Title: Haiku
by SuBethJimBob
Archive: This can be archived by GP and CL (or whoever really thinks this should be saved. Have you seen a good psychiatrist lately?)
Note: Last time, for dues on another list, I (along with Archer) summarized the first 6 episodes in limerick form.
Well, my dues are due again, and I couldn't think of a limerick to save my life. So, you get the next 8 episodes in haiku format, instead.
Stop it! Stop hitting me!!
Brackett, rogue agent
Jim and Blair help steal a plane
Ebola defused
Love and Guns
Maya Carasco
Dad's bodyguard has big knife
Dim virgin bimbo
Jim out of control
He and jewel thief in rut
'Twas the pheromones
Vow of Silence
Basketball with monks
Mob hitman killing brothers
Koszinski revealed
Banks men in Peru
Drug runners caught in mayhem
Jim's spirit panther
Out of the Past
Singer being stalked
Daughter lets bad guy in house
"Dial it down, Jim"
Deep Water
Jim's partner vanished
IA thinks with ransom cash
Jim and Blair feel car
Simon's reunion
Becomes bloody and painful
The sheriff's a crook