Making Out with the Pink Bunny

By Lady Q

Fandom: Diagonsis Murder

DISCLAIMER: Still Poor, Still Don't Own Them, and I am making monthly payments on my new car to replace the old one.

ARCHIVE: Yes please at the Abode and the BBQ anywhere else just send me the URL so I can read more yummy fic :)

WARNINGS: Steamy Sex head so get out those ice cubes so you can cool down ;)

TYPE: Okay so I am at the doctor's office the other day and he asks me what type I am and I say "SLASH BABY!"

RATING: NC17 see warning above

PAIRING: Steve and Jesse setting in a tree. ;)

STATUS: complete

Series: The Pink Bunny Suit series, Yes that's right everyone the Pink Bunny Suit challenge turned into a three part series. :)

Sequel to: I Love A Man In A Pink Bunny Suit.

Notes: To see what the challenge was or to know what is going on then please read "I love a man in a pink Bunny Suit" Thanks as always goes out to Kay, Jack, William and Carrie for being the best beta's in the world.


I Love A Man In A Pink Bunny Suit 2

Making Out with the Pink Bunny
By Lady Q

As soon as they got into the beach house, Jesse began kissed Steve with an uncontrolled passion.

Steve moaned into Jesse's hot slick, mouth as he returned the kisses with equal vigor.

Jesse swiftly took the long pink ears off his lovers' head as he began to work his way down the pink bunny suit, peeling away the layers to expose the taunt golden flesh concealed beneath.

As Jesse's hands caressed the skin of his stomach, Steve let out a soft moan in approval.

"J.Je...Jesse," he gasped out when Jesse finally had the suit pushed down his torso and began to pull his own T-Shirt out of his pants.

Distracted from removing his own clothing, he breathlessly began to kiss Steve's naked chest questioning "W.What?"

Steve groaned as Jesse began to lick and suck on his now firm nipple. "What." he shivered at the feel of his lovers' hand playing with the other hardened bud. "What brought this on?" Groaning with pleasure as he felt Jesse's hand's moving further down his body, Steve held onto the younger man's upper arms, to stop his explorations going any lower.

Jesse reluctantly looked up at him, and then leaned in and started to lick Steve's sweating chest as he roughly whispered, "That damn white furry tail of yours."

"My what?!" exclaimed Steve as he pushed his passion-filled lover gently away from him.

"Your damn white furry cotton tail." Jesse explained as he tried to get back down to business. "It was teasing me as I sat there and watched you with the kids and wiggled your butt all around the room." He said as he began pulling the pink furry pants off Steve, and in the process, tore off the taunting tail. Growling as he gave Steve's naked ass a squeeze he added "Watching you wiggle that butt of yours and shaking that tail, made me so hard." Demonstrating his point, Jesse grabbed Steve's wrist and pressed his palm against Jesse's straining erection.

Steve let out a groan and bent down to kiss his lover as he wrapped his arms around him, his hands playing across the contours of Jesse's back and dipping beneath the band of his trousers to squeeze Jesse's ass.

Jesse returned the kiss as he proceeded to walk his lover into the bedroom, leaving a trail of pink, furry bunny clothes behind them.

He began kissing Steve's chest again as his hands slowly began to wander down his lover's naked body.

Steve let out a groan as he felt the bed behind him and Jesse gently pushed him down on it.

Steve watched Jesse slowly begin to take off his own clothing until he too was naked and holding in his hand the white fluffy tail that had tormented him so.

Jesse lustfully smiled down at his love, and with the tempting tail in his hand, gently began ghosting it over Steve's sensitive body, causing him to groan in pleasure.

"You like that, Steve?" Jesse's husky voice asked as he ran the furry white tail lower down Steve's body, causing the older man to thrust his hips up. Jesse chuckled softly as he said, "I thought you would."

Steve let out a loud groan as he felt the teasing strands of the tail, circle the base of his straining cock then move beneath it to tease his balls.

Jesse softly blew a kiss on his cock and watched as Steve squirmed.

" Please Jesse!" He moaned as he reached out for his lover.

"Please what?" he teasingly asked as he brushed the furry white tail up and across Steve's taut stomach.

Steve let out another groan as he roughly spoke. "I n...need," he swallowed deeply and tried to speak again. "I need you."

Jesse smiled as he leaned up to lovingly kiss his love and grabbed the lube and condom from the nightstand. Whispering softly, "I love you," he moved back down to Steve's already spread legs and began to prepare him.

Slowly, Jesse began to move one oiled finger inside Steve's warm welcoming body, that was soon followed by another, as he spread his fingers stretching the tight muscles he placeded tender kisses over his lover's body. Slipping a third digit inside, he leaned forward placing a loving kiss upon the inside of Steve's thigh, that elated a groan. As he finished preparing himself and Steve, he sat back and for a moment to admire the sight of Steve's glistening body laid prone and waiting for him.

Steve moaned as he felt the pressure of Jesse's, hot cock as it pressed against his entrance. He groaned when Jesse pushed inside him and begin to move deeper, his hips gently thrusting and retreating.

"Oh yeah, Steve. Love you so much. Needed this." Jesse said as he felt the tightness and warmth of his love surrounding him.

"Yes, Jesse," Steve cried out as he felt his love start to slowly move in and out of his body in earnest, and soon they were thrusting back and forth, matching each other thrust for thrust, moaning and yelling in their burning passion.

"JESSE!" Steve yelled out as he held on to his lover and felt the explosion of his climax between them.

Jesse let out a deep groan as he felt the wetness, and the musky scent of Steve's come filling his senses firing his passion. Thrusting even harder he pressed his mouth to Steve's. Their tongues playing within Steve's mouth as both rode out the waves of passion coursing through them, until he couldn't hold back any longer and came inside his love, crying out his name. Collapsing bonelessly on top of him Jesse's hand stroked the still quivering muscles of Steve's stomach.

Steve nuzzled Jesse's neck as he whispered, "Love you."

"Love you," Jesse tiredly mumbled near his lover's ear as Steve held him close. Steve looked down as he felt something clasped in Jesse's hand. He still held the white furry cottontail.

The End

Series Continued in: "The Trail Of The Pink Bunny Suit" The last of this series. Happy Reading everyone, Lady Q