Saruman's Revenge
by SkyFire
: Like the title says. Saruman gets a bit of revenge for events in TTT. *g* To say more would give away the story!Part 2
Elrond and Glorfindel were walking in the moonligt garden in the chill of the fading night, followed closely by a concerned Elladan and Elrohir.
For the sixth time that night, Elrond sighed in frustration and stopped walking, then turned to face his sons.
"For the last time," he said in exasperation. "I am quite all right, as is Glorfindel. There is no reason for you to continue to follow us like this."
"But, Father, we are concerned for you," Elladan said. "You were the only two so stricken."
"Perhaps so," Elrond conceded. "But we are well now."
"For how long? Father, you told us yourself that you didn't know what had happened. How can you be so certain that it will not happen again, worse than before?" Elrohir said. "If something
were to happen-"
"Nothing is going to happen, Elrohir," Elrond said. "I am happy that you are so concerned for me, but I assure you that I am now quite well."
"But for how long?" Elladan asked as grey false-dawn light spread across the land, though much of Rivendell remained in shadow.
"Enough!" Glorfindel said. "As my Lord said, we are both quite well."
Just then, the Sun peeked her firey edge over the mountains on the horizon.
Elrond and Glorfindel both stiffened abruptly in shocked pain, brief, quickly choked-off cries of pain escaping them.
Even as the twins hurried forward, the two great Elven lords fell limp to the dew-wet grass.
Then Elladan and Elrohir arrived at the side of the collapsed Elf-lords, who were just beginning to stir from their positions on the ground. Their clothes seemed to have grown many sizes in the past moments. Then the twins gasped in shock as the truth of the matter revealed itself... or rather, *themselves*.
Sitting up slowly in the great puddles of loose clothing, yawning widely as if just now coming awake, were two young Elves. Two *very* young Elves. Rather, one Elf and one Half-Elf.
As the twins stood there staring at the two, disbelieving shock running through them, the two young ones looked to them with bright eyes and giggled.
The Elflings then stood, the overlarge clothing falling effortlessly from the small bodies. They giggled at the twins one last time, then turned and ran away deeper into Rivendell, nude as the day they were born.
"F-Father?" Elladan managed to stutter, staring absently after them in shock. "G-Glorfindel?"
Elrohir shook himself, rose quickly to his feet. "Come, brother!" he said, shaking his twin slightly, enough to shake him from his dazed state. "We have to catch them! They're getting away!"
"Wha-? Oh. Oh!"
Together, the twins ran off into the light of the new day, following the trail in the drying dew on the grass and the sound of those carefree giggles.
Part 3
Elladan and Elrohir followed the sound of high-pitched giggles. They could not believe how *fast* those two skinny younglings could run! They'd been chasing the two for nearly a quarter-hour and still hadn't caught up.
The twins paused at the sudden stop of the giggles, looked at each other in alarm. They'd *never* catch their father-child and little Glorfindel if the two were quiet!
But then, just as the twins were beginning to get truly worried, they heard two heavy-sounding splashes, then the giggles began again, this time accompanied by small yips and yells, as well as yet more splashes.
The twins started running again, gaining quickly on the giggles and yelps as the boys seemed to have quit running. They burst into a small clearing, took in the sight before them and groaned in distress.
They had found the boys. Unfortunately, the *boys* had found something as well: a mud puddle. And not just a *normal* mud puddle. *This* had to be the mother of all mud puddles; full of thick black mud, perhaps six inches deep, wider in all directions than the twins were tall.
Elrond and Glorfindel were wrestling in the mud, rolling over and over in the black stuff, mud clinging to them until it was impossible to tell the slimy figures apart at any distance. They were having a great time, trying to shove each other down in the puddle, trying to force each other to eat handfulls of mud. They were covered in black mud from head to foot, their long hair matted with it, the color of the strands hidden.
"Father... Glorfindel," Elladan moaned.
Elrohir whimpered slightly; the boys must have been wearing *at least* ten pounds of mud each. Then he straightened, a determined light growing in his dark eyes.
"Fa-Elrond!" he called. "Glorfindel!"
The boys paused in their playing, looked over with twin expressions of innocence, which was quite astonishing considering that one was lying full-length on his back in the mud and the other was sitting on his chest with a handful of mud slowly oozing from one hand to plop to the puddle, hand poised close to the other's face.
"Get out of the mud!" Elrohir said harshly, voice firm and unyielding.
Wearing expressions of muddy annoyance, the boys climbed out of the mud, the thick stuff letting them go with obscene smacking, slurping noises somewhat reminiscent of some indelicate bodily noises. The sounds made the two mud-covered young ones laugh.
"You do *not* play in mud puddles," Elladan said firmly, at last getting over his distress enough to help his brother.
"But it's *fun*," one of the boys said, tone both pouting and whining.
"That doesn't matter. No playing in mud puddles."
The boys didn't seem too happy about that. Then one leaned over, whispered something in the other's dirty ear. The second nodded. Then, before the dark-haired twins could even react, the two were off and running again.
"Not again," Elrohir groaned. Then he paled. "Elladan."
"They're heading toward Father's house."
"So?" Then Elladan's eyes widened. "Oh! Oh, no!"
The twin sons of Imladris' lord ran as fast as they could toward their home, each imagining the sheer *damage* the two Elflings could cause simply by tracking all that mud in.
They *had* to catch those two younglings!
in part 4
So, what do you think of it so far? Any guesses as to what Saruman's Revenge is? *g* Please review! The rabid plotbunnies want to hear from you! Really! ;o)