Part One

You could see the dark haired man sitting on his palamino horse on the hillside. Glazing contently at the view. A year ago today he had arrived here A year since he had found his father. Or more his father had found him. From a gun hawk to a third owner of the biggest ranch in Jouquin Valley. Johnny turned as he heard the two riders coming up to him. Murdoch and Scott took a minute to look at the view Johnny was enjoying.

"Murdoch, Every time I come up here I have to look at the beauty of this spot. I could sit here all day"

"I agree but the ranch wouldn't look so good if we sat up here all day" Murdoch smiled at his youngest son. "How were the cattle up on the north range? Did we lose many?"

"I don't think so. I didn't really get a good head count without rounding them all up together but I only found three dead ones. I figure I will take a crew up there tomorrow and start rounded them up and start the branding. The pen is in pretty good shape. Should't take more than three- four days to round them all up and get the branding done. The line shack needs restocked. I'll need to run into town this afternoon yet and get the supplies. Either of you want to come along?" Johnny finished with a grin on his face.

"YOu know going into town don't sound like a bad idea. What do you say Murdoch want to go into town and see if the Lancer men can sit it on its ears? " Scott teasingly asked his father.

"You two haven't seen a town sit up on its ears . Why, I could tell you stories even you couldn't top, Johnny. But you know, I do need to go to town anyhow. I need to see Greg Dutton about that contact for the lumber I sold to Williamson Lumber over in Frisco. So I guess I will ride in with you two. Keep you out of trouble. Johnny, go to the bank and take a couple hundred out. Pay up our bill at the store and get what you need. Should be some left over to liven the town up a little."


In town the hustle of the people going about their business was increasing. There were people from all over coming in. The silver mine was paying at three and everyone was anxiously awaiting the payment coming in by wagon to the bank.

The Lancer buckboard made it's way through the crowded street. More than the average amount was in town today. As all three walked into the merchantile store, Johnny caught a glimpse out of his eye. He turned to look as 4 men rode into town. Right away Johnny noticed Craddock. "Wonder what he is doing in these parts?" He asked to no one in particular.

"Who, Johnny?" asked Scott, looking toward where Johnny was staring. "You know that man?"

"Yeah, We were in a few range wars together. Heard he has been going a little over that fine line that is drawn." Johnny stared at the man. Scott did not like the look in his brother's eyes. He knew there was more to the story than what Johnny had said.

Mr. Miller finished with his customer and looked at the Lancer men. "Good day, boys. How are you Mr. Lancer?"

"Just fine, Mr. Miller," Murdoch responded as he handed him the list he had made out. "Here is my list and Johnny will be back in a few minutes to pay up the bill. Say half hour.? "

"Sure, Johnny I can have this ready then." Mr. Miller glanced down the list. You boys going to be spending some time in town tonight?"

"No, sir. Just long enough to grab a couple of beers. The ranch is keeping us pretty busy right now. Scott, I will met you in saloon in fifteen minutes okay? Murdoch, we will be waiting for you there okay?

"Sounds good to me," Murdoch said as he headed to the lawyer's office.

"Sure, Johnny. Might take me a little longer but I will met you there as soon as I can," Scott spoked as he walked out the door.

Johnny followed him and started to the bank. He wondered where Craddock had gotten too. As he opened the door to the bank. His wondering stopped. As he entered he heard the click of a gun to his head.

"Don't make a sound and keep walking right on in, Mister" the man known as Jake said.

Johnny did as he was told. Looking around, he noticed the bank manager was unlocking the safe. Two men were taking the money out of the drawers. There were three other customers. He had to do something but he had to make sure the other customers safe too.

Suddenly Craddock turned and looked and recognized Johnny. "MADRID! What are you doing here? Boy, This is my lucky day." Craddock face showed the hatred for the man who had just be given to him on a silver platter.

"It isn't Madrid anymore, Craddock. I am through with that life. I took my father's name now. Lancer. It is Lancer now. You don't want to do this. you will Get caught sure as anything.......

Craddock walked over to Johnny and put his gun to Johnny's stomach. "Lancer, now is it. Well that might just be a help to us. Boys put these people in the safe. Johnny and I have some old times to catch up on don't we Johnny?"

The outlaws put the bank manager, clerks and the three other customers in the safe and shut the door. They motioned to Johnny to turn around out the front door. Now, Mr. Lancer we are going to walk out this door. We need to borrow a horse. You didn't happen to be nice and have your horse hitched to the post do you?" Craddock asked.

"Sorry, I brought the buckboard in for supplies. It is over in front of the merchantile." Johnny grinned. At least he was going to make it hard for them. He hoped.

Luck was not on Johnny's side this time as there was a horse tied up to the post outside of the bank. They all got on a horse and started out of town. Scott noticed Johnny on the horse and also noticed the man they had seen earlier. Why was his brother going out with them without telling him ? Well, Maybe Murdoch knew what was going on.

Part Two
Starbuck nz

"Where'd Johnny take off to?" Murdock asked as he approached his son. "Did he catch up with old friends of his?" The older gentleman continued.

Scott shook his head, as his hands rested on the hitching post outside the lawyers office. "I'm not really to sure. I don't know who they were but one of them had a gun trained.." Before Scott could finish screams were heard emanating from the bank.

"SHERIFF! Someone get the Sheriff, the banks' just been robbed." yelled a young lady, distressed at having been involved with the whole episode.

Murdock and Scott made their way to the frantic woman. Scott wrapped his arm around her, in an effort to calm her.

"Oh, Mr Lancer, the man who robbed the bank took Johnny with him." She sobbed and wept erratically as she buried her head into Scott's chest.

"Ah, Miss?" Murdock questioned, while he searched the street for any sign of the Sheriff.

"Anderson, Maria Anderson." Came a reply as Maria lifted her head from Scott's sodden chest. "I'm a friend of Johnny's, Mr Lancer and I'm scared for him."

"Can you tell me why? Has it got something to do with the men that just rode out of here?" enquired Murdock, a sudden bout of nausea threatening to take over.

Scott looked at his father and saw the beads of perspiration forming on his brow. "Dad, let me….I'll sort it out. Why don’t you go on over and see where Hank is."

Murdock nodded and took a handkerchief from his breast pocket and mopped his forehead. He turned towards the livery, after being directed their buy one of the townsfolk.

"Dad's not to well, still getting over a bout of the flu," Scott offered, apologizing for his father's absence. "Maria, can you tell me what happened. Do you recall how it started."

Maria nodded her head and pointed tot eh seat just outside the bank. Scott took Maria by the arm as her escorted her to the seat.

"I was in the bank waiting to cash the payroll cheque when I saw Johnny enter, we've been friends for quite some time now. He helped me get my buggy out of the ditch one afternoon and I invited him to share lunch with me," Maria spoke, informing Scott of how she and Johnny had become acquaintances.

He nodded his understanding and pressed her to carry on.

"Johnny was making a withdrawal when the men burst into the bank and robbed it. Johnny tried to stop them, but they hit with a gun. When he fell the man in charge kicked him and told him to get up." Concluded Maria before she broke down in tears. "I'm sorry I'm not of much help."

"Maria, you were very helpful, at least I know that Johnny did his best to deter the thieves. With your information and what I saw when Johnny and I rode into town, it should be able to help the Sheriff," acknowledged Scott, leaving Maria in the hands of one of the women who had offered to comfort her.

When Scott approached his father the Sheriff was already getting the bank clerk to recount what had happened. He patiently listened and then added what he had been told by Miss Anderson.

"He wasn't hurt bad enough that he couldn't rid, but Dad his ribs have only had a few weeks to heal and depending on how hard he was kicked." Scott uttered, while Murdock nodded his head in agreement.

"Howdy Scott, I'm just getting a posse together…., can I count on you for your assistance?" The Sheriff asked, seeking visual approval from Murdock.

"Go Scott, go and find your brother…, don’t you go worrying about your old man now. Just bring Johnny home safely." Spoke Murdock, as he permitted his son to join the posse.

Part Three

Through narrowed eyes, Johnny watched Craddock watching him and felt his skin began a slow creeping. There was something about the man that had always reminded Johnny of a startled rattler.

And coming from a man as dangerous as he knew himself to be, that was enough to set his teeth on edge.

"So, Johnny..." Craddock said, breaking the silence. "How have ya been?"

Slumping down against the log in pretended relaxation, Johnny tipped his hat down over his eyes. "Can't complain."

Craddock nodded chuckling. "Guess not. Fell smack dab in it, didn't ya? Not like the rest of us scrambling rough and readies." He leaned forward, narrowing the distance between them. "So, how'd ya do it? Land yourself in the Lancer family, that is?"

Johnny shrugged. "Identity confusion."

"Old man Lancer thinks a lot of ya, does he?"

Careful, Johnny boy. There be trouble here.

"Nah, I'm his worst nightmare come to life."

"Do tell."

Johnny's dark laugh sounded low and dangerous. "Imagine his surprise when a long forgotten bastard son shows up at his door. A son who makes his living with a gun. Fine up-standing man of the land that he is. Damn near died right there on the spot. Been trying to dispose of his embarressment ever since."

Craddock frowned, pushing to his feet. "That is too bad. Makes you a rather worthless commodity, doesn't it?"

Johnny's hand crept back for his gun, and came up empty. Craddock had the damn thing. And was actually caressing the damn thing.

"I guess," Craddock said softly, his hand stroking up and down the gun barrel. "That makes you a liability."