Title: I've Never Told Anybody This, Catherine (Slash Version)
Author: Tayla
Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Pairing: Gil/Catherine friendship
Rating: PG
Category: Humor
Status: Complete April 16, 2002
Feedback: Yes, please. All constructive criticism will by accepted graciously
Email: tayla36@aol.com
Series/Sequel: No
Disclaimers: CSI and its characters belong to Anthony Zuiker and CBS broadcasting company. The author makes no profit and no infringement is intended.
Authors Notes: Spoilers: "To Halve and to Hold" "Pledging Mr. Johnson" "Slaves of Las Vegas." The first ten lines of this story are actual verbatim dialog from the last scene of the episode "Slaves of Las Vegas"
Summary: Catherine discovers something intimate about Gil. Something she really didn't want to know.
Warnings: Implied slash
I've Never Told Anybody This, Catherine
by Tayla
"I just realized that you and I have a very healthy relationship."
"We do?" Grissom glanced at Catherine as they were walking down the hallway from interrogation.
"When we have a problem, I don't paint Greg Sanders with latex and stick a straw up his nose."
"Good. He'd probably like it."
"Gil," Catherine put her hand on Grissom's arm and pulled him up short. He turned to face her giving her his full attention. "You're supposed to say something revealing back to me."
"Okay. I've never told anybody this Catherine..."
Catherine looked into Gil's face. She had tossed that comment off kind of flippantly, about Gil saying something revealing, but he looked so serious. Like he really has something on his mind that he needed to talk about.
Catherine was Gil's friend, as much as anyone could be his friend. He was an intensely private man and she only knew as much as she did about him because they had worked together for so long. And she knew that she really didn't know him at all.
She knew what kind of cases really got to him. Battered wives, sexual assault on kids and guys that deal drugs to kids. But that's not really very revealing because those are the types of cases that get to everyone.
She recalled the Wendy Barger case. When he had gotten upset with her for giving information to Mr. Barger about his wife's affair. He told her that she couldn't let her 'personal stuff' interfere with the case. She countered by pointing out that he didn't have any personal stuff, that he locks himself in his house and does his crosswords and watches discovery channel and never has any personal relationships. Which actually is true about him but she wished she hadn't said it quite that way. She wished she hadn't torn into him quite so deep.
He had tried to have a personal life, after that. She knew he had been interested in Teri Miller. In fact he seemed to revert into an adolescent schoolboy, practically swooning over her when she helped them on the Bennet case. She knew they had dinner that night. Something happened to spoil the evening. She didn't know exactly what because he didn't talk about it but his interactions with Teri after that were always just cordial and very professional. Catherine thought that was such a shame. They seemed to be such a good match.
His job was his whole life. He went on sometimes about his reading and his bugs and his rollercoasters. But those were all solitary pursuits. He never really let anyone in to share his life. She supposed that her and Jim Brass were the closest things he had to friends in his life. And she didn't really know him at all.
Now he was standing in front of her. Gazing at her intently. About to reveal something intimate about himself. She was going to get a little glimpse of this man whom she had known for so long but didn't really know at all.
She waited expectantly for him to finish his sentence.
"...I have painted Greg with latex. And he did like it."
Grissom turned and continued down the hall. Catherine stared after him in stunned silence. He was kidding, wasn't he?
Wasn't he?