Title: Sweet Memories

By Janine


Fandom: Red Dwarf

Pairing: Rimmer/ofc

Summary: Rimmer remembers a past relationship


Sweet Memories

By Janine

Arnold Rimmer sat in the lounge in front of a few empty cans of lager. He wasn't much of a drinker, but tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted. Life had treated him very good for the last two years. Why did fate choose now to be so cruel to him? He still had the woman he loved, a child, and his best friends, but with his gain came a huge loss.

He could still remember how everything had begun so many years ago when they rescued Myra from an abandoned ship on a small hell hole planetoid. She had been there for years alone, and was semi insane.

Rimmer and Lister had both fallen instantly in love with her. For Lister, it was because she was probably the only woman alive, for Rimmer it was much deeper.

He was merely a soft light hologram back then, and it drove him completely crazy. He would still be now if it wasn't for legion. He and Myra became so close.

Lister didn't stand a chance.

Months later, they came across a rip in space and time that lead to another dimension, there they got yet another human female ship mate, who coincidently happened to be Kristine Kochanski, Lister's Ex-Girlfriend, well, not for long. It took months for them to finally give in to their love. slowly but surly a very deep relationship grew.

Life was like a fairy tale. The cat had even found love. They later came across another parallel dimension. The difference was, the last remaining cat of the cat race had been female. Needless to say, they instantly fell in love with each other. They went against everything they stood for, being the stylish cats they were. It was much more than a five minute relationship.

An entire year of paradise went by. Rimmer and Myra gave birth to a baby girl, Theresa. The dwarfers thought they were living in heaven.

They had all gotten drunk to celebrate the birth of Theresa. They were a happy family, Kochanski was now pregnant, and Cat and Cat were still trying. Things were a bit confusing with two un named cats, they all just decided to avoid using names to identify them as much as possible.

The happy dwarf family's party was just heating up when Holly triggered the Red Alert, green alert and blue alert.

They all thought it was for the disco until they crashed. They were the victims of what they liked to call, A Mass Moon. Kind of like a black hole, accept it was just a big moon where the atoms were so tightly compressed, that its mass was gigantic, but it still only appeared to be a tiny moon. It had so much gravity that it could suck just about anything in. they soon found they were not the only ship on this moon. Inside another, small ship were about 4 humans, all presumed dead, accept for one with the slightest pulse. They took her aboard and were just able to save her.

Her name was Angela. She was so sweet and caring. She had to be the most compassionate person you could meet. She was wonderful to be around. She was a few years younger than everyone, and fit in pretty well. She was just that kind of person who could fit in anywhere. No one had any idea of all the sadness she had been hiding. No one would have even imagined how she felt.

Angela had felt so guilty. If she had been a mechanoid, her guilt chip would taken up the entire ship. In her opinion, she never deserved the kindness she was given, and was always so thankful for it. Her sadness, even when so much good was happening around her, made her feel worse. She felt terrible. She hated disappointing people. She cared more for their feeling than her own. She was there to please, but still kept a healthy level of self respect.

It became too much for her. She had taken blue midget and left, and no one knew where she had gone. Was she in search of something, or was it just a suicide mission?

Rimmer swigged down the last of his fifth can of Lager, and put a cigarette up to his lips. Everyone missed Angela, they only wished they could have made her feel more welcome aboard the ship. What had they done wrong? Could they have changed her mind if they had tried? had she been hiding something?


"Hey Man." Rimmer hadn't even noticed Lister walk in.

"Hi" Rimmer mumbled. He was quite dizzy.

"Hey man, we all miss her." Said Lister.

Lister and Rimmer had grown closer since Myra's arrival, they were almost like brothers. Sure they still pissed each
other off sometimes, but they had grown closer.

"What'd we do wrong?" mumbled Rimmer, surprisingly well for someone so drunk.

Lister sighed. "I often wonder that myself. I hope she is ok."