I Didn’t Want It!


A/N: No beta this time, sorry. Disclaimers in part one. This is just a tidbit because it’s been so long since I posted anything. More will follow today or tomorrow.

Part Twenty-Five A

Rupert Giles wakes up with a groan. He feels so stiff. He shakes out his limbs and promptly falls off the narrow cot.

"Bugger! Oh dear me, Ripper is still rather close to the surface," he says with a shudder.

Alex comes racing in at the thud.

"Are you okay?" he helps the Watcher off the floor, "I am sorry, Rupert, the cot is a bit small."

"Its quite all right, Alex. Wanker, why didn’t you warn me?!"

Both men look astonished.

"I seem to be having some difficulties. I suppose a few days of acclimatization would not be amiss," Giles sighs.

"Are you going to be alright, Rupert?" Alex says worriedly. "I shall be fine. I just need to go home and rest. I really should check on Xander. Yes, I could help in his recovery," he says with a smirk. Then he looks at Alex in horror, "Bloody Hell."

"Rupert, I can’t let you go home like this. Xander needs Giles not Ripper. Is there somewhere you can stay for a few days?"

"Alex, I appreciate your concern but I really would like to go home. I can control this," Giles says with determination.

"Well… okay. But call me immediately if you need me," he pauses and looks at the Watcher’s hair, "You might want to brush your hair before you go," Alex smiles.

Giles pinches the bridge of his nose. He’ll wet his hair down at the sink, make it lay down, then go home.


Spike watches Xander eat his Twinkie with amusement. Xander notices him watching and gives Spike a big grin.

"Done, you git?" his Mate asks affectionately.

"Yep!" Xander licks his fingers and Spike has to close his eyes. When he thinks it might be safe he opens his eyes and sees his Mate forlornly licking the wrapper for crumbs.

Spike grins, says, "Ew," and watches with satisfaction as Xander cracks up.

"You wrinkled your nose!"

"Just mimicking you lot, luv," Spike smirks.

Xander snorts then looks puzzled.

"Spike, where’s G-Man? I’m getting worried about him," he sheepishly admits.

"Watcher’ll be here, Pet. Up for some bath therapy?" Spike distracts Xander and covers his own concern. Worried about a Watcher. Gah!

"B-Bath? You mean with clothes off?" Xander replies with anxiety.

"Can keep the boxers, luv, it’ll be alright," Spike soothes.

"Have to? I mean we did the naked couch…"

Xander is rescued by the door opening.

"G-Man!" Xander jumps up and runs over to the Watcher, giving him a hug so hard he nearly knocks the two of them over.

"Xan-Xander. Has Spike been good to you?" he asks as he looks at the vampire sternly.

"Oi! Take good care of me Mate," the vampire growls.

Giles surprises himself by hugging the youth back. Then his hands move from Xander’s back to his butt and shove the youth into his groin. The teen eeps and goes still.

Spike sees what is happening and yanks his Mate away from the Watcher.

"What the bloody fuck are you pullin’, Watcher," Spike snarls.

Xander shakes with terror. Giles is supposed to be safe!

"G-Man?" he begs with tears in his eyes.

Spike has the other man by the throat and Giles is so distraught he isn’t fighting.

"Watcher?!" the vampire growls and shakes his captive.

Xander curls up in a little ball by Spike’s feet.

"I do apologize, William. I truly thought it was safe."

"Wot? Safe for wot? Safe to molest a frightened child!?" and the vampire’s hold tightens.

"Urk. Call Alex, he will explain. Just end my life quickly."

Spike is stunned that Giles wants to die and loosens his grip. He continues to keep one eye on the Watcher as he sits on the couch and dials. He leans down and gently lifts his Mate onto his lap, stroking the dark head.


‘Dr. Romer’s office, Alex Romer speaking,’ he looks at the caller ID, ‘Rupert?’

‘‘S William. Watcher attacked me Mate. Want some answers.’

‘Attacked?! No, I was afraid of that. Is he- Is Xander all right?’

‘Whelp’s terrified, shakin’ an’ tears. Want some answers doc, ‘ Spike snarls.

‘Short version: A demonic possession created a sort of Multiple Personality Disorder in Rupert. Ripper comes out under stress but is usually manageable. Right now he’s popping in and out rather suddenly. Bottom line - Ripper attacked your Mate, not Rupert Giles.

‘Bloody Fuckin’ - Wot do you need me ta do?’

‘Well right now the best thing you can do is take Xander somewhere safe. I’ll help Rupert. Do you know of a friend who would be willing to let you stay for a week or two?’

‘Could say that doc. What about the whelp’s medical care? Got a final exam comin’.’

‘I have some connections. Give me the location and I’ll make some calls.’



Part Twenty-Five B

Is that wise, William? I mean- never mind. I know of a doctor in that area. I’ll call him when I get off the phone.’

‘Right, better phone Peaches. Bye, doc. Fix the Watcher before I forget I like the bloke and rip his bloody head off,’ the vampire snaps and hangs up.


"Spike… I… Please explain to Xander. I shall wait upstairs for Alex."

"Won’t tear yer heart out yet, Rupes. Get help," Spike growls as his eyes flash yellow.

Xander is still in a little ball by the vampire. Spike glares at the Watcher’s back as he walks up the stairs. When the bedroom door closes the vampire sighs and looks down at his Mate. Xander is clutching the bottom of Spike’s shirt. Having a Dad he actually trusted grope him has his mind going in circles. Spike pets his boy as he dials one number he never intended to use. Its sunset and time to roll once he gets this call over with.


Angel is lying in bed throwing darts at a picture of Spike. It was an old fashioned painting. Now it's a homemade vampire stress reliever. With Cordy gone on a girls’ retreat, Gunn helping out his old buddies and Wesley visiting his family overseas, the vampire is bored. The Sunnydale bunch left him on standby so he hasn’t taken any new cases. He’s almost desperate enough to go to the movies when his phone rings.


‘Angel Investigations. New demon, Giles?’

‘How’d you know, Hair Boy?’

‘I am a private investigator, Spike! I have caller ID. What have you done now?’ Angel snarls.

‘Oi Peaches, like that! Need a place where me Mate’ll be safe.’

‘I left that life behind, Spike. I don’t need a crazy vampire running around the Hyperion. Drusilla can’t come either.’

Spike takes a moment to catch the insult.

‘Hey! ‘S not Dru anyway. Rupes tell you bout the whelp?’ Spike asks reluctantly.

‘That’s what you call Xander. What trouble did he get into now?’ Angel questions with evident boredom.

‘Didn’t cause it,’ Spike snarls, ‘Pillock tried to rape him an’ he’s a little off. Can we stay or not?’

‘R-Rape? Is he okay William?’

‘Like you care, wanker. Can take of him meself. Last time, Angelus, can-he-stay?’ Spike grates out.

Xander shakes at the anger in his Mate’s voice and Spike shushes him.

Angel overhears and comes to a snap decision.

‘You can come, Spike. But if this is all some big-’

Spike interrupts, ‘Be there in two hours,’ then he hangs up on his grandsire.


Angel hangs up with a snarl of his own. He picks up his darts and angrily starts tossing them at his grandchilde’s portrait.


Rupert Giles lays down on his bed and takes his glasses off. He puts his hands over his eyes and curls into a ball of abject misery. His sobs shake the bed frame.


Alex knocks on the door. Spike makes sure Xander is secure on the couch before answering the door.

"Watcher’s upstairs, Xander’s on the sofa. Gettin’ his stuff then we’re gone. Rupes, uh, gonna be alone? Don’t care bout the Watcher, just askin’."

"I’m staying here with him. Can I talk to Xander?"

"Can try, boy’s a bit out of it."

Alex waits until Spike goes to pack and heads over to Xander. He sits down beside the teen and curses. All of the hard work he has done is unraveling before his eyes. Xander flinches back at the new presence.

"Its okay, Xander, its just Alex Romer. You are going somewhere else for a little while so I can fix Dad. Take care and listen to your Mate. Remember your therapy," Alex looks up and sees Spike coming with a duffle bag, "I’m going to give him something to put him to sleep. He’s not handling this well. Don’t mess this up, William."

"Not messin’ up, mate. Poke him an’ let’s go."

"N-No. Don’t need anything Spike. No needle," Xander objects. It’s the first words Spike has heard since this whole mess started.

"Long drive, luv, think you need it," Spike says firmly.

"Tired of being poked an’ prodded, Spike."

Alex tunes them both out and prepares the syringes he gets out of the bag he has brought. He pulls Xander’s pants and boxers down enough to expose one rounded butt cheek.

"Said no!" Xander shouts and reaches back to pull his clothes up.

"Said yes, luv," and Spike holds his hands down while Alex gives him the injection.

"Mean vampire," Xander says sullenly, rubbing the sore spot after Spike releases his hands.

"Done, doc?" Spike asks as he adroitly ignores his sulking Mate.

"Yeah, the shot I gave him will knock him out until morning. You better get going before daylight."

"Tired of being poked," Xander sleepily gripes.

"Necessary, Pet, go to sleep."

"I’ll go upstairs and check on Rupert. Have a safe journey," Alex says as he packs his bag back up and heads upstairs.

Spike slings the duffel over his shoulder, wraps the couch blanket around Xander and walks to the garage. Xander continues to complain softly.


Alex opens the bedroom door cautiously and sighs. Giles is so lost in his own despair. He gets another syringe out, prepares a new dose, quickly bares the Watcher’s behind and injects the sedative before the other man can object. Xander isn’t the only one that needs a good night’s sleep. Giles looks at him with accusing eyes until his lids slowly drift shut. Alex stretches out beside the other man on the bed. The Watcher is not going to be left alone.


I have never done Angel and Spike interaction other than one ficlet so I hope I did okay! Thanks go to Sarah, Sofy, Cimmer, Zus and Lazuli for looking this over for me. All mistakes, however, are my own.

Part Twenty-Five C

"Not," yawn, "Sleepy," blink, blink.

Spike snorts and continues to make a nest for Xander in the back seat. When he’s done he tucks his boy in and straps him down with the Scooby modified seat belts. It’s not the first time a Slayerette was transported laying down and Giles had the seatbelts custom made. The vampire kisses his Mate on the forehead gently before smoothing his eyes shut. The combination of feeling secure, knowing Spike is there, and being bundled like precious cargo finally finish the work of the drug. Spike smirks as soft snores are heard from the blanketed lump. One last tug to make sure the belts are secure and Spike closes the door. He climbs in the driver’s seat and starts up the Citroen. Hopefully Giles won’t need his car for a week or two. Spike pulls out and starts searching through the tapes he brought. Soon Sex Pistols is blaring out of the speakers and they are on their way to Los Angeles. The sedative in Xander is very strong and the teen doesn’t stir.


"I can’t believe he hung up on me. I’m his Grandsire!" Angel growls as he yanks a blood bag out of the refrigerator and throws it in the microwave with a bit too much force.

"This is all Spike’s fault. Everything is his fault. Should make him clean this up," he snarls as he tosses a shredded blood bag in the trash and scrubs out the microwave. He’s scouring the last corner when he hears a loud banging on the front door. He strikes his head on the roof of the microwave and scowls as he answers the door, rubbing the top of his head.

"Spike! I should have known. Only you could cause chaos simply being at my door."

"Lemme in, you Poof! Whelp’s wrapped up but he can still get a chill," Spike yells as he re-adjusts his burden. Xander is cradled in his Mate’s arms, still sound asleep.

"Come in, Spike," Angel sighs and opens the doors since Spike’s hands are a bit full.

"Here, take me Pet. Need to get the stuff out of the car," and Spike abruptly shoves Xander into Angel’s arms.

The older vampire fumbles the youth awkwardly until he gets a good grip.

"Don’t drop ‘im, Peaches," Spike hollers as he heads back out.

Angel glares at the other vampire’s retreating back and sits down on the sofa with Xander. He makes sure Spike is still gone before he carefully unwraps the blanket from its tight hold on the teen. Xander’s face is flushed with the warmth of his coverings and his hair is lightly tousled from sleep. In slumber he seems younger than his nineteen years. Angel brushes his hair back with care and in this unguarded moment you can see the big brother type love he has for Xander. He cuddles him up to his chest and lets the soft breaths soothe him.

"Oi! Put me Mate down. He doesn’t need you pawing him. Gonna put him to bed, hands an’ fangs off, Gel Boy!" Spike spits out when he enters the room and sees Angel cuddling Xander like something coveted. The boy is precious but he’s Spike’s. Xander stirs a bit when Spike yanks him away from Angel a bit too roughly.

"I’m not going to steal your Mate. I don’t feel that way about Xander," Angel wearily replies. Then he realizes Spike’s chip didn’t go off when the other vampire hurt the boy.

"What’s going on, Spike? You yanked him around like one of Dru’s rag dolls without a flinch," Angel demands dangerously.

Despite the teen in his arms Spike smirks, "My little secret. Need a room, bellhop, whelp’s gettin’ heavy."

"I want answers!" Angel yells then lowers his voice in deference to the sleeping human. "Follow me to the room but I want an explanation after he’s in bed," he hisses.

"Right, right, go. Need to put me Mate to bed."

Spike follows a seething Angel up the stairs and into a room. Its typical hotel - bland but clean, furnished and the bed has fresh sheets. Angel steps back and watches as Spike strips Xander down to his boxers then tucks his legs under the covers. He pulls the blankets up to the boy’s chin then drops a soft kiss on his Mate’s nose. The other vampire watches the ritual with amusement.

Spike looks up at Angel and glares.


"Nothing, Spike. Let’s go chat."

Spike grumpily follows the other vampire to the kitchen. He finds the blood bag from earlier at the top of the trash.

"Food fight back, Peaches?" Spike asks with a smirk.

"Shut up, Spike. Harris didn’t move much. What did you do to him?" Angel asks suspiciously.

"Not what yer thinkin’. Doc knocked him out for the trip," Spike scowled.

Angel grabs two more blood bags out of the refrigerator and starts warming them.

"Like me blood 98.6 degrees Poof, like my humans," Spike grins.

"All right, Spike, why are you carrying Xander around? What did you need to escape? I want the whole story and no lies," Angel glowers as Spike tries to look innocent.

"Not much to tell, Angelus. Whelp was almost raped, Watcher mojo-ed the chip, the whelp and me are Mates, and Rupes went barmy and made a pass at me Pet. Usual Sunnyhell rot," Spike shrugs.

"Giles deactivated the chip!? Xander Harris is your Mate and you bit him!? Was he willing?" Angel is flabbergasted.

"Well, Xan wasn’t exactly jumpin’ with joy. Rupes made him stay still so’s I could bite him. But I’d never hurt him, Peaches. Won’t hurt any humans unless they go after me Xander," Spike growls and his eyes flash yellow.

Angel mindlessly pours the blood into two mugs and sets one in front of Spike. His thoughts are whirling.

"Giles… held him down? When did he go barmy on you? How is Xander handling all this?"

"Whelp was doin’ better. First time I tried to bathe him he ran out the door in ‘is boxers. Can bathe him now without too much fuss," Spike answers nonchalantly.

"I see…" Angel is at a loss.

"Can touch his bum now if he’s havin’ a good day. Not sure after tonight," Spike says absentmindedly.

"Why would you need to touch his butt, Spike?"

"Got some small tears, have to put cream on ‘em and stuff in his bathwater. S’posed to see his doc again in a few days."

"How long do you need to stay, Spike?" Angel asks, a bit overwhelmed.

"Least a week. Need to keep Xander away from Rupes for a bit. Old friend’s going to stay with the Watcher. Doc said he knew someone here for the Whelp’s exam. ‘Nough yet? Me Pet sleeps best when I’m curled around him," Spike asks impatiently.

"We need to talk about Xander more. I need to know his reactions."

"Fine," Spike huffs, "Don’t like males to get too near, only let’s Rupes an’ I touch ‘im, and he’s real clingy. Was the one that found him so he’s sorta imprinted me. That it?" he asks sarcastically.

"You said he has some medical needs. Did Giles help you with that?"

"Nobody touches the boy but me," Spike growls.

"Cool it, Spike, I just asked if you need help," Angel chides.

"Only help I need is a safe place for me an’ Xan, Peaches. Been there since the beginning takin’ care of him. ‘S why Rupes trusted me. Needs protected. He’s so broken," Spike adds in a soft tone, "Need to go, can’t have me Mate wake up alone." Spike gulps his blood, makes a face because he let it get cold, and then heads out of the kitchen.

"We aren’t done, Spike!" Angel yells, following the other vampire.

"Go to bed, Hair Boy, more later," Spike answers.

He quietly enters the room where he laid Xander down and slinks over to the bed. The teen is moving around restlessly, looking for an absent cold body, and Spike glares at the Angel-shaped shadow in the doorway.

"He’s looking for me, you Wanker. If you upset my Pet…" Spike hisses as he climbs into bed and holds Xander securely.

Angel watches his obnoxious grandchilde mutter insults until sleep quiets him. He waits until he’s certain both men are out before he tiptoes over to kiss Xander on the forehead and smooth lock of hair out of his face. He starts to walk off when an impulse hits and he hurries back over to kiss Spike’s cheek. He tugs the blanket up to their chins and leaves the room.
