I Love a Man in a Pink Bunny Suit
By Lady Q
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
1) DISCLAIMER: Still Poor, Still Don't Own them and I Still need to get my car fixed
2) ARCHIVE: Abode and BBQ anywhere else just send me the URL so I can read more wonderful fic :)
3) WARNINGS: Newbie story and first time in this fandom... Now That's Scary :)
5) PAIRING: Steve and Jesse
6) STATUS: complete
7)What the Challenge is. Okay usually I am a reader in this fandom :) and so I blame this story on the challenged that was issued to another list. The Challenge was to write or draw a picture or a story of your main character
wearing a Pink Bunny Suit. Well first I laughed and then suddenly I got my first Steve and Jesse story. I hope you like it :) Thanks goes out to Jack, Kay, William and Carrie,for doing a great job at Beta-ing. Happy Easter
Everyone, Lady Q
I Love a Man in a Pink Bunny Suit
By Lady Q
"I don't know, Jesse," Steve Sloan said as he checked himself out in the mirror again. "I think I look stupid in this outfit." He finished with a motion of his pink furred paw.
Jesse shook his head as he fixed Steve's pink polka-dot bow tie. "I think you look cute," he said as he stood back to get a better look at his love.
"I AM NOT CUTE!" Steve exclaimed as he watched Jesse pick up the long, fluffy, pink bunny ears.
"I am handsome, good-looking, and I will accept even being called adorable by a few women, but I am not now, NOR WILL I EVER BE, CUTE!" He yelled with a stomp of his pink furred bunny foot and a pout.
Jesse just shook his head and smiled at his pouting lover as he placed the long pink ears on Steve's head. He softly laughed as he pulled his love down for a kiss. "I think you're cute," he said as he squeezed Steve fluffy white cotton tail, which was soon followed by a moan as he felt Steve's strong, pink, furry arms pull him closer for a more
passionate kiss.
"Stop squeezing my tail," He growled softly in his love's ear as he squeezed his love's butt.
Steve chuckled at his lover as he said, " You know, it's a good thing that I love you so much or I would get you for that remark."
Jesse lovingly smiled up at his lover and placed another kiss on his lips as he handed him an Easter basket filled with goodies for the kids in the children's ward of the hospital. He finished pulling on Steve's pink furry paw as he wiggled his eyebrows up at his love.
"Come on, Lover, let's go and cheer up the kids, and then we can go home and play 'find the egg in the bedroom.'" He said in a lust-filled voice, causing Steve to moan out his lover's name as they went to deliver Easter presents to the children.
The End