Title: Corner Time, Curfews and Comfort

# 14 in the Father Figure Series

Author: Amethyst

Pairing: none

Warning: DD/CP

Summary: Confused and upset over reveled secrets in #12, Blair acts out and pays the piper, or should I say the Sentinel.

This is the standard disclaimer. They don't belong to me. This story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by Paramount, UPN, or Pet Fly Productions.

This story contains corporal punishment. Be warned.

Thank you to my beta Reva for all her hard work.

Corner Time, Curfews and Comfort
By Amethyst

"Yeah, Blair Sandburg!"

The young grad student's voice was short and slightly harried as he impatiently grabbed the ringing phone off his desk.

"Hey, Chief!"

The familiar tones of his best friend and surrogate father filled his ear. Delight replaced the impatience.

"Hey, Jim! What's happening?"

A drop in the tone of Ellison's voice brought the familiar message of displeasure to the young man's mind.

"Very little since you haven't shown up to go over this case with us. You promised to be here at the station for the 2:00 briefing. Simon was counting on you to shed some light on these ritualistic drawings our perp is leaving behind at the crime scenes. You're 2 hours late. Where have you been?"

Shit! Shit! SHIT!

"Oh, man! I forgot! My department chair added me to a coverage list for a TA who was in a car accident last week. I have to cover his afternoon class on Wednesdays for the next three weeks from noon to three P.M.! I'm sorry I forgot to mention it!"

"When did this happen?"

Blair's heart rate accelerated and he squirmed in his chair despite the fact no one could see him. He stammered nervously through his reply.

"Monday. I was going to tell you this morning but I was running late."

"This is Wednesday. You were running late because you haven't gotten much sleep for the last two nights. Don't think I didn't hear you turning pages down there until well after 3am."

"I have a lot of work this semester. I needed--"

"You needed more than 3 hours of sleep, Chief."

A childish pleading tone involuntarily edged Blair's response.

"I'll be fine. I promise! I'll catch up this weekend. I swear!"

"We'll see. Can you come in this afternoon?"

"Ah, I wish I could but along with teaching the class I have office hours for his students and since the course just started they have a bunch of questions. I don't think I'll get out of here anytime soon, big guy. I'm sorry. Tell Simon I'll make it up to him."

"Another schedule change I knew nothing about. O-KAAY! Tell him yourself when you come in tomorrow. I'm sure he'll think of some way for you to make it up to him."

"Yeah, I'll just bet."

Blair flinched at the mention of his schedule. He really had wanted to talk to the older man about his workload changing but hadn't had the opportunity to slow down long enough to sit down and discuss it. Later always sounded like a good idea. Until now.

"Chief, I won't be home for dinner. I'll be on a stakeout until 1:00am. I'll try not to make too much noise when I come in."

"Don't worry. I'll be sound asleep."

"You should be. We're going to have a discussion about your changing schedule tomorrow, Junior."

Panic tinged the grad student's almost desperate reply.

"I just forgot, Jim!"

An unconvinced, steely voice answered him.

"We'll talk. Bye Chief."

"Bye, Jim."

Blair stared mournfully at the phone in his hand as he sighed deeply.

"Bye, quiet weekend."


"Blair Sandburg!"

"Hey, Chief!"

The quiet, firm tone of Jim's voice registered immediately on the young man's personal alarm system. Taking a quick peek at the clock on his office wall for the second time in 20 minutes, Blair winced, dropped his head to the desktop and started breathing faster.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Ah, hey, big guy! W-what's up?"

"You are. What time is it, Junior?"

"Ah, probably later than I think it is if you're calling me. I haven't looked at a clock. I've been working on this paper all evening. I'm making some real progress for a change. Another hour or so and I'll have it ready to put together."

"I don't think so. Again, what time is it, Blair?"

Blair? Blair? He just called me BLAIR? OH SHIT!

"Ah, ah, ?? I can't really see the clock from--"


A tremor worked its way into the reply.

"Time to come h-home?"

"No. That would have been an hour and a half ago."

"Oh." The sound of convulsive swallowing carried clearly over the phone line to sentinel ears.

"Was your office phone out of order earlier tonight?"

"Ah, n-no."

"Is your cell phone turned on?"

"Ah, well, the battery won't charge anymore."

"When did you learn that little tidbit of information?"

"Ah, well, I -- "

"All right. You've got 25 minutes to gather your books and paperwork together and be inside this loft before I come in there and get you. Are we clear on this?"

"Jiiiim! I'm almost done! Just half an hour more? Please?"

"24 minutes, Chief."

Anger unwisely burst to the surface of Blair's emotions, overriding his good sense and masking his trepidation.

"I'm a big boy, Jim! I can stay out late if I want!"

"23 minutes, 40 seconds."

A sharp spike of frustration shot through him, fueling his unchecked mouth.

"OK, damn it! I'm coming! Son of a bitch!"

Slamming the phone down, Blair hastily gathered up his papers and stuffed them into his pack.

"Damn interfering, over-protective, unbending, unsympathetic, unreasonable bastard! I have work to do! I can make it on 2-3 hours of sleep a night for a while! I have plenty of times before! I'm an adult! Damn IT! I can budget my time anyway I want to! No anal compulsive cop is going to fucking dictate to me! Controlling jerk!"

Turning off the lights and locking the door, he hurried out towards the dimly lit parking lot across from the anthropology building. The young man's step faltered as he caught sight of a familiar figure leaning against an old pickup truck. It took two attempts to clear his throat before words actually came out.

"H-hi, Jim!"

A stern granite expression met his anxious one. Blair paled as he suddenly realized the cause of the stony look on his best friend's face. Shame rose up from his soul and colored his eyes a darker blue.

"II didn't mean all those things! I know you heard me but I was just blowing off steam! Just talking to myself! I'm sorry!"

The expression never changed. Jim walked over to the Volvo and opened the driver's door.

"You have 22 minutes left, Chief."

"Come on, man! I said I was sorry! I didn't know you were out here!"

"And that makes it all right? I don't think so, Chief. It's 2:30 in the morning. Get in the car."

Unable to meet the pale blue eyes with his own suddenly tear-filled ones, Blair ducked under the long arm holding open his door. Just as he passed, a heavy hand landed swiftly on his unprotected bottom hard enough to cause a yelp of pain to involuntarily escape from his mouth. Turning rapidly, Blair flung his backpack around to belatedly protect his backside. A strong hand gripped his chin and forced him to make eye contact.

"You have 21 minutes left, Junior. I'd use them wisely if I were you."

A silent shaky nod was his only reply as the nervous young man slid backwards into the car. Jim closed the door and stood there until the engine sputtered to life. Climbing into the truck, Jim motioned for the grad student to lead the way home.


Blair hung his coat on the rack by the door and cautiously stepped into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Not really thirsty, he had the need to have something in his fidgeting hands for the conversation ahead.

Jim followed him into the loft and hung up his coat. Tossing his keys into the side table basket, he took a deep breath and turned to the pacing young man in the kitchen.

"OK, here, Chief. It's late. Very late. So listen up. I'm not in the mood to repeat myself here. According to the schedule I have, you don't have classes tomorrow until 11:00am. That's a class you're taking not teaching, right?"

"Y-yes. It's from 11-1pm. Then I'm free to come down to the station."

A hard stare accompanied the question ground out between clenched jaws.

"No more scheduling changes?"

Blair licked his lips and backed a little towards his room.

"No. No other changes, Jim. I--"

"Did you eat today?"

"I had some coffee and some juice and a cracker--"

"In other words, no. Get a glass of milk before you go to bed."

"I'm not hungry, really."

"Did I ask you, Chief? You need something in your stomach until breakfast."

Opening the refrigerator Jim poured the pale young man a full glass of milk and handed it to him. Blair grimaced and slowly accepted the glass.


Not one word sentences, PLEASE!

"Okay, Jim."

The milk quickly disappeared as Blair's sleeping appetite woke to the late night treat. The empty glass was plucked from his hand.

"Bed. Now."

Two one word sentences! Time for damage control!

"I'm sorry, man! I just lost track of time! I never meant-----"

A large solid hand hovered in the air between them halting the rapid flow of words.

"No. It's late and we both need some sleep. I'm taking the morning off. We'll discuss this whole week's worth of behavior then. For now, go to bed. And I mean go to sleep. No reading, no studying, no listening to music. GO TO BED AND GO TO SLEEP. Got that, Darwin?"

A quavering voice barely above a whisper answered.

"Yes, Jim. Night. And I'm r-really sorry about the n-name calling."

Silence filled the loft.

Blair slipped hurriedly into his room and quietly shut the door. Jim listened as a deep sigh was released and a small sniffle was wiped away. Soon the swish of clothing sliding off and landing on the floor was followed by the creak of the bedsprings. Jim listened to a few more muffled sniffles topped by another deep sigh. Within minutes the nervous heartbeat slowed and the deep sighs evened out to slow shallow breaths.

Running both hands over his tired face, Jim released his own sigh of frustration and anger. Concern, and then fear, over returning home at the wee hours of the morning to find his young roommate missing had kicked all his Blessed Protector instincts into high gear.

Finding his oblivious young charge absent-mindedly working safely at the university had calmed his fears and ignited his anger.

Time for a few changes around here, Chief. Way past time, my little absent-minded young guppy.

Finding out Blair was four years younger than everyone, including Blair, had thought had heightened the older man's fatherly instincts for the young student. Jim already thought of the young man as his own son. Finding out that Naomi had sent Blair off to the college, alone and frightened, at the absurd age of 13 had infuriated him. This new information had further tightened the protective circle of love the detective felt for the irrepressible bundle of energy that was the child of his heart.

Blair had been unsettled and confused by the revelations but continued to avoid discussing it. Worse still, Naomi had refused to discuss it with Blair after their initial confrontation. Sensing the young man needed his strength and guidance even more than before had forced the older man to make a few unilateral decisions.

Preparing for bed himself, Jim remembered a recent gift he had received. It had been meant as a joke but was turning out to be prophecy.

A 'shortening of the leash' was about to occur.


Blair washed the last of the breakfast dishes as his partner dried them and put them away. Taking a last swipe at the counter top with the dishrag, the young man nervously looked around to find something else to occupy his time. Any thing to avoid the impeding conversation. Unfortunately, nothing was left to do but talk with his 'father'.

Jim leaned against the island and cast an appraising glance at the fidgeting form before him. Blair was already tense and the conversation Jim planned was going to make the young man even more so, guaranteed. Jim sighed in resignation and pushed away from the counter.

"That's go sit down in the living room, Chief. We both need to get comfortable. I have a feeling this is going to be a long one."

Blair stared balefully at the tall, composed man.

A long one, huh. I'll bet painful too. For me at least. I can't believe I said all those rotten things when Jim could hear me. I can't believe I said them period. Oh, man where was my head! About three feet behind my mouth, that's where! Oh, man!

Turning to walk into the other room, Blair halted when a large hand landed on his shoulder.

"You'll need to take the list with you, Chief. We'll be making some changes to it."

Blair's mouth dropped open in shock and indignation sparked in his eyes. Grabbing the dreaded LIST from the fridge door, he huffed over to the sofa and threw himself down.

Oh, great! The guppy is in a real receptive mood this morning! I didn't really expect any thing different considering his behavior this last week. We go two steps forward with his insecurity issues and something happens to drive us five steps back! Christ! If you were a man I'd kick your ass all the way to Timbuktu Naomi! Save you the airfare!

Taking a deep breath to fortify him, Jim pulled a pen and notebook from by the phone and walked over to the other end of the couch and sat down.

"Okay. We have a number of things to address here. Some old, some new. The old ones should be easy. Why don't we start by you reading me each rule on that list?"

Four hours sleep had not made up for three previous nights of almost no rest. Combined with the shame of last night's overheard tirade and the nervousness and uncertainty over what was about to occur, the boy's emotions were riding close to the surface. A whine crept into the grad student's words as he impatiently rolled his eyes at the older man.


"Number one."


Pulling his glasses from his shirt pocket, Blair slapped them on his face.

"Rule number one. 'My class and teaching schedule, including office appointments will be up to date and written down at all t-times. You expect a copy of it and to be up- updated if there are any c-changes.' I just didn't have TIME to, Jim! I'm REALLY busy this semester! I've got two classes of my own to take, two classes to teach and now a third to cover for a few weeks! I need at least two articles published by the end of the year and my dissertation to work on!"

"I understand you have a lot to carry right now but that's not an excuse. You had two days to tell me about it. You could have left a note, sent an email to me at work, called on the phone or told me anytime Monday or Tuesday evening over dinner. You had plenty of options, Chief. You chose not to use any of them. There is no excuse. Admit it."

Blair rubbed his face with both hands and threw them in the air. Springing from the couch, he paced furiously in front of the balcony doors.

"FINE! I should have told you. I broke a RULE! Happy?"

A hard look settled in the detective's eye as he watched the erratic, jerky activity.

"Not very, no. Sit down, Chief. SIT DOWN! We have a long way to go here so you had better settle down."

Feeling slightly out of control and not knowing why, Blair hesitantly slid back into his spot on the sofa, tightly gripping the LIST like a last lifeline. The whiten knuckles clenching the paper did not go unnoticed by his companion.

"I think this is a perfect example of why this rule is still needed. Rewrite it on the new list, Chief."

A disgusted snort greeted his request but Blair wrote furiously on the notebook that Jim handed him. The old list lay crumbled on a slender, trembling thigh.

"Try the next one, Junior."

Clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses again, a shaky voice tumbled out.

" 'Unless I make arrangements with you, I'll be home b-by 1 am or have c-called to let you know where I am and with who.' "

"What time did I call you at the university this morning?"

"Ah, I don't ---. It was maybe---. The clock ---. T-two thirty. Two-thirty in the morning."

Uncertainty colored dark blue eyes as they darted around the brightly-lit room.

The smaller figure squirmed on the cushion and tried to remain seated. Finally the restless gaze landed on the silent form beside him. The quiet expectant expression on his friend's face forced a small sigh from him. Shoulders slumped forward Blair lowered his voice and dropped his eyes.

"I was so worried about keeping up with all this new work, I didn't care it was getting late. Then I lost track of time and it WAS late. REAL late."

"TOO late, Junior. You need to be home at a halfway decent hour. You need rest and it's not safe to be at the U so late at night, especially when no one knows you're there. We've talked about this before."

"I know, Jim. I just didn't want to be struggling at the end of the semester. I want my department head to see I'm capable of handling the workload. That he can depend on me. You know, make some points. I may need his good graces sometime in the future, man."

Jim reached out and gently tugged on a strand of hair that was hiding the young face from view. Tucking it behind a small ear he patted Blair's now exposed cheek.

"That's neither here nor there, kiddo. You have a curfew for a reason. You need food. You need sleep. You don't get enough of either. You don't need to be alone at the university late at night either. You can do most of that work at home here where it's safe."

A deep sigh answered him along with a slight negative shake of the young man's head, a direct contradiction of his next words.

"Maybe. I guess."

"There's no maybe about it. I think we need a change in the rules here."

Apprehensive wide eyes stared back at the resolute older man. Fresh determination settled into the detective's expression.

"New curfew, Junior. I expected you to be home by 11:00pm every night and in bed by 1:00am. If you have a date on a weekend, we'll negotiate a time for you to be home."

Blair's mouth dropped open and his moved wordlessly for a moment.

"NO WAY, MAN! You can't be serious!"

"I am. Believe me, Chief. You have been tired, restless, running late for appointments, missing meetings, skipping meals, forgetting to tell me important information, nearly impossible to get up in the mornings and it's only been one week since the semester started. I can't image how bad it will be by the end of the month. So I'm putting an end to it before it even gets started. New curfew is in effect as of now. Live with it."

Blair threw himself back against the sofa and wrapped his arms around his chest. Staring hotly at his 'father', he schooled his lips into a hard line and shot back only a brief complaint.

"That is SO not fair, man!"

Surprised at the nearly token objection to the curtailment of freedom, Jim quickly reevaluated the situation. For all his outward signs of defiance and displeasure, Blair was actually relieved by the restrictions. Jim tagged this information for further thought later in the day.

"Add it to the list then let's try number three."

Blair took his time adding the new restriction then he smoothed out the wrinkles and read from the paper on his leg, balancing the notebook with his left hand. His remained shaky and subdued.

" 'I will carry a charged, functional and activated cell phone on me at all times.' "

"What's wrong with your cell phone?"

"The battery won't take a charge anymore. I just realized it Monday! I pulled it from the charger and stuck it in my bag on the way out the door. I was running late and didn't get a chance to look at it and turn it on until later that morning. That's when I found out it won't work even though it had been charging all night! It's not my fault it's got a bad battery! I did what I was supposed to! I charged it and I took it with me!"

Jim frowned at the rising tone of voice and one sharp glare settled the young man back against the cushions.

"Let me see it. I just got that phone two months ago after the other one got lost. It shouldn't be having any problems yet!"

Blair rose indignantly from the sofa and popped into his room as Jim walked over to the cell phone charger by the door to the loft. Seconds later a compact cell phone was shoved unceremoniously into his large palm.

"SEE. It won't work! It's dead, man."

Jim noted the dead low battery light. He reached out and touched the charging unit. His sensitive fingertips stilled at the absence of the hum and vibration of electrical current then slowly pulled the dangling cord and plug into view. It was unplugged.

"You brought the charger out of your room over the weekend so you wouldn't forget to put the phone in it every night and take with you in the mornings. I think you forgot one more thing. This needs to be plugged in to work, Einstien."

Blair gaped at the dangling plug as a deep blush colored his cheeks in embarrassment. He watched quietly as the older man plugged in the base and firmly seated the dead phone in the charging unit. Red lights glowed softly as the unit did its job.

"Oh. I guess maybe it isn't broken. I was in a hurry that night to pick up Ellen for that film at the center. I guess I hurried a little too much."

"I say you've been hurrying way too much this week. Everything does not have to be accomplished in the next few days."

A sigh of frustration escaped the restless figure bouncing before the towering man.

"Let's go sit back down. We have a long way to go yet. You knew the phone was out of commission on Monday and you kept it to yourself. NOT a good thing, Junior."

"Christ! It was just a phone, damn it! It's not like I'm not around a phone anyplace else!"

An iron hand closed over Blair's left upper arm and he suddenly found himself face down and gasping over a pair of hard thighs. One horrendously hard swat landed on his raised bottom. The resounding <CRACK> bounced off the loft walls and echoed sharply in his ears. A nearly breathless gasp slipped from his mouth as he was swiftly settled back on the cushions of the couch. A startled yelp squeaked out as his quivering butt landed back in his seat. A firm hand pulled his chin up so pale blue eyes bored into dark blue ones.

"Attitude adjustment RIGHT now! My 'flip and hold technique' is still in good form, Chief. If I have to demonstrate it for you again and again I can do that. Then when we're all done we can get down to the business of the real spankings you've earned this week."

"N-no! I'm sorry! I get it! I should have told you about my phone. I should have."

"Yes, you should have. We'll talk about that mouth of yours lately in a minute too! We'll keep number three the same. Add it."

A small voice mumbled as tears were blinked rapidly back from wide apprehensive eyes. The older man released the quivering chin slowly.

"Okay, Jim."

The rattle and scratch of paper filled the silence as Blair retrieved the fallen notebook, pen and crumpled list from the surrounding floor. A small sniffle and a held breath were released as he sat back on the edge of the couch. Number three was added to the page.

"Number four."

Down cast eyes never rose from behind their curtain of brown curls.

" 'I will not needlessly or knowingly endanger my health or physical or emotional wellbeing. I will tell you when I'm not feeling well or if I've been injured, no matter how minor, and if I have been placed in a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation, either by myself or by someone else. No matter who that person is.' I haven't done anything like that! I'm not hurt or in danger!"

"When was the last decent meal you ate? You skipped both lunch and dinner last night. You barely ate dinner Tuesday night because you wanted to research a paper and you skipped breakfast Monday because you were running so late. You got less than three hours of sleep Sunday night because of your late date with what's her name and then studying when you got home."

Blair squirmed in his seat and thought frantically for a way to refute the older man's facts but couldn't come up with one solid piece of acceptable reasoning to fight back with. Jim was right and each new fact was another swat to his backside. This was going to be a painful morning.

"That is over as of NOW. You ARE going to take time for meals and rest and sleep. The semester just started. You're going to plan out your time and obligations and block out a chart if you have to. You WILL schedule meals and breaks. You will be home by 11:00pm. You will be in bed at 1:00, if not earlier. You will not leave this loft before 8:00am. I've seen your schedule. Nothing starts before 9:00 am, not even this coverage class. That gives you plenty of time to get to school. Your health is an ongoing issue with us, Chief. You don't have that many reserves on board as it is. The last thing you need is to drop anymore weight."

Dropping his head to the back of the couch, Blair stared balefully at the determined man beside him. Tucking his lower lip between his teeth in an effort to keep from voicing a complaint, the young man sighed in acceptance.

"How long?"


"How long before we can talk about these rules again? You know, if I do better with things can we talk about some changes again?"

"Yeah, Chief, we can. But not before the semester is over."

Another heavy sigh touched the sentinel's sensitive hearing and a slight tightness gripped his heart.

"You're too important to me. I can't stand by and watch you head out on a course that has to end with you falling slowly apart. I won't. I love you."

"I love you too, Jim. I'm just having a little trouble organizing my thoughts the last couple of days. I'll get better as I get into the rhythm of things. I promise."

"I hope so. But until you do, the rules stay."

The finality of the big man's tone weighted heavily in the air. A small nod of acceptance from the other end of the couch sent brown curls sliding down over a pale face. Number four was added to the list.

" 'I will stop blindly putting my trust in people I don't know well.' I'll just add it too, okay?"

"Yeah, that's okay, kiddo."

A small silence filled the room as the pen flew softly across the notepad. Blair tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and darted a guilty glance at his companion. Biting at his lower lip, the young man struggled to get out the next few words stuttering slightly.

" 'No obfuscation, no lying, no half-truths and no modified versions of the truth.' I lied about not being able to see the clock. I knew what time it was when you called last night. I just panicked. I don't have an excuse."

"I know. I could tell from the sound of your heartbeat over the phone that you knew what time it was. I'm proud of you for telling me without a battle."

The first smile of the day crept over the young man's face. The older man returned it full-force.

"I think you can just add number seven to the list without discussing it again. The door stays locked. Agreed?"

"Sure, man. Always. Safety first, agreed."


Blair blinked at the next line on the paper and squirmed back further on the cushion. After running a restless hand through his disheveled curls several times, he cleared his throat and picked at an invisible loose thread on the knee of his jeans.

" 'No foul or insulting language.' "

Remembering his late-night rant about Jim brought a fresh splash of red to his cheeks. Jim's call had been prompted by concern and caring and Blair had rewarded it with name-calling and rudeness. Shame flooded his eyes as his chin was gently drawn up and sideways to look into Jim's surprisingly open and gentle expression.

"I know you didn't think I could hear you, that you were just venting to the world at large but it was rude and unnecessary behavior. What if you had been 'venting' about a professor or Simon and you were accidentally overheard? Not only would you have hurt someone's feeling but you could have been in a lot of trouble. It's childish and accomplished nothing good. You need to practice some restraint here, Chief."

A soft-spoken reply filled with regret and embarrassment tumbled from the young student's tightly compressed lips.

"I'm so sorry I said those things, man."

"You were sorry the last time too. You can't be so casual with people's feelings, Chief. The Bambi eyes will only get you so far, kiddo. I know you're only use to staying around the same groups of people for short periods of time and maybe no one has gotten hurt before but you're here now. Here to stay for as long as you want. For always if you want. Here with me and the guys at the PD and Simon and Daryl. You have friends. You have family now and with the gift of family comes the responsibility to treat them right, with respect and courtesy. They aren't just indifferent acquaintances you'll probably never meet again. They're people who love you and care about you. Believe me, I know the difference, Junior, and you're going to learn the difference and remember it. I don't want to have to go over this issue again anytime soon. Understood?"

A single tear slipped down Blair's hot, flushed face as he tried unsuccessfully to muffle a sniffle into his shirtsleeve. A large thumb caught it and brushed it gently away. Two deep, shaky breaths calmed the rapid heartbeat and a jerky nod wordlessly answered the older man's question.

Jim patted the wet cheek and pointed at the notepad and crumpled list.

"Okay. Let's finish up here, we both have a full day ahead of us here. The final rule, 'You hide broken rules from me, you get grounded'. Minimum two weeks, no phone, no visitors, no outside activities beyond going to class, teaching class, normal office hours and necessary unreschedulable department meetings.

No dates, no TV and 9:00 bedtime. No weekend reprieves. No going into the station unless I decide I need you. This all coming back to you?"

With a defeated groan and a small whimper of frustration, the younger man stared at the hem of his shirt and picked at the seam.

"Yes. God, I remember!"

"Good! It made an impression last time. That's something at least. Maybe this time it will make enough of one to keep you from doing it again."

Gently taking the notepad from Blair's unresisting hand, Jim quickly scanned it.

"I'm impressed, Chief. In less than one week, you managed to get 7 out of 9 this time."

A fearful glance from his huddle charge softened the amused glint in the big man's eyes.

"Am I going to get a spanking for each-each one of them?"

"I don't think you butt could handle that, kiddo. I think some alternate forms of punishment might be the right idea here. For the language problem, you know you earned having you mouth washed out with soap. The lying definitely gets you a spanking, that's non-negotiable. So is the endangering your health problem. It really includes the cell phone problem, the lack of eating and sleeping properly and not being home by curfew. You can expect a good, solid spanking for those plus some extra chores around here for the next two weeks."

"That's not fair! Extra chores was never part of the punishment before!"

"Maybe you'd rather get separate spankings for each one then?"

Anger at the perceived injustice of it all took control of the young student's rational thought and sense of self-preservation.

"Instead of adding new punishments, YES! Just go ahead and spank me!"

Jim shook his head in amazement.

"You got it, Junior. As unwise as I think it is, it's your choice. Five spankings it is!"

An audible gulp was heard from the suddenly fidgeting form beside the big man. Rapid respirations and a pounding heartbeat echoed in the sentinel's ears.

"Maybe you want to reconsider your decision, Chief."

"No! I'm fine with my decision!"

Jim stared at the slightly hyperventilating student. He watched as the flustered young man licked repeatedly at his dry lips and ran his fingers through his increasingly disheveled hair. The rapid pulse pounded on his hearing and his sense of smell detected the scent of fresh unshed tears in the bright dark blue eyes.

"Well, you think about it some more and see how you feel later tonight when we have time to address the problem for real. Last thing on the list. Your schedule changes."

"I TOLD you, I just forgot! I've been busy with work! I'm responsible to the university! I have obligations to my students! I have work that needs done! I can't believe you want to punish me for being a responsible adult! This is SO not FAIR!"

"Hold it right there, Junior! You're NOT being punished for being a responsible adult! You're being punished for willfully and KNOWINGLY disregarding the rules of conduct for your behavior. Rules agreed upon and in place for months now. This isn't something new you can pretend slipped your mind. You are well aware of the reasons why I need to be kept informed of your schedule and any changes to it. Yes, you have obligations to the U but you have a greater obligation to yourself and that includes your home life. I'm not buying this 'I forgot, I'm too busy' load of crap, Chief, so don't try and sell it. You screwed up. For two days you kept the changes to yourself and let them interfere with obligations you agreed to elsewhere. These are not the actions of a responsible adult."

Anxiety clawed at the back of Blair's head, desperate to break out, creating the start of major headache destined to become a migraine. His throat tightened and his mouth and lips became so dry even repeated moistening couldn't soothe them. His eyes darted frantically around the room unable to settle on the one thing he desperately wanted to cling to, his rock of stability, his cloak of security, his 'father', his Blessed Protector.

Since their return from Mexico, he had been consumed by the niggling idea that Jim would no longer need him in his life, not longer want him. What cop would want an immature 23 years old ride along? An IRRESPONSIBLE, forgetful, hyperactive, immature 23 year old. If he couldn't help in his role as Jim's guide what use did the detective have for him anywhere else in his life?

He had been trying his best to keep his work up to date, assignments done ahead of deadline, articles written weeks before publication due dates, books read and research done before professors even assigned them. Anything and everything he could do to show just how capable he was, how responsible.

This first week of the semester had been a nightmare of classes, teaching assignments, extra obligations, office hours, more office hours, helping Jim at the station, little food, even less sleep and zero time to relax. Blair was terrified to think of what it would be like once things really got up to full speed.

The young grad student was tired, irritable, anxious and more than a little frightened. He couldn't face the possibility of losing his family and his home.

The loss of most of his faith in his mother had been devastating. Losing his father too was unthinkable.

"I'll do better, I promise! I will, Jim. I will! You can rely on me."

"I do, Chief. You just need a little guidance sometimes. We all do at times. Just like you guide me when it comes to caring for my senses, I'm here to guide you when it comes to caring for you. I'll always be here for you, whether you like it or not. That's what fathers are for, Blair. Even just stand-ins."

A mixed ball of escalating anxiety and stomach-churning relief suddenly choked the quivering young man beside him. A strangled gasp burst from the dry throat as Blair hung his head and wrapped his arms around his chest, rocking slightly to try and calm his rising panic. Strong arms instantly surrounded him and cradled his shaking body firmly against the older man's rock solid mass. Large, warm hands smoothed back his hair from his face and drew him closer to the broad chest. Nonsense words of comfort and surprise were murmured into his hair near an ear.

Slowly the rising tide of crushing panic receded and the continuous flow of soft words began to register on his hearing. Words of comfort, love, trust and understanding. Words that soothed his racing heart and calmed his ragged breathing.

Dragging in a torturous shallow breath, Blair gasped into the solid chest his head was cradled against. He uncurled his arms from around his own chest and wound them around the wall of rock under his cheek. His voice trembled softly.

"There's not-nothing JUST about you! You're every-everything I always wanted in a father and-and more, Jim. Everything! I just don't want to lose you!"

"Hey! What are you talking about? You aren't going to lose anything! You're stuck with me, kid. We've had this talk before. I'm not leaving. You're not leaving. We're together, family."

"But-but even your dad---"

"Whoa! You can't use my family as the yardstick to measure all families by, Chief. My dad and I had problems and we didn't try to work them out. We let ourselves push each other away until it became almost impossible to find each other again. I'm not going to let that happen with us. That's one reason we're here having this discussion. We work out the problems before they get to be a wedge between us, not just reflect on them afterwards. I learned a lot from my old man. Probably lessons he never even knew he taught me but I do know how NOT to treat my son. You'll never find indifference for your behavior from me, Blair. Or disgust, or embarrassment. I want to understand what's going on with you and that means you have to talk to me. Let me understand."

A monumental sigh escaped the tense body wrapped tightly in the older man's long arms. Slowly, the pale face pulled away from it's hiding spot under Jim's chin and two cool hands wiped at red, swollen eyes. Nervously tucking a stray strand of hair behind an ear, Blair raised his gaze to lock on onto his 'father's' concerned face.

"I thought-- I was worried that now that we know I'm only 23, you'll be -- you won't want me for your partner anymore. That I won't be able to be your guide and help you, keep you safe, keep you--- alive. Without me you might zone and g-get hurt, shot, kill-killed."


"I've been trying to show how capable I am even if I am young. How well I can do all my jobs but everything is going crazy. I can't keep my mind on any one topic and I'm forgetting things and ---"


"And I'm making a bigger mess of everything than if I hadn't been trying! I'm---"

"You're not listening! STOP!"


Bewildered, wide blue eyes stared up at the big man as the boy's mouth hung open in mid-sentence.

"Breathe, Chief, and listen for just a minute. You don't have anything to prove to me! Nothing has changed between us. You're still my guide, you always will be. There is only one guide for this sentinel and it's you. Yes, I admit I feel a little more protective of you now but that's the paternal instincts in me talking. The instinctive call of any parent to protect their young. The younger the child the more protective the parent. Don't use Naomi as an example of that rule either, Chief. I think both our families were a little on the abnormal side of things."

A startled, slightly tense laugh popped out of Blair's open mouth.

"You think, big guy?"

A big hand ruffled his hair into an even wilder halo of curls and pushed gently at his forehead.

"Yeah, I think just maybe, Chief."

Jim watched a lower lip being bitten and worried as the young man tried to organize his thoughts and form his next request. A sudden large intake of air signaled the voicing of hidden insecurities.

"Uh, Jim? Nothing's changed, we're all right, right? We're okay here and at the station, right?"

"We're okay everywhere, Chief."

"Okay. Just checking. Just want to be sure, man."

A gentle look softened the lines around the older man's eyes and his voice mirrored the trust and love in his heart.

"You can be sure that I love you, Blair. Nothing will change that."

Adoring love and a touch of fear were reflected back at Jim in the student's innocent young face. Hesitation colored his words.

"I love you too, Jim. I just have to check sometimes. Make sure I haven't messed it up somehow, you know? I'm not used to things being permanent. I get-- I get scared."

"You don't ever have to be afraid I'll stop caring for you. Not going to happen, Junior. Something else you'll just have to live with."

A brilliant smile lit up the young man's thoughtful expression.

"I think I can do that, man."

The return smile from the older man was just as blinding.

"Good. We need to wind up this discussion. We both have responsibilities to see to today."

"Uh, Jim?"


"Can we change, um, the spankings to just two and add those chores you were talking about before. I think I might have been a little, um, hasty in my decision."

A knowing, pleased look settled on the detective's stern features.

"Yeah, we can do that. Good decision. As for your schedule changes, I think I can come up with a lesson that involves you sitting on your butt instead of one that makes it hard for you to do that."

A sigh of relief involuntarily escaped the slight figure.

"Sounds like a plan, big guy."

"We'll get started tonight. You'll come down to the PD after your class is over at 1:00 right?"

Blair couldn't help the frustrated pout that flashed across his face at the mention of the actual punishment but he had enough sense to wipe it off quickly.

Never piss off the person holding your freedom and the comfort of your butt in their hands. Literally.

"Yeah, I will. Tell Simon I'll be sure to be on time today. I can be there by 1:15 if I skip lun--. I'll be there right after I pick up some lunch."

Dark blue eyes darted briefly over to pale blue ones to gauge the big man's reaction to the slip. A slightly amused expression greeted them.

"Good save. Not excellent but good."

A crooked grin slashed Blair's lips despite his efforts to maintain a straight face.

"I guess I need more practice."

The big man's amused expression turned concerned and determined as he meaningfully tapped the boy's thin, pale cheek.

"I'd guess you need more food and more sleep. Both are something I'm going to be making sure you have from now on. You'll make those saves quicker with a full stomach and a clear head."

Complaint and denial died a quick death as Blair's instant rebuttal stilled on his lips at one look at the love and worry reflected in the older man's tense body language and expression. A nearly whispered acceptance signaled his sudden understanding of the depth of the detective's caring and steadfast and repeated declarations of paternal love. That same depth of love shone back at the ex-ranger through two rapidly blinking, overly moist dark eyes.

"Okay, Jim."

A tightening of the arm across his shoulders brought his head down to rest against Jim's broad chest for one breath-stealing, warmth-generating hug. After a moment, Jim released a regretful sigh and pushed the disheveled form leaning against him gently back. Holding Blair by his upper arms, he hardened his expression and voice.

"We still have an hour before either of us has to leave. You have a lot of punishments coming your way today. I think it would be best if we got one spanking out of the way now. You aren't going to be in any mood for several of them tonight."

An immediate tensing of the muscles beneath his hands alerted the sentinel to the expected rush of apprehension the young man always experienced before a spanking.

"Why now, Jiiiim? I have class! I have to sit for 2 hours! I don't want to go through the lecture with a sore butt! Come on, man!"

"You'd rather have two together tonight? Along with the other punishments?"

"No, but----Jiiim!"

Jim gently pushed the reluctantly compliant young man to his feet, glancing meaningfully at the waistband of Blair's jeans. Slowly, slender hands fumbled at the fasteners and lowered the worn fabric.

"Let's get it over with, Chief. You know it's the best idea for your backside."

"Aaaah, man!"

Large, strong hands quickly guided the compact body down over firm thighs. The same hands tugged cotton boxers down to expose pale tense buttocks. Small, yellowish bruises marred the skin across the young student's upper buttocks and under his cheeks.

Concern and anger colored the older man's sharp tone as he pulled the younger man upright once more.

"What happened here, Chief? What are these bruises from? They look old."

Anxiety and reluctance warred with responsibility as Blair frantically tried to think of good way to tell his Blessed Protector about the spanking he had received from the giant covert ops agent nearly four weeks ago and why. Informing the big man that he had needlessly endangered his life back at the cave in Mexico and almost been bitten by a poisonous snake didn't seem like the smartest idea at the moment. But lying to the big man again was even less intelligent and the grad student was nothing if not intelligent. Stuttering and stammering his way through an explanation, he began to fidget restlessly.

"Ah, well. You see, big guy, I was--back in the cave----I had to go and ----, I wasn't completely awake. I wandered a little too far and--and there was this ---this, ah, snake. And Ethan told me not to----but I wasn't ---I didn't realize---and he was, ah, upset. But he killed the snake be-before it bit me! He said he didn't have time to--explain to me again. So he--just a couple-- but they REALLY, REALLY hurt! I guess I got a few bruises. He was worried."

"Breath, Blair."

A shaky breath forced it's way past constricted airways and caused the young body to shudder with relief. Licking at his overly dry lips, the younger man stole a glance at the granite-like features of his 'father'. The expression that greeted him was far from inviting.

"Let me see if I've got this right, Chief. You're telling me you disobeyed James to wander through an unsafe cave, happened across a, I'm guessing here, poisonous snake that James had to kill to protect you. Then he paddled your behind hard enough to leave bruises that are still fading because he didn't have time to lecture your absent-minded little butt during a life or death situation?"

"Yeah, ah, what you said."

"When were you going to enlighten me about this little episode?"

"Ah, now isn't maybe the BEST time but soon. I was going to mention it soon. I told you my butt hurt back at the cave when you first showed up, remember? Ethan really packs a wallop."

Pulling up Blair's boxers and jeans, Jim reined in his anger and frustration with great difficulty. The young student hastily adjusted his clothing and fastened his pants.

"Okay. That puts a hold on this issue until your doctor checks you out. It's not normal for you to still be having signs of four-week old bruises. I'm calling your doctor and discussing this with him as soon as I get to the station."

"Jiiim! I'm FINE! I don't want to go to the doctor's! I'm not sick and I'm not hurt! It's just old bruises! Ethan is really strong! One hand covered my whole butt and then some!"

Struck by a sudden feeling of slight unease, Jim enveloped the slender body firmly in his arms and ran a sensory scan over the form of his 'son'. The tense young man silently tolerated the examination, hoping it would appease his guardian and protector. Nothing unusual or unexplained greeted his intimate investigation of the young man. Somewhat comforted by this fact, he loosened his immobilizing hold and pulled back far enough to see Blair's face.

"You'd better gather up your stuff, Chief. We need to get a move on here."

"Ok, man! I'll just be a minute, promise."

Blair ducked into his bedroom and Jim absently tracked the sound of books and papers being stuffed into a backpack as he contemplated the mystery of the faded bruising.

A quick call to Blair's doctor is definitely first on the list of things to do. The kid will be soooooo happy if Dr. Arden wants to see him in the office. He just loves doctor and hospital visits! This is going to be long day and an even longer night!


After dropping Blair at the campus, Jim arrived at the station half an hour before he'd planned. Exchanging greeting with most of his co-workers in Major Crime and a few passing secretaries, he then settled down at his desk and pulled out his phone list. Finding the number he wanted he dialed and waited through a recorded message for a human being to answer. Three minutes later he patience was rewarded.

"Hi, Maggie, this is Jim Ellison. I'm calling about Blair. Can I speak to Dr. Arden or leave a message for him to call me back at work today? Well, I don't know if there's a problem that's why I need to talk with him. It's kind of important. Yeah, that would be great. You have both my work and cell phone numbers. Try work first, okay? Great and thanks Maggie."

Joel had wandered over during the last of the conversation and shyly arched an eyebrow at the other detective. Not wanting to seem like he was interfering or eavesdropping but concerned over the conversation he edged closer to the ex-ranger's desk.

"Everything all right, Jim?"

The distracted detective jerked up his head and stared at the tall, burly man before him. Noting the genuine expression of concern on the man's face, Jim softened his glare and heaved a small sigh.

"Yeah, I think so, Joel. I just need to check with Blair's doctor about some bruising he still has from a several of weeks ago."

"From your trip to Mexico?"

A slight nod affirmed the guess.

"You guys had it rough down there from what I heard. The kid got pretty roughed up between the kidnappers and the black ops guys, huh?"

"Yeah, he was sporting some spectacular bruises, all right. Not to mention surgery afterwards. Everything has healed and all but he just seems to have had these bruises for a long time now. I just want to be sure he's all right, you know?"

A soft smile touched the huge man's brown face as he watched Cascade's deadliest detective fuss and fawn over his young charge's well being. This was a side of Jim rarely glimpsed by his co-workers. Joel knew the big man had a monster streak of parental love and protectiveness where the kid was concerned. Little times like these hit home that fact to anyone who cared to notice. Joel was a noticing kind of guy.

"I hope the kid is okay. When is the doctor going to call you back?"

Jim's idle fingers played absently with his phone's cord.

"He was with a patient. The secretary said he would call as soon as he was between rooms. Soon I guess."

"Where's the bundle of energy now, school?"

"Yeah, he had a class to take until 1:00, then he'll be here after he eats lunch. Around 1:30 I'm guessing."

Joel laughed softly and grinned at the seated man.

"That just means he'll be here by 1:10. I've never seen food interfere with his getting here as fast as he can. He is always on the run. Where does he find the energy? I'd like to know."

Jim pursed his lips in displeasure and made striking motions in the air to emphasize his point.

"That's another problem. Eating. He barely takes time for it. He's always running from this class to that lecture, to the next meeting, to a date, to a workshop, to here, to there but he doesn't feed his body enough fuel to get there. He eats healthy foods and all that but he doesn't eat enough or on a decent schedule so that when he does eat his body can barely hold it or process it. It's not healthy. He's burning the candle at both ends."

Joel sympathized with the agitated man. Keeping track of and caring for the trouble magnet that was Blair Sandburg was not a job he envied. The kid was irrepressible, impulsive, intelligent and such an innocent. It all added up to one highly exuberant whirlwind of sweet-hearted chaos.

"Well, Jim, those flames are going to meet in the middle one of these days and he's going to get burned. You've got your hands full there, buddy."

Exasperation settled on the detective's stern face.

"My hand is going to set some fires burning if he doesn't settle down. I had to drag him home from the U this morning at 2:30 am. He was researching a paper. The semester just started for the summer term and already he's buried in papers and tests. This term he's taking two classes as well as teaching. Then he got roped into taking on another guy's class for 3 weeks including office hours. He isn't sleeping and added to not eating right he is headed for some serious crash time."

"Sounds like you need to help him put the brakes on there, Jim. The kid maybe young but youthful energy will only take you so far. For such a bright kid he misses some simple things."

"Usually only when they concern himself, Joel. But I think you're right. He does need to slow down and pay more attention to himself."

The ringing of Jim's phone interrupted the conversation. Pausing to pick up the instrument, he signaled the other detective to wait.

"Ellison. Oh, yes, Dr. Arden. No, fine, at least I hope so. I was kind of concerned about Blair. You have the release he signed so you can talk to me, right? Good. No he's not sick really. It's just that I found some bruising he still has from injuries he got several weeks ago. They look old and yellow but I've been injured enough times to know that four weeks is a long time to still show evidence of bruising from a minor injury. Is he all right? Do we need to see you or anything?"

Jim picked up a pen and began to scribble a few notes as the doctor calmed his worries and gave him some instructions. Nodding in agreement every few seconds the worried frown slowly slid off the sentinel's face, smoothing the lines of tension from his forehead.

Absently, he flicked his pencil in greeting to the new arrival at his desk. Simon nodded in acknowledgement as he sauntered up to the desk and raised an eyebrow in question at the other captain beside him. Joel shrugged and smiled a silent hello.

"Okay, Doc, thanks. I thought it might be something like that but I needed to be sure. You want to see him in two weeks at 10:00am. I'll make sure he's there. I'll see to it that these other things you mentioned are taken care of too. Yeah, he'll be a happy little camper for sure. I'll be sure to blame you for most of it. Bye."

Joel raised an eyebrow that matched Simon's perfectly. Jim snorted a soft laugh at the comical sight of both huge black men staring at him with eyebrows arched and clueless expressions.

"Hi, Simon. That was Blair's doctor. I was worried about some bruises he still has from our trip down south of the border and I wanted to be sure that it wasn't anything serious."

Both of Bank's eyebrows reached toward his hairline this time.


Jim sat back and tossed the pencil in his hand on to the desk.

"And, there is one little be-bopping ball of chaos who just bought himself an extended stay at the Ellison Home for Wayward Grad Students, locked ward."

"Ah! This should be good for an explosion or two on the home front! What's up?"

"Doc said Blair's like any other over-achieving young college student but slightly more so. Undernourished due to erratic eating habits, way too little rest and poor quality sleep. Blair's been anemic for sometime. He takes a little longer to heal then he would normally but it's nothing to worry about right now. His lab work was better the last time the doc did any but that was a while ago. Our little adventure over his birthday didn't help any."

Simon shook his head and clapped his friend on the shoulder.

"If you can slow the kid down long enough to get three meals a day in him for a solid week I'll cook dinner for you both. Steaks just the way you like them."

"You're on, Simon. The most irritating thing is the doc said he told Blair he needed to get more rest and eat better the last time he came in. And that wasn't the first time. Blair reassured him he would. I missed that appointment because I was in court that day. The little brat never said anything."

Snorted laughter exploded from both captains simultaneously.

"Of course he didn't! Do you actually expect him to GIVE you a reason to curtail his million and one activities? I've have been suspicious if he had told you. He's just like any other kid, Jim. He's not going to consciously invite parental supervision if he can avoid it. He's smart enough to have it SLIP his mind."

"I'm going to make something SMART on him. His million and one activities just became about four--- eating, sleeping, school and homework. Here only if I really need him for the next couple of weeks."

Simon frowned and scowled down at his detective.

"He's coming in this afternoon though, right?"

"Yes, sir. He should be here around 1:30. Take full advantage of it. You probably won't be seeing him here much after he and I have a little discussion tonight."

Simon turned towards his office and growled back at his detective.

"Just make sure he looks at those drawings before you shorten his leash. AND before you tell him you're shortening it. Leave the explosions for home."

"Right, sir."

Bank's office door closed off any further comments.

A concerned look crossed Joel's round face. Shyly smiling at his friend, he softly offered a hesitant suggestion to the other man.

"You know, Jim, Blair didn't do so well at being home alone all the time the last time he was grounded. Maybe you'd be better off bringing him in here once in a while and letting him do his studying and research where you can keep an eye on him. You could watch what he eats and the rest of the guys and I could keep an eye on him if you have to leave on a case or for court."

"I don't know, Joel. That's a lot to ask of you guys."

"I know H and Rafe will want to help. Simon too, even if he won't admit it. Plus he'd be right here if you needed him for something. What do you say? I know it's just as hard on you as it is on him when you two are separated any length of time. And you'll just be here worrying about him being there."

A grin broke out across the black man's face.

"I'm only being selfish. Being around you after a few days without the kid around is not a pleasant thing."

The big man laughed softly to take the edge off of his painfully truthful words. Jim threw the man a disgusted look and then sighed in defeat. Joel was right. He was difficult to be around when he was worried about the kid and had to leave him alone and under restrictions. It WOULD be easier to see to it that he ate right and rested if he was close at hand when he didn't need to be at the University.

"You're right, Joel, thanks. I guess it would be better all around. If you don't mind."

"I'll talk with H and Rafe. They'll be cool with it. You know everyone cares about the little guy. We want what's best for him, too. It's a big job to do on your own. Face it, Jim, every single parent has to have a little help now and then. That's what families are for. Think of Simon and I as your big brothers. We'll be the kid's uncles. H and Rafe can be his older cousins."

Jim stared at the huge black man and mentally envisioned the family tree Joel had described. A huge deep-seated laugh worked its way out of the detective's chest and startled the entire bullpen with its intensity. Though a stream of tears Jim stuttered out an explanation to the other man. Soon both detectives were entertaining their co-workers with an unusual show of mirth.

Regaining their breath, both men reluctantly returned to their respective desks and got on with the day's work.

At 1:10 p.m. Jim suddenly jerked his head up to stare at the doors to the bullpen. Glancing at his watch he silently noted the time and flicked an accusing gaze toward Joel.

1:10 and the kid's here already. Joel was right, damn it! He'd better have lunch in him or at least on him if he has any plans for a future.

Seconds later the doors opened and Blair bounced into the bullpen. Immediately locking eyes with his Blessed Protector, the young man noted the older man's eyes flick to the clock on the wall. Changing his smile to a look of exasperation Blair held up a large white carry out bag and descended on the detective at high speed.

"Before you even say it, I picked up lunch for us on my way over here. I didn't want to eat alone. You haven't had lunch yet have you?"

A slightly forlorn look accompanied the somewhat wistful request. Cataloging the tired way the boy pinched his eyes slightly closed and the pallor beneath the flushed cheeks, Jim suddenly wondered if this was one of the reasons the kid didn't eat as often as he should. Knowing from personal experience how unappetizing and unrewarding eating alone could be, he focused in on the hesitant, wistful tone. A gentle lie fell immediately from his lips.

"No, I haven't. What'd you bring? Something immediately edible or do I have to mow it first."

A huge smile beamed back at him as the small figure beside him hurriedly slipped a worn, lightweight coat off his shoulders and scurried around to sit at the desk beside him.

"No, man. You're going to love this."

Bright blue eyes shone up at him as small square hands fussed with the wrappings and set food out to be appreciated and consumed. The tired slump of the slender shoulders seemed to ease a little as the grad student launched into a lecture about Greek foods and the gods as he nibbled absent-mindedly at clumps of fallen shredded lettuce.

Jim nodded appropriately at the proper times and munched obediently on the

Pita sandwich handed to him despite his already full stomach.

Yep, Joel was right again. He needs to be here, with family, not off alone. The kid's spent too much time alone. Punishment not withstanding, isolation is not what he needs. Guess my shadow is intact for the next several weeks. Damn, I have to remember to listen to Joel more often.

Reaching out to pluck a piece of lettuce from the animated young man's curls, the ex-ranger continued to nod and grunt at intervals as he mentally recorded the student's vital signs and body language. Noting a slightly lower than normal temperature when he casually touched a now completely pale cheek, Jim pulled Blair's chair closer and dropped his own discarded sweater over the slender form.

He was rewarded with a shy smile and a low murmured "thanks, Jim."

A soft cuff to the side of the head was the ex-military man's own silent version of "you're welcome."

After eating the two of them spent the afternoon pouring over the new murder case. Blair was able to identify the origins of the cryptic drawing left at the scenes and suggested each one was a part of a bigger message. Slowly, with each new death a piece of the puzzle would emerge. Unable to translate completely each drawing, Blair spent hours on the computer accessing files and researching the dead language. Although the younger of the two was in no hurry to face the evening's promise of punishments to come, by 6pm both were ready to call it a day.


Jim reached out and snagged a slim wrist as its owner tried to casually sail past him. Pulling the attached slender form back to the dinner table, he gently pushed the young man into his chair and deposited the more than half-full plate on the table.

"Your plate's still practically full."

"I'm full."

"There's still food on your plate. There wasn't much there to begin with."

"I'm done."

"No, you're not."

Defiance instantly colored the dark blue eyes glaring up at the detective.

"YES, I am. I know when I'll full and when I'm done."

A stern, unyielding expression settled over the older man's face. Gesturing towards the barely touched food he schooled his voice into a reasonable and calm tone.

"Is this how you're going to follow your doctor's orders and start eating properly? I suppose staying up past 2am is how you'll keep your promise to get more rest too?"

Blair squirmed uncomfortably in the hard-backed chair as all trace of defiance drained from his body language and expression. His startled eyes darted down guiltily to glance at the uneaten food and then back up to greet the granite-like face of his 'father'. He absently rubbed at his left thumb with his right hand and mentally scrambled for an intelligent reply.

God! I forgot Jim said he was going to call the doctor today! Shit! Shit! Shit! I should have known the doc would tell him everything! Man, I never catch a break here with these guys! Why do so many people think it's their calling in life to 'do what's best for Blair'? I think this might be worse then nobody caring, like before.

One quick look at the tired but caring love and concern written across the big man's face squashed that thought immediately.

Okay, maybe it isn't worse. But it sure feels like it some days. Damn!

"He told you, huh?"

"Oh, yeah, Chief. He had a number of things to tell me. Why didn't you?"

"Well, ah, um."

"Stunning comeback, Junior."

"He's said that before and nothing happened when I forgot. Why should it this time? I just don't have the time to treat myself like I'm a fragile baby. Six small meals a day and 8-10 hours of sleep a night WITH rest periods in between! No one can do that, man! You don't even come close in the sleep department!"

"I'm not the one with an overloaded schedule and social life with a diagnosis of anemia."

"It's only temporary."

"IF you take care of yourself."

Blair settled himself more comfortably in the chair and began to pick at the cooling meal. Reluctantly he forked a bite of chicken into his mouth and chewed to give himself time to think.

I hate it when he's so smugly reasonable and well informed! It is SO hard to fight facts! Oh, no! He'll put this under the 'you were trying to keep sometime from me' category! Man, more grounding! This so NOT fair!

A quick glance at the quietly expectant face beside him stilled his rebellious thoughts.

Time to just own up and face the music, Sandburg! It is only going to get worse from here. Don't add any more to the list! Think of your butt, man!

Blair swallowed with the help of half his glass of water and bobbed his head slightly from side to side several times in resigned agreement.

"You're right. I do need to take better care of myself but I'm always so busy, it just ends up on the bottom of my list."

"Well, my hand is going to end up on YOUR bottom starting tonight. Hopefully that will help with the blood flow to your brain again and your memory will improve. Maybe being upside down over my knee often enough will put the bottom of your list at the top."

A gentle tap to the side of the younger man's head sent his eyes rolling in exasperation at the older man's wit.

"Real funny, ha-ha."

"Finish up your dinner, Chief. We have a number of things to discuss."

A frustrated sigh escaped from the seated figure as half of the previously uneaten food was consumed in silence. Jim nodded his approval as Blair hesitantly stopped and rested his fork by his plate.

"You did good, kiddo. Let's clean up and get this show on the road."

Dishes were done and the table and counters shone brightly as both men worked together to tidy-up their home. Reluctantly, Blair allowed his Blessed Protector to guide him into the living room and into a corner of the sofa. The older man dropped to the coffee table to sit squarely in front of his now tense charge.

A large, steely hand turned Blair's chin firmly to face the man before him. Blue eyes locked with blue eyes as a determined look settled on to the ex-ranger's handsome face. Dropping his hand to his lap, Jim began speaking in a measured and very controlled voice. This was not going to be a discussion that was well received and he wanted it clear from the start that no defiance would be tolerated.

"You are the most important person in my whole life, Blair. I won't risk you or your health because of other people's expectations and demands on you. Not even because of the demands you put on yourself. That's why there are going to be some changes around here. Mostly changes for you but some will affect me as well because they affect you."

The grad student gulped audibly and blinked back sudden tears bought on by the detective's heartfelt statements. Rubbing hard at his thumb, he nodded hesitantly at the other man. His voice came out as an embarrassing tremor.

"Okay, Jim."

The older man nodded in absent agreement.

"First off, punishments for last night's fiasco. For lying and not taking care of your health, each gets you a spanking. Dr. Arden said you didn't have to take any special precautions, just improve you eating habits and get a lot more sleep. And believe me, buddy, you'll be doing just that."

Blair shifted uneasily on the cushion and bit his lip to keep from voicing a pointless complaint. He knew the consequences of his actions when he lied and couldn't argue intelligently with the doctor's recommendations. He was nailed.

Jim took in the effort to keep silent and continued with the lecture.

"The foul language gets your mouth washed out. We'll do that just before bed.

I don't want to hear that kind of thing from you again. This is twice now, Junior. You won't like what happens if I hear it a third time."

Tears of remorse gathered in the corners of the dark blue eyes but the young man successful blinked them into submission. Another silent nod shook the brown curls. It was an effort to keep his head up and eyes on his 'father' knowing the hurt reflected in the pale eyes was put there by his own careless words.

"The phone issue. It takes 6 hours for a dead phone to recharge. I make that 12 evenings of 30 minutes of corner time while you think about how potentially dangerous it is for you to be out of contact with people."

A reaction finally bubbled up and out of the nearly vibrating student.

"CORNER TIME! You never made me stand in the corner before! That's for little kids! It is SO medieval, Jim! You can't be serious!"

"Believe it, Chief. Not everything is serious enough to deserve a spanking. But it can't be ignored either."

"But standing in the corner!"

Indignant frustration radiated from the young student's every pore and flashed hotly in his overly bright eyes. Tears threatened to fall and his voice turned decidedly tight with barely suppressed emotions.

"That is SO not right!"

"Get use to it. It's going to be happening every night for the next two weeks."

"You said 12 days!"

"I added 2 more for attitude."

Blair's mouth snapped shut and his lower lip was sucked under his teeth to still the blistering comment trying desperately to come out. Agitation forced him to shift his position again, pulling his legs under him Indian style to keep from jumping up and pacing the room.

Jim leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. He silently acknowledged the efforts being made to keep still and focused on the discussion at hand with a firm pat on the restless young man's knee.

"That's better. Let's move on. Breaking curfew. As soon as the grounding is over you lose the car keys for a week. We'll get you a bus pass for that week. Curfew is 11pm when you're off restriction. Maybe this will help you remember that fact."

"That's the same as grounding me!"

"No it's not. You can do whatever you normally would do, go where you normally would want to go, just not with the use of your car."

"Might as well be!"

"That can easily be arranged."

"NO! I mean, no. I get it. No car."

"Last item for discussion. Changes to that piece of Greek puzzle works you call your schedule. Or should I say, changes to your schedule that you neglected to tell me about for two days. Changes that interfered with your commitment to someone else, who, by the way, you neglected to inform either."

Blair squirmed against the couch cushion and pulled a throw pillow into his lap to keep his restless hands occupied. He really didn't want to know what Jim had dreamed up to take the place of a spanking after hearing the previous new punishments.

Getting spanked and getting my mouth washed out with soap was bad enough but CORNERTIME and losing the car for a week! Shit!

"Tomorrow, you are going to sit down and write out 20 copies of your schedule for the entire semester."

The young man's mouth dropped open and a huffed gasp escaped. Before he could master the art of speech again the older man continued.

"They each will be complete, readable and correct. You will leave empty lines between each item so changes can be clearly penciled in. When a change comes up, you will pencil it in using a red pen and date it as to when you noted the change. We'll hang it on the fridge next to the list. I'll check it in the mornings and when I come home. If a last minute, unexpected changes happen you can call me immediately at work. If I'm not there, leave a message with Rhonda. She'll see to it that I get it. Got it?"

"What do you need 20 of them for?"

"I don't."

The grad student rolled his shocked eyes and whined petulantly.

"But 20?"

"You what to make that 25?"

"No. I want to make it one with the rest off my printer, man."

"All hand written while I watch, Junior. No computer, printer or copier, just good old elbow grease."

"Ah, man! That will take hours!"

"Yes, it will. That's why you'll be doing it tomorrow while you're down at the station with me. You don't have any classes or meetings according to MY current copy of your schedule."

"No, I'm free, but I was going to work on my paper."

"You can. Right after you finish with this. All in all, you're grounded for the next four weeks as of now."

"Shit! I mean, um, --ah, four weeks? I can do four weeks! Sure!"

Defeated, Blair curled further back into the cushions. Having reached the end of the 'discussion' part of the evening, he knew what was coming next.

Jim shifted over to sit on the love seat. He gestured with his hand to the younger man, curling his fingers in a beckoning motion.

"Okay, Chief. You know what's next. Up and over here."

Blair rose from the sofa, hotly throwing the small pillow into the cushions. Petulant dark eyes met and scurried away from an equally determined pale glaze. Still standing glued to the same spot 60 seconds later, a harsh command sent the smaller figure hurrying over to position himself beside the older man's right leg.


Blair unbuttoned his button fly jeans and lowered himself quickly over the waiting thighs with the help of a pair of strong, willing arms. He shivered slightly as his boxers were pulled to his mid thighs. Securing the young man tightly against his abdomen, Jim briefly rubbed the quivering back beneath his arm.

"Why are we here, Chief?"

"Because I lied to you! I knew it was late and I tried to make you think I didn't!"


The tense body jerked and a startled gasp broke the silence.





"I'm sorry! I should have known better!"


"You're right, you should have! Hopefully this will remind you next time you're tempted to alter the truth."











Blair could only grunt his distress out between yelps of pain. His hands tried unsuccessfully to cover his backside as the tempo of the smacks increased. His wrists were instantly pinned to his low back, safely out of harms way.

The spanks fell steadily on the sit part of the exposed pale cheeks. The big man carefully avoided all the areas with old, yellowed bruises present. Knowing the bruising was not a sign of a serious problem helped calm the big man's concerns at seeing them again. Ten more swats fell in a heavy, regular rhythm.

Gasped sobs filled the air as boxers and jeans were gently replaced but not fastened. Blair was turned and deposited gently in Jim's lap. Large warm hands cradled the young man close to the detective's chest and urgently tucked the curly head under a firm chin.

"Sssh, you're okay. It's over and done with. You need to take a deep breath, and calm down now. Sssh!"

A jerky nod answered him as the grad student roughly wiped away the last of his tears. Blair knew this spanking had been stopped short, probably in deference to the second one he had coming yet tonight.

"I'm o-okay. I think being tired just makes me lose it easier, that's all. I'm all right now."

A deep shuddering breath capped off the broken declaration. Blair slid hesitantly off the big lap and stood to rearrange his clothes. Jim steadied him as he swayed slightly while tucking in his shirt. A small smile of thanks graced him for his efforts.

"Don't bother with fastening things, kiddo. We're not through yet."

A jerky nod and a sniffle answered him. Blair played restlessly with the edge of his half-tucked in shirt as he wiped at his red and swollen face. He cautiously rubbed his burning backside once then let his hand fall back to his side, staring at the floor.

Jim hardened his heart to the torturous sight of his young guide's distress and leveled his voice out to a brisk tone.

"Okay. Thirty minutes corner time. I think the corner by the fireplace will work fine. No turning around, no speaking and stand still."

Blair glanced up at Jim and tears of embarrassment brightened his eyes. Turning to the assigned corner with slumped shoulders and a bowed head, the young man trudged wordlessly to his post.

Jim rose and walked to the kitchen and set the timer on the microwave for 30 minutes. Grabbing a glass of iced tea he returned to the sofa and sat down to read the evening paper. He silently watched from the corner of his eye as his charge quickly grew restless and shifted his weight frequently from foot to foot.

The distinct sound of a cleared throat broke the silence more than once over the next 5 minutes.

Being careful to hide his smirk behind his paper, Jim mentally bet on how much longer it would take before the boy said something or turned around. He didn't have long to wait. Exactly 8 minutes after arriving at the blank wall, the grad student whirled around.

"Come on, man! The timer must be broken or something! It HAS to be 30 minutes by now!"

"Sorry, Chief, timer works fine. It's been 8 minutes since you started."

Disbelief and dismay caused the adorable face to twist in a pained grimace.

"No way, Jim!"

"8 minutes. I suggest you turn around and stand quietly before I ADD 8 minutes."

Blair whimpered involuntarily and swung around. Crossing his arms over his chest he mentally tried and failed to keep time in his head. Resigned to having to trust both his sentinel and the kitchen timer for his reprieve, he struggled to stay somewhere near a description of 'still'.

I should have taken an extra spanking! This is MURDER! That's probably why he thought this up anyway! He KNOWS I can't stand still AND be quiet for this long! Devious, demented, deranged, disgusting, demanding, diabolical ---SHIT! Name-calling got me into part of this trouble. Shut up, Sandburg and tough it out! It CAN'T be THAT much longer, can it?

A small groan echoed against the corner walls and landed on sensitive ears. The sound of a hand being clapped quickly over a mouth to stifle further moans quickly followed. Jim bit his tongue to keep from chuckling out loud and continued to read the paper.

Long moments later, an annoying buzz signaled then end of Blair's imprisonment. A huge sigh of relief burst from the figure in the corner. Jim fought back a grin and put aside his paper.

Blair pushed himself off the nearest wall and turned to face his tormentor.

"What did you decide while you were in your own 'little corner of the world', Chief?"

"SO not cute, big guy." < Deep sigh. > "I need to keep the phone charged and on me for safety. If I have a problem with it, I should let you know ASAP. Okay?"

"Okay. Let's get the last spanking out of the way. It's getting close to bedtime for you."

Determined to remain silent and stoic, neither of which he was very good at, the young man heaved another long suffering sigh and trudged back to the sofa. A decided pout flashed across his face as he roughly pulled his jeans back down. Hissing involuntarily as denim brushed harshly over his now intensely burning bottom, he stilled his thoughtless movements. Blinking back hot tears of self-reproach, the young man slowly resumed he efforts to lower his pants.

Jim took pity on the trembling figure and gently lowered the tense form over his lap. Carefully sliding the cotton boxers down, he quickly evaluated the still reddened skin presented to him. Satisfied there was only superficial coloring of the once pale flesh, he anchored the quaking body to his own and rubbed gently over the slender back.

His voice came out stronger than he felt it would. His guide's distress and pain acutely affected his instinctive response to protect but his parental instinct to correct and to teach managed to maintain control.

"Why are we here again?"

An infinitesimal tensing of the body curled against him was the only answer. Blair's heartbeat thundered in the sentinel's ears and his rapid breathing grated on the edges of his awareness. Pushing the stimulus to the back of his mind, Jim tightened his arm around the slender waist. He had to turn up his hearing to catch the nearly whispered reply.

"Be-because I've been neglecting my health. Not-not eating or resting or-or sleeping enough!"

"Got it in one, Chief."


Heavy, seriously heavy, swats rained down on the unprotected backside clenched tightly against the sudden onslaught. Irregular gasps combined with strangled sobs filled the air.





Legs kicked at the air and uncontrollable sobs filled the loft as the young man gasped and strained for each breath.




After several more minutes of measured spanks, gasped pleas united with the sobs.

"Pl-please, stop! P-pleeeease! Jiiiimmm!"

Unfazed by the whimpered pleas, the older man continued to administer a sound spanking. The restless squirming and pleading whimpers under his arm escalated into frantic struggles with choked unrecognizable syllables and then disintegrated into silent, exhausted clinging. All signs of struggle disappeared.

Finally the large hand rested warmly on Blair's sweaty back. Small shivers quaked the slight form as the light sheen of sweat quickly cooled. The now panting young man stiffened and cried out as his boxers were gently pulled up and over the burning flesh of his buttocks. Fresh tears streamed down his reddened and blotchy cheeks as he felt his jeans slipped down off his legs.

A harsh buzzing filled his head from hyperventilating, momentarily blocking out sound and blurring his vision.

When full awareness to his surroundings returned, he found himself tucked securely under a strong chin, head resting on a broad shoulder and body cradled close to a hard wall of muscle. Soothing words were murmured in his ear as a hand drew comforting circles on his back.

"It's all right, just breathe. Come on, that's right, just take a deep breathe and hold it. You can do this. Slow deep breaths, that's right, Chief. You can do it. Ssssh, ssh, honey, it's all right. Slow deep breaths."

The warmth of the comforting hands and body slowly seeped into the slightly numb and tingling body wrapped tightly in the big man's arms. Jim could hear the rushing waves of blood as they pounded frantically against the walls of the racing heart pressed solidly against his. Gradually the rush slowed and the rate dropped to near normal. Sobbed gasps became less audible, then decidedly less frequent.

The whitened hands twisted in the cloth of the older man's shirt loosened their grip marginally and a tear-slick face was rubbed repeatedly over a thickly muscled neck and shirt collar.

"Come on, that's it. Sssh, ssssh."

A muffled, choked cough puffed hot moisture onto Jim's skin as a deep breath was sucked in and slowly exhaled. Blair turned his face to the side a little and stuttered out a trembling sentence.

"I hurt! Really, really hurt!"

"I know. I'm not taking any chances this time. You are going to get better and you're going to remember how and why to do it. No more forgotten attempts and half-hearted tries. You're too important."

Pulling the now disheveled and tangled mass of curls gently back from the young man's puffy and streaked face, the ex-ranger's heart literally skipped a beat at the pain filled and forlorn expression on the young face between his hands. Placing a chaste kiss on the pale forehead, he looked directly into the pools of dark blue.

"I love you, Blair. You're my friend, my guide and my only son. The other half of me. I won't lose you to carelessness, yours or mine. I hope this is enough of a reminder for you to take better care of yourself or this will look like a training exercise for pre-schoolers. I promise you."

Blair nodded vigorously and ducked his head back under the security of the firm jaw above him. The two of them remained seated until the fine shivers disappeared and the sentinel detected signs of approaching sleep in the figure on his lap. Gently, Jim slid the young man to his feet and guided him down the hall to the bathroom.

Blair walked cautiously as fresh waves of burning radiated off his butt with each small step down the hall. Hissing at the fire, he scrunched his eyes closed and relied on his 'father' to guide him to their destination. Fresh tears threatened to fall when he realized the true purpose of the trip. Opening his eyes to the sight of the liquid soap container held in the older man's hand caused a sudden burst of hiccups to plague the exhausted young man. Blair squeezed his eyes shut again in embarrassment.

The waxed edge of the paper cup on his lips forced him to open his eyes. A full cup of water rested softly at his mouth, held in place by his Blessed Protector. A Blessed Protector hell bent on instilling a finer sense of self-preservation in him.

Grasping the offered water with a shaky hand he gulped the cool liquid until the cup was empty. Pausing for a minute to be sure the spasms were well and truly gone, he blinked up at the big man beside him.

The open expression of concern, love and pain on the older man's face startled the grad student. Suddenly realizing these punishments were affecting his protector deeply, too, forced him to inhale deeply and nod his head at the towering form steadying his arm. Attempting to prevent his voice from wavering he swallowed hard and cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm ready, Jim. I know this is for calling--calling you names again and swearing at you. It was wrong, even if I thought you couldn't hear them--me. I'm sorry."

Jim tapped the pale cheek once, proud of the boy's attempt to face this last punishment of the night head on without argument. Nodding in agreement, Jim slipped the tip of the container between waiting parted lips and pumped the dispenser twice.

Blair's face twisted into a grimace and his eyes flew shut again as the thick, mucous-like detergent invaded every corner of his mouth, polluting his taste buds and triggering his gag reflex. He struggled with the impulse to swallow to rid his mouth of the foul chemical favor and tried not to swish the fluid around.

Unfortunately his tongue seemed to have a mind of it's own and the slimy soap soon coated his lips, tongue, soft palate, throat, gums and teeth. After an eternity of barely suppressed gagging, which, according to the bathroom clock, was in actuality 3 minutes, he was allowed to spit and rinse his mouth. Four glasses of water later, the cup was forcibly removed from his hand and he was instructed to wash up for the night.

"I'll grab you a clean T-shirt while you get ready for bed. I'll be right back."

"Thanks, Jim."

After emptying his bladder and washing his hands, Blair decided against toothpaste to brush the clinging taste of the soap from his mouth. He doubted mint and soap would be an improvement and would only serve to foam the soap to life once more. Cautiously brushing lightly over his entire mouth and tongue he resumed rinsing and spitting until the cup was once more removed from his grip. Jim tapped the back of the riotous curls and tossed the clean shirt on the young man's head.

"A little reminder won't hurt you, Junior. Enough with the water. Change and let's move this show into your room."

Blair tugged his shirt off and tossed it in to the open hamper. Slowly maneuvering his arms into the opening of the clean shirt he felt two strong hands help tug into place and sooth out the wrinkles in the back. He followed the bigger man down the hall into his room.

Hesitantly lowering himself onto the inviting softness of his bed's multiple comforters, blankets and pillows he allowed a sigh of exhausted relief to escape his lips. Layers of warmth were drawn up his body, folded over his shoulders and tucked securely under his chin. The older man knew that even in mild weather the young one preferred to be warmly wrapped and covered.

A large hand landed on his head and whispered words touched his consciousness briefly as sleep tried to claim him.

"Good night, Chief. Rest those little fingers of yours. They're in for a work out tomorrow. You've got 20 copies of your schedule to finish before the day is over. And Simon wants a word with you about those drawings. Joel said he'd babysit you when I go out on a case the next few weeks."

A horrified groan worked its way out of the mound of covers.

"Jiimmm! I don't need Joel to watch me!"

"You'd rather I get Simon again?"

Memories of the last time Simon watched over Blair flashed all too brightly across the young man's mind. The burning in his hindquarters intensified just thinking about the paddling that he had received from the imposing black man after Blair had recklessly endangered his life while under the captain's tender care.

"NO! Joel is fine! Joel is good, man! I can live with Joel. That's--that's good."

A smirk danced across the sentinel's face safe in the knowledge the young man's head was still buried under the blankets where he couldn't see it.

"Thought you might see it that way. Joel is actually looking forward to it. He said to think of Simon and himself as your uncles."

Curls popped out of their cave and wide blue eyes stared back at the grinning older man.

"Uncles? That would make them your brothers. Man, I can just see your dad's face now."

The grin on the older man got impossibly wider.

"I think we should pass on telling him, Chief. Blue and purple really aren't healthy skin colors for a man of his age."

Stifling a giggle, Blair nodded and smiled up his own 'father'.

"I'll try and remember that when you're his age. That's in what, a decade or so?"

A heavy hand pushed the curls back into their cave of blankets and pulled the covers over them.

"The way you wear me out, it probably will seem like it. Now go to sleep. We've got a busy day ahead of us and you need sleep. Starting NOW."

A muffled reply laced with yawns reached sentinel ears.

"Okay, okay! I'm asleep. Night, Jim. Love you, man."

Focusing his senses more tightly on the bundled form face down on the bed, the older man noted the slowing of the heart rate and the easing of the shallow breaths as sleep rapidly overtook his young charge. Feeling intense warmth spread through his chest and out into his body, he struggled momentarily with the urge to pull the young man from the bed and enfold him in a crushing hug. Common sense and reason barely won the battle but he satisfied himself with a husky reply to the sleeping young man.

"I love you, too. More than I thought possible. More than I thought myself capable of. But never more than you deserve. Night, Chi--son."

The end.