Title: I've Had Enough!!!

Author: Electricty6


Fandom: Crime Scene Investigation


Rating: PG

Summary: Some dark thoughts of a favorite CSI.

Disclaimer: Every Character belongs to CBS. No copyright is intended. I'm doing this story for fun.

I've Had Enough!!!
by Electricty6

They don't know anything about anything about me!!! I'm just a perfect! Oh ya a perfect liar! I go about the day, with smiles, opinions, laughs, and scientific insight. But, I'm not really like that. I try to be the perfect little CSI that everyone wants to be around. Oh ya, I'm so nice that I let them ignore me, walk in me, make fun of me, and dismiss me. I'm a carpet to them. I can be passed up as if I'm less important then them. Some days I can see them look at me as some stupid Texas boy. I can tell that some of them pity me. I really hate that! All the bad things have to happen to me. Na really!

I just perfect on the outside. But inside I'm a different person. If they knew who I really am. They would get scared and put me in an institution or tell me to talk to a psychiatrist. But I won't let that happen. Ever, I did once I let Catherine know something about the real me. I've regretted it ever since. They are the Great CSIs that know everything. To hell with me! One day I will let them see the real me.

They better pray that doesn't happen anytime soon! So today I will be the perfect CSI now. I will do my job the best that I can. And not comment on how they dismiss me. I have gotten petty use to being their
shadow. Someday they will see me. THEY WILL PAY! I won't let them hurt
me any longer! I'm Nick Stokes. CSI, carpet, and shadow.


***Please be nice. This is my first Fanfiction. I hope you like it.