Title: Love Slave

Author/pseudonym: PEJA

Fandom: the Sentinel/Lexx

Pairing: Blair/Kincaid...remembered Blair/Jim Blair/Kia/Jim

Rating: NC-17, for, well you see.

Status: WIP

Archive: The WWOMB

E-mail address for feedback: daltonavon@yahoo.com

Series/Sequel: Yes...part of The Return Of Kincaid Series

Other websites: http://www.sphosting.com/daltonavon/

Disclaimers: Petfly has the rights, but I hold the ideas

Notes: Spoilers for Return Of Kincaid, because this does give some of the story direction away.

Summary: After being several months with Kincaid, a very changed Blair is found and taken into custody

Warnings: This story is the second in the Return of Kincaid series and is being written at the same time so consider that there are spoilers for the first story included in this one. .



A firm hand landed on Jim’s arm, startling him out of the private hell he was in.

His grief dimmed eyes darted toward the man at his side, then scurried back to the object of his distress. "What happened to him, Simon?" he whispered hoarsely. "How could he have been reduced to..." He waved a listless hand toward the observation window.

Inside the holding cell, Blair Sandburg knelt, naked except for the black leather slave collar adorning his pale neck. He strangled the chain attached to it in a white-knuckled grasp. A black briefcase rested at his side, allowed to remain there only because Jim had forced the issue when Blair had gotten hysterical when they had tried to take it.

Simon stared at the picture of absolute submission, rolling the unlit cigar from one side of his mouth to the other, buying time until he could manage a shaky, "He's been like that all this time?"

Jim nodded. "Yeah. Simon, I...." his voice broke, choked off with unspoken emotion.

Simon sucked on the cigar thoughtfully. "He’s shaking. Looks cold as hell."

"He is cold as hell." Jim confirmed. Rafe gave him a blanket." He nodded toward the pile of course cloth near the shivering man. "He won’t use it. Gets crazy if anyone tries to cover him up."

Simon digested that in silent worry. "Has anyone been able to get into that case?" he asked suddenly.

"Negative, sir. He gets hysterical every time anyone tries to open it." He turned damp eyes to his captain and friend. "Simon, I want to take him home now."

Simon met Jim’s eyes, shaking his head. "You know that is just not possible, Jim. He's being bound over for murder..."

"Good news." Excited words announced H’s arrival in the tiny, dark room. Barging into the room, he headed for the VRC set up in the corner of the room with a tape in hand.

"H, what’s going on."

"Wait and see...." The big man literally bounced on his toes. "You are not going to believe this." He worked quickly, setting up the TV/VCR and hitting the play button.

"H?" Simon began, not looking at the screen.

"Just watch," H said, waving at the rolling tape. "I think we just may have found an out for our boy in there. Especially since there are some mighty unusual mitigating circumstances surrounding the murder."

"Mitigating circumstances?" Simon said, eyeing the man. "We've pretty much got all the proof we need. Blair killed..."

"Well maybe he did, yeah, but then again, maybe he didn't."

"Riddles I don't need." Simon grumbled.

"How about the proof of your eyes?" H said, rewinding the tape. "Just watch this." He hit the play button again and this time Jim and Simon obeyed.

The screen lit up on the inside of the dimly lit warehouse. Zooming in on Blair entering. The man behind the phantom camera followed Blair into the area. Recorded the victim stepping out, taunting Blair with his words, his actions. The tight zoom panned back to include the sudden ambush, marking Blair's capture. The search and the gun being found. Before widening eyes, the observers watched the gun being thrust into Blair's resisting hands, the struggle to avoid the inevitable and the horror written on the forced shooter's blanching face.

"Oh, my God," Simon whispered as H shut down the tape. "Oh my God," he repeated, his gaze moving back to the observation window and the unthinking creature who had once been so vitally alive. "Oh, my God."

"He didn't do it, Jim," H said excitedly. He moved quickly to shut off the next bit of reel. "Blair's not the one who killed our vic. Not technically, at least. This should be enough to set him free, don't you think?"


"I....I'll run it past the D.A....It might be a fight, but I'm going to make damn sure it flies."

"Damn right." H crowed. "Man, I couldn't believe it. Kincaid was so obsessed on Blair that he taped everything.... Everything...." his voice trailed off. "God, Simon, we’ve been going over those tapes. The things they did to him." He swallowed hard, tears shining in the hardened detective’s dark eyes. "Rafe couldn't keep watching. Lost his lunch after the second one."

Jim stiffened his shoulders and turned on his commander. "I'm taking him home. Now." He headed for the door.

"Jim...." H stopped him. "Blair would be better off in a.....a hospital. After all he's been through..."

Jim glared at the other man. "What are you saying H?"

The big cop sighed. "Jim, you won't be able to....take care of him properly. He needs to go under observation. Some of the things I saw....Some of the things he'd been programmed for....well it's some pretty crazy stuff."

"You want me to put him in a Psychiatric ward?"

H nodded, sighing heavily. "For his own sake, yes."


"Jim, listen to me...."


"You can't be with him all the time. What happens when you're here."

Jim didn't hesitate. "I've got a load of leave time coming. I want it. Effective immediately."

"Jim, I..."

"It's either that or I quit the force."

"Think about what you're doing." Simon advised.

"I am, Simon. I am. And I'm remembering, too. It's my fault Blair's like this. I abandoned him. I hunted him like a dog. And all the time he was just another victim. Look at him, Simon. I'm just as guilty as Kincaid for that." Jim shook his head. "It's the fountain all over again." He jerked open the door. "I'm taking him home, Simon. Handle the paperwork, would you? I'll sign for him later. Right now, I need to get him out of here."

Jim darted from the room and into the holding cell.

Blair's gaze flickered up, the look of a startled deer in his blue eyes. A slight tremble shook his body as his eyes dropped once more.


Another shudder took him but he remained locked in his posture of submission.

Jim knelt down next to him. "Blair, I'm going to take you..."

"Yes, sir." Blair voice quivered with terror as he leaned forward and opened the case in such a way as to keep its contents concealed from Jim’s curious glance. He snatched up a small stoppered vial of oils, dropped the stopper into the bottom of the case and rose fluidly.

He handed the vial to Jim and moved to the center of the room.

Jim then watched in growing horror as the younger man draped himself over the edge of the interview table, exposing himself.

"No." Jim sprang forward, gathering the trembling man against him and bundling Blair into the ignored blanket with more roughness than necessary, and turned him to face him. "No, Blair."

"I have displeased you, sir." Panicked, Blair slipped out of Jim's arms. "Oh, please, sir. I can do better." He retrieved his case. "I have other things you can choose from." Hands trembling, he opened it once more then stepped back. "Choose, Sir. Whatever you desire, I can do."

Unable to stop himself, Jim touched the chain link whip, the highly polished paddle with holes drilled out and several other instruments of discipline.

His tortured glance sought out the pale man waiting for him to select the instrument of his pleasure and found him once more naked, with his feet brace apart and hands resting against the wall, inviting punishment. "Oh, God, Blair...."

Jim slammed the case shut and grabbed up the blanket once more. "No, Blair. We’re not going to do this. Do you understand? We're going home, Blair," he said softly, draping the rough cloth over trembling shoulders.

Blue eyes flicked up and dashed back down submissively. "H..Home?"

"Yes, Chief. Home. I’m taking you home."

Blair slipped out of his grasp shaking his head. "Master will be coming to get me soon. He’ll be angry if I’m not here."

"You’re.... master," Rage sharpened Jim’s words. "Won’t be coming for you, Blair." He adjusted the blanket over Blair once more. "Keep this on, do you understand? God, Blair, you're freezing. I’m going to take care of you, Blair. You’re safe now."

Confusion furrowed Blair’s brow. "Safe?"

"Jim," Simon said from the doorway. "Are you sure about this?"

Jim hurled a stone-hard glare at his captain, saying nothing.

"Stubborn SOB. I thought as much. Okay, I've signed out the tapes for you. Chain of evidence requires I keep the one that shows the truth about the murder but I'll get that one to you as soon as I clear him of the charges. Once I've ran it past channels, I'll pass it on to you."

"Thanks, sir. I appreciate it."

"I'm not just doing this for you, Jim. Blair is my friend too." he hesitated, then added. "From what H says, you damn well better watch those tapes. No matter how much you want to destroy them, watch them first. Do you understand?"

Jim crooked a curious brow. "I think so. The tapes are....disposable."

Simon’s eyes narrowed. "They are dangerous."

"Understood, sir."

Simon hesitated, then said, "Jim, you're taking on an incredible job here, keeping him."

"Yes, sir. I know that."

"The boys in the squad, well they asked me to put it out. If you need any help we're just a call away. You make that call if you need help."

"Yes, sir. I will." He wrapped an arm around Blair's shoulder. "Come on, Chief. time to go home."

Blair allowed himself to be shepherded halfway across the room before he stopped and wrench his way free."

"Blair, what...?"

The young man dashed back to the table and gathered up his precious case.

"Oh, God, Simon." Jim choked out. "That thing is full of..."

"I know."

"What did we leave him open for?"

Blair approached, the case clutched tightly against his chest, and stood, waiting with downcast eyes.

"Watch the tapes, Jim. Take him home if you think that's best, but in god's name, watch those tapes."

"Master has come for me?" Blair's voice carried a trace of pleasure. "Can I see him now? He'll be angry we were separated. Punish me...."

"I told you, Blair, Kincaid won’t be coming for you. No one's going to punish you, Blair."

Blair's haggard features fell. "Doesn't he love me anymore? Have I done....?" Tears welled and spilled. "What did I do wrong?" He clutched at Jim's arm. "You tell him, Sir. Make him understand I didn't betray him."

"You're not going back to Kincaid, Blair. You're coming back to the loft. Back where you belong."

Confusion darkened Blair's up-turned eye. "Loft? I can't remember...



Blair's fingers nervously fanned folds into his protective blanket as Jim made the third turn towards home. A couple more blocks and another turn, found his hand dropping convulsively onto the door handle. Moments later, as they pulled into the loft's parking area, a soft whimper parted his lips.

Jim's worried glance darted toward his friend. His nostrils flared on the scent of irrational fear. "Blair...? Are you all right?"

Blair's gaze flickered up, revealing absolute terror.

Jim reached out a large hand toward his friend.

Blair recoiled, crying out when the leash tugged tight around his throat. His blue eyes followed the leather to where Jim had secured it to his belt. And he trembled.

"Blair, what is it?" Jim demanded, regaining his partner's attention.

"Please...." Blair whispered, his eyes downcast. "Don't Let him kill me. I don't want to die. I..."

Jim swung the truck into his parking spot in front of the loft. His long arm made short work of the distance separating them, drawing the struggling younger man into a comforting embrace.

"No one's going to kill you, Blair," he whispered against the burnt sienna curls. "God, Darwin, why would you think....."

"Master said....he warned me never to go to this place. Why have you taken me here? The man who lives here....He hates me. Wants to kill me. Please, Sir. Don't let him kill me. I'll be good. I'll pleasure you well. I'll perform for your friends. Anything. I..."

Blair's voice trailed off. His mouth descended on the cloth over Jim's right nipple. Teeth grazed the sensitive nub. Jim's head tipped back at the rush of pleasure, moaning between parted lips.

Blair purred, blowing a warming breath on the hardening flesh before his mouth settled to suckle, moistening the shirt.

Until Jim remembered who was pleasuring him and thrust him away. "No. Don't. I don't....You don't..." Jim pinched the bridge of his nose. "Oh God, what a mess."

Doe eyes darted toward the big man, then dropped. Blair seemed to shrink as he slumped in on himself. "You don't.... want me? I'm very good. Master trained me in all the ways...."

"For Christ's sake, Sandburg, you've had half the female population of Cascade. You are woman oriented."

Blair shook his head. "Master says...."

"Shut up." Jim snapped. "Dammit, Blair. Just shut the hell up. I can't stomach this."

The color flushed out of Blair's hollowed cheeks and he ducked his head, hiding behind those long curls.

"Ah, Jesus, Blair, forgive me. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I shouldn't have....."

Jim paused, scenting the salt of his closest and dearest friend's tears. Shattered, at a loss of what to do to comfort the stranger who meant the world to him, Jim shrugged out of the truck and walked around to the other side. He opened the door and grabbed up Blair's case and leash that insured no argument. "Let's go, Sandburg."

Blair didn't hesitate. He climbed out of the truck on shaky legs, stumbling in his terror, and followed Jim into the building with the dumb certainty of an animal to the slaughter.

Riding the elevator up to the loft's floor, Jim tugged Blair close, wrapping an arm around trembling shoulders. "You're cold, Chief. Hang in there a couple more minutes and we'll get you fixed up, okay?"

The younger man nodded, once.

Jim kept his arm around Blair's shoulders as they traversed the length of the hall. Balancing the cumbersome box of videos, with the briefcase on top in one hand, Jim managed to unlock the door and usher a reluctant Sandburg inside.

Jim turned away to deposit the box on the table and drop the keys into the basket and regretted it the instant Blair's heart rate spiked as he stepped away. Turning back to the terrified man, Jim tugged on the leash, bringing Blair's trembling body near.

"Easy, Sandburg. No one's here but you and me." he murmured, reaching under Blair's hair to unclasp the slave collar. "Let's get rid of this first." he said, setting the leather collar and leash aside.

"No, please..." Blair's hands went up to his throat. "Don't take the collar. I.....Please...Give it back."

"No, Sandburg. You aren't an animal. You...."

Blair darted around him, snatching up the collar and huddling in the corner with it clutched to this chest. "Mine." he shouted, "You can't take it away. You can't. The collar is mine."


"Don't touch me." Blair screamed, his voice tinged with hysteria. "Don't...."

Jim stared at the young man crouched before him and wondered if he'd made a mistake. What if this was all that was left? Was the man he knew buried inside this submissive creature.

"Okay, Sandburg. If the collar means that much to you, keep it. I won't take it away. Do you hear me? It's yours."

Blair nodded vigorously and reached around his neck to clasp it back in place. A simple task that was defeated by shaking hands. A huge tear escaped him blue eyes as his hands fell to his lap, clenching and unclenching around the leather band.

Jim hunkered down in front of him. "Will you let me replace it?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Blair stared at the reaching hand. His eyes lifted to Jim's earnest gaze. "You won't try to take it?"


Blair slowly dropped the collar into Jim's out-stretched hand.

"If I put it on you," Jim said softly. "You will forget about Kincaid. Understand. You will be accepting me and my guidance. Agreed?"

"But you said...."

"I know what I said. I have my conditions. You want the collar, accept them."

Blair swallowed hard. "Yes, Master. I will bind myself to you."

"In all things?"

Another nod. "In all things."

Jim set the collar around his best friend's neck. "Now, go to your room. Crawl into bed for awhile. You need some rest."

And I need to check out some of those damn tapes.


Jim opened the door on the first knock. "Simon."

"Gonna let me in?" he asked, scowling in impatience.

Jim blocked the other man's entrance a moment longer, then stepped back waving him in. "Checking up?"

A slow shrug and a sly grin. "Thought you might appreciate a shoulder right about now. Where's Blair?"

Jim's clear eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Simon wandered deeper into the loft, his dark glance searching. "Jim, what's going on? Has something happened? Blair didn't....seduc...."

"Stop right there, Simon." Jim raked through his short hair. "You are way out of line."

"Then what are you trying to hide?"

Jim slumped down onto the sofa. "This isn't going so well, Cap." he glanced toward the French doors, listening intently to his sleeping friend. "I tried to take off that damn collar. He..." His hands waved helplessly in the air. "He freaked out. I had to give it back."


Jim sighed tiredly. "And I made him accept me as his master."

"You collared him?" Simon filled in incredulously. "And he agreed? Jim, tell me you didn't. You worked in vice long enough to know...."

"Yeah, I know. Simon, what else could I do? If I left him committed to Kincaid....."

"All the guy would have to do was call and Blair would run to him." Simon finished. "He's that subverted?"

"And then some. I don't know how Blair got buried so deep in this but it's like he can't think for himself anymore."

"Where is he, Jim?"

"I sent him to his room. Told him to get some rest. I..." He nodded toward the box of tapes. "I didn't want him seeing what was on those." Jim shuddered. "Simon, I don't know how he survived through what was done to him. I..."

"Do you want to have him hospitalized, Jim?"

"No." Jim snapped to his feet. "I can't do that to him, Simon. I can't put him through anymore."

"Can you deal with what all this entails?"

"I...." His glance lifted to find Blair, standing proud in his naked state, in the doorway of his bedroom. "I can deal with anything where Blair is concerned." he said firmly. He made a come-hither gesture and Blair scurried across the room to kneel at his feet. "I treasure him, Simon. Above everything else, I treasure this man."

"Christ, Jim. Have him put some damn clothes on. He can't run around like....that"

Jim tilted an amused glance at the man at his feet. "Seems to like being in his natural state, doesn't he?"

Simon sputtered. "Jim...."

"I'm sorry, Cap. I can't ask him to get dressed. Kincaid has him programmed against it. It was one of the first things he required. The consequences...."

Simon held up his hands before him. "Too much information, Jim. Let's just forget the kid's sitting here in front of us stripped to his skin."

"That would be best, sir."

"Just.....Work on that, will ya. Christ...."

Jim grinned. "He does make an...interesting conversation piece, though, don't you think?"

Simon made a choking whimpering sound. "Jim...."

Dropping a caressing hand in Blair's curls, Jim said, "Blair, Simon looks hungry. Prepare a snack for me and my guest."

Blair flashed a dazzling smile and darted into the kitchen.

"Jim, I'm not hungry," Simon protested softly.

"No? Well I'm guessing he is. I know for a fact he didn't touch a thing that the guys slipped him in the box. He hasn't eaten since he was picked up, has he?"

Simon cast a glance toward the kitchen, worry shining in his dark gaze. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Jesus, Simon. From what I saw in those tapes, Blair won't do anything without being told. Nothing."


"He'll starve before he puts food in his mouth unless his master instructs it. Reprogramming him is gonna take a damn lot of work."

"And you're not ready to have him hospitalized?"

Jim lifted a brow but said nothing.

Moments later, Blair returned, carrying a tray of breads, cheeses and fruit. A large pot of coffee and two cups finished the buffet. Dropping to his knees, he skillfully deposited the tray on a low table and served Simon without a word.

Simon took the offered plate and coffee, hurling a helpless glance toward Jim. Jim shrugged accepting his own plate.

Blair moved back to settle at Jim's feet wordlessly.

"This looks....real nice, Sandburg," Simon said.

Blair didn't so much as lift a lash.

"Thank Simon, Blair." Jim prompted, nibbling a edge of orange slice.

"Thank you, Sir."

Jim smiled and touched the fruit to Blair's lips. "Taste."

Blair's tongue darted over the moist fruit slice.


A tiny nod.


Blair's lips parted and Jim slipped the orange past Blair's teeth. "Eat it."

Blair obeyed.

Jim sipped the coffee then pressed the cup on Blair. The makeshift meal continued in like fashion until all the food had been forced on the young man.


"Enough?" Jim asked, watching Blair swallow the last morsel of bread and cheese.

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you sure, Chief?"

"Yes, Sir."

Jim exchanged a worried glance with Simon. "You used to eat quite a bit more than this, Blair."

Blair's chin dipped toward his chest, his long curls concealing his too lean features.


"I'm fine, master," he whispered.

Jim opened his mouth to say something but Simon restrained him with a hand on his arm. "Leave the kid alone, Ellison. He doesn't need a mother hen."

"No? Well he sure as hell needs something. He's lost way too much weight. A breeze would blow him over, for God's sake. What the hell did they do to him? What did we leave him to?"

Simon arched a brow and inclined his head in Blair's direction. "Do you really want to discuss this now?"

Temper flared in Jim's eyes. "What difference does it make. Its like he's deaf to everything unless someone says something directly to him. Go ahead say something. Say he's too fucked up for words. Say this..." He waved a contemptuous hand toward Blair. "...This thing isn't even human." He flung himself from the sofa. "God, Simon, this....this creature makes me sick."

Blair trembled, his head dipping lower.

"That's enough," Simon snapped. "I don't care how much you believe he's unaffected. Look at him. He's hearing every word your saying."

Jim turned a stubborn look toward the shaking man.

"Your words are breaking my heart, for Jesus' sake. If this is how you're going to treat him I'm going to take him away from you. Do you hear me?"

"You think so?" Jim's lip curled into a dark sneer. "Blair, is that what you want? Do you want Simon to take you out of here?"

A slow shudder shook him. "No, master, please. I'm sorry. I'll try harder."

Jim waved a dismissing hand at Blair. "See?"

"Doesn't matter. The kid has obviously been reduced to child-like innocence."

Jim collapsed back onto the sofa. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'm just so..." his hands fluttered helplessly. "I don't know this man, Simon. I...miss Blair. My Blair."

Simon's dark eyes flashed fire. "This is Blair, Jim."

"Is it?" Jim challenged. "Do you really think this....shell is Blair?"

Simon shook his head, frustration obvious in every line of his large body. "Well, what do you want to do with him, Jim? Huh? You decided to keep him here. You refuse every suggestion to send him to hospital. You tell me what you want to do, Jim?"

"I....Jesus, God..." Jim rubbed a hand over his eyes. "How could I have let this happen? I should have fought the evidence. I should have proved Blair was not to blame for the death. I should have found him and brought him home. God, when I think...Simon, I was willing to kill him. If someone hadn't slugged me from behind, Blair would be buried in the ground...At my hand."

Blair's head bobbed up suddenly, then ducked back down.

"What?" Simon said, leaning forward over Blair's submissive form. "You wanted to say something, Blair. What was it?"

Blair shook his head, chewing his lower lip bloody.


"Nothing. I swear."

Simon took one trembling hand. "Blair, look at me."

Blue eyes darted up, then quickly away.

"Its all right, Blair. Look at me."


Jim curled a finger under Blair's chin and eased his head up. "You must look at people who are speaking to you, Blair. You're mom taught you to do that, remember?"

Lush lashes quivered. "Mom?"

"Yeah, Chief. You remember Naomi, right? Your mom?"


Jim shook his head. "Christ, Kincaid did a real number on him, didn't he?"

"Forget that for now." Simon snapped. "Blair, you know who clubbed Jim, don't you?"

"Master said I should never speak to anyone of the time at the compound. Master said...."

"Forget that, Blair," Simon said firmly. "You have a new master now, right? Jim is..." he floundered, dark eyes meeting Jim's.

"...my master," Blair whispered. "I have disappointed Master Jim." His wide eyed stare spoke volumes. "Will you send me away...sell me, now?"

Jim recoiled from the question, his jaw hanging slack.

"No...No of course Jim's not going to send you away, Sandburg." Simon said quickly. "Just tell us who hit Jim that night. You remember, don't you? You know who it was?"

A tear slipped from Blair's bright eyes. "I....He did it for me. He wouldn't have killed you. I was bad. He just wanted to bring me home."

"Who, Sandburg. A name?"

Another tear escaped, following a similar path down Blair's other cheek. "Please...."

"Blair, you're protecting a murderer. Give...."

"No. He would never...Kai was not a part of that end of Master's operation. He was only there to train me." Blair touched the collar at his neck. "He protects me. Loves me."


A look of hope filled Blair's distraught features. "He will buy me."


"Let me go to him, Master Jim. I know he wants me. He told me when Master Kincaid was finished with me....."



"No." the word vibrated in the room.

Tears shimmered n Blair's eyes just before he ducked his head, shielding his features with the curtain of his curls.

"Blair?" Simon said, touching the younger man's shoulder.

"Yes, Sir?"

"What do you want?"

Blue eyes, filled with absolute confusion lifted to his. "Me, Sir?"

"That's right," Simon's smile was encouraging. "What is it you want? You're an adult. You have the right to choose."

Fear chased the confusion away. "I would never...." His head ducked and a shaking hand raised to finger the collar. "I would never...."

"Blair, what's upsetting you?"

Blair's eyes darted to Jim. "I would never, Master....I swear. Never." His head swung toward the black case stowed on a nearby table. "I've been bad. Master, I need...." The words choked off

Jim lifted Blair's chin. "What, Blair? What do you need?"

"I'm wicked," Blair murmured. "I dared ask you to....sell me." A slow tear slipped from his eyes. "Please, Master. Punish me for my audacity. I deserve the maximum penalty. The electric shock."

Jim blanched. "Electric shock..." A tide of red rage colored Jim's pale features and he hurtled from the sofa to rocket around the room. "That bastard." He dashed around the room once more. "How could anyone...." His horrified glance darted toward the cowering man by the sofa. "To my Blair...."

"Jim, sit down," Simon snapped. "You're scaring Blair."

Jim stopped mid rampage. "Oh God, Blair, I'm sorry." He pulled the younger man up and gathered him in his arms, stroking his back until the quivering muscles eased. "Blair," He murmured at length. "You've had enough for one day. Go to you room. Get some sleep."

Blair glanced at Simon. "You're guest will not require my service tonight?"

"Your...service...?" Simon croaked.

Blair smiled seductively. "I have been well trained to pleasure you, Sir. What do you require?"

"No." Simon bolted to his feet, distancing himself.

A look of distress pulled at Blair's already distraught features. "You do not find me...attractive?"

Simon hurled a desperate glance toward Jim. "You are..very attractive, Blair."

"I am clean, Sir. I have an exam once a month. Master would never infect his playground."

Simon's eyes widened and he made a choking sound in his throat. "I....I'm sure he.... wouldn't."

Jim drew Blair's chin up, smiling. "Blair, Simon doesn't sleep with men."

Blair turned to stare, amazed at the big man. "Never?"

"No, Blair. Never." Simon said sharply.

Blair's posture changed ever so slightly, becoming just this side of cocky. He tilted is head, his eyes running over the other man. "Man, that is a pity."

Jim frowned. "Go to bed, Blair. Tomorrow's going to be quite a day."

Blair smiled through his lashes and drew a slow finger down Jim's muscular arm. His tongue darted out moistening his pouting lips. "You...think so, Sir?"

The frown darkened. "Bed. Now."

Blair leaned up on tip-toe and kissed Jim's cheek. "Wake me when you come to bed, Master." He swaggered, shaking his masculine beauty as he crossed the room, pausing long enough to snatch up his case before ducking into the guest room.

"What was that all about?" Simon asked as the doors clicked shut.

"I don't know. He's been doing weird mood swings all day. One minute the sweet little child waif, the next that swaggering nympho, and once I swear he looked like a...a predator sizing me up for a quick snack. But never....Not even for a second did I see the Blair I know."

"Well...Is he having us on, do you think?"

"Come on, Simon. Blair may go in for the occasional practical joke but...." Jim stopped speaking suddenly, tilting his head toward the French doors.

"Kai?" Blair's voice was a soft whisper, even to sentinel hearing.


Jim held up a silencing hand. "A minute..."

"Yes, master." Blair said a little louder.

Jim reached for his mental dials, increasing his range of hearing until he picked up a second, cultured voice.

"....you all right?"

"I want to come home, Master Kai. I'm afraid."

"Caramel, has anyone hurt you?"

"N...No, master."

"They haven't locked you up?"

"No, but he took us. To that place. I'm scared, Master."

"He?" Kai demanded. "You mean Ellison, Caramel? You're with Ellison?"

"Yes. Yes, Ellison. Oh please Master Kai. When is Master Kincaid coming for us. I want to go home."

"Caramel, remember what I said when I left this morning? About going to Kincaid? Buying you outright?"

"Yes, Sir."

"It’s done, my pretty. Kincaid signed the papers for you after the raid broke up the compound. You are mine."

"You mean it?"

"Have I ever lied to you, Pretty Caramel?"

"When will you come for us?"

"Soon, Caramel. Very soon."


A warm chuckle. "Not that soon."

"But we're scared, master. What if Ellison comes to kill us in our sleep? What if....?"

"Caramel, is Nikko there?"


"Yes, let me talk to Nikko."

A long pause, followed by a dark chuckle. "Nikko, speaking, Master Kia."

"Nikko," Kai paused. "Nikko, I want you to protect Caramel. Keep him under as much as possible. Can you do that?"

"He'll pout." Nikko groused. "I hate it when the kid pouts. Why can't the Jericho babysit. He's all hot to go anyway. Propositioned the cop captain big as you please, he did. Fucking little slut."

"Exactly why I want you in control. Being in the loft is going to stimulate Blair. You are going to have to keep him under wraps as much as possible too. Jericho doesn't have the strength to do that."

"What's it matter anyway? The Blair loves you as much as Caramel. And he's dead ashamed of what Kincaid made him. He don't wanna be here any more than Caramel does. Won't even pop out for a glimpse of the Ellison. Especially after what was said tonight. I thought the wimp was gonna shake us right out of this lovely body, he was crying so hard....."

"Oh God." Jim slumped down on the sofa, his legs no longer able to hold him. "Oh my God."

"Jim," Simon asked, concern wrinkling his forehead.

"Simon, could you leave now." Jim whispered. "I need...Blair and I need to...." He turned hollowed eyes to the man who he respected above all others. "Please...."

"Jim, are you all right?"

Jim nodded, but it was so small a movement Simon almost missed it. "I need you to go now."

Simon's glance lingered on the pale man for a long moment, then he stood. "If you need me...."

Jim's smile was a wane thing. "I know your number, Si."

Another lingering stare passed between the men and Simon was gone.


"You have something to tell me." Jim said, shocking Blair into dropping the book he'd been paging through.

Blair turned slowly, keeping his eyes down. "No...I..."

"Don't lie to me."

A shudder shook the smaller man. "I....I wouldn't....lie, master."

Jim arched a skeptical brow. "Tell me the truth, Blair."

He stood, downcast and in silence.

Jim held out his hand. "Give it to me."

Blair's frightened eyes darted up then fell once more. "I don't know what..."

"Give it to me." Jim's voice dropped dangerously.

Desperation rattled through Blair, raising the pitch of his voice. "Master, please..."

"I want the phone, Blair."

"Don't do this."

Jim crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

Blair met his hard stare with a silent plea of his own. A tear slipped slowly from thick lashes and he ducked him head, crossing stiffly to his case on the bed. His hands trembling, he opened the case and dug deep, bringing out a black cellular phone.

Jim held his hand out, waiting

He clutched the phone to his chest. "It's mine...."

"Who do you belong to, Blair?" Jim spoke softly. "Who replaced that collar around your neck?"

A quick glance. "Y....You, Master."

Jim nodded. "You accepted me as your master. You spoke the words, am I correct?"

Blair's head dipped. "I spoke the words."

"Do you wish to dissolve the agreement?" Jim demanded. "Should I take the collar off you?"

Blair's hand covered the leather at his neck and he shook his head. "No, please. Don't take it away. Don't take it away."

Jim frowned at the terror he heard in his friend's voice. "You may have one or the other. The phone or the collar.



With hot tears shimmering in blue eyes, Blair delivered the phone to Jim's hand.

"You possess nothing, Blair. Unless I permit it." Jim tucked the phone into his waistband then, curling a finger under Blair's chin, he compelled the trembling man to meet his gaze. "Which are you?"

Blair trembled. "I don't...."

A slow gentling smile curved Jim's lips. "The innocent one, then. Caramel."

Blair flinched. "N-No, master...."

"Don't be afraid." Jim murmured. "You are Caramel, right?"

"Master, I...."

"I heard the conversation you had with this Kai, Caramel. Blair knows how."

Caramel nibbled at his lower lip, nodding. "Hyper senses. We forgot. The Blair hides from even us most of the time. He only comes out for Master Kai." Caramel caught Jim's gaze helplessly. "I think he will soon be gone completely."

"No...." Jim whispered. "Blair can't leave me. I won't permit it."

Caramel laughed ruefully. "You have an inflated idea of how much you mean to the Blair."

"What?" Jim stammered. "What do you mean?"

Caramel freed his chin, stepping away with a swagger that betrayed him.

"Nikko, what do you mean?"

Nikko threw a malicious grin over his shoulder. "You, big man. Always the one who decides? The one who controls? The Blair was fleeing from you even before Master Kincaid took him away from you. He was pulling back. Getting ready to leave. You think he would be your footmat for ever?"

"You're lying."

"Am I?" Nikko laughed. "Try to bring him forward. Try to speak with your little doormat. He won't come."

"You won't let him."

Nikko snorted. "I don't have that power over him. The Blair is the primary. He controls."

Jim took a step toward the taunting man. "I heard..."

"What?" Nikko demanded, hands on his hips. "What do you think you heard?"

"You.....Your....master ordered you to keep Blair under wraps. You said...."

"That the Blair doesn't want to see you. That's what I said, isn't it? That is what you heard?"

Jim flinched under the raging glare. "He has nothing to be ashamed of. What he was forced to ....."

Nicco's harsh laugh erupted in the small dimly lit room. "You think he was forced? You really believe that?"


"Went with Kai because he wanted to be with him," Nicco jeered. "He made love with the master. Love, not a simple fuck."

Pain etched deep lines in Jim's rugged features. "Why are you doing this?"

"Just telling you the truth, bucko." Nicco swaggered across the room, his walk becoming more a sashay with each step. "You want some?" he asked, blue showing under thick lashes. His hands brushed up Jim's taunt belly to stroke small circles around Jim's nipples. "You want a bit of my sweet ass, don't ya? Sure you do." One hand tripped down Jim's arm, and reaching his hand, guided it around to cup his rounded ass. "Feels good, doesn't it? Think what it would be like to have your hard cock pounding between those plump cheeks. To have your balls slapping against mine."

Jim skittered back, out of his friend's reach. "You..."

"Slut?" Jericho said with a nonchalant shrug. "Yes, I am. And damn good at it, so I'm told. That's what Kai taught me. That is what he wants from me. He's honest about it. You...." Jericho's blue gaze settled on the hard flesh tenting Jim's pants. "You can't even be honest about that."

"Just exactly what do you think you'll gain if I take you to bed... Jericho, is it? Not honesty. Not if it's you I'm in bed with. I don't know who you are, but you are not my Blair."

Jericho laughed. "Honesty? Yeah, well that's over-rated isn't it?" Something familiar glinted in the gaze that met Jim's.

He closed the distance between them, wrapping the smaller man in his warm embrace. "Blair..." Firm hands tipped Blair's chin up. "Oh, God, Blair, it is you...."

Blair shuddered convulsively. "You should have killed me, Jim." Ghosts of horror's past flitted over the eyes that met his. "You should kill me now."

"No, Blair. I can't lose you again. I won't."

Blair's rueful grin tugged at his lips. "You can't keep me, Jim. I am not the same. I'm not what you want me to be." His smile wavered. "I make you sick."

"Not you..."

"I don't blame you," Blair continued as if Jim had never spoken. "I understand. Really I...."

"Blair, listen to me...."

"You need to send me back, Jim," Blair murmured. "I....I can't be like I was before. I can't be the Blair you remember anymore. That Blair's not real anymore."

"You are real," Jim argued, giving his friend a tiny shake. "I know you have a lot to work through, Blair. I know...The tapes...Blair, we can work you through this together."

Blair laid a finger over Jim's lips. "Call Kai, Jim. "Let me go to him."

"You....you want to be with him?"

"Kai," Blair said with a soft smile. "Is the only thing that kept me alive while I was with the master. He took care of me. Treated my wounds when the master or his guests got too rough. He put me back together when they....when they....." he ran out of words, but horror filled his eyes speaking volumes. "Jim, I'm begging here. I don't belong here anymore. I'm damaged goods. You don't need to deal with what I've become. Kai has held me together since before I went with him to the master. He knows what I am...And I don't make him sick."

"This Kai is a criminal. I'll lock him up when I run him to ground. He knows that."

Blair shook his head. "Kai is only a slave trainer. He was there to teach me. He was not involved in the rest any more than I was. If you lock him up, you lock me up to. I'm just as guilty as he is."

"He wacked me up-side the head."

"He was protecting me."

"You love him?"

"I love...."

"Him...Say it. You love him."

Blair ducked his head, trembling. "Leave the Blair alone."


"You scared him," the words came in a rush of tears. "You scare me."

"Caramel, let me talk to Blair."

"He says no. He says never again." Blair's eyes filled with distress. "He wants to go away. He's fading."

Jim hesitated, staring at the young child gazing back at him. He flipped open the cell phone and hit redial.


Jim opened the door at the first rap. The tall dark haired man on the other side radiated a calm confidence with no sign of fear.

"You him?" Jim demanded, his jaw clenching.

The man tilted his head slightly and his full sensual lips formed a thoughtful moue. "Depends on who him is."

Jim recognized the smooth cultured voice he'd heard on the other end of Blair's phone line.

"I am Kai, yes." Kai verified. His glanced over Jim's shoulder, frowning. "How is he?"

"You mean after you made him over into...." Jim's hands clenched into harsh claws.

Kai tutted him. "I kept him sane,"

"Is he? Sane, I mean?"

Kai breathed a short laugh. "Are we going to discuss this in the hall?"

Jim shifted his feet under him, planting them shoulder width apart.

Kai shook his head, smiling grimly. "I'm sure your neighbors are listening with bated breath...Just how much do you really want them to hear?"

Jim scanned the hall, then nodded. "All right," He stepped back, admitting the other man into the foyer.

Inside, Kai directed a hard glare at the other man. "Look, Ellison, I am not here for you or your games. Blair needs me. If I'm going to help him, I need to know how scared he is. All the parts of him."

Jim studied the man with his full senses. And found no sign of deceit. "You really do care about what happens to him, don't you?"

Kai shrugged. "I was with him from the beginning. I watched his back while he was on the street."

Jim's hand flew to his head, rubbing the spot where board had connected with skull once upon a time. "You...?"

Kai smiled crookedly. "I protected him."

"From me?"

"It was your finger on the trigger. I surmised you would kill him rather than let him walk away. I could not allow that."

"I could have taken him down with a non-killing shot."

"And imprisoned him? How kind of you." Kai crossed his arms over his chest. "Tell me something. You know Blair. How long would he have lasted, do you think? Knowing he was going to die inside a cage how long would he have survived?"

Jim thought that over. Blair thrived on his free spirit. Prison would destroy him.

"I was just doing my job."

Kai tilted him a crooked nod. "As was I. I believe both of us have profited from my intercession." He met Jim's eyes and held them. "Now I would like to see my property."

Jim started at that, frowning. "Property...?"

A curt nod. "Your raid came at a very opportune moment for me. Gave me the crux to force Kincaid to sell me Blair's contract."


"Kincaid is a smart man, Ellison." Kai murmured. "He covered himself with a contract signed by Blair at the first opportunity. Blair signed away his life with no hope of ever being a free man again. Not as long as Kincaid held the paper. But when you raided, Kincaid knew how hard it would be to get the slave out of your hands again. I convinced him to gain a little profit by selling me the paper. He is also a greedy man." Kincaid patted his breast pocket. "Blair belongs to me, all nice and legal."

"Blair would only have signed something like that under duress. Its not binding."

"Blair will not contest it," Kai said softly. "Not now that I hold it."

Jim took a step toward the other man, his hands fisting and unfisting. "I won't let you take him."

"How will you stop me?"

Grim determination turned down the corners of Jim's lips. "By doing what the department has been advising all along. By having him admitted for observation and treatment."

"You wouldn't do that."

Jim arched a brow. "Try me."

Kai tilted him a sly smile. "Looks like we've reached a stalemate. How do we rectify this?"

"I could always arrest you."

"You could do that." Kai smiled coldly. "And lose Blair forever."

"You aren't that important to him."

Kai reached out, snatching the phone from its cradle and handed it to Jim. "Want to find out?"

Jim stared at the phone for a long moment, then lifted cold blue eyes. "Checkmate, again."

"You need me." Kai murmured, triumph glittering in his eyes. "So again, how do we rectify this?"

Jim grimaced. "You move in."

"Here?" Kai shook his head. "I don't think so."

"Either that or sell me his contract."

"After everything Blair and I went through to get us here, no."

"I've already got his commitment through the collar." Jim's smile was a slash of teeth. "But you already know that, don't you?"

Kai eyed him with jaundice. "Very well, then. You have a new flatmate. Oh, and for you information, I fully intend to sleep with Blair. Hope you can live with that."

Jim glared at the smirking man. "There is one thing more."

"Which is?"

"I want to be added to that contract. Co-owner."

Kai blanched. "No, I won't do it. I've waited to long. He's mine."

"He belongs with me."

"He loves me."

"He loved me long before you ever dreamt of....." Jim's words ground to a pained halt. "Oh god damn."

"You want him...." Kai burst out, laughing harshly. "My god, you love him."

Jim slumped down into the nearest chair. "Oh god, this can't be happening."

Squatting before him, Kai forced Jim to met his gaze. "I'm right, aren't I? You love him. Want him, sexually?"

"More than anything I've ever wanted in my life."

Kai nodded, his dark gaze serious. "You realize he will never be able to go back to what you thought he was. He's been freed to the possibilities."


"Blair needs to be loved hard."

"He might...."

"No, Ellison. I've handled way to many initiates. I know a born slave when I see one, and Blair was born to serve his master."

"You can't be sure..."

"Ellison, hear me. Blair went into the slave lifestyle way too easily. What I did to him, showed him what he really was."

"A slave?"

Kai rose and turned his back on the other man. "Blair embraced our time together like a man coming home."

"You're lying."

"Am I?"

Jim shook his head. "Jesus, God, I can't abuse him."

Kai whirled around. "Than let him go."

"I can't..."

"Ellison, Blair doesn't consider rough play abuse. He goes into it willingly. Eagerly, in fact. He wants the pain. Needs it like you need the air you breath. If you can't give him what he needs, if you make him feel he's dirty because he wants to be hurt in love, you won't hold him long."

Jim shuddered. "Because of what you did to him..."

"Wrong. Christ's blood, this is what he's always been looking for. Why can't you hear what I'm telling you? How can I prove it to you."

Jim shook his head, shoving from his chair. "You can't." He walked heavily across the room and pushed open the door to Blair's small room. "Blair, out here now."

Blair appeared at the open door, his eyes cast down. "Yes, master."


"Master Kai." Caramel's wide-eyed grin spoke volumes. "You came for me?"

"I came." Kai opened his arms and the nude young man flew into them. "You are all right?"

Caramel backed out of Kai's arms as the embrace ended. "I am now." There was a subtle shift in his posture and Jericho drifted gracefully down to his knees, bending low to kiss one of Kai's gleaming shoes. "I've missed you, Master."

"Me?" Kai pulled the slave to his feet. "Or this?" His strong fingers cupped Jericho's balls in a none too gentle fist.

Jericho's head fell back, breath hissing through white teeth. "Oh, God, yes, Master. I need.."

"What do you need, slave"

Another subtle change and Caramel blinked up at him. "We've been so alone. So scared." He clawed at the other man's shoulders. "Don't leave us here. Please, oh please, don't leave us again. We don't understand what these people want from us. What he wants from us."

"He?" Kai brushed back the russet curls, compelling Caramel to meet his eyes "Ellison wants Blair for his own, sweet. He wants Blair to pleasure him. Would Blair do that for him?"

Caramel flicked a frightened glance at the big man, then back to Kai. "Yes, master." He took a reluctant step toward Jim.

Kai laid a restraining hand on the innocent one's arm, halting him. "No, you are too young, child. And besides, Ellison wants Blair.".

Horror flickered over Caramel's innocent features. "Oh, no, Master. The Blair....."

"Blair or no one, Caramel." Kai said firmly. "And never you, Caramel. Jericho or Nikki, maybe, but never you." He cupped Caramel’s cheek. "Blair, come greet me, my own. I’ve missed you"

The innocent one's stance shifted ever so slightly. "Yes, Master."

"Blair," Kai cupped his pale cheek. "You trust me, don't you, my much loved one?"

Blair's gaze softened and he smiled. "With my life."

"Then trust me to protect you're heart. Ellison is not what Kincaid led you to believe. You once trusted him with your life also. Do you remember that?"

A tiny frown furrowed Blair's forehead. "I...No, master."

"Then ignore what your head tells you and follow what your heart says. Go to him. Pleasure him as you've been trained."

Blair nodded. Turning on his heel, his stilted steps carried him to stand submissively before Jim. "How....How may I pleasure you, Master Jim?"

Jim caught Kai's expression, warning him not to distress Blair. As if he ever would.

His tongue darted out, moistening dry lips. "A kiss. Kiss me, Blair."

Blair's body jerked as if he'd been slugged in the gut. "Yes, Master," He lifted his lips to the other man, slipping into Jim's warm embrace.

Jim's lips brushed against the quivering mouth. Savoring the taste of this man. The only man he’d ever held in a sensual embrace, the only male lips he’d ever sampled in a lover’s kiss.

And found that he liked the feel and taste of the man in his arms.

His lips sought Blair’s again, this time with growing hunger, searching, seeking, devouring, until he lifted his head to look into the smoldering blue gaze of the man in his arms. "I love you, Blair," His words were a warm whisper of air, breathing new life into the smaller man. "No matter what happened to you over the last months." He peppered Blair's lips and face with tiny kisses. "No matter what Kincaid did to you, or made you do. I love you."

Blair whimpered under the sensual attack. His hands fluttered over Jim's shoulders, grasping for support.

Another set of hands found the back of Jim's shirt, tugging the hem from his waistband. "Have you ever been with a man before, Ellison?" Kai whispered in his ear, his hot breath making him shiver.

Jim drew a bit away from Blair and shook his head. "I could hurt him unintentionally if I do something wrong." He kissed Blair's downcast head tangling his fingers in the lush curls. "I...."

"I suppose I can guide you through this game." Kai murmured, his fingers tickling up under the front of Jim's shirt.

Nervous under this stranger’s intimate touch, Jim forced himself to lean back into the other man, sighing. "You want to make the third in a threesome?"

"If we are going to share him," Kai tongue teased the crook of Jim's neck. "We should get used to being together as well." He pulled Jim's head around to gaze into blue shadowed eyes. "Are you willing?"

Jim's answer was a slow descent onto unfamiliar but silky warm lips. Kai's hand curled around Jim's neck, deepening the kiss for a long moment before breaking away.

"Blair, Jim is wearing to many clothes. Make him comfortable."

Blair's hands went instantly to Jim's shirt, rolling it up his strong chest. Jim shuddered as Blair brought his lips, teeth and tongue into the play suckling, nipping and laving flesh that was suddenly on fire.

Jim's knees melted under the sexual assault. Kai's dark chuckle sounded as he and Blair supported Jim with the closeness of their bodies.

Jim sighed as two pair of hands caressed his heated skin. He gasped out loud when one hand curled around his cloth covered erection. Whimpered as the fingers tightened on rampaging flesh.

"You are a big one, aren't you, cop," Kai's words were a sultry caress against Jim's ear. "Blair, free him. See what gifts he has to offer you."

Blair went suddenly still for the briefest of seconds. A shudder passed through him and he drew a long breath. "As you wish." He knelt fluidly, his fingers making quick work of the fastening.

His breath hitched in his throat as Jim's weeping cock leapt out to dance hungrily before his wide eyes. He straightened his shoulders and reached a tentative hand toward the quivering flesh.

Jim's fingers curled around Blair's wrist before he could reach his goal. "Wait."

Kai lifted passion darkened eyes to Jim, his lips curling into a sardonic slash. "If you harm him...In any way....If you upset him, I will take him from here. Do you understand? You'll never see him again. You will lose."

Jim glared at the other man, then went down on his own knees, cupping Blair's face between gentle hands. He tilted the slave's face, his friend's face, up to study the unfocused, faraway gaze.


Blair tilted his head slightly, the only sign that he was even the tiniest bit aware of what his body was doing.

"Blair, I want you," Jim assured him, whispering tiny kisses over his face. "I love you so damn much I can't breath for the hurt."

The distance in Blair's gaze eased a bit, the shadows shifting to let a bit of him back in.

"But if you don't want this, if you don't want me, I understand."

Blair exploded out of the self-imposed shadows. And he smiled. "Master, please..."

Jim leaned in to capture his lips. "I want you to pleasure yourself," he murmured against Blair's warming lips. "On my body."

Blair tipped a wry glance at Kai. Kai smiled warmly, nodding. "It is as he wants, pretty one. You will control the game."

"And take it only as far as you are comfortable," Jim added. "Comfortable, Blair. This isn't about coming. It’s about coming home."


The eager light faded as suddenly as it had flared and Blair shuddered. "Master Kai...?"

"Damn. I had hoped...." Kai sighed. "He doesn't understand what you want from him, Ellison." He stroked Blair's curls with a gentle hand. "His training was.....unusual. Kincaid let me handle some of it, but he initiated the rest. He forced Blair so deeply into the slave mentality even I was afraid I'd lose him, brainwashed him into this innocent, defenseless creature. What you're asking him to do is just simply impossible for him in his current condition."

"What? What did I ask?" Jim demanded. "Just to set our pace."

"To make a decision." Kai tipped Blair's chin up. "Look at him, Ellison. You've scared him. He's afraid you're going to be disappointed."

Jim saw the truth of Kai's words reflected in Blair's gaze and lost his demanding erection under a need to shower this wounded soul with his love. He tenderly gathered Blair in his arms. "Never, Blair. You would never disappoint me." He looked up, catching Kai's dark gaze. "What do I have to do? For him, what do I have to do?"

Kai studied the detective for a long moment, then nodded. "Instruct him. And enforce any disobedience for now. We will discuss his...re-education to our requirements later."

"I don't understand. He makes decisions. He called you..."

"As I instructed him to."


Kai grimaced. "How the hell do you suppose he got the phone in the first place."

Jim regained his feet. "You gave it to him."

Kai nodded. "I gave it to him."


"Why?" Kai drew Blair up to stand before them. "Look at him. He can't....He won't take care of himself He only breathes because he can't not breath. Everything...I mean everything from taking a piss to stepping out of the range of danger has to be instructed. I've tried to cover the basics. Told him to avoid walking out in front of a car. That damaging himself, or allowing himself to be damaged would anger me. That if he ever found himself separated from Kincaid and the rest of us, he should use that phone and call me first chance he got to be alone."

"So...Can we fix it? Can we give him back his life?"

"I said we would discuss this later. I won't have Blair upset. Do you understand?"

Jim stared at the other man, awed. "You stayed with him because you love him."

Smiling, Kai cupped Blair's cheek and compelled the smaller man to met his gaze. "More than my own life."

"Enough to share him with me."

"Enough," Kai said firmly, his face set in grim determination. "To share him with Kincaid. Enough to do what Kincaid commanded so I could stay close. I had to stay, you see, or he would have had nothing to hope for. He would have disappeared into his own mind and we would never have retrieved him."

"Why?" Jim whispered. "Why do this to him?"

Kai shrugged "I imagine Kincaid wanted all of him. His body. His soul. His life. An obsessed man doesn't need a reason." He smiled mockingly. "Are you an obsessed man, Ellison?"

Jim touched at Blair's downcast head. "Obsessed?" His fingers tangled in the russet curls, guiding Blair's head back. The spark of desire flickered in Blair's blue gaze. "He is so damn beautiful."

Nodding, Kai caressed Blair's kiss swollen lower lip with his thumb. Blair licked the pad, then tongued his entire thumb into his mouth, suckling contentedly. "Isn't he?"

Watching Blair mouth fuck the other man's thumb, Jim groaned and his cock thrust from his opened pants. He bit back his hungry groan too late. Blair's soft hum was a dark promise. A promise he kept when he reached out one reverent finger to spread the dewy drops over the glistening head.

He released Kai's thumb with a soft sigh, then replaced it with his own cum slicked index finger. His eyes closed and he savored his first taste of Jim's essence.

"Oh, god...." Jim groaned, unable to keep his hips still with Blair so close. So obviously driven by his own lust.

"Instruct him," Kai murmured. "He wants you."

"God," Jim croaked. "Blair, I want you."

Blair grinned, nodding. "How do you want me, master?" He asked, drawing a finger down the center of Jim's chest.

Jim caught the enticing hand and pressed a kiss into Blair's palm. "Blair," he said softly "I don't want to be just another joe to you."

Confusion dulled the passion in Blair's face. "Master..."

"I want you," Jim repeated quickly. "I want you to love me. I know I can't...command you to feel that way. But I need you to love me. I need to feel your love when we make love. I don't want a quick fuck, Blair. I want you."

Blair winced away, pressing his hands against his temples harshly. "No," he whimpered, his knees giving under him. "No..." He crumpled to the ground, rolling in on himself. "No..No...No..."

"Blair..." Jim gasped, going down on his knees beside the younger man.

"Leave him alone." Kai thrust Jim away. he approached the cringing man slowly, easing up on him inch by inch, murmuring calming words all the while.

Blair lifted tear-filled eyes. "Hurts," he whimpered, holding his temples as if he feared his head would split if he let go.

"Hush, Little One. Let it go. You're safe." His hand eased forward.

"No..." Blair rasped skittering backward. "No..."

"Okay," Kai said, settling on his heels. "Okay, I won't touch you."

"What's wrong with him?"

Kai scowled. "Squat down," he growled. "Blair is delicate. What he's gone through would have destroyed a lesser man. Are you trying to finish Kincaid's destruction?"

Jim eyed the trembling man for a long moment, then drifted down on his haunches. "I'm making a mess of this."

"It’s not all about you, cop." Kai turned his concern back toward his slave. "Blair, are you with me?"

"I'm trying, Master," Blair rasped. "I'm trying to be good."

Kai threw Jim a commanding 'fix this' glare.

"You are good, Blair." Jim offered. "You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing at all."

"You..." Blair's gaze flicked between his two masters. "You aren't going to...beat me?"

"Beat...." Jim shuddered with the need to comfort his young guide. "Oh God, Blair, never...."

"Never?" Blair pulled his knees up to his chest rocking himself. "Never...?"

"He is an untried master, Little One. He will learn to give you what you need." Kai offered his hand again. "Come, Little One."

Blair's skittish glance touched on Jim then dashed back to Kai.

"Whenever you're ready."

Nodding, Blair eased his legs out of the tight crunch. "I....can't..."

Kai shushed him. "I'm going to come get you, Little One." He pushed to his feet. "Still okay?"

Blair watched owl eyed, but nodded.

"Good boy. I'm coming now." He took a small step with each word. "Tell me if you want me to stop." He reached Blair with the last word and lowered himself to Blair's level. "Can I hold you, Blair?"

"Hold me," Blair whispered. "Oh yes, hold me."

Kai's arms snaked around the young slave loosely. Blair slumped into the warm embrace, burying his face in Kai's neck. "I only wanted to please him, master. Just to please him."

Kai's arms tightened by degrees, letting Blair adjust and accept the strength he offered "You did please him, Blair." Kai assured him, peppering his neck with tiny kisses. "I'm going to pick you up now, okay?"

Blair buried his face against Kai's neck, nodding.

"Easy now," Kai said and scooped Blair up. "Where's his bed?"

Pushing to his own feet, Jim gestured toward the smaller room and Kai took a step in that direction.

"Wait," Jim said, grabbing Kai's arm. "Upstairs. Take him upstairs."

Blair whimpered, shaking his head.

"Hush, little one, hush." Kai said, turning narrowed eyes on the big cop. "I warned you what would happen if you upset my slave. I need to settle him. Then I'm going to give him what he needs."

"Take him upstairs, Kai," Jim said firmly. "I made this mess. I demand the right to correct it."

Kai studied the cop for a long moment, then nodded and moved up the steps to the lost.


Kai eased his burden onto the floor and Blair drifted to his knees, trembling in terror, waiting

"He’s afraid of me."

One black brow rose over the crooked curve of Kai’s full lips. "And?"

Raking through his shorn hair, Jim gazed at the trembling man kneeling before him. "And I don’t like it."

Kai lowered himself onto the bed, leaning back on his elbows. "So fix it."


Shrugging, Kai leaned farther back on the bed, cradling his head on his arms. "You want to co-own my emotionally injured slave. Figure it out."

A dark scowl tugged Jim’s brows together. "You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?"

Kai pursed his lips, considering the question. He nodded finally. "I’ve been told I’ve got sadistic tendencies, so yeah, I’m enjoying this."

Jim glared at him silently. His glance moved away, sweeping over Blair. "Blair," he said softly, holding a hand before him as if to calm a frightened animal. "Blair, I’m sorry I upset you before."

Blair nodded, staring at his clenched hands.

"You need to help me out here, Chief. This whole thing is new to me, ya know?"

Another tiny nod.

"Blair, do you need me to go slow, like Kai, downstairs?" Jim advanced a step toward him.

The younger man’s head shot up at the first step and met Jim’s calm gaze.

"I’m offering you whatever you need from me to make this work, Chief." Jim took another step forward. "Just need you to trust me, okay?" Another step.

Blair’s wide-eyed star revealed the tight hold he held on his fear as he nodded.

A smile pulled at the corner of Jim’s lips. "Good boy, Blair." he murmured, approaching him slowly, aware that the younger man was conscious of his every move. "You’re doing fine, Chief," he whispered as he took that final step. A quick glance at the man on the bed stilled him for a moment. He met Kai’s cold eyes, acknowledging the warning there with a slight nod.

"Blair," Jim said firmly, breaking the silence.

Blair’s breath hissed in the air between them but his whispered. "Yes, Sir."

"Stand up." He commanded. "You come the last little bit to me."

Blair went still for a brief moment, then pushed to his feet, standing stiffly before him, his eyes cast down, head bent, concealing his face behind the russet curls. "How may I please you, Master?" he murmured by rote.

Jim reached out slowly, snagging several curls in his fingers. "You use this as a shield against me," he murmured. "I never realized it before, but you have always hidden behind this sheer curtain, haven’t you?"

Blair froze before him, not even breathing.

"I think I might have to have it shorn, Blair. Would you like that?"

A soft whimper passed between them, letting Jim know he’d drawn blood.. "Yes, sir." He choked out.

The rustle of Kai’s clothes alerted Jim that the other man was coiling to put a stop to this if Blair showed signs of real distress.

"You haven’t got any reason to disagree with me about cutting your hair, do you, Blair?" he continued.

"No, Sir" he whispered brokenly. "My body exists for your pleasure."

"Does it, my Blair? And what if I told you it displeases me when you won’t look at me." Jim murmured, wrapping the curls around his fist and tugging until Blair met his eyes. "Look at me when I talk to you."

Blair’s glance darted toward Kai. "Master Kai...?"

Kai shrugged, stretching out on the bed again. "Master Jim told you how to please him. Have I trained you so poorly that you can not obey a simple command?" He rose up on one elbow, grinning. "You know, you do have beautiful eyes, Blair. I’ve never liked not being able to see your thoughts through them. I think I would like to have you look at me as much as Jim would like you to look at him."

Confusion glittered in those expressive eyes, and than acceptance. "Yes, Sir." He turned back to Jim. "How may I please you, Master Jim?"

Jim couldn’t resist a crooked smile. "I think we’re about to find that out." He leaned low over the smaller man, his lips brushing back and forth in soft brief contact only to lift and brush back again, all the while staring into Blair’s wide blue eyes.

Desire sparked in his eyes, darkening them and Blair’s hands slipped under Jim’s shirt, padding like a kitten against his warm skin.

"Blair, take off Jim’s shirt," Kai said, flipping around on the bed to watch the two men learn each other.

Blair hesitated, his gaze locked on Jim’s. "Okay?"

Jim murmured a soft yeah then buried his face in the crook of Blair’s neck, breathing in the heady scent of his lover.

Squirming against the tickling attentions of his master’s lips, Blair’s fingers darted over the buttons, popping one in his haste. His eyes widened in distress and slid away, following the bouncing circle’s path across the carpeted floor, and all the while the color drained from his already pale features.

His gaze darted up to meet Jim’s and he shuddered. "For....forgive me, master. I....." He made a move to dash after the lost button but Jim captured his forearm in one strong hand.

"Let it go," he murmured, cupping Blair’s pale cheek.

Blair flinched away, as if expecting pain.

"It’s all right, Chief," Jim assured him, drawing him against his chest. "Just a loose button."

"I...I can fix it, master," he managed. "I...Please, let me..."

"Blair," Jim stopped the confused babble with one word.

Blair stared up at him, resignation stamped firmly on his face.

"It’s only a button. Forget it." Jim said softly. "It doesn’t matter." He grasped the edges of his half buttoned shirt and ripped, snapping the rest of the buttons off in one quick movement.

Blair’s mouth dropped open, his glance flitting from one escaping button to the next. "Ma...master, I..."

Jim shrugged out of the shirt and held it up between them. His arms flexed once, and he split the shirt down the middle. "It’s only a shirt. I have more."

Blair’s hand brushed against one half of the black rag, his confusion easy to read. "I..."His eyes shimmered suspiciously. "I...can’t fix....that."

Jim hooked a finger under his chin, forcing him to meet his eyes. "Forget the shirt, Blair. Its not important."


"No buts, Darwin." He smiled softly. "You," He tossed the tattered material into a nearby waste can. "You are what is important to me, Chief. That hunk of cloth can be replaced. You can not." Snagging Blair around his waist, Jim curled him into his bare chested embrace. "You are the only thing that is important to me," he murmured against the dark curls.

Relaxing visibly, Blair’s arms wrapped slowly around Jim.

From the bed, Kai tipped Jim a silent nod of approval before saying, "Blair, the night is wasting. Finish undressing your new master and bring him to bed."

Blair slanted Jim a sultry smile, his hands resting on the fastenings of Jim’s jeans. "Is okay?"

"Very," Jim murmured, claiming a soul searing kiss while Blair divested him of the last of his cloths. His breath hissed in his throat when Blair’s fingers wrapped around him and stroked him to erection.

Blair cast another glance his way, backed up with a smoldering half-smile. "Come to bed, Master."

Caught in Blair’s hypnotic gaze, Jim let himself be lead to the waiting bed. Kai reached for him, easing him into the center the bed and Blair followed him down, slidling up on the other side so Jim found himself between to hot blooded creatures of sexual desire, being touched and caressed more completely than he’d ever been before.

"Oh, God," Jim murmured as Kai cupped his face in his hands and brushed his lips with soft butterfly kisses. "Oh, God," he repeated as Blair began a tormenting nibble at the crook of his neck.

"Too much?" Kai asked tracing small designs against Jim’s chest with a long-nailed finger.

"Yes." Jim gasped, squirming under Blair’s sexual prowess. "No." He amended, leaning up to capture Kai’s smiling lips in desperation. "God, its like nothing I’ve ever experienced."

"Only the beginning, Jim," Kai promised, or was it a threat. He pressed Jim down on his back. "He needs attention, Little One."

Grinning with devilish delight, Blair kissed his way down Jim’s torso, not missing a spot as he made his lascivious way to his goal. He nibbled and licked the hard column of flesh, stopping only to meet Jim’s eyes once he reached the crest.

"Do it," Jim gasped, his flesh alive with sexual heat. "God, don’t stop now."

Blair’s lips opened, and never once breaking eye contact, he swallowed the hard flesh one agonizing bit at a time. With his nose pressed into the lush thatch of curls, he purred, the vibrations rumbling up Jim’s over sensitized skin.

Unable to stop himself, Jim thrust into the liquid heat of Blair’s mouth, babbling his pleasure.

Not to be forgotten, Kai continued a lover’s assault on Jim’s aching nipples, playing one hard nib until it throbbed and moving to the next, back and forth until Jim thought his mind would overload from the pure pleasure surging through him.

His screams of completion rocked the small room, sending echoes of pleasure into the vast loft below.

Blair cleaned him with kitten like swipes of his tongue until Jim drew him up into his arms and claimed the passion bruised lips with his own.

Smiling the devil’s own smile, Kai leaned back on one arm and said, "Our Blair seems to have enjoyed himself quite a lot. You will have your desired co-ownership, master Jim."


Childish giggles of a youth at play drew Jim slowly from his deep slumber. He rolled onto his side, reaching for the warm body that had fallen asleep in his arms the night before, and found his bed empty. Loneliness like nothing before swept over him and he slide back onto his back, dropping an arm over his eyes as if it would block out the confusion swirling around his thoughts.

Another soft giggle drifted up from below and curious, he rolled onto his stomach, gazing at the two men huddled together in not so quiet companionship.

"Please, Master Kai," Caramel murmured, gazing at him expectantly. "I’ve been good. Please, did you bring it?"

Tilting his head and offering a sly smile, Kai slipped his hand into his pocket and crinkled what could only be a plastic bag. "I would never forget something you need so desperately to survive, my own."

Caramel curled onto his knees on the sofa beside Kai, grinning impishly. "Please, Master....The Blair doesn’t need to know...."

A feeling of cold dread flushed through Jim. What could his Blair need so desperately from this man who had invaded his life and his bed in on fell swoop.

Kai chuckled darkly, drawing the bag out of his pocket and pouring four caramels into his hand.

Caramel literally bounced in his excitement, his blue eyes glued to the creamy treat but he made no move to take the candies.

"You are sure you’ve behaved, pretty?"

Caramel ducked his head, hiding behind the curls. "I....I try...."

Kai curled his finger under the child within’s chin and smiled into Caramel’s eyes. "You have been very good, my own sweet child. Very brave." He slid the candy into Caramel’s open palm and curled his fingers over the treat. "I am proud of you, Caramel."

The child man suddenly flew into Kai’s arms, burying his head in the crook of his master’s neck and clinging to him. Kai’s arms wrapped around the squirming bundle and laughed softly. "You are my indulgence, child," he murmured cuddling Caramel against his chest. "I love you, pretty one. In all your variations."

Caramel peeked up at him. "Even Jericho and Nikko?"

Kai ruffled his charge’s curls. "Yes, imp, even Jericho and Nikko.