No Title Drabble

No Rating

No Spoilers; unless you've never watched a single episode.

Archive if you want, but why would you want to?


Gypsy Gray

"Smeg! Listy would you stop that bloody..." Arnold Rimmer froze. Half out of his own bunk and almost at eye-level with a sleeping Lister. He'd been ready to demand Lister sleep in the shower so that he didn't have to listen to his snoring. But, he could see now that it wasn't Lister at all. It was a great fat she-cat curled up on his belly. Lister himself wasn't making a sound.

He lay perfectly still and completely relaxed, and completely unaware that Rimmer had known all along about his stupid shedding carbuncle of a cat. He hadn't yet figured out that Rimmer only overslept on the mornings when he needed a few extra minutes to hide the cat again. With any luck he never would; and Rimmer would never have to explain why he kept his roommates secret. He also wouldn't have to explain why he crawled out of his nice comfy warm bunk; and spent the night in the chair. After all, how do you explain to someone like Lister that you gave up a night's watch him sleep.
