TITLE: Calming

AUTHOR/pseudonym: Bacchus68

FANDOM: Firefly(what else)

PAIRINGS: Inara /Kaylee

RATING: R (for nudity)


DISCLAIMER: All characters owned by Joss and Mutant enemy etc.. etc..

WARNINGS: Nudity, Mild Sexual situations. Mild Spoilers from last episode. Takes place right after that episode.

NOTE: I really don't know the characters well enough to create any real detailed or probably accurate slash stuff but since someone mentioned the Inara/kaylee idea my mind did wander a bit and I figured what the hell. Mel intros this pairing a bit and it's not real sex just a bit of f/f new age type mediation sex. The Tantra thing is actually a real meditation thing played a bit more for the sexual aspects of it FYI. It semeed to fit Inara's character to do this.

By Bacchus68

"Damn", Kaylee's hand flinched as she pulled away from the wired mess she was trying to reassemble into a working mess barely avoiding a nasty shock.

Inara heard the young mechanics yelp from her room and came out to see her.

"Is there a problem?" Inara replied.

"No ah.. I got it," Kaylee yelled as she hopped over a few wires and grabbed another one. A spark, flew from another area, across the room. "Watch Out." She screamed at Inara.

A loose wire then headed towards Inara. Graciously, Inara dodged away from the wire as Mal walked in. The wire slammed him in the chest. "Ow .." Shouted Mal. "What the hell!"

"Oh ahh. Oh God I'm so sorry.!" Said Kaylee. "I just ahh.." Kaylee started to say, as she looked at Mal's hair and then started to break out laughing. Inara also had a smile on her face as well.

"Would you two mind telling me what's so funny here. I don't think electrocution is a laugh riot as much as you two seem to think it is!" Mal shouted angrily.

"I believe it is the shocks after effects that is responsible for Kaylee's inappropriate outburst," Inara said to Mal.

"Huh.. I Don't know what your." Mal started to say as Inara grabbed a mirror and showed Mal his hair sticking straight up. This threw Mal for a minute as he looked from one woman to the other. Suddenly very self-conscious about his appearance he tried to brush back the hairs that were sticking up. After a few failed attempts he just huffed and stomped out shouting to Kaylee ". That's enough of this. Kaylee.
Just Get it together. Understand."

"Ahh yes I won't let it do or be I mean I think I'm Just you know. With everything and all the crime and trains and stab wounds and umm I mean..", Kaylee blurted out looking down at the floor the whole
time Mal was completely out of the room.

"I think he's gone Kaylee". Replied Inara.

"Oh yes I guess he is," said Kaylee.

"Our last adventure really had you frazzled!" replied Inara.

"I guess it did." Said Kaylee.

"Come into my room," said Inara.

"Umm I don't think that I need my hair combed right now!", she replied.

"I didn't say anything about doing your hair but you are way too tense and it is dangerous to all the crew right now. So come into my room and talk off your clothes. We need to relieve that tension." Said Inara.

"Umm. I WHAT. I mean I don't know if we should I mean wouldn't Mal or Simon. I MEAN you are very beautiful and I'm really honored.." Kaylee stuttered to Inara.

"Don't worry it's nothing inappropriate. Have you ever heard of the Tantra aspects of meditation," replied Inara.

"Tantra?" said Kaylee.

"Just come into my room in 5 minutes." Said Inara and walked out.

5 Minutes later Kaylee entered Inara's room. As she entered the room she saw that Inara was completely naked and had a clear view of her backside.

"Oh I guess I'm early." Said Kaylee as she backed out.

"Stop." Inara said in a commanding voice. "In order for this technique to work well we must be naked. I hope my body is not making you uncomfortable."

Inara was now facing Kaylee completely naked. She looked at her smooth skin and the curve of her hips, The fullness of her breasts. She was the most beautiful woman Kaylee had ever seen. She could feel her breathing become labored and he cheeks becoming warm.

"Good. I see that you have started the breathing process. It will help us start." Replied Inara.

"Breathing process?" Questioned Kaylee.

"Yes." Said Inara as she approached Kaylee and started to strip her clothes.

"I don't think?" Kaylee started to say as Inara undid her clothes.

"It's Ok just take a quick breath in and out then give me you hand," said Inara as she looked into Kaylee's eyes.

Kaylee complied giving Inara her hand. Inara grazed the palm of her hand with her own and then placed Kaylee's hand on he inside part of her left breast. Kaylee just looked at her hand as it sat on Inara's breast. She could feel the heat on her skin even more intensely now.

"It's called Rhythmic breathing. As I breath you will feel the waves of my breath with the rise and fall of my chest and I will do the same with you." Replied Inara.

"Rythmic breathing. " Kaylee said almost trance-like as she felt the rise and fall of Inara's breath. Inara continued to remove Kaylee's top and then placed her hand on Kaylee's breast.

"Look at me." Commanded Inara.

Inara's eyes were so warm and inviting. Kaylee felt like she could fall into those eyes. Soft and somewhat glassy Kaylee felt stirrings deep within herself and tried to look away.

"No. You have to keep your eyes on me. That's how this work's Kaylee. You will feel the desire to remove your eyes but you can't. It is what this process is all about. It is where the pleasure will come
into as we match our breathing in sync with each other. For the next 10 minutes we must not remove our eyes from each other and continue to breathe in unison.

"Ok",said Kaylee.

"No talking either Kaylee." Said Inara.

From that moment on Inara and Kaylee just stared at each other as they kept their breathing in sync. Kaylee could feel her eyes tear up and could feel her chest exploding with pleasure with every breath.
The pleasure traveled throughout her body as the session went on and then slowly Inara removed Kaylee hand and removed her own and just smiled.

"How do you feel?" said Inara.

"Whoa. ", said Kaylee. "That's powerful stuff. " Suddenly like Eve in the Garden of Eden Kaylee remembered that both her and Inara were naked and quickly grabbed her clothes. "Umm I gotta go"

Inara just stood there naked and continued to smile as Kaylee ran out of the room.