named Mrs. Isabelle Webster. Apparently her husband brought it back from Tel Aviv more than ten years ago. Precious metal is apparently a lot cheaper over there than here, it was appraised a few months before it was stolen." He again cast a look at both his men. He never really knew how to categorize Huggy, so he made a snap decision to throw him into the same heap as his detectives. "It was worth close to three grand American. Unfortunately she passed away not long ago, but she did manage to give a good description of the thief in her statement."

Starsky leaned forward in his chair, his body stiff as he whistled through his teeth.

"This is good for us to know how?" Huggy's eyes darted between the other two men.

Both police officers ignored The Bear, without really intending to. "She must have walked in on him before he had a chance to make a break." Starsky wished he could meet this woman.

Shaking his head, Dobey's cheeks puffed up in a happy little grin. "She was waiting for a bus when he came along. It was the first run of the morning so she was pretty much on her own." The baritone let out deep chuckle. "I guess she walloped him a good one over the head with her purse too." The Captain wouldn't have minded meeting the feisty little woman himself.

"You think maybe the guy added some charms and gave it to this Layla woman?" Starsky tried not hold out much hope, but couldn't help grasping at any thread he could get his hands on. A sharp pain suddenly streaked across his chest. He bit back a grimace and stroked the area, thinking it was heartburn, but deep down thought otherwise.

"Whoa son." Dobey held up a meaty hand. "I've sent for the file to be brought up. I think our best bet is to try and see if we can jog our memories based on the lady's description before we start getting ahead of ourselves."

Huggy had been playing with his ample bottom lip as he watched the exchange before finally piping up. "Now hold on a sec there gents..you tellin' me that a little ole lady gets mugged. Three years ago no less, the bracelet that the miscreant lifted from her is found in a back alley." Holding his hand up and scowling to shut Starsky up he continued. "The dear soul saw the dude, and so now we're suppos'd ta find Hutch based on a description of a man, a dead woman claims to have assaulted her all that time ago?" He raised his eyebrows in puzzlement.

"Admittedly Hug it doesn't sound like much, except when you add to it that it was found behind Hutch's place, and that something that valuable doesn't just turn up in a place hardly anyone, let alone a person wearing somethin' like that would normally hang out." Grief once again began to surface behind the weary indigo. "We don't have much else ta go on Hug." He sat back with a sigh.

"On that bro' I think your terribly mistaken." Huggy leaned over and patted Starsky's knee.

"What to you mean Huggy?" Dobey frowned as leaned over.

"The name. The name we've been looking for a goodly part of the day." Huggy shook his head. "Every time I think it two R's keep flashin' in ma noggin like neon gone haywire." The warm eyes looked from Starsky to the Captain. Both officers cocked an eyebrow at each other before looking back to The Bear. "It's like I know who this pair is, but the wires ain't connectin'. Ya catch the drift?"

Starsky leaned forward and placed his elbows on the desk, his chin on the spire of his fingers. "Two R's...R.R." He looked up suddenly snapping his fingers. "Initials Cap'! They gotta be somebody's initials!" He half raised himself and grabbed both of Huggy's cheeks, giving the head a gentle shake. "You’re beautiful Hug!"

"It still leaves us pretty much where we started son." Dobey hated seeing his boy get so excited when, he had already begun the grieving process for his lost detective. "I don't think.."

Starsky swung around, eyes blazing as he leaned over the desk supporting his weight on his clenched fists. "What Capn'!!! You think we're wastin' our time! You think Hutch is a lost cause!!" Droplets of spit flew from his mouth as he hissed at his superior.

Dobey flew to his feet and adopted the same position as his detective their fists almost touching. "Of course he's not a lost cause! Dammit Starsky I love him too! We just have to not forget that we don't know where he is, or how much time we've got left to find him!" He paused to take a few deep breaths before continuing in a gentler, though still angry, tone. "I don't want us to climb to the top of the tree only to find out we missed the right branch."

Huggy had been watching raptly, he had to stifle a giggle as he watched the pair relieve a little pent up stress. He couldn't help thinking that they made the most distorted mirror image ever recorded by human eyes. The mental image of Dobey up a tree almost causing him to lose it.

Starsky moved away, shoulders slumped dejectedly. "Your right Cap'. I just..I just feel so fuckin' helpless, he turned back and slammed his hand on the desk.

"It's your call son. How do you want to play it?" Dobey resumed his seat, folding his hands on the desk.

"I think we should separate the files alphabetically, and then start pouring over the R's." Starsky shrugged his shoulders feeling a little embarrassed for letting his frustration leak out a little.

"That's a hell of a lot of files. I'm going to call up a few men to come in here and do that while you two go get something to eat, a shower, and a change of clothes." Huggy stood not mistaking the unspoken order that it was his job to see that Starsky got all three.


"Get me a bucket of hot water Layla."

The woman had stopped laughing the same time Hutch had. The room was thick with the tension of the silence. She slowly approached the trembling form of her father. "Don't lose control daddy. We should have known he would try something like this."

The normally impeccably kept man never took his eyes from the still form on the bed. He had stripped off his blazer and shirt and tossed them into a corner. His always neatly combed hair was sticking out at odd angles, clumps sticking together as a result of the golden shower. "Get me what I asked daughter." He managed barely cracking his lips.

"I don't think you should be too hard on him, after what we did yesterday." She softly murmured as she headed to another corner of the room. Hutch could hear running water, and thought they must be in some sort of basement with a utility sink.

The man breathed heavily through his nostrils, snapping incredulously. "Its fine for me to punish him for showing you disrespect, but you think he deserves nothing for what he's done to me!" Hutch could feel the man's eyes following his daughter's movements.

"I just think you should get your anger under control a little. I don't want you to kill him. At least not yet." Hutch could smell her come back towards the foot of the bed. He could hear the slosh of water as she grunted, evidently the pail was heavy.

Hutch had no idea what was going to happen to him, but found himself rooting for the woman to calm her father down. Either way he knew they weren't going to walk away and leave him unscathed. He just hoped that Layla would be able to lighten his sentence. He swallowed thickly, as he heard somthing drop into the water.

"That suit cost more than this stupid moron makes in a month!" A few more deep breaths and he seemed able to regain some semblance of control. "I assure you Laylie, I have absolutely no intention of killing the lovely slug. I will go so far as to say though, that he will never again attempt such a stunt."

She blushed slightly at the use of her childhood pet name. Caving in as she always had as a little girl. "Alright father, but may I at least have your permission to stop you if I think you're going too far?" Her voice had even gone up an octave as if she had zoomed back in time. "I'll just say the magic word, and you'll stop?"

Hutch had forced his body to go completely lax. He was disappointed that the woman didn't hold out a while longer, but not by any means surprised. The blond also knew that if he was going to get through the next stage of his discipline he would have to find a quiet corner in his head, where he could block out whatever was going to happen next. Hutch didn't wait to hear what Ryerson's reply was to the woman's question. He emptied his head and began to drift through the dimly lit corridors of his mind until he found a rarely used little room near the back. A smile lit his handsome face when he entered and found himself safely wrapped in his partner's arms. He nuzzled his nose into the beloved neck and massaged the soft curls with one hand while running the other up his lover's muscular back. He didn't question the distinctive click of a door closing and the patent sound of a deadbolt sliding into place. All he heard was his Starsky's treasured voice. "Come 'ere babe I won't let anyone hurt or get near you in here." Basking in the warmth of his lover, he knew nothing else for a very long time.

The man smiled lovingly at the product of his loins. He loved it when she went into little girl mode, which was the reason he used the nickname to begin with. "Of course sweetie! Say pickle and I promise you I'll stop before you even finish the word. Have I ever broken a promise to you?"

"No." She replied honestly, because it was very true.

"And won't now." He reached into the bucket and withdrew the dripping leather belt wrapping one end securely around the palm of his hand. "I'll only give him ten lashes across the front as he already has a pretty pattern forming. We'll then roll him over and see what kind of a design I can create on that broad back of his. He stepped over to the side of the bed and drew back his arm.

A loud stinging slap filled the room as the wet strip lashed down onto the unfeeling body. Across town a curly haired detective rubbed his chest.


Part 6

Huggy insisted that Starsky lie down for a little while when they arrived back at the brunette's apartment, and he certainly wasn't surprised when his worn-out friend fell instantly asleep. After making sure that everything was secure he called for a cab to take him back to his own place for a quick shower and change of clothes. Arriving back at Starskys' he sprawled out on the couch and shut his own weary eyes. It wasn't long until he sat back up and looked over at the phone. He took a few minutes to debate with himself on who he could call that would be able to help him tie the name and the initials together. He didn't have long to worry about it.

Starsky came flying out of the bedroom with a towel draped precariously around his waist. Snatching up the phone Huggy had just been about to use himself he looked at his befuddled friend. "Ryan Reynolds! Hug it's gotta be this guy named Ryan Reynolds! Jesus! Why the hell didn't I think of him before?!" He was getting impatient with how slow the dial was making it's way around before he could spin the next number.

"That's the connection I was tryin' ta make myself Starsk!" Huggy had sprung to his feet and was hovering over the dark haired detective, long arms flapping up and down at the elbows. "Ahh man! I knew the name Layla was important! I always remembered it 'cause I ain't never heard anyone called that before. Thought he was sent up the river for killin' his wife?"

Starsky was shaking his head and held up one hand. "Starsky. Captain Dobey's office now!" he placed the hand over the phone so the operator couldn't hear. "Nut house. Some asshole musta signed his walkin' papers." The hand fell away. "Ryan Reynolds Cap! Yup I know. Terrific. Uh Huh. We're on the way now." He replaced the receiver and headed for the door. "Lets go Hug. Dobeys gonna check out if he was released or managed to get out. He's also gonna see if he can get the latest address on his kid."

Huggy was grinning from ear to ear. Busting with excitement for Starsky and welling with hope for Hutch, though he still managed to maintain some sense of propriety. "I know ya can't wait ta meet up again with the fallen angel, but think maybe ya wanna put some clothes on first Starsk?"

Starsky quickly looked down and then back up with a slight flush. "Shit! Thanks Hug." He ran back towards the bedroom, the towel not quite making it. "Give me two minutes Hug, how 'bout ya go start the car!" He yelled out from the open door.

"Man. Blondie I hope you’re ready to be spoiled rotten for the next decade or so." Huggy shook his head as he grabbed the keys. "Never thought he'd ever let anyone drive that car 'cept for you."

Jumping into the passenger seat Starsky was grinning so hard Huggy thought for sure the man's face was going to ache for awhile after he stopped. "Thanks Hug I don't think I could have made it all the way ta Parker when I feel like 'm about ta explode."

"Relax dude. I hate ta rain on yer parade my friend, but we ain't got Hutch back yet." Huggy took full advantage of being behind the wheel as the Torino sprinted towards Parker Center.

Both men didn't waste any time when they parked the car and raced towards homicide and Dobey's office. More than one person was politely though hurriedly shoved aside in their haste. Starsky rapped quickly and didn't wait for an answer as he opened the door, and entered. Huggy was close on his heels.

"Took you long enough." Dobey couldn't help but smile. He too, was glad they finally had something concrete to work with.

"Huggy drove." Starsky's eyes were shining. "What 'ave we got Cap." The Bear just rolled his eyes and reclaimed his earlier roost.

"Classic patient mix up." Dobey sighed. "Reynolds had apparently befriended an inmate in the room across the hall after hearing the man was due to be released. At some point he managed to change the charts. The other man's doctor, name's Alkerton, didn't notice the chart had been switched when he signed and added the release form to it."

"Got an address on the daughter?" Starsky was to wired to be able to sit. Dobey had never seen anyone, let alone one of his officers have such a mix of happiness and fury in their eyes. He found the combination a bit disconcerting.

"Relax Starsky. Get a coffee. We're just waiting on the call now." Dobey smiled at the much younger man shifting from foot to foot in front of his desk. "She's taking a little longer to track down. Apparently she's changed her name more than once in the two years since her father was locked up. As you probably remember by now her name popped up more than once in the case against her father."

"Yeah. Lot a people thought it was her that killed her mother. No one ever found the guy the vic was accusin' them of lambastin'." Starsky nodded his head, blanching at the thought of what the mother had accused her family of doing to the still missing man.

Huggy stood and came quickly around to guide his friend into the chair. "None a thats bin proven man. Take it easy bro', keep only Hutch in your thoughts an' not what might 'ave bin done to 'im."

Sinking into the chair Starsky cast a warm smile up at his friend. "Thanks Hug. Your right I can't afford ta think of anything right now but findin'…" He let out a deep breath. "Hutch." He bit his lip as a tiny portion of his mind refused to let go of what sort of state he could find his lover in.

Dobey picked up the phone before it could finish it's first ring. "What have you got!" He snapped without identifying himself. Grabbing the pencil from behind his ear, he ruffled through the mess on his desk until he found a semi-blank piece of paper. "Shoot."

Starsky had sprung up and was standing behind his boss before the man had even found the sheet to write on. He read as his Captain wrote. Starsky snatched up the paper before Dobey could even hang up the phone, and was heading for the door.

"Get the hell back here Starsky!!" The bellow could be heard all the way down both sides of the corridor. Dobey waited until Huggy and Starsky closed the door and turned to face him. Satisfied that he had his curly haired detectives attention again. "That address is her last known. The woman has moved no less than four times since her father was put away."

"Understood Cap'." Starsky cocked an eyebrow at his C.O. "We have a warrant to check it out?"

Dobey rose from his chair. "I have it. I just have to get the address typed in and we can go check it out." He smiled and left the room faster than his bulk should have allowed.

"Your comin' with us Cap'?" Starsky forgot to hold the door as Huggy walked into the corner of it.

"Hutch is one of my finest! Of course I'm going." Dobey took the time to allow Huggy, who was rubbing his forehead, to make it through the next set of doors before letting go.

Dobey ordered the entire fifth floor evacuated before allowing the swat team to knock on the door of the apartment they were all interested in. Not receiving a reply he then ordered the heavily equipped team to bust the door down. The small apartment was swarmed in a matter of seconds. Starsky flitted from room to room, sharp eyes not missing the tiniest thing. It was he that found a small notebook as he rooted through a night stand.

"Smell that Hug?" He said as he began rifling through the pages.

"That I do bro'. L'eau de putrid, found in pharmacies all across the country. Right up beside the rubbin' alcohol." Huggy, feeling more than a little out of place on a police raid, wasn't letting Starsky out of his sight. "That's an empty buildin' near the warehouse district." Huggy pointed at a hastily scribbled address in the note book, as he peered over the leathered shoulder.

"The H beside it could be for Hutch." Starsky added, eagerness and panic causing his heart to pump harder.

"There's nothing else here to go on. Let's leave some men here to see what else they can find and get the rest down there now." Dobey had come into the bedroom just as Huggy had pointed out the address.

"Code two Cap." Starsky said as they once again rushed to their vehicles.

"Thank you Starsky. You'll make a fine Captain some day." Sarcasm dripped from Dobey's words. He issued the order over the radio all the same. He was praying desperately that they would make it in time.

"What the hell's a code two?" Huggy slid into the Torino deciding that now would be a fine time to see what wearing a seat belt felt like.

"Lights no sirens." Starsky slammed the car into gear and sped down the road, putting himself in the lead as four other vehicles raced behind him. Dobey in the squad car directly behind them.

The building was off by itself, making it perfect for the officers to surround it with no threat to civilians. "Looks like someone built the sorry thing 'bout a century ago, and then forgot all about it." Starsky clapped a hand on Huggy's thin shoulder. "Stay here Hug. This could be messy." He then ran towards the side of the brick structure. Huggy doing as he was told, hid behind the Torino.

Dobey made his way up behind the brunette. "We're going to wait and see if anyone comes out Starsky. If Hutch is in there I don't want to risk him getting caught in a cross fire." Starsky clenched his jaw, wanting to bust in and kill anything in his path to get to his blond, but he knew his Captain was right and just nodded his head.

They didn't have to wait long. The father and daughter team emerged laughing together, she with an arm wrapped through the man's arm, he carrying what appeared to be a shirt and jacket was naked from the waist up. Starsky began to shake as he looked at the pair, hatred firing from his eyes. Dobey didn't make it to his level in the department by being stupid. "I want you to lead the search of the building. The rest of us will take care of these two." He rose and gestured for two sets of officers to surround and arrest the pair. Unarmed the two had no choice but to surrender immediately.

Starsky ran for the entrance, four other officers racing behind him. Huggy deduced it was time he made himself useful and also followed. He was afraid for what his curly topped friend might find. Pausing in the front hall, Starsky quickly issued orders for the officers to split up and tear the building apart brick by brick. Seeing Huggy behind him he smiled nervously. "Lets see if we can find the basement Hug."

Finding the stairs they all but flew down. At the far end they found a padlocked door. "Get back up there Hug, get Dobey ta see if either of those nuts have a key. Also get him to call for an ambulance." Huggy didn't think he could move so fast as he hurried to comply. Huffing he was back in record time with the needed key.

Starsky took it, his hands were shaking so badly it took him a few tries to be able to fit it into the lock. He quickly removed it as it clicked open, and flung it away. He was scared to death as he looked at his equally worried friend. Taking a deep breath he turned the knob and pushed the door open.

"Ah Jesus!..Jesus fuckin' Christ!!" He slowly approached the black and blue form on the filthy bed. He gently wrapped a hand around his beloved's neck, then closed his eyes and let out a relieved breath as he felt the pulse. "See where that ambulance is Hug." He whispered. Once again The Bear took off glad to get away from the gruesome sight of his friend.

"Its gonna be okay babe." Tears slid down his face as he reverently undid the bound hands and removed the blindfold of his blessedly unconscious lover. Removing his jacket he covered the flayed backside. Positioning himself at the top of the bed, he gently lifted and placed the adored head between his legs. He softly massaged the sides of the handsome face, tears spilling onto the sweat matted hair, and waited for help to arrive.

Part 7

Captain Dobey entered the room the site of his favorite team stopping him dead in his tracks. "I'll keep everyone out until the paramedics get here and get him off to the hospital." He slowly approached the bed, his eyes filling as he got a good look at the condition Hutch had been left in. Not knowing what to do he bent over and gently touched the blond's forehead. He then straightened and placed the same hand on the brunette's head. "He's tough Starsky, he'll get through this."

"Ya wanna keep those two as far away from me as ya can get 'em Cap." Starsky looked straight into Dobey's eyes. "I'll kill 'em if I ever get the chance." He jaw clenched as he returned his gaze to the pale face below him. He hadn't stopped petting an unshaven cheek although he now held one of the freed hands up to his chest. The rapid puffs of air coming from the slack mouth increased his worry.

The Captain nodded knowing that Starsky would do just that. Those indigo eyes he knew didn't lie, least of all when Hutch was their focus. He went back to stand watch at the door.

The medical team arrived shortly after, forcing Starsky to move from his position. Standing he refused to let go of the hand he still held, agreeing only that he would try and stay out of their way. His heart sunk further as his rage swelled anew when they went to roll the blond over and they could all see that he was just as badly beaten on the front. Starsky didn't care if he didn't know squat about medicine, he did know that the bruising on his love's chest and abdomen were not quite as recent as the violently vivid red and blue welts all across the back. The swollen and finger imprinted condition of the genitals also did nothing to calm his current state of mind.

The medics shared a quick look and both decided they would be far wiser not to piss the obviously already enraged detective off and carefully kept their conversation linked only to the job at hand. Hooking up an IV, they had Hutch on a gurney and loaded into the ambulance as quickly as possible. Starsky reluctantly allowed the doors to close without him inside and hurried towards the Torino where Huggy was already waiting.

Rumors of Hutchinson's condition had spread like wild fire through Parker Center causing the treatment of the Ryersons to be far from gentle. They were both manhandled and shoved around like a couple of beach balls. The two were continuously taunted with what was going to happen to them when Starsky arrived for their interrogation. After they had been quickly booked, neither one had thought to call a lawyer as terror of the brown haired detective erased most of the rational thought they had left from their minds. Not to mention neither one of them was crazy enough to think a lawyer could get them off this time. They were both stripped and brutally hosed down adding hot water to the cold conveniently forgotten. The officers were taking great of delight in aiming the powerful freezing spray directly into their faces. Though they were careful, of course, to not leave any unexplainable marks on their bodies. Discovering that the man was right handed it was understood by all involved that the wrist had snapped during the beating of one of their favorite brothers. In fact, thay all agreed, that was the only rason the session had ended when it did.

Sitting beside his friend, Captain Dobey on the other side of the detective, they waited anxiously for news of the blond. Huggy smiled slightly, wondering exactly how the gruesome twosome were faring. He took the opportunity, while waiting for the ambulance, to fill in a couple of uniforms on what Hutch looked like down in the basement. He knew that what he had told them wouldn't sit well with the boys in black. If Starsky couldn't have at them, then by God someone should give them both a little something back.

Dobey happened to catch the small grin his brethren had on his face. Suspecting what he had done, he casually rose under the pretense of going for a walk to try and relax, promising to return with coffee for all of them. Instead, as soon as he left the room, he made a beeline for the nearest phone and called the precinct asking to be put through to the holding area. Mustering all the authority in his deep voice he could, and it was considerable, he ordered a stop to the mistreatment of the Reynalds that he knew was going on. He knew the order would be ineffective, but at least he had done his part. Hanging up and heading for the cafeteria he shook his head and smiled. He couldn't blame Huggy for wanting to lash out at the pair somehow. Hell! He would have liked to have wrung both their necks himself.

Starsky jumped to his feet at the sight of a doctor heading towards them. "How is he Doc.?" Anxiety marred his face as he began to fidget.

"He's a mess." The bespectacled middle aged man replied. "I have never in my twenty five plus years in this field ever seen a human treated so inhumanely. He's going to be fine though. I presume you are Detective Starsky his partner?"

"That's right. Dave." Starsky held out his hand.

Instead of taking the hand, the Doctor put his arm around his shoulders and guided him away. "I'd like to talk to you privately..Dave. My name is Don Murray, please call me Don." He led Starsky to what had to be his office, and a spacious one at that.

"Why didn't you want to talk to me in front of my friend?" Starsky was becoming more frightened by the second.

"Take it easy son. I've heard from other members of the staff how close you and your partner are, and just thought that maybe you would like to hear how he is first. Then I'll allow you to go see him. We're getting his room ready now."

Starsky found a trace of comfort in the Doctor's words. "So how is he..I mean besides bein' a mess?"

"As you have seen, his entire torso, buttocks and genitals have been severely abused. I do want to assure you that although he was sexually molested, he wasn't penetrated."

Starsky hadn't any idea, until now, that that fear had been foremost in his mind upon first discovering his partner missing. He visibly relaxed. "What else?"

"Five of his ribs have been fractured, some in numerous places, this is why the bruising came out so quickly. He has suffered severe shock and is currently being treated for that. He needs to stay here for a couple of days until we get his vitals stabilized. Right now his blood pressure is dangerously low, he'll have to be reasessed and then I believe home care to be the quickest method of healing for the discoloration. I can give you some numbers to call for home nursing services."

"We won't need it. He's got me." Starsky stated emphatically. "What else Don?" The brunette had seen the way the Doctor's eyes shifted when he first asked the question.

"Did you know that the bottoms of his feet had also been put under duress?" Don pushed his glasses up from the bridge in the middle. "I can't tell what was used, but from the marks, and hearing about who was responsible, I'd say the injuries would be consistent with the heel of a woman's shoe."

Starsky blanched, finding one more reason to consider changing his line of work from good guy to killer. "In other words you’re tellin' me he won't be able ta walk for a while."

The Doctor nodded. "A lot of muscle damage, nothing we can do here for that. It’s also quite possible that a few bones have been broken. The best thing for him to do is to stay off his feet as much as possible. I guarantee that won't be difficult for him to do. He'll be very sore for some time. He'll need painkillers to get him through the next week or so. I know about his prior addiction, so you needn't worry about me giving him anything with a narcotic base." "He smiled over at the still wound detective as he rose. "Come on I'll walk you back to the waiting area, and let you know when we have your partner settled."

Dobey had returned and was holding a cup of coffee in each hand. Obviously Huggy had informed him of the Doctor stealing away the brunette, as both men looked up worriedly when the physician and Starsky reappeared. Their expressions softened immediately when they saw Starsky smile at something the Doctor said.

"Don's a really nice guy." Starsky stated as he took the coffee that was handed up to him. The three of them watching the retreating form as it passed the nurses station. He then proceeded to tell them everything the Doctor had said about Hutch. "I'm gonna be needin' some time off Cap."

"You’re already on it." Dobey handed him a signed copy of a leave pass. "You'll have to remember to sign another one to keep on file when you and Hutch get back on duty. We'll worry about the end date for this one later."

Starsky didn’t need to say a word, the gratitude in his eyes said it all. "When did ya take this one off my file?" His voice was almost a whisper.

"Been carrying it around as soon as I got into the office after finding out Hutch was missing. Filled in the start date and approved it a few minutes ago. "Don't thank me Starsky. You would have quit if I didn't give you the time off." He smiled knowingly into the cobalt depths. "Anyway I have to get back, I have a feeling that the Reynolds aren't being treated far too nicely." He glared down at Huggy as he rose. "I'll be back tomorrow to see how Hutch is doing. If you need anything Starsky you know to call me." With that he hurriedly left, anxious to get back and put a stop to the fun he knew a few other officers were having.

Shortly afterwards a nurse appeared and led the remaining duo up to where they had placed the much loved blond. Huggy didn't mind waiting in the hall as Starsky went in. He didn't think he could take another reminder of the reality that his friend had lived through.

Starsky went into the room as quietly as he could, guiding the door so it would close as softly as possible. He pulled a chair up to the side of the bed, he had been expecting his lover to have been placed on his side instead of his back. He took up the large hand and placed a soft kiss over the knuckles, holding it reverently in both hands.

Hutch scowled as he was gently pushed away from the warmth of his partner's arms. "I don't want you to let me go." He whined.

"I ain't never lettin' ya go babe. It's time ta leave this place and come back ta me on the outside." Starsky smiled warmly into the cyan eyes he loved so much. "Your safe now and we're gonna be okay."

"Promise?" Hutch's answering grin lit his lover in an soft glow.

"Promise. Come back to me now babe. It's gonna be rough, but it's all over 'cept the healin', and we're gonna do that together." Starsky looked at the door and Hutch heard the bolt slide back and the door click open.

"I love you." Hutch had been looking at the door, turning around he saw that he was alone. With a heavy sigh he began to retrace the path through his mind that had brought him here.

Starsky had the hand pressed up against his forehead, eyes closed he brought it again to his lips. Something caused him to snap them open. His heart skipped a couple of beats when he took in the sky blue eyes and ghost of a smile staring back at him. "I knew you would make good on your promise." The normally soft voice was hoarse as the eyes closed and the breathing became deeper as Hutch passed from hiding into slumber.

Part 8

Shortly after Dobey's call, the officers quickly got the hated duo into jumpsuits and the woman into a holding cell. The senior Reynalds was being casted when the thunder of Dobey's voice crackled through the halls. With a severe lecture to everyone in the unit, including those that weren't aware of what had been happening or why, he then stormed back to his office to inform the Chief and Commissioner that Hutchinson had been found. Before he made those calls he wanted to let his wife know that her favorite officer was found . Edith was beside herself and sick with worry for the blond detective.

Starsky had moved to sit sideways on the narrow bed beside his blond. He couldn't stop touching the still matted hair or scruffy face. He had sent Huggy home to get some rest. Though The Bear was a bit reluctant to leave, he was no longer feeling useful so he took one last glimpse at Hutch and left, promising to return with ample supplies.

Every now and then he would pull down the blanket and sheet and lightly caress the ugly blue and violet the tight wrapping around the ribs didn't cover. Starsky knew that the worse ones were under the bandages, but the marks he could still see were enough to cause him to seethe, at the same time guilt rained over him for not being there sooner. He knew now, even though he didn't look it, that Hutch would recover physically. Still Starsky was worried sick about what his love's mental state was going to be like.

Huggy returned later that evening bringing a Thermos of soup and some more sandwiches with him. "Brought ya some grub Starsk along with half yer apartment. I figured you'd wanna be cleanin' up the wonder boy here." He tossed down the gym bag, a heavy one judging by the loud thud it made as it hit the floor. He opened the Thermos and began to pour some cream of chicken soup into the plastic mug.

"Thanks anyway Hug, but I really don't want anything right now." Starsky's eyes hadn't left his blond's face.

"Bad attitude dude." Huggy scolded. "Same rule applies as before. Hutch is gonna need us, mainly you, ta be strong for him."

Starsky closed his mouth, chuckling out his nose. "Alright Hug, 'm startin' ta think you're right more often than Hutch." He bent over and lightly ran his lips over his lovers before getting up and taking the cup and a sandwich from Huggy. He inhaled both, reached for the Thermos and held out a hand for another sandwich. "Fuck! I didn't know how hungry I was." He managed around a mouthful.

"When do ya think blondie can go home?" Huggy was working diligently on his own meal. Even though Starsky had said earlier that the blond would only be staying until all his vitals had stabilized, he found it hard to believe whenever he glimpsed the massive bruising on the pale flesh.

"Don figures day after tomorrow, says he's sleepin' so much from exhaustion, meds and the body concentratin' on healing itself." Starsky's eyes had once more returned to the figure on the bed. "Says he'll prob'ly sleep a whole lot in the next week or so."

After they finished eating Starsky urged Huggy to go and take care of his own business that he had been neglecting all weekend in the search for Hutch. The restaurant had been left in good hands, but Huggy always got nervous when he wasn't around for the peak times during the weekends. "Don't worry about me 'n Hutch Hug, I'm gonna clean him up, wait for his next dose of pk's and head off home myself." Starsky wrapped his arms around the taller though thinner form of his friend. "Can't thank you enough for bein' with us through all this Hug." He tugged him into a hard embrace.

"No where else I woulda bin able ta stand bein'." Huggy was surprised but delighted at the display of affection from his dear friend.

After Huggy left, Starsky rooted through the bag bringing up his shaving kit and a bottle of Hutch's 'body on tap' shampoo. After he lovingly shaved his Blintz's cheeks, chin and neck, he gathered some warm water into a kidney shaped bedpan and washed the fine hair twice. It took him several trips to the bathroom and a call to the nurses station for more towels before he was satisfied that the fair hair was rid of the sweaty remnants of the horrors his lover had gone through.

Shortly after the latest dose of pain medication had been administered and Starsky prepared to leave, he bent over the still form, a hand fondling the silken hair. "Good night babe, sleep well. I'll be back before ya know it."

"Nite Starsk. Love you." Hutch hadn't opened his eyes, but pressed his head up into the warmth of the hand.

Starsky leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the mouth that had captivated the brunette since the day they first met. He also closed his eyes losing himself in the weak but eager response. "I love you too Hutch." Smiling he sat back and waited a little while before leaving, until he was certain his lover was once more sleeping peacefully.

Starsky had his blond securely ensconced in his bedroom. Hutch had been released three days ago and though he was becoming more alert with each passing day, Starsky was grateful that the prescription he had been given kept his lover if not asleep but on another plane much of the time. Dobey hadn't pushed for a statement from either detective, but Starsky was dreading the day when his partner would have no other choice but to recall every detail of his confinement. The abuse his lover had suffered was causing him little rest. He had to admit to himself that the idea of his Blintz.. His Hutch being taken sexually by another male had been gnawing away at his soul.

"You want to talk about it?" Hutch had been watching the emotions war with each other as his brunette paced, paused, sat and paced again. Although he could only catch glimpses through the opened bedroom door, he'd known his lover long enough to almost be able to see what he was thinking. "If it helps you any hon, I know that there was nothing I could do."

Starsky was shadowed in the doorway the soft light from the living room outlining his silouette. "I don't know if 'm ready ta hear it Hutch." He finally whispered.

"I was beaten the first time because I called Layla a bitch." Hutch stated clinically. "Before she came in Ryan had given me a blow job....I couldn't control it Starsk. If I had anything in my stomach I would have choked to death....he did make me orgasm."

Starsky came into the room and sat reaching for one of the large hands. Finding it he held it up to his lips. "You don't have to tell me this Hutch. I'd.." He uttered a small snort. "rather not hear it to be honest."

I nee..I need to tell you babe." Hutch tried to keep the emotion out of his voice. He was due for more medication, but wanted to ease his partner's mind as to what happened. As his body throbbed he continued. "I don't know how long it went on until I blacked out, I don't even know what day it is now...I do know that when they came back I had already planned to do what I did..even if I died for it." He pulled his hand away to cup the sharp cheek and chin of
the person he loved most in his world.

"Waddja do babe?" Starsky removed the hand from his face and went to the other side of the bed. Crawling under the covers he pulled the beloved head onto his shoulder.

"He tri..tried to give me an..anoth.." Hutch took a deep breath, relishing the comfort his partner was giving him. "another blow job."

"He couldn't make you hard?" Starsky asked, running a hand through the soft hair as he kissed the forehead and pulled his lover closer.

"Yeah he did...well he tried...but I pissed down his throat." Hutch stated simply.

Starsky roared. Laughing he pulled himself away from his lover, afraid to press to hard on the still tender flesh, tears of mirth rolling down his face. "Jesus!! That's why he was carryin' his clothes!" He sobered immediately as it dawned on him the price Hutch had paid for his actions. "Ah babe! We were on the right trail, if ya had of done what they wanted ya might not be as bad off as now." He curled himself back up against his sore though healing blond.

"Did you know you were close?" Hutch asked softly.

"No." Starsky replied.

"Me neither. I'm not afraid to die Starsk. I just didn't want to die thinking I didn't fight." Hutch smiled as he brought his hand up to rest on the bare chest of his lover. "You made me crawl back into a corner of my head I didn't know was there. You locked the door and kept me safe in your arms. I..I never felt a thing until you told me to come out of the room and left me to make my own way back." Starsky noticed the faraway look in the beautifully blue eyes. "You promised me that it was okay to leave and that you'd be waiting on the outside."

Starsky thought back to when his blond startled him in the hospital. "So that's what you meant. 'Bout me keepin' my promise." Raw emotion threatened to overcome him as he gathered his blond closer to him.

"Yeah. You told me it was safe to come out. That you'd be there on the outside and that all we had to do was get over it. Heal I think you told me." Hutch snuggled into the crook of his lover's arm. The pain miniscule compared to the love and tenderness he felt washing over his body and down and in throughout his soul soul.

"Did they ever try an' force ya inta havin' intercourse babe?" Starsky hated to ask but couldn't rest without knowing what had gone on, even if the action didn't happen.

Hutch painfully pushed himself up so he could nuzzle the warm neck just under the curls. "Never. It was strange hon. I mean I'm beyond glad they didn't, but I thought that that would be the first thing they would do." He tried to raise an arm to play with the hair on his lover's chest his weakness not allowing anything more than his arm to drop and his hand to snake over and cover his love's heart. "I'm not even sure if it was implied during the the whole time. I do think I was expected at some point to enter her."

"Department counsellors are gonna wanna talk ta ya." Although Starsky knew that nothing they had done to his love could ever change how he felt, he was relieved to hear it first hand that he hadn't been raped outright. The healing would go that much quicker for his blond.

"Starsk?" Hutch was beginning to breathe more heavily.

Concerned Starsky held him tighter. "Yeah babe?"

"Can you get me some pills?" Hutch hated having to ask for something to ease his pain, but could no longer stand the close contact against his battered body.

"Fuck! I'm sorry babe!" Starsky hastily left the bed and returned quickly with the medication and glass of water. "Want me ta leave ya alone till they take effect?" He hovered over the blond, placing the glass on the end table.

Lightning flew from the pale eyes as he raised a feeble hand to his partner. "I want you to hold me. I want you to sing me to sleep with how you found me s..so f..a..st..fast" Hutch faded away as his lover whispered into his ear the tale of Huggy, Dobey, and the bracelet.


Starsky's face scrunched up as he rolled away from the sunlight that found its way through a crack in the heavy drapes. Burying his face in the pillow he instinctively reached out for his lover. Lifting his ruffled head he squinted over to where his blond should have been. Alarmed, he jumped to his feet and scurried to the washroom. Dread seized him as he flew out to the living room, coming to an abrupt halt just before slamming into the side of the couch, he saw Hutch sitting at the kitchen table sipping a coffee, the swollen feet resting on the chair across from him.

"Hey hon." Hutch beamed at him. "Look how far I made it today." The blond had made his first attempt at walking the morning before. He had made it to the bathroom, but needed Starsky to hold him as he relieved himself. Starsky was crowing with delight, insisting last night and on his blond's third trip of the day that Hutch have a long bath as a reward. It was the first time Hutch had felt clean since the entire incident began.

"Ya should have woke me up and let me help." Starsky shook his head as he rubbed his eyes. "That was a helluva way ta wake up Hutch. Ya scared the hell outta me ya dumb lug."

"Sorry Starsk." Hutch managed to look sheepish and smug at the same time. "You just looked so cute and I know how trying taking care of me has been..I just didn't want to disturb you." His look turned sly. "You planning to do something with all those pictures that are stashed under the couch?"

"Hasn't bin work at all babe." Starsky had come over behind him wrapping his arms over the yellow and purple mottled chest he nuzzled the warm neck. "I was makin' a special album of us for your birthday." He squeezed his arms gently.

Hutch leaned his head to the side pressing against the bare arm. "I never doubted you Starsk. I guess I thought I was unworthy of you." He managed just above a whisper. "I'd love to help put it together with you." Leaning his head back he looked up smiling shyly.

"Deal. We'll start on it this afternoon, now 'm gonna go have a shower and then about twenty cups a coffee." He released his prize kissing the top of the silken head and running his hands up the muscular arms.

"Okay. Coffee's fresh. It just finished about five minutes before you came barreling on out." Hutch looked up, adoration sparkling in his eyes.

Heading back towards the bedroom, Starsky paused and pointed a finger at him. "If ya move even once I'll beat ya myself with a wet...noodle." Hutch had insisted that the brunette not try to avoid referring to what happened to him.

Laughing, Hutch raised his arms in surrender. "Okay! I hear you Gordo! Besides I had to stop for about ten minutes on the couch before I could make it over to here. Took me another twenty to get up and make the coffee." Hutch lowered his arms. "I don't think I'll be walking much more for the rest of the day, my feet feel like they just did a lap around the planet."

"Ah Hutch..what am I gonna do with you." Shaking his unkempt head he left to clean himself up.

Coming back Starsky whistled and bounced in the kitchen making them breakfast while Hutch pretended to read the newspaper. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face as the happy sounds of his lover at his back stroked his heart.

Plunking a plate down in front of Hutch and then seating himself with his own, Starsky pointed at the monster omelette on his lover's plate. "I used real cheddar this time hon not slices, and those are porta somthin' or other mushrooms so I hope ya can manage ta eat the whole thing for once and start puttin' some weight back on. I hate ta tell ya this Hutch but yer startin' ta make Huggy look plump." The earnest gaze bored into the blond.

"I'll try Gordo. That comparison is enough incentive for anyone to over eat." He flushed a little under the scrutiny as he picked up his fork. "Portabello." He added as he lifted a bite to his mouth.

"Whatever." Starsky cast a crooked grin, he had been waiting for the correction, he often threw in mispronunciations just for that reason. Sometimes he thought Hutch lived to enrich his vocabulary. Yes, he thought, all was almost right with his world again. "How's your butt?" He asked suddenly, concern creeping back into his eyes as he just realized that Hutch had been sitting up for a lot longer than he had been able to before.

Hutch hit his chest as he suddenly snorted swallowing the next bite whole. "Jesus Starsk! Can you try and warn me when the conversations going to take a new twist?" He swallowed some orange juice to help wash down the chunk of food. "My butt is fine, although it wouldn't mind getting a lot of attention from you." He looked up, desire glittering in pale eyes, as he felt his first voluntary erection in over a week begin to quickly expand.

Starsky dropped his fork at the same time his jaw hung open. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me." Seeing the lust sparkling across from him, he knew his lover was more than serious. His cock jumped to attention at the site.

"Nope." Hutch responded with a hungry grin.

Recovering somewhat Starsky picked his fork back up, tearing his eyes away from that look that always made him harder than any touch could. "Finish everything on the plate an' I'll decide how we'll take care of that monster ya got dancin' under the table."

Chuckling seductively, Hutch devoured everything in less than five minutes. Starsky had beaten him by a mouthful, both their forks hitting the table at the same time. Starsky rose and coming up behind the blond, tilted the chair back and began to drag it to the bedroom.

"What the hell are you doing!" Hutch gripped the seat with both hands as he was tipped back.

"I ain't carrying ya and you ain't walkin'. So shut up and enjoy the scenery." Starsky kicked an area rug out of the way as the chair scraped across the floor.

"You're crazy you know that right?" Hutch was giggling as he glanced nervously from side to side.

"You're the one that makes me that way." Starsky was smiling as his muscles bulged dragging his precious cargo. Arriving at his destination, he quickly pulled his lover up and gently tossed him onto the bed. Growling with anticipation at the rod trying to get through the loose pajama bottoms his Blintz was about to lose.

Hutch was breathing heavily. "How do you want me?"

"If you think for one minute I'm slammin' myself inta that beautiful tender ass a yours, you're very wrong." Starsky had stripped down and dug the lube out of his night stand. Standing above the blond he coated his fingers and prepared himself for entry.

Hutch was now gulping for air as he watched his lover. He moved up to his knees to make room for Starsky, his cock slapping the still blue and sore belly. He raised his hand when the brunette slicked his hand and reached for him. "No..no babe. You better let me do it." Starsky handed him the tube and climbed onto the bed putting his rump in the air as he grabbed a couple of pillows and waited for his partner to grease himself.

Hutch climbed behind and wasted no time pushing himself in. Squeezing his eyes shut he leaned over covering Starsky's back with his chest and held tightly to the strong shoulders as he shoved himself home.

"OH YES!!! That's it Hutch..Goddamn you feel...ah fuck you feel good." Starsky panted. "Come on babe..I can't wait!"

Pumping with everything he had, Hutch moved back up holding a slender hip with one hand he reached around and stroked the hard cock beneath him in time with his own. "AH JESUS! I'm not goin..can't last..STARSKY!!!" Hutch screamed as he spasmed and came. Starsky yelled into the tightly clenched pillow as he exploded at the same time.

Hutch slowly rolled off his lover and curled into a fetal position gasping for breath.

Starsky pushed his legs down, bringing his head up he glanced over at his blond. "You okay Hutch?" He managed between deep breaths of his own.

"No. No sorry Starsk. I think I need a pain killer..maybe three." Hutch closed his eyes as he began to tremble, wrapping his arms around his middle. "Guess I wasn't as ready I wanted to be."

"Ah Christ! Hutch ya should have stopped before you hurt this much." Exhaustion was momentarily replaced by urgency as Starsky bounded from the bed and quickly returned with a glass of water and the meds.

Starsky lay beside his blond as he watched the pills begin to work their magic and his lover drifted into sleep. He was cursing and kicking himself for not thinking, even though he'd known, Hutch was nowhere near ready for romp. He promised himself that he wouldn't let his lover seduce him again until he thought the time was right. He had only been home for less than a week.

"Jesus! You stupid idiot! Ya couldn't stop you're damn hormones long enough ta think." He muttered aloud, chastising himself again, as he tucked the covers more securely around his partner's shoulders.

It had been a setback, but not nearly as drastic as Starsky feared. Hutch was back up and around two days after. Seeming better than ever. The darkest of the bruises had also begun to fade and the blond claimed to be able to breathe without any pain whatsoever.

Two days after that Hutch declared it was time they got out. He wanted to check on his plants even though Starsky assured him that Huggy had been taking good care of them. The stairs had been hard on his feet causing him to go to bed at seven that evening, but Starsky was beaming with pride when he saw how his lover bounced right back the very next morning.

"Hey Starsk?" Hutch looking thoroughly bored threw another piece of popcorn as Starsky stared intently at the television.

"Cut that out! This is a great film Hutch, waddya want?" Starsky frowned as he brushed away the popped kernel and continued to watch the flickering screen.

"'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' is hardly a great film Gordo." Hutch tossed another morsel at his brunette, this one landing and snagging in the ruffled curls.

"You do that one more time an' I won't be responsible for my actions." Starsky had seen it coming, but didn't realize that it had landed on his head. "Ya haven't told me what's so damn important ya feel this need ta drive me nuts for."

Hutch downed the last of the allotted beer Starsky had allowed him. Feeling tipsy, he thought four was a bit much for just being off the painkillers for a day, almost giggling as he also thought he still managed to down them all. He stood and walking now with only a slight limp, placed himself between the movie and his partner. A huge grin plastered across his face.

"What the hell! What do ya think you're doin' Blintz?" Starsky couldn't help chuckle at the happy expression that met him as he tore his eyes away from the now blocked screen.

"Watch this." Hutch started doing jumping jacks. Landing effortlessly on his balls of his feet.

Starsky's jaw hit his knees. "Cut it out now babe. You're gonna hurt yourself.

"That's the point Starsk." Hutch stopped, but then turned and fell to the floor quickly pumping off ten perfect pushups before springing back to his feet and turning to face his partner again. "I'm still a sore in a lot of spots, but nothing hurts enough anymore to keep me from doing almost anything I want."

"You sure?" Starsky couldn't believe that his blond hadn't even broke into a sweat let alone breathing no heavier than he was when he started his own little show. "I mean it blondie, I don't want ya pushin' yourself again, just because ya think ya might be ready ta take on the world."

"Yes I'm sure Gordo." Hutch flung himself down on the couch beside his lover, wrapping his arms around him he buried his face under the curls. "Know what I want?" He brought his face back up and kissed the tip of Starsky's nose.

Starsky was beginning to laugh. "What's that?"

"Sex! And lots of it!" Hutch growled in a loud whisper, hopping back to his feet and pulling Starsky along with him.

Starsky was laughing outright now. "Think you're up for it?"

"Just ask Kenny junior." Hutch grinned back.

"Well little Davey sure thinks ya are." Starsky licked his lips.

"That little Daveys a real smart guy." Hutch began to giggle.

"Okay hot shot. Race ya."

Neither one thought to turn off the television.
