Title: Stolen Heart

Author: Amethyst

Series: Father Figure # 10

Warnings: DD/CP

Pairings: none, general

Summary: Kidnapped and held hostage Blair is a pawn in a deadly covert ops mission Jim holds the key to.

This is the standard disclaimer. They don't belong to me. This story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by Paramount, UPN, or Pet Fly Productions.

This story contains DD/CP. Be warned.

This story also contains a scene where a character other than Jim disciplines Blair. Be Doubly warned.

Thank you to my beta reader Reva.

A special thank you to Brenda and Allison, I couldn't do this without you.

Father Figure 10
Stolen Heart


Jim Ellison entered the bullpen of the Major Crime division and headed straight towards his desk. Hanging his coat on the back of his chair, he dropped his impressive 6-foot plus frame into his desk chair with a sigh of frustration.

Returning from interviewing one of his snitches regarding a tip in the latest of a string of jewelry store heists had led to nothing but more dead ends.

Leaning back in his chair to rub at his stiff neck, eyes closed, the sentinel allowed his senses to open up a little and relaxed.

The small sounds of his co-workers wrapping up their files, finishing phone calls and heading home for the day strangely soothed the tense detective. The smell of Simon's cigars mixed pleasantly with a strong scent of rich Brazilian coffee.

The unique scent of honeyed tea washed over him, reminding him of his wayward guide. He had missed having Blair at his side these last few days.

But Blair was at home, grounded for three weeks for trying to keep information from Jim. He had been caught red handed and punished appropriately. The grounding had been in effect since Tuesday. It was now Friday evening and Jim was willing to bet a weeks' pay the young guide was petulantly pacing the loft in frustration.

The young grad student had accepted the punishment and grounding fairly well. In addition, Blair had yet to take two more doses of medication that was needed to combat the effects of poisonous fumes he had inhaled 10 days ago at the university.

Considering the stress of the last two weeks, Blair had responded well to the restrictions. But, Jim was beginning to see the signs of frustration and anger returning to his guide's usually pleasant attitude as his health improved.

//Maybe I'll try to reward his efforts tonight. Bring home pizza and a couple of videos. Relax his 9:00 bedtime for one evening. //

Another deep breath relaxed him further, bringing with it the smell of the honeyed tea again. This time mixed with the scent of apprehension and maybe a little fear. The familiar scent of fear. The scent of his young guide's fear.

Jim slowly turned his chair until he faced Simon's office and gradually lowered his head and opened his eyes.

Standing in the doorway, nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot, Blair waved his right hand in a tiny greeting and gave his silent friend a weak smile. Simon came up behind him and boomed an invitation to his newly returned detective.

"Jim! Come on in here. You're back sooner than I thought. Any leads pan out on the jewelry heists? Your snitch any good this time?"

Iced blue eyes never leaving his young charge's worried dark blue ones, Jim stood and entered the office. Blair and Simon both backed up into the room.

Blair returned to the chair behind Simon's desk, and fingered the computer keyboard, as the big captain looked over his shoulder. The young student stole quick glances at the slowly simmering sentinel before him, trying to gauge the magnitude of the older man's response to his sin.

"No solid leads yet, but I still have one more source that hasn't checked in yet. I hope to know more tomorrow. I was planning on calling it an early night and getting pizza and some movies."

He glared at the hunched form in Simon's large chair. "But I think I'll have to reconsider that."

"Maybe that last lead will come through for you. Pizza and a couple of movies! Sounds great! A chance to relax for an evening! I've got a late meeting with the DA or I'd invite myself to join you two."

Simon's interest was locked firmly on his computer monitor. He spared little attention for on the other occupants of the room, focused almost entirely on the action on the monitor. The tension between the two roommates was overlooked in his hurry to finish up for the day.

"Something just came up. I think I'll have other things to attend to tonight anyway, Simon. Maybe you can join us next time. "

The pointed remark was not lost on the silent young man as he slid further into the cushions of the chair.

"Sandburg and I were just finishing up here. I was getting ready to give him a ride back to the loft. Now that you're back early, you can collect your trouble magnet and I can get ready for my meeting."

Simon turned his chair around and made abbreviated arm gestures at Blair indicating he wanted the young man to vacate the seat. Dropping himself into the warm cushion, Simon pointed at the computer setup.

"I don't know why you are the only one this damn piece of machinery will let install new software. If I didn't know better, I 'd think you'd installed some personal virus program to make yourself indispensable around here, Sandburg."

Simon stuffed a cigar in his mouth and poured a fresh cup of coffee.

"Seriously, thank you for coming down here on your day off and helping me. I needed those stats by 10:00 tomorrow and I would never have made it on time without your help. I know it was inconvenient to take the bus down here, and I appreciate it. Now get out of here, both of you, before I remember how quiet it's been all week without you. How nice the sound of crimes being solved can be without the addition of bizarre extinct ancient cultural lectures thrown in. Good night, gentlemen."

Blair waved hesitantly at the glowering black man and edged his way around the desk, making sure his backside faced away from his simmering sentinel. Picking up his jacket and backpack, he continued backing out of the door. Blair locked eyes with Jim, but answered his mumbling captain. v "You're welcome, Simon. You know I would never do that. Plant a virus, I mean. I love helping you out. That's what I'm here for, to..to be helpful and.. things. I mean, I couldn't just turn d-down the captain of Major Crime, now could I? Right, Jim? I mean it's my job and all, right? Jim?"

Blair licked his dry lips nervously and continued his slow backward exit out of the office and into the bullpen. Simon remained oblivious to the actions of his best friends. Wide blue eyes stared into angry blue ones like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

"It wouldn't be a good thing, would it? Jim?"

"There's a lot of 'not good' things happening this evening, Chief."

v Jim took hold of Blair's arm with one hand and picked up his jacket with the other.

"And a lot more to come, my little trouble magnet."


Jim stared out of the truck window, skillfully weaving his way through traffic towards home. Occasionally sparing a sharp glance for the hunched figure on the other side of the bench seat, Jim forced himself to unclench his jaw and attempted to break the oppressive silence.

As Jim let out a calming breath and opened his mouth to speak, the small body beside him burst into life.

"I KNOW I wasn't supposed to be at the station without you! I KNOW it! But, Simon called and asked for my help! What was I supposed to say? That I was GROUNDED! That I couldn't come out to play without my sentinel? That I WASN'T ALLOWED to leave the loft? Huh, Jim, is that what I should have done? Like some bad little boy!"

Blair practically danced in place with agitation. His hands flew through the air and his speech became louder and louder as his explanation became more hostile.



"Yes. I expected you to let the answering machine pick up the calls unless the call was from me. Remember, 'No in coming or out going phone calls', Junior. It's part of your grounding. If you had followed my instructions you wouldn't have even had to talk to Simon, let alone try and explain why you couldn't come down to the station."

"Damn it, Jim!"

"Watch your mouth, Chief."

"OK! O-K ! I was just so tired of being there all day by myself! I just wanted to talk to someone! I didn't know he was going to ask me to come to the station. How could I say no? It was an emergency, man! Come on!"

"No it wasn't. If Simon couldn't get a hold of you, he'd do what he should have done in the first place and called technical support like the rest of the departments do. If you had been in class or with me, that's what he would have done next. They would have had him up and running in no time. He'd have figured out something. That's why he's the captain."

Blair stared belligerently at the older man. He absolutely hated it when Jim was so smugly reasonable.

"You're in the wrong here, Chief."

"Come ON, Jim! Cut me a little slack here! You would have answered the phone!"

"I'm not on restriction."

"No shit, man!"

"I said to watch your mouth! Keep it up and you can taste test that all organic liquid soap in the bathroom. It may smell nice, but I doubt it tastes nice. You want to give it a try when we get home, Junior?"


"Good. Now pull that lip back in before birds land on it. And you can stop with the Bambi eyes, it's not helping. You're still in trouble. There is no excuse I'm going to buy into on this one, Chief. Accept it."

Blair pressed his lips firmly together, vowing not to let the swear words on the tip of his tongue escape. He really didn't want to try out the soap. All natural or not, he doubted flavor was a consideration in it's design.

/Hard ass! Ex-military goon! Arrogant, rigid pig! Insensitive sentinel! Mean, strict f-father type guy! Jerk! /

The ringing of Jim's cell phone interrupted Blair's mental tantrum.


"Yeah, all right. 1283 Caulder Ave. Third on the right. Ten minutes. This better be worth my time, Russo."

"I'll pay the usual. You just be there."

Jim flipped the phone closed and pocketed it. Checking traffic, he did a U-turn in the middle of Main Street and headed towards the warehouse district.

"You just got a temporary reprieve, Chief. That was the last snitch I needed to hear from on the jewelry store jobs. He thinks he's got something for me. We're going to swing by the meet first. He hangs out by the docks. You'll like it. It reminds me of your old place. Dank, dark and dirty."

v "Ha ha! Funny, man. Real funny."

"Laugh it up now, Junior. I guarantee you won't be laughing once we get home."


Jim parked the truck next to the warehouse his informant frequented. The fading sunlight magnified the grimy atmosphere and blurred the edges of the surrounding buildings.

Recognizing the man pacing nervously in the shadows of a side entrance to the warehouse, Jim shut off the engine and turned to his young companion.

"I'll only be about ten minutes. Lock the doors and keep your head down. This isn't the greatest of neighborhoods. Stay in the truck. I meant it, Chief. This won't take long."

Blair was still pouting over their earlier conversation. He slid down in his seat and hugged his backpack to his chest, scowling mightily at his sentinel .

Jim heaved an exasperated sigh, pulled Blair to him roughly, and placed a quick kiss to the top of his curls.

"OK, OK! I hear you! Ten minutes. I got it! I'll be a good little boy and wait in the truck for daddy!"

Landing a solid thump to the back of Blair's head, he opened the door and exited the truck, pointedly smacking the lock into place. He stood and stared through the window at Blair until the young man turned and slapped his door lock down with a snort of disgust.

Shaking his head in amazement, Jim zeroed in on his informant. Jim walked to the warehouse and greeted the man in the shadows with a nod. With a backward glance at the truck, both men entered the building.

Deep in the shadows of the warehouse rooftop, four black clad, heavily armed figures crouched by the rooftop edge.

At 6foot 3inches, a full head of yellow blonde hair, blue eyes and an impressively muscled body, Daniel Burke was an imposing figure. Trained and seasoned to carry out any and all missions assigned to him with confidence and skill at a top level, he had proven his competence to his covert operation superiors time and again over the last fourteen years, in more countries than he cared to list.

Tonight he was front leader in a mission on home ground for a change. No exotic locations, no foreign languages, no foreign laws. Home ground and old acquaintances.

Burke lowered the night vision binoculars in his hand and stared at the small figure in Ellison's truck. Beside him, Jackson Burr, his right hand man and best friend, shut off the long range listening device and cocked his head at Burke with unspoken questions.

Had Burke really seen and heard Ironman Ellison, the iceman of covert ops, the man who didn't even blink during a kill, just kiss and tousle the head of a young man. The same boy who then called him 'daddy'?

Either Ellison had developed more varied tastes in partners since Burke had last known him or he had been keeping family secrets even Black Ops headquarters didn't know about.

"What do you think?" Burr asked, his rich bass voice breaking the silence. "Lover or son?"

Burke turned to the equally imposing man beside him. Both men were the same height and possessed similar skills and experiences and were more than fairly handsome, but that is where the similarities ended.

Jackson Burr was heavily muscled, completely bald and very black. Highly educated, with a calm and introspective manner, he was the perfect balance for Burke's extroverted and take-charge personality. They had worked together for twelve years and were considered one of the most highly successful ops team currently active.

"Don't know. Let's find out. Either way, I think our chances of pulling this off just multiplied by a power of ten."

Silently signaling to the other two operatives on the roof, Burke outlined the change in plans.

Burke tilted his head back and looked at the third member of the group, Ethan James. All seven plus feet of him. His keen intelligence hidden by his imposing and often frightening physical presence, James was a soft spoken and gentle man when not on a mission. Dedicated to his country and the service of it, he was a deadly force when called upon to protect it.

Nodding when eye contact was made, he looked to the last member of his assault team. Ray Weston was thin and wiry, of slightly more than average height, quick and graceful. A fast thinker on his feet and even faster with a weapon, any weapon. He provided balance and backup for the gentle giant at his side.

They were a well-rounded and highly skilled team. This mission would succeed.

"Ray, you and Ethan get the boy. Ethan, I don't have to remind you to be easy with him. He's an innocent. Bring him into the warehouse on my signal only. Keep him real quiet until then. Ellison's always had exceptional hearing. He's got good instincts, so watch him. Jackson and I will pay a little visit to my old army buddy and try to convince him that his country needs him one more time. We'll use the boy only if we have to. Let's move. Ellison's ten minutes are almost up."

Revised roles quickly memorized, the four men broke into teams.


Blair fidgeted in his seat and checked the new sports watch hanging from the clip of his backpack for the eighth time in as many minutes. Shifting around he glanced at the shadows surrounding the warehouse, silently praying for Jim to exit through the side door, whole and healthy.

Gone was the anger and frustration of their earlier conversation. Tired and more than a little anxious about Jim's continued absence, the resigned young man just wanted to go home, even if that meant facing the consequences of his earlier actions.

Glancing up at the warehouse, Blair's heart skipped a beat as he watched two silent forms run across the rooftop and disappear.

Already tense and a little frightened, Blair threw caution to the wind. He popped the lock on the truck door and began to rapidly exit the vehicle, all thoughts on alerting his sentinel to the possible approaching danger.

His feet never hit the ground. Blair found himself suspended in midair. A steel band had been wrapped firmly around his narrow waist. The same steel band around his waist reached out. Both wrists were captured in a single massive right hand and an equally large left hand covered his entire lower face, ear to ear and his jaw was immobilized.

Unable to struggle or call out for help, Blair attempted to kick his assailant. Drawing together both legs and raising them, Blair landed a hefty hit to his captor's upper thighs and genitals.

The mountain holding him never flinched, his grip never weakened. Blair drew up his legs for a second kick and suddenly found himself flipped over and pinned against a slab of rock. His face was buried tightly in the strip of sweaty shoulder between the edge of a kevlar vest and a neck as thick as a tree trunk to prevent sound escaping, his arms were pinned between his body and his assailant's chest. A huge right elbow pushed into his back as a long forearm lay against his spine and a massive hand cradled the back of his head, crushing his face into the flesh before it.

As he tried to squirm free a stunning blow landed on his jean-clad bottom. His yelp of outrage and pain never escaped the confines of the harsh vest cloth and thick muscle his mouth was tightly pressed against. Even this couldn't prevent the tiny grunts of pain from echoing in Blair's throat. Several more mind numbingly heavy swats hit their mark with total accuracy as Blair hung limply against the giant restraining him.

Gasping heavily for breath and choking back sobs, Blair didn't resist being turned and restrained in the original manner. A very deep but soft voice whispered in his left ear.


/Another big guy with one word sentences and a giant hand. Just great! /

Blair nodded his head as much as the huge paw clamped over it would allow and willed his body to be still. Small shudders continued to shake him as he was drawn closer to the form behind him. Strangely, Blair interpreted this act as one of comfort from the giant.

Suddenly a radio chirped and Blair became aware of a second person behind him.

"We are green, leader one."

"We're having a little difficulty here. Bring in the package."


A thin brown haired man materialized in front of Blair.

"Feisty little bit, isn't he? Survivor, huh, little bit? Don't blame you. I wouldn't take too kindly to this either."

Signaling with a jerk of his head, Weston lead the way into the warehouse, gun ready and totally on alert for the unexpected or a trap. Finding neither, he waved in his companion.

Entering the large, bare warehouse, Blair rapidly looked around, trying to find Jim. Straining against the arms confining him, he fought to free himself. A single sharp shake stilled the panicked young guide, but did nothing to calm his racing heartbeat at the sight before him. The hand left his face and Blair cried out.

"Jim! Jim! Jim, man, are you OK? Talk to me! Jim!"

Jim was face down on the dirty concrete floor with his wrists bound behind him and a 240 weight on his back. Jackson Burr shifted his weight and eased his knee slightly off the detective's low back.

Jim's informant lay unconscious and bound in a far corner.

Weston joined Burr and together they cautiously raised the dazed man to a kneeling position. A large discolored lump was visible just below Jim's hairline on the left side of his head from the gun butt used to overpower the out numbered and out gunned detective.

The undisguised panic in his guide's voice cut through the fog settling in Jim's brain. He slowly raised his head and locked eyes with his captured young charge. The sight of his innocent young guide gripped tightly in the arms of a towering giant froze the sentinel's heart.

Cautiously, he allowed the men on either side of him to bring him to a standing position. Setting his face into a neutral expression, Jim looked away from the frightened boy and stared straight at Burke.

"Well, boys. It seems Detective Ellison's not interested in hearing what we have to say. Completely and one hundred percent against listening. Maybe, just maybe, we can change his mind."

Burke came to stand in front of the unemotional ex-ranger.

"Who's the kid, Ellison? Don't tell me old straight-as-an-arrow Ironman with the stone-cold heart found himself a boy toy? Who would ever have thought it."

Eyeing the silent, but obviously furious, detective restrained before him, Burke stepped closer to the young man being suspended in the air by the largest of his three men.

Leaning suggestively into Blair's personal space, Burke ran a hand over the young man's soft curls, stroking lightly down to his shoulder. He had no real interest in the boy, but he enjoyed throwing the stoic ex-military detective off balance. Seeing any kind of emotion from Ellison was unusual.

Casting a frightened and uncertain look at Jim, Blair tried to jerk his shoulder out of the large blonde man's reach. Restrained by a massive arm, he had little room to maneuver.

Blair turned his head away from his tormentor and tried to stifle the small whimper rising up out of his throat. He tugged ineffectively at his wrists. They were held securely by a single hand of his captor.

Ethan James effortlessly restrained the slight young student, holding Blair just above waist level, close to his chest. Blair's feet dangled two feet off the floor, making him appear to be a small child against the towering man.

Jim's jaws clenched and the grinding of his teeth was audible.

"Don't touch him, Burke. Leave him out of this. Whatever you want with me doesn't concern him. He's just a kid. Let him go. He's not of any use to you. He doesn't know anything about the kind of world you live in."

Burke stepped closer to the squirming body held firmly in mid-air.

"Sorry, kid, but Ellison's right. You're not of any use to us. Should have picked better company to spend your time with little man."

A slight sigh escaped the group leader as he pulled Blair's chin around to look him in the eye. Glancing up at the man holding the young captive, Burke nodded, his voice barely a whisper.

"Make sure it doesn't hurt."

Scared speechless, Blair began to struggle wildly within his captor's arms. He accomplished nothing and quickly became exhausted from his efforts. Soon he hung limply in the giant man's unrelenting grasp, tears streaming silently down his pale face, curls fanned wildly around his head and shoulders.

At the same time, a feral growl emanated from deep within the outraged detective's chest as he struggled against the two men pinning his arms painfully behind his back. His wrists chaffed as the nylon wire ties binding them bit into his flesh.

Aware he had no possibility of escape, Jim still reacted instinctively to the deadly threat to his young guide's life. Lashing out with his foot, Jim downed the man on his left with a disabling kick to the knee. Turning gracefully in the air, he head-butted the second man on his right. Regaining his balance, Jim tackled Burke to the ground, snarling and swearing the entire time.

Weston and Burr regained their feet and instantly jumped into the fray, pulling the enraged sentinel off their leader. Dragging Jim back and pinning him to a wall, he was forced to his knees. Blood flowed from Jim's nose and a 2 inch gash along his right temple. Bruises began forming along his dirt-encrusted jaw line.

Burke slowly stood, wiping blood from his torn lip and abraded left cheek. He turned to the terrified young one in Ethan's arms and stared at the slight form. The disheveled curly hair, tear-stained face and wide innocent dark blue eyes full of unspoken terror added to the appearance of extreme youth.

For the second time this evening Burke wondered why this child was with Jim Ellison. Ellison was a loner, self-reliant, arrogant and totally independent. The Ellison he knew would never willingly have this little one as a companion. What made him special enough for the ex-ranger to make an exception?

"Please!" Blair whispered softly. "Please, don't hurt him. Please don't hurt Jim!"

Startled by the heart-felt plea, all five men looked at the shivering form hanging limp and pale in the firm confining embrace of the giant.

Burke blinked in surprise. The boy obviously cared about the stoic detective, pleading for Ellison's life when he should be concerned about his own brief future. He turned to face the still struggling man and crouched before him.

"Relax Ellison. I just needed to see if the boy really meant anything to you. We're not going to hurt him. If we wanted him hurt, Ethan wouldn't be so careful. He's holding him like a baby."

Burke shook his head and gazed at the kneeling detective.

"I never though the great Ironman would leave himself open to having a weakness. I guess I just got lucky. At first I wasn't sure we could convince you to play along with the little situation we need you for, but I think we stand a chance now."

Throwing a look at Ethan, he jerked his head slightly and nodded. Blair gasped and let out a soft whimper as he was swung under the giant's arm and carried toward a large black van.

"Jim! Jiiiim! No! I don't want to go! No! Jiiim! Let me go! LET GO! Pleeease! Jim!"

Kicking and screaming, Blair's pleading, mixed with strangled sobs of fear, faded as he disappeared inside of the van.

Pain flashed across the sentinel's face as he focused on Blair's terror filled voice and pounding heartbeat. Forcing himself to dial down the devastating stimulus, Jim turned his attention to the man responsible for his young guide's distress.

Burke locked eyes with the granite face of James Ellison. The cold, hard gaze staring up at him suddenly reminded him of the old Ellison he used to know. The Ellison who could and would cut your throat without a second thought and hide the body where no one would ever find it.

Fire blazed in the ice-blue eyes and pure venom dripped from every syllable the sentinel spoke.

"Touch him, harm him in any way, shape or form, a bruise, a scrape, a split hair and I WILL find you. I will hunt you down. And when I find you, I will reach down your throat with my bare hand and rip your heart out. Then I'll shove it so far up your ass the coroner will never know it was gone. Consider this a promise, Burke. You KNOW I keep my promises."

"Nice visual, Detective. I'll remember you in my dreams."

Burke studied the man before him for several tense moments. Nodding to Weston and Burr, Jim was pushed to the ground and wire ties were placed around his ankles. The detective was rolled on his side and his wrists were fastened to his ankles with more nylon ties.

Weston moved to the van and got in. The vehicle started and the passenger door was swung open awaiting Burke. The side door remained open. Burr waited and watched over the defenseless sentinel with his group leader.

"I know you keep your promises Ellison. You know I keep mine. Things haven't changed that much between us. I have a job to do. You know I have to follow orders."

Burke gave a little smile.

"Within reason, that is. You got out of this line of work, but you remember how it is. The best interests of the majority take precedence. I do my job the best way I can. Sometimes the innocent get hurt or used in the process. Like your little man in the van. I'll do everything in my power to make sure he isn't harmed unnecessarily. I give you my word. Ethan will take good care of him. He's good with kids. We'll bring him back when this is all over. If you cooperate. If you do what you're told."

Jim glared up from the concrete floor. A strangled snarl escaped him along with hissed words.

"You've already hurt him. Just by being near him. He's scared and he's confused. Hell, I'M confused. You want to talk? Talk! Put your cards on the table Burke! Explain why you need to kidnap a frightened college student. Why the big covert ops man needs a sick kid to accomplish his mission!"

Burke forced himself not to react to the pointed barbs Ellison threw at him. Sometimes this line of work made him question his own beliefs and morals, but now was not the time to ponder the rightness of the world.

Burke rose from his crouch by the downed man and both agents walked towards the waiting van. Halfway there, Burr pulled an empty glass jar from his pack. Placing a compact blue phone into the jar he set it on the ground. He placed Jim's cell phone beside it.

"You can make it to the jar and break the glass to cut the ties loose. Or you can make it to the phone and call for help. It's up to you whether or not you involve the police with this. It doesn't matter. You know no one will ever find out about the operation. It will be protected and us right along with it. You've been there and done this, Ellison. Do what ever lets you sleep at night."

Picking up Blair's backpack, Burke and Burr both entered the van.

"We'll contact you with all the information you'll need in exactly six hours on that phone. You can talk to the boy again then. Do the smart thing and he'll be OK."

In the background, Blair's racing heart and ragged breaths registered again with the desperate older man. A tearful quivering message came in sentinel soft tones.

"I'm Ok, Jim. Don't do anything bad for me. Just f-find m-me, Ok, big guy? I promise I'll s-stay in the truck n-next time! I'll stay h-home like I was s-supposed to!" A muffled sob broke through. "L-love you."

Jim lay deathly still, memorizing the sound of the van, the smell of the motor oil and exhaust, the body scents of the four agents, smell of their gun oil, the odor of the European cigarettes the giant man smoked, and the heavy garlic scent Weston excreted in his sweat from too much Philippine food.

Each item was cataloged and filed, right under the sound of his young guide's trembling pleas and statement of love.

Jim shook his head when the he could no longer track the van's direction and refocused his energy into rolling the short distance to the jar. After several attempts he grasped the jar by its rim and smashed it against the concrete. Gripping what felt like a large piece of the glass in bloody fingers, the detective began sawing the tie nearest him in two.

Once freed, Jim grabbed his cell phone hitting the memory dial. He tucked it under his chin as he worked free his ankles. Three rings later, a booming voice answered.

"Captain Banks."

"Simon, we've got a problem!"


Blair woke to the light sounds of pages turning. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head in the direction of the noise. Lying on his right side in the middle of a king sized bed, Blair looked into a giant one-room cabin.

Memory flooded back at the sight of Ethan James sprawled casually across a leather sofa, black turtleneck and pants making the giant seem to blend into the dark leather.

Blinking back the moisture caused by sleep, he tried to focus more clearly on the room and its occupant.

The huge man sat reading a book, occasionally glancing at the crackling flames in the fireplace directly across from him. The stone hearth and chimney filled up ten feet of the center of the wall. A matching sofa sat off to the left of the center couch and two leather club chairs rested off to the right of the fireplace. A huge round coffee table separated the center sofa from the hearth.

Behind the living room arrangement sat a long hardwood dining table and eight chairs. The large open modern kitchen was situated directly behind the table and chairs. To the right of the kitchen area was an office space containing a large oak desk, computer, electronic devices, radio and a rack with several unrecognizable pieces of equipment located on its shelves.

An open stairway led to what appeared to be loft bedrooms on the second floor. The wall on the far side of the fireplace could not be seen from Blair's position, but the front door was located between the office and the far wall. Few windows were present, and those that were there were heavily curtained.

Fifteen feet away from the occupied sofa, in the far right corner of the room, sat the bed Blair lay in. He was huddled under several blankets and a down comforter, head resting on two down-filled pillows.

Drawing his gaze back to his captor, Blair started when his sleepy blue eyes meet dark hazel ones. Swallowing audibly, Blair blinked and lay very still, fear and apprehension causing his pulse to skyrocket. He unconsciously pulled his knees up to his chest wrapping his arms around them, trying to make himself smaller.

James smiled at the huddled form. Lying his book on the sofa beside him, he turned slightly in his seat to face the bed.

"You're awake. I was surprised when you fell asleep on the trip here."

Remembering the sight of the exhausted young man, resting limply in his arms on the two-hour trip into seclusion as he tried mightily to fight off the approaching plunge into slumber. Even the adrenaline rush and terror of the kidnapping couldn't counteract the pull of sheer exhaustion. Lulled by the motion of the van the boy slept heavily throughout the entire trip and for the next two hours after being partially undressed and placed in the bed were he had just awakened.

The deep bass voice was soft and gentle. No move was made to approach the wide-eyed young one. James kept his position casual and as non-threatening as possible for the naturally imposing man.

Blair stared, searching the hazel eyes for signs of deceit. Finding only concern and interest, he slowly sat up.

A door on the far wall that Blair couldn't see opened and the other three men from the earlier assault entered the room.

All three was dressed similarly to James and all three had a gun holstered somewhere on their body.

Burke entered the living room and sat on the edge of the sofa directly across from Blair, nodding slightly towards his unwilling guest. Weston and Burr went to the kitchen area and began making preparations for a meal.

All four men watched the small shivering form on the bed as they moved about the room.

Blair slipped hesitantly from under the covers and stood beside the bed. Dressed in jeans, T-shirt and socks, Blair shivered and crossed his arms, hugging his chest. Slowly walking toward the living room, he stopped beside the fireplace and focused on the leader of the group of men who had kidnapped him.

Burke returned the silent gaze.

"Its Blair, right? I found your student ID in your backpack. How are you feeling? Sleep well?"

The young guide stared unblinking for a full minute. He hung back from the sofa area, reaching out to steady himself on the edge of the stone hearth, as a slight wave of dizziness swept over him.

Ignoring both men's questions, he croaked out a soft question of his own.

"Did you hurt him?"

All movement in the room stilled as all eyes came to rest on the young student. Burke raised both eyebrows in a questioning gesture.

Blair shifted his weight and continued to stare at the big blond man.

"Jim. Did you hurt him?"

Burke returned the steady stare as understanding dawned on him.

"No. We didn't. We left him tied up and gave him a way to free himself eventually. He was fine."

Blair held the gaze a few seconds longer, then nodded slightly to himself, satisfied he was being told the truth.

"He's a good man. He doesn't deserve to be hurt by you."

He gestured toward a door by the end of his bed.

"I need a bathroom, please. Is that one?" His voice was barely above a whisper, eye contact dropping to the floor, worried he would be denied any comfort or attention to his body's needs.

"Yes, but, not alone. One of us will have to go in with you."

Blair hesitated a moment then nodded, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. Remembering the impromptu spanking at the warehouse, Blair flinched when the giant on the couch stood, as if he was going to be the one to accompany the boy to the bathroom.

Realizing he was the least physically intimidating man in the room, Weston came around the kitchen divider and casually wandered to the bathroom doorway.

"Come on, little bit. I'll give you the grand tour. The john, our main attraction is on the left."

The shivering young man slipped silently away from the edge of the gathering and passed out of the room, trying to keep as much distance between the other man and himself as possible. The door closed behind the two men.

Burr looked at the other two men and sighed.

"Now wasn't that interesting? How many kids you know would wake up after being kidnapped and have the first thought on their mind be the health of the person who DIDN'T get kidnapped? Interesting little guy."

James crouched by the fire and stirred the embers. Adding another log to grate, he stood and dusted off his hands.

"He must care a lot about Ellison. I thought you said the detective was a hard case. He looked pretty soft about the boy to me, if that death threat he made was to be believed."

"It was real, all right." Burke sighed, "I guess time can change a man. Anyway, it's better for our needs this way. Finding a weakness in a man like Ellison isn't easy. Besides, just because the kid cares, doesn't mean Ellison does. We'll see after we make the call and explain what he has to do. Then we'll know how much he cares about the runt." // A lot, I hope. //

Blair and Weston reentered the room. Not knowing which way to turn, Blair stood at the end of the bed. Missing the warmth of his usual attire of several layers of clothing he shivered in the coolness of the cabin. Even without seeing outside, it was clear they were in a mountain area at a high elevation.

"Your other shirt is hanging on the wall at the end of the bed. You'd better put it on. It's cold here. Sit down by the fire and warm up." Burke gestured toward the stone seat.

Blair retrieved the big blue sweater from the hook by the bed and quickly slipped into the comfort of a familiar piece of home. Pulling the too-long sleeves over his hands, Blair hugged his arms around his torso, drinking in the warmth and comfort the sweater provided.

The sweater hung off his slight frame, almost reaching his knees. Edging closer to the fire, he sat on the corner of the raised hearth. Soaking in the heat, the young guide faced his captors.

"My name is Daniel. The man beside me is Ethan. The man in the kitchen is Jackson and you've already met Ray. No one here is going to hurt you if you do as you're told."

Blair cast a disbelieving look at Burke and remained silent.

"I'm telling you the truth, Blair. You are miles away from another living soul. There is no phone service, no way out of here. You have no idea where you are or how you got here. There is an electronic perimeter patrol to alert us to visitors and the cabin is secure. As long as Ellison does what we ask him to do, and you behave yourself while you're here, you have nothing to worry about. Just relax and do as you're told. Read, sleep, eat. Use that computer you have in your pack. I have your cell phone, by the way. And your shoes."

Blair continued to stare. Moving his gaze over each man in the room, Blair snorted softly and looked into the fire.

Burr entered the dining area carrying dishes of hot food. Eyeing the apprehensive young man, he announced that the meal was ready. Weston joined him, placing the remainder of the food on the table.

Burke stood and seated himself at the table. Blair remained on the hearth staring into the flames. At a gentle touch on his left shoulder, the forlorn guide jumped in surprise, finding the giant Ethan at his elbow.

"Let's go eat something. It's been a long day for us all."

Fear momentarily flashed across Blair's face. Blinking rapidly to rid his eyes of suspicious moisture, the young one stood and slowly walked to the table. Directed into the waiting chair between Weston and Ethan, he silently slipped into place. One sleeve of his over sized sweater slipped over his hand and he absently pulled at it.

Weston reached out and tugged teasingly at it.

"Get that at the thrift shop, little bit? Not exactly your size, now is it?"

Blair looked up at him with a lost expression on his pale, young face. He toyed with the hem of his sleeve and stared at the joking man.

"It's Jim's. I-I wear it sometimes around the loft when I don't feel good. I-I had it on earlier when Simon called me down to the station and I forgot to change. Jim doesn't mind. It makes me feel warm."

"Well," Burr cleared his throat, suddenly affected by the lost expression and tremulous voice of the young captive, "maybe it's a good thing you didn't change. I mean, it's cold up here, especially at night. I don't think any of our things would fit you any better." His mouth pulled into a thin line as he watched Blair wipe hastily at his right eye and cheek.

The meal continued in relative silence, each member of the assault team stealing glances at the quiet figure hunched over his plate playing absently with the food.

Ethan tapped Blair's full plate. Gently, he chastised the young man.

"You should eat. You haven't had anything for hours and it will be a long time until morning, little one."

Blair stared up at him. Shoving his plate across the table, Blair rapidly stood, pushing his chair back with a shriek of wood on wood. Suddenly overwhelmed by the events of the evening, tears spilled down his cheeks as frustration, anger, and fear shook his voice.

"What does it matter, man? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't know what's going to happen here? Do you think I actually BELIEVE you when you say I'll be all right? It doesn't matter whether Jim does what you want or not! I've seen your faces! I know your names! You let me see this cabin! I KNOW I'm not going make it out of here alive unless Jim finds me! So what difference does it make if I EAT?"

Catching the four men by surprise, Blair reached out and sent the nearest dish flying across the room. At the same time a loud tinny beeping went off, filling the room with the unmistakable sound of an electronic device.

Three men whirled on the source of the unfamiliar sound, guns drawn and ready. The fourth man, Ethan, grabbed Blair and shielded him with his body.

Blair's unsuspecting backpack found itself the center of attention.

"WAIT! Don't shoot it! It's just my watch! It's the alarm on my watch!" Blair cried out.

Burke walked over and cautiously retrieved the pack, setting it on the coffee table. Picking up the zipper pull, he found a sport watch clipped to the ring beeping loudly and insistently.

Blair slid hesitantly away from Ethan's protective grasp. He walked to the table and silenced the alarm. The armed men gradually relaxed their stance.

"I-I've been sick. It's to remind me to take my medication. I-I'm supposed to take it every six hours. Jim put this on here so I wouldn't forget. Even in class I can hear it. I always have my backpack with me. He set it so it would ring every six hours until I was though with the treatments. He d-didn't want me to forget. I-I guess I'll be missing the last couple of doses. N-not that it really matters any more. This is so not fair."

Blair's voice slowly faded out to a soft whisper as he turned to hide the fresh stream of tears from his audience.

After exchanging a regretful glance with each of his companions, Burke reached out and grasped the trembling young boy by his upper arms turning him to face his captors.

"You're going to be fine."

Looking into the wide blue eyes and tear-streaked face, the seasoned covert ops agent felt something tighten in his chest momentarily. The innocent gaze searching longingly for trust in his own eyes tugged at a small portion of his soul.

"Go back to the table."

Blair settled reluctantly into his chair as his plate was placed before him once again. Burr quickly mopped up the thrown dish and its contents. All four men resumed their seats at the dining table.

Feeling an unexplained need to calm and reassure the frightened young man, Burr tried to engage the boy in conversation.

"So, what kind of medication were you taking? Antibiotics?"

Blair fidgeted in his chair and toyed with his silverware before answering.

"No. I-I inhaled some poisonous fumes at the university a couple of weeks ago. Some students had set off a homemade smoke bomb to get out of class. It turned out to be lethal if not treated right away. I was exposed to too much."

"Lethal? How lethal?" Surprised to hear a note of concern in his own voice, Burke leaned forward to better see Blair's face.

Nervous energy took over Blair's speech and information poured out.

"The medicine stops the poison from destroying my liver. I've been taking it for almost ten days now. I have-had two more doses to take. I was late once, but I haven't missed any since. Jim makes sure of that. He got me the alarm watch. I don't wear a watch. That's why I'm usually late with everything. I know it drives Jim nuts, but he doesn't say anything. The watch just showed up when I came home from the hospital. J-jim watches out for me."

Unreadable glances were exchanged around the table.

"What class were you taking when this happened?" Weston asked.

"Teaching. Anthro 101."

"Teaching?" came the surprised response.

"Yeah, I teach two classes of anthropology 101 each semester. I'm a graduate student. A teaching fellow. I'm working on my dissertation for my Ph.D. That's how I met Jim. My diss is on closed societies within the social structure of the police department. You know, modern day warrior society, alpha male hierarchy, as compared to ancient civilizations. I'm a police observer and Jim's partner."

A note of pride and affection slipped into his voice and was reflected on his pale face.

"Ellison let's you get in the middle of a bust? You're his backup?"

"Yes, I'm his backup! I watch his back. I call for help when he needs it. And, no he doesn't let me in on a bust if he can help it. He makes me stay in the truck most of the time. He's always careful. He protects me."

"Not much of a partner, little bit." Weston snorted.

"It's enough for Jim!"

"You seem kind of young for all this. How old are you?" Burke asked.

"I'm old enough. I started college when I was sixteen. Well, I was REALLY fifteen, but the admissions office thought I sixteen. A little creative paperwork on Naomi's part. She knew how important it was to me. She doesn't believe in stereotyping and a lot of senseless rules. I mean, if a person has met all the requirements, why can't they get an education just because they're a little younger than the norm? What's more important, man, their age or their ability to learn?"

"Who's Naomi?"

"My mom."

Amazed and enthralled by their fascinating little captive, the four operatives encouraged the flow of information.

"What's your father think of all this?" Burr joined the information gathering.

"Don't know who he is. Naomi said it didn't matter. I've led a pretty unconventional lifestyle. We never stayed in one place very long. Naomi doesn't believe in getting attached to places and people. But that was before Jim. Now I live with him. The warehouse were I was living blew up. Drug lab next door. That's when I moved in to the loft with Jim. I don't think Jim was going to let me live in the warehouse much longer anyway. He really hated it. No heat and lots of big rats. Not a very nice neighborhood either. Now I have my own room and a permanent place to come home to every night. I don't have to lug things all over the countryside when I want to do research and I don't fall asleep in the library anymore. At least not as often. It's the first real home I've ever had."

Casting an accusing look around the table, Blair settled his gaze on Burke.

"Jim's a good man. A great detective, he helps people. He protects Cascade. You shouldn't try to make him do things that are wrong. He doesn't deserve this."

"The world is a complicated place, little boy. Not everything is black and white." Burke shifted awkwardly in his seat.

"Sometimes events need a little help to make sure the interests of the majority win out. That's all we're here to see happens. Ellison is in a position to help. He just doesn't know it."

"Jim always tries to do what's right. He doesn't need to be forced to do it!" Blair furiously defended his sentinel. Throwing his fork down, Blair pulled back from the table.

"My head hurts and my stomach is queasy. It happens if I'm late with my medicine. I'd like to lie down. If I'm allowed." Belligerence and anger radiated from the emotionally drained young student as he waited for permission to leave the table.

Burke sighed lightly and shook his head. "Just for a little while. We'll be calling your guardian angel in about twenty minutes. I think he'll want to talk to you."

Blair's eyes opened wide and his angry expression softened. "O-OK. I'll be awake. He's not my guardian angel. He's my Blessed Protector."

"Your Blessed what? What's that?" Ethan asked, smiling indulgently at the naïve young man beside him.

"My Blessed Protector. Shortly after I moved in with Jim, a serial killer kidnapped me from the loft."

Blair never noticed the shocked glances around the table.

"Jim found me when nobody else could and save my life. Two minutes later and it would have been too late. After that, I told him that the ancient Chinese had a belief that when a man saves a person's life, he becomes their Blessed Protector and has to look out for them for the rest of their life. Jim's mine."

"What happened to your kidnapper? Ellison put him away for life?" Burke asked.

Blair stared at the big man, remembering the sound of gunfire and the sheer terror of the unknown. His answer was short and to the point.

"No. Jim shot him point blank five times. He's a great Blessed Protector."

Leaving behind a silent and thoughtful audience, Blair shuffled to the huge bed and buried himself beneath the mound of blankets, substituting the external warmth of the bedding for the nearly overwhelming need to feel his Blessed Protector near by.


Upon awakening, Russo, the informant who had brought Jim into the trap, convinced the detective he had been just as confused by and unprepared for the assault as Jim had been. Sporting a large lump on his head and an impressive bruise on his jaw, Russo whined about the kind of people Jim kept company with, until the preoccupied detective sent him away.

Simon arrived at the warehouse just as Jim finished his final sweep of the exterior, looking for anything that would help him find his young charge. Knowing there wouldn't be any, but unwilling to concede defeat, Jim completed his search.

The sight of his bruised and bleeding friend hurried Simon's exit from his car.

"Jesus, Jim! What happened here? Do you need a hospital?"

"No, Simon. I'm OK. I just need to wash up."

Jim looked dejectedly around the grimy warehouse and surrounding buildings.

"I can't find anything. Nothing's here to give me anything to go on. Damn it, Simon! I never saw them until it was too late! I don't even know what they want yet."

"Why would a group of covert ops kidnap Blair? From what you told me on the phone, it was a pretty organized attack. How did they know he would be here? Didn't they give you any idea what this is all about?"

"Burke, the guy in charge, tried to say something when they got the drop on me, but I told him to shove it. I didn't want anything to do with them and I didn't want to know what it was they wanted with me. I wanted them to leave me alone. I didn't need or want to be part of the twisted little games they play in the name of national security."

Jim ran a bloody hand over his eyes and sighed resignedly.

"I guess I should have listened to him. They must have seen us drive up. They didn't bring Blair in until I refused to listen to them. This is all my fault, Simon!"

"Stop blaming yourself, Jim! You were out numbered. One handgun against four automatic weapons is a little much, even for you!"

"I should have heard them coming! Blair was upset over this grounding thing and I was spending so much time focusing on him, trying to be sure he settled down and stayed in the truck, I didn't hear them enter the warehouse until it was too late."

"He's grounded? Why didn't he say anything to me when I called him to come down to the station and help me? No wonder he was like a cat on a hot tin roof the whole time. I thought it was just the usual Sandburg-energizer-bunny syndrome turned up a notch. Guess he wasn't too pleased I didn't get him home before you got back, was he? That boy no sooner gets his butt down to a dull glow and he finds a new way to light the fire again. Damn, Jim! I don't envy you. I thought Daryl found enough ways to get into trouble. It just follows that kid of yours around, waiting behind the door to reach out and knock him down."

"Yeah, I know, and Blair keeps answering the door. I won't have to worry about any of it, if this doesn't all work out. Grounding and bad attitude aside, I'd be happy to hear a little smart-ass anthropology babble right about now, Simon."

Jim pulled the blue phone left behind by the kidnappers out of his coat pocket. Inspecting it closely to be sure it was still turned on, he wiped half-heartedly at his bloody face with a handkerchief and checked his watch. Four hours until the call would come through from Burke.

"I don't want anything official done about this just yet, Simon. Not until I know what we're dealing with. If it comes down to my having to do something less than by the book, I don't want my hands tied."

"Jim! I--"

"Tell me what you would do if it was Daryl these men took. Would you deny yourself any and all possible options to save his life?"

Jim stared at his long time friend and watched understanding and a little regret settle across his face. Simon heaved a heavy sigh and nodded.

"Let's go back to the station, Jim. Maybe we can find out something about these men from the computer data bases, or at least get an idea of what they want from you. It has to be work related. Something big must be going down. Maybe we can figure it out before they call. You'll be more prepared to deal with them if we know what direction they're coming from. You need to get cleaned up, too. You'll scare small children looking like that."

"Thanks, sir. I guess you'd know all about that."

"Get in your truck, Ellison. I'll see you in my office AFTER you've clean up."


Sporting a fresh white dressing to the gash on his forehead, Jim was finally devoid of the several layers of grim, dried blood and dirt acquired from the warehouse floor. Jim sipped a cup of Simon's latest blended coffee and stared fixedly at the blue phone lying on the conference table in the captain's office.

Just under two more hours to wait. The sentinel's mind played the earlier events over and over again. Each time he remembered his young guide's terrified cries for help and innocent tear-stained face, his heart was tightened as if it was in a giant vise.

The door to Simon's office popped open and the tall scowling figure of his captain burst in.

"God damn infantile bureaucrats! They won't authorize access to the files we need. Not with out telling them everything and then they'll say no anyway. It a miracle anything gets accomplished with that bunch of idiots running things!"

"I didn't really expect them to cooperate. That's why covert ops has so much independent power and maneuverability. Very few people know what's happening and fewer still understand why."

"Jim, I checked with the people down at the lab about a trace on the phone and it's a no go. It uses some kind of leading edge satellite technology that would require an open line for at least thirty minutes in order to establish a direct trace. I doubt you'll get Burke to stay on the line more than three minutes, if you're lucky."

Jim rubbed both hands over his battered and tired face.

"I've gone over every important case I've handled in the last five years and nothing ties in, Simon. We won't get anywhere until Burke contacts me."

"Maybe Jack Kelso at the university could be of some help here, Jim. Maybe we should try and track him down."

"It's after ten o'clock at night, sir. Burke said he'd call in exactly six hours. That would be in one hour and forty-seven minutes. I'll know more then. If it looks like another person needs to be involved then I'll call Jack. But I'm not willing to put someone else at risk here with out a good reason. The less people who know about whatever I have to do to get Blair back safely the better, for them and for Blair, sir."

Simon looked over at Jim and suddenly realized the subtle changes coming over his detective. Jim sat straighter in his chair, his expression had become rigid and neutral, like a mask of stone. His voice had dropped to a lower pitch and his speech was precise and clipped, his attitude cooler and more distant.

Covert ops mode. Jim was preparing to go into battle. A battle for the life of his heart and his soul, a battle for his young guide.

"WE'LL call Jack. You're not in this alone, Jim." Simon stared intently at the tightly controlled sentinel before him.

"No matter WHAT we need to do to get the kid back."

He let the significance of his words settle in on his friend and watched a slight lessening of the tension around Jim's eyes.

"Thanks, Simon. I just might need backup on this one."

"That's settled then. Let's go over these cases one more time. There has to be something there! It doesn't make sense otherwise!"

"I think it's a waste of time, but we got nothing but time to waste until they call."

Together both friends turned back to the discarded files and started over, each one glancing anxiously at the blue phone that had become the focus of their immediate future.

Exactly one hour and forty-seven minutes later, the portable phone rang.

Jim slapped the receive button and answered before the first trilling sound faded.


"I'm glad to find you so prompt. You do care about the boy. That's good."

"Tell me what you want, Burke. You wanted me to listen to you, now you have my undivided attention. Talk."

"I'm glad to hear that. But first, I thought you might like to talk to my guest. Don't make the boy regret my generosity."

"J-jim? Jim, h-hey, man!" His voice trembled in the attempt to contain his excitement at hearing his Blessed Protector's voice.

"Chief!...Blair? Are you all right? No one's touched you, have they?"

"Yes. I mean no! No one has touched me. Yes, I'm k-kind of OK..I missed my medication, man. Not that I miss missing it, but .you know, if I could take it then that would mean I was home. This is so not where I want to be, man."

Jim could hear the fine tremors in his young guide's voice, the hesitancy in his words and the fear in his heart.

"Chief, I want you to listen to me, OK?"

"OK, Jim. Sure." Blair bit his lower lip and tried to slow his breathing down.

"I want you to do what ever they tell you. Understand, Junior? No talking back, no trying to run away. Just do what they say, when they say it, all right? Promise me, Blair."

"Jim! I."

"Just promise me!" Desperation tinged the stern command.

"OK! I-I p-promise!" A sniffle escaped as Blair promised to obey.

"Everything's going to be all right. I promise. I'll find you." The gentle reassuring tone filled with love was the young man's undoing.

Blair looked around at the four, armed military officers surrounding him. Tears brimmed in his eyes.

"J-jim? I like so d-don't want to be here, big guy. I-I really want to come h-home now."

"You're going to be just fine, Chief. Trust me."

Burke held out his hand, indicating he wanted the phone. Blair half swallowed a sob and whispered his goodbye. He took in a shaky breath and tried to calm his rising sense of dread.

"I have to go. Bye, Jim."

"Blair? Blair!"

Taking the phone from the shaking hand, Burke launched into his mission's objective.

"First, Ellison, I'm only going to stay on this line five more minutes. So listen well. I'm not going to repeat myself."

"I understand. Talk!"

"You are aware, I'm sure that Luis Castrello was transferred to Federal custody shortly after you arrested him last September for four counts of murder and weapons and drug trafficking. He has bargained for immunity in the weapons and drug trafficking charges in return for the names of those persons responsible for arranging and financing the weapons and drug deal. Information provided by Castrello has linked two Congressmen and at least one Senator to the deal. The Justice Department has become involved as a result of this information. It has been brought to the attention of the White House. They want this handled quickly and quietly. On Tuesday, Castrello will be brought to Cascade, for exactly 48 hours, to go before a judge regarding the murder charges against him. Castrello refuses to cooperate further until these charges are also dismissed. You are the prosecution's only witness to the murders. You are to take several days vacation time starting immediately and continuing until after Thursday of this coming week. You will seclude yourself someplace where you can not be reached for calls or messages. You will tell no one exactly where you are going. Camping, hiking, fishing, something you usually do and but somewhere completely inaccessible. No one is aware that Castrello is coming to town this week and your request will not cause any suspicions as to your motives to take a little time off."

Jim's hearing picked up the sounds of a brief struggle. His guide's heartbeat shot up and his breathing was labored. Muffled words teased the edges of his hearing. Blair was obviously objecting to Burke's demands of Jim.

"Castrello murdered his girlfriend and their three children! He shot her in the head. Then he locked the kids in the room with her dead body and then blew up the house! That bastard deserves everything he has coming to him!" Jim outrage was clear.

"You are wasting valuable phone time Detective."

"You want me to let a bastard who murdered three little kids and their mother walk so some high ranking politicians can take the fall for a weapons and drug trafficking charge and spend maybe two years on probation or in a five star detention center? You are one twisted bastard!"

"No. I'm offering to trade you a day in court for a five foot seven, one hundred and forty pound bundle of energy and knowledge with long brown curls, dark blue eyes and an attitude that has the sun rising and setting on your shoulders. Your choice, Ellison. We're just following orders. The good of the many out weighs the good of the few. You know the official policy on these things. Don't make me spell it out."

Burke glanced at the struggling young man held securely in Ethan's massive embrace.

"You're practically this kid's father, Ellison. Or is it his 'Blessed Protector'? Isn't that what he calls you? You think about it. We'll call back in six hours."


"Yes, detective?"

"Just remember the promise I made you in the warehouse. Harm him and you'll never even see it coming."

"I'll consider it a promise."

Silence filled the air. Jim hung his head and tried to tear the memory of his guide's frightened young voice from his thoughts. He needed a clear head and no distractions for the next few hours.

"Simon, let's give a call to Kelso."


"LET ME GO!" Blair yelled out as soon as his mouth was free from the huge paw clamping it shut. He kicked and squirmed against the giant holding him in place.

At a nod from Burke, Ethan released the furious young man. As soon as Blair's feet hit the floor he advanced on the group's leader, all his earlier apprehension and fear forgotten.

"I can't believe you want Jim to let that creep go! He MURDERED three children and their mother! Three little kids! The oldest one was only six! He shot their mother in the head so she couldn't testify against him and killed the kids so they wouldn't BOTHER him! He BLEW THEM UP!"

The outraged student practically spit flames at the big, silent man. Gesturing wildly in the air with his hands, Blair paced in front of the quiet group of military men.

"Jim broke into the house just as Castrello shot his girlfriend. He was standing at the top of the stairs in a bedroom doorway. Jim SAW him shoot her. He tossed her body through the door and closed and locked it. Jim could hear the kids in the room try to wake up their mom. Before he could make it up the stairs, the bedroom blew up and the house caught fire. He tried to get to them but he couldn't. He barely got out himself. But he did catch Castrello trying to get away. That bastard deserves to rotten in prison for the rest of his life!"

Blair turned and slammed his fist into Burke's chest, surprising the big man but hardly phasing him. Dropping the satellite phone to the coffee table, Burke gripped the slender wrist and pulled Blair to his chest.

"That's enough! Ellison told you to listen to us and I'm telling you that's enough! Whether Ellison testifies or not, those people are already dead. That's not going to change. But if we can stop a multi-million dollar gun and drug shipping ring, we can save a lot of people who haven't died yet. There has to be a trade off somewhere, kid. Do you avenge the dead or save the living?"

"You don't use a good man who has dedicated his life to helping people to achieve your goals! You could find a different way! You don't need to ruin Jim's life and reputation!"

A glimmer of understanding dawned in Blair's mind. His eyes widened in shock and his mouth dropped open.

"Unless, you really just want to ruin Jim's life and this is just a bonus. You want Jim to do this so that you have something on him, don't you? You're trying to get Jim back into this black ops thing! You BASTARDS! You GOD DAMN BASTARDS!"

Blair burst into a flurry of swinging fists and feet. Landing one solid hit on Burke's chin brought the wild tirade to a swift and unexpected conclusion. The furious young man suddenly found himself tucked under Burke's strong left arm, bottom facing outward. An unexpected pain hot through his backside as a volley of hard and heavy swats landed in rapid succession on his defenseless posterior.


No amount of squirming or shouting seemed to affect the continuous stream of spanks. A full two dozen swats landed before a very tearful and outraged young man found himself in an upright position again.

Burke picked up the struggling boy and tossed him gently on the bed. Blair scrambled to the far corner at the head of the bed and stared defiantly at the room's occupants.

"You really are an extremely bright and insightful child. But this is none of your business. Let the grown-ups play this particular game. There's a minimum age limit and you're way under it, little man."

"Jim won't do it! Not even for me! You'll have to find another way..PLEASE!"

Blair found himself begging his captors for understanding.

"Jim doesn't want to lead this kind of life. He has a home, and a job he likes and is good at. He has family and friends and.and me. He doesn't want to do this! Don't do this to him! Please! Come, man! Please don't!"

Tears threatened one more time. Blair looked pleadingly from one man to the next. When he spoke, his trembling voice was merely a whisper.

"Come on, man! Come. On!"

Silence greeted him. Throwing himself face down on the bed, Blair tried to hide the deep sobs shaking his entire body.

After briefly closing his eyes to wipe away the sounds of the boy's honest and heartfelt distress, Burke settled down at the dining table to clean and examine his gun. Ethan began cleaning up from dinner. Both kept a watchful eye on their distraught charge until the shuddering gradually quieted and his breathing evened out, indicating he was asleep. Blair had rolled over and lie on his right side near the outer edge of the large bed. His sleep-tangled hair partially covered his tear-streaked face.

Weston and Burr began gathering equipment to make a walking security patrol around the cabin perimeter, speaking softly to each other about the patrol pattern.

Concentrating on keeping his breathing pattern slow and regular, Blair cautiously opened his eyes half way and studied the activity in the room. Spying the phone sitting unattended on the coffee table, Blair hastily concocted a plan to help Jim find him and prevent the end of his sentinel's career and life.

/Dear god in heaven let me be right this one time! Please! Let the little guy win one for a change! These guys will kill me if I'm wrong, but let's face it Jim will kill me if I'm right! SHIT! I'll take my chances with Jim. Maybe he'll just ground me for a couple of years. Like half my remaining lifetime. I'm down with that! /

Seeing Burke and Ethan were occupied in the kitchen and dining area he shifted his eyes to the coffee table and front of the cabin. Blair watched the two men preparing to leave the cabin though the front door through hooded eyelids.

/Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man! I just need five minutes alone with that phone! Five minutes! Good thing these guys can't hear my heartbeat like Jim can! I'd be so busted! /

Burr opened the door and stood slightly to the side to let Weston lead the way outside.

/Now or never, Sandburg! Do it! /

Blair burst from under the covers. Grabbing the phone and slipping it up his sleeve, he raced past the coffee table. Launching himself between the two men at the door he shoved them both as hard as he could. Making it through the door and on to the porch, Blair turned to his left and ran to the end of the porch. Without hesitation he jumped over the railing and landed heavily on the ground four feet below.

Rising quickly to his feet, Blair yelped and crumbled to the ground. Grabbing his right leg he rolled close to the wire skirting used to keep animals from under the cabin. Looking around for a safe place to hide and finding none, he tugged frantically at the metal edge of the skirt, slicing open both palms in the process.

Pulling back an edge, Blair hastily squirmed under the cabin floor, grunting continuously in pain from his injured right ankle. Pulling out and activating the phone as he crawled deeper and deeper under the building, listening for sounds of his pursuers. Wedging himself up under a rafter, he prayed the back lit button marked 'RE' meant redial as he stabbed at it.

The muffled sounds of footsteps approaching his entrance hole into the crawl space sent his pulse skyrocketing as he held his breath, waiting for someone to pick up on the other end of the phone.

On the second ring, his efforts were rewarded.


"Jim! Jim! It's me, Blair!"

v "Chief! What's happening--."

"Just listen to me, man! I got away for a minute or two and I stole the phone. Can you get a trace on it? If I leave it open, can you get a trace on it? They don't know I have it yet! Hurry! Jim, get a trace going!"

"How did you get away? I told you NOT to do anything stupid! I can't trace it, Darwin, they need at least 30 minutes to sort out the trail."

"30 MINUTES? Oh, man!" Bumping his head on a protruding nail, Blair was struck with inspiration.

"Jim, I'm under the cabin they took me to. They're going to find me any minute now. I don't have time to argue. I'm going to leave the phone on and tie it up under the rafters, out of sight. That way you can trace it until the battery wears out. Hopefully, they won't miss it until it's time for the next call in a couple of hours! I gotta go! You can ground me for life when I get home!"

"Ground you, my ass! I'm going to roast yours!"

"Love you, too, big guy! Bye!"

Pulling the thin leather necklace from his neck, Blair quickly tied the phone to the ill-placed nail, biting his lip at the pain this caused his bleeding hands.

Sliding as far away from the phone as possible, trying not to groan out loud, he listened for his captors. The rustling of his movements alerted the searching men. Almost immediately a bright light flashed in his eyes and quiet voices broke the silence.

"He's under here. There's blood all over this section of wire."

Lights blinded the injured young runaway, forcing his hands in front of his face for protection.

"There he is! His hands are bleeding pretty good." Burr turned the light slightly to one side, out of the boy's face. "Come on out of there. There's no place for you to run to kid. It's cold, it's late and you're hurt! Get your little ass out here! NOW!"

Not wanting the phone to be found prematurely, Blair sighed and started to crawl toward the opening.

"O-oK! Give me a minute, man."

As soon as he got within reach, Blair's upper arms were grabbed and he was hauled bodily out of the crawlspace. Staring into an unhappy dark face, the young captive swallowed loudly.

"I had to try," Blair whispered.

Staring into the wide young eyes for a moment, Burr sighed and lightly shook his prize.

"I know, kid."

Blair cried out softly as pain radiated up his injured ankle from the light shaking his captor gave him.

"Is he all right?" Burke and Weston joined captor and captive at the side of the cabin.

"I think he's hurt. His hands are bleeding and he's favoring his right leg. Let's get him inside."

Tucking the unresisting student under his arm, Burr carried him into the cabin and over to his recently vacated bed. Gently lying him on his back, Burr placed a pillow under his head and stepped back. Burke sat down on the side of the bed and examined the boy for injuries. Weston joined them with a bowl of warm water and a large first aid kit. Both hand wounds were washed and disinfected. The ragged tears were steri-striped together and bound snuggly with sterile dressings.

No conversation took place and Blair endured the ministrations in nervous silence, avoiding all eye contact with any of the four men. Mentally he counted the minutes that passed, cheering silently, knowing every minute gave Jim more time to find him.

Finally standing, Burke spoke the first words since they entered the cabin.

"Where else did you hurt yourself, boy?"

Blair blinked rapidly and looked at the wall.

/Fuck you, asshole! I'm not some stupid kid! Wait until you find out about the phone, Oh great and clever Covert Ops Man! /

Blair's chin was roughly grabbed and his face turned to meet an angry stone wall. His momentary defiance faded quickly.

"M-my right leg. I-I think it's my ankle. I landed wrong when I jumped off the porch."

Strong hands gently lifted his lower right leg onto a pillow and his jeans, socks and the filthy sweater were quickly removed. Grinding his teeth against the pain, the young man nearly passed out when his ankle was probed, examined and pronounced broken.

Burke nearly shook with suppressed anger.

"What the hell did you think you were doing? Did you really think you could get away? For a smart kid that was a dumb move! Now look at yourself! Lacerated hands and a broken ankle! Just what did you accomplish, little boy? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

Blair exploded with pent up anger and tension.

"I had to try! I couldn't let you use Jim like this without trying to do something! I didn't try to get hurt! And I did a pretty damn good job of getting away, too! If I hadn't broken my ankle you would still be looking for me! I'm NOT going to help you trap Jim and ruin his life and his reputation! I'M NOT! I'M NOT!"

Unable to hide his tear-filled face from his captors, Blair grabbed the pillow next to his head and covered his face with it, pinning it in place with both arms. Shuddering gasps racked the small body as the first aid continued uninterrupted.

A temporary splint was applied and Blair's ankle and foot were wrapped securely and elevated on two more pillows. Pain pills were forced on him and he was covered with several blankets as his exhausted sobs quieted. Soon he dropped off into a genuine drug-aided slumber.

Weston and Burr resumed the delayed patrol and returned in under an hour, reporting nothing usual. All four men seated themselves around the fireplace and let their thoughts wander. Ethan broke the companionable silence.

"Our little man sure is something else, isn't he? I don't remember when we had this interesting a time holding a hostage."

"We should have taken Ellison like we planned in the first place. I doubt HE would have made me want to give HIM back and forget this whole mess ever happened."

Weston looked Burke in the eye and gave him a twisted half smile.

"Can't help it, Daniel, little bit gets to me. He's so innocent and loyal. The kid risked getting shot against odds he had to have known he couldn't beat! That takes guts and brains! He planned it out right and caught us at our weakest moment! Not to mention playing possum until the time was right! Creative kid."

Blair tossed his head from side to side and whimpered aloud in his sleep.

Ethan rose and walked to the bedside. Laying a hand on the boy's forehead he detected a slight fever. Sliding his hand down to Blair's cheek, he rested it there a moment. Unconsciously registering the heat of the hand, the sleeping young man turned into the caress and softly called out. "Jim?"

All four men exchanged thoughtful glances.

Ethan slowly withdrew his hand and stared at the amazing bundle of trouble they had stolen.

Burke looked over at the silent giant.

"What's up Ethan? Are you worried about something?"

"No. He has a slight fever starting. Shock from his injuries and being out in the cold half dressed, I imagine. I was just wondering when we started kidnapping and using sick children in the name of justice and the American way, that's all, Daniel. Just wondering."

The big man wandered back to his spot on the leather couch and dropped down onto the cushions. Four men traded resigned glances.

"We've got our orders. This will be over in a few hours. I can't imagine anyone throwing this kid away. Ellison will see the sense in the situation. Then we'll give the boy back. A little worse for wear but alive and well. Castrello will walk and turn states evidence. Everyone wins."

Burke settled back against the cushions and glanced over at the restless bundle on the bed. Burr followed his line of vision.

"Ellison's going to rip your heart out." Burr muttered.

"Yep, he's going to try!" Burke agreed taking in the sight of two small white bandaged hands and a tightly splinted ankle resting outside the blankets.

Looking at the scattered contents of the coffee table top, Burke raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Did one of you pick up the phone off this table?"

Three negative replies echoed around the group.

Burke jerked his head to look at their captive and smiled in spite of the deteriorating situation, shaking his head in amazement one more time.

"Why that little shit! He gave Ellison a way to put a trace on us!"

Understanding dawned on the rest of his men and they hurried to evacuate the area.


Jim stared at the silent phone in his hand, trying to focus on the background sounds as Blair tied the phone to the rafters. The fading noise of shifting dirt told the sentinel his young guide was crawling away from the area he had tied the phone to.

Soft grunts of pain registered on Jim's consciousness. His guide was hurt. Jim clenched his jaw and it took all of his willpower to force his concentration back to the distant sounds. Jim listened to the rapid beating of the young man's heart.

Muffled voices, soft and serious, echoed strangely in the confined area of the crawlspace making it difficult to sort out the words. Soon, only night sounds traveled to the sentinel's straining ears.

Simon stood restlessly by Jim's side, trying not to distract him.

Lowering the phone, the detective turned to his captain.

"Get the phone trace going, Simon! Blair gave us an open line, at least until they find it or the battery runs down! Get it going, sir!"

Simon grabbed his desk phone and got the ball rolling. Technicians and equipment flooded his office in less than ten minutes. The long and painstakingly slow process of tracing a multi-bounced signal began.

"Jim, explain to me again how Sandburg did this? I still don't believe it!"

"I know, sir. I couldn't believe it when he called me. But he did it. He said he stole the phone without them knowing and got away for a few minutes. Wherever he hid the phone, they haven't found it yet."

"Unless, they found out it was missing and have moved to another site."

"That's a possibility I don't want to think about right now, Simon."

Both men watched the hushed activity in the room. Dials were turned, coordinates plotted and maps checked and rechecked.

Jim cleared his throat and glanced at Simon.

"Jack Kelso said he'd work on things from his end. He'll contact us as soon as he hears anything. He was really upset about Blair being used like this."

Never taking his eyes off the activity in the room, Simon voiced both their thoughts.

"Are you going to kill the kid fast or real slow for this?"

"Haven't decided yet. I'll have to see how many shades of red I see when he tells me the entire story after we get him home."

"I can understand that. Good decision. You make a wonderful father, Jim."

"Let's hope I get the opportunity to prove that, Simon."

"Amen to that."

The ringing of Simon desk phone pulled the big captain away from comforting his friend.


"Simon, its Jack Kelso. I've got something interesting here. Nothing about the trace, but a piece of information on Castrello."

Pointing to the extension on the table, Simon signaled Jim to pick up on his line.

"It's Jack, He's got something for us."

Grabbing the phone like a lifeline, Jim greeted Kelso.

"What do you have, Jack?"

"Jim, good. I came across a piece of information on Castrello. It seems he was supposed to be coming to Cascade this week for a closed special hearing regarding his murder charges."

"What do you mean 'was supposed to be'?"

"This just came down the pike, my friend. Castrello's federal bodyguards got wind of an assassination plot against Castrello planned for when he arrives here. They're taking it very seriously. They want the information Castrello can give them so they're not taking any chances. They've transferred jurisdiction to the federal court in Maryland, claiming bias, due to the death threat and convinced a federal judge to review the case based on transcripts and records alone."

Simon cut into the conversation excitedly.

"Which means Jim CAN'T testify. Even if he wanted to."

"You got it, Captain! Jim's off the hook."

"Thank God!" Simon sighed in relief.

"Now we just need to find Blair."

Jim turned to watch the continued activity at the conference table with a renewed sense of urgency. Now there was only Burke's word he would keep the young guide alive. Jim wasn't willing to bet Blair's life on a black ops mission leader's word, no matter how trustworthy he had been in the past.

There was a sudden flurry of motion at the table and several techs jerked to their feet, adjusting knobs, changing bandwidths and tapping dials.

The lead technician, Mark Hanson, advanced cautiously on Simon, a stricken look on his weathered face.

"Captain, we lost the signal."

"WHAT?" Jim's frustrated question came out as a snarl.

"We lost the signal, sir. It's been fading for the last five minutes. I was hoping it was solar interference, but now it's completely gone. I think the power source has gone out, sir."

"Damn it! Did we get a partial fix on it at least? You've been at it for over two hours! Something to go on? ANYTHING?" Simon scowl pinned the man in place.

"No, sir. We couldn't complete a fix until we waded through all of the trip signals. There were hundreds of them. We only got part of the way in. We got nothing."

Jim turned to stare out of the office window, his face set in stone. Simon removed his glasses and ran both hands over his weary face.


"I have to find him, Simon."

"I know. We'll find a way. Maybe they'll release him, now that you can't testify."

"Yeah, maybe."

Further conversation was cut short by the ringing of Jim's cellular phone.Wearily Jim flipped it open and answered.

"Ellison." Near-defeat edged his voice.

"It's nice to know you haven't been napping." Burke's voice was instantly recognized.

"Burke, you son of a bitch, where is he?"

"30 minutes. We'll meet at the same place as last time. Behave yourself and you'll get the package back in only slightly worse condition than it was in originally."

Dial tone filled the air as Jim terminated the connection and pocketed the phone.

"Simon, I've got 30 minutes to get back to the warehouse where Blair was taken. That was Burke. He says he's making a drop off."

"Let's go!"

Jim's voice was soft and low, his demeanor once again cool and distant.

"Maybe I should handle this alone. I can't guarantee a nice neat ending to this. I'll do what I have to get Blair back. You might not want to be involved."

Simon rested a hand on the detective's shoulder.

"I told you before, Jim. You're not in this alone. No matter what needs to be done. I'm coming."

"Then let's go. We'll need all 30 minutes to get there. "


Jim and Simon arrived at the warehouse in 23 minutes. Jim's kamikaze driving skills did occasionally come in handy.

Exiting the truck, Jim scanned the area, zeroing in on a familiar heartbeat.

"There are four of them and Blair. I think he's asleep."

"How can you tell?"

"He's not talking. His heartbeat is slower than normal. There are two in the building with him, one on the roof and one behind us. We're pretty well covered, Simon. Let's just get this over with."

Nodding agreement, both men drew their weapons and entered the warehouse.

In the middle of the empty room sat the same black van, tinted windows and unreadable plates. The side door popped open as the two men advanced into the room.

Burke stepped from around the back of the van, automatic weapon trained on the officers, as Burr entered from a side door. Weston remained outside as lookout. Surrounded and cut off, both Jim and Simon stood still and held their ground.

"You made good time. I can understand that. If he were mine, I'd want him back as quickly as I could get him."

Burke spoke quietly, with serious conviction in every word. Jim stared into the seasoned operative's face and knew Burke understood what a unique and special life he had in his care. He also understood the flash of jealousy that flared briefly in the military man's eyes. Odds were Burke would never know this kind of family love and devotion that Jim and Blair shared.

"Where is he, Burke?"

The sliding door to the van opened suddenly and Ethan exited carrying a blanket wrapped bundle. He quickly crossed the few feet between the van and Jim and thrust his burden into the detective's arms, forcing him to drop his weapon.

Resting a massive palm on the curly head poking out of the top, he reassured the sentinel.

"He's got a slight fever, but he's all right. He needs his hands attended to and a cast on his right ankle. It's broken, but it's splinted. He should wake up in about an hour." He glanced down at the blanketed creature. "He's an interesting little guy, but too foolish for his own good. You should do something about that."

Ethan and Burr backed into the van, guns trained on Jim and Simon. Burke opened the passenger door and prepared to enter the van. Turning one last time to the sentinel, he gave Jim a twisted smile.

"It really was fortunate that Castrello's people got a call about that assassination plot. Someone must have suggested that closed hearing with no witnesses to cut down on the possibility of foul play."

Jim smirked as the light bulb came on. He didn't even try to keep the sarcasm from his voice.

"Yeah, real fortunate. You're a saint. Blair know?"

"Not yet. You can tell him what you want. It really wouldn't do to let the innocents in this world lose their appreciation for justice and fair play."

Staring at the angelic face resting on his shoulder and traveling down to the bandages and ankle splint, Jim hardened his expression.

"This is justice and fair play?"

Burke shrugged. "As close as its going to get. Sometimes you have to arrange your own."

"Damn right! Don't forget my promise."

"Oh, that's right. You're going to rip my heart out, right?"

"It seems only fair. You ripped mine out, I should have a shot at yours."

Glancing meaningfully at the drugged weight in his arms, Jim shifted the bundle higher and closer to his chest. Simon stood silently ready at his side.

"I only stole your heart. I gave it back still beating. That should count for something. Maybe you should guard it better in the future."

Burke nodded at Simon absently and entered the van. Within seconds, it was out of sight.

Simon holstered his gun and retrieved Jim's from the floor of the warehouse.

"I'll bring the truck around. We'll get him to the hospital for a complete work up. He'll be fine, Jim." Simon rested a hand on a warm cheek under a curtain of soft curls.

"I know it. He's home. That's all that really matters, right now."


The loft door swung open and Blair tottered in, half-carried by his older roommate. Jim deposited him on the couch and elevated his broken ankle on the coffee table by placing a throw pillow under the cast. As he finished fussing over Blair's position, the phone rang.

Grabbing the portable phone, Jim settled himself down next to his young partner.


"Jim! It's Simon. Good, you're home. How did the doctor's visit go? The kid on crutches yet?"

"It went fine. Everything is healing as well as can be expected. It's only been six days. The doctor was happy, but no crutches for at least for two more weeks. Not until the partially lacerated tendon in his right hand has a chance to heal more. The doctor doesn't want it tearing with the stress of putting his weight on it with the crutches."

"So I guess that means the little guy is still dependent on you to get him around. That should make the grounding easier to enforce." Simon's chuckle had an evil sound to it. "I'll bet he's starting to get pretty antsy."

"You could say that, sir." Eyeing his charge shifting restlessly on the cushions beside him, grabbing playfully for the phone, Jim lightly swatted him on the back of his head.

"But I have a plan to cure that, now that the doctor has given a green light on his overall health."

Blair's hand stilled in midair and his eyes widened in shock as he realized what Jim was talking about. Dropping his hand to his side, he slouched down in the cushions and tried to appear smaller and forlorn.

/Shit! Judgement day is upon us! Oh, man! Maybe I can convince him I'm still in pain. Right! Not after that stupid 'I feel fine! Let me do it myself!' speech you made at the doctor's office and in the truck! When will I learn to keep my mouth shut! Oh, man, this is so going to hurt! /

"Oooh! I'll bet that's going to hurt. You may need to contact your doctor about physical therapy for your hand and shoulder when you're done. I know I would! His grounding should be even easier if he spends it on his stomach."

"You're right, sir. I think I'll get started on that assignment right away. No time like the present. I'll tell Blair you asked about him."

Blair paled noticeably as he slouched further down into the couch, hugging a couch pillow for imaginary protection.

"Do that. If you're both up to it maybe Daryl and I can stop over on the weekend. I'll call."

"Thanks, Simon. That would be nice. I'll talk to you later."

Disconnecting the call, Jim placed the phone on the table. Turning sideways in his seat, he took in his young guide's attempt to look frail and innocent.

"It won't work, Junior, the doctor gave you a clean bill of health. Everything is healing nicely and you're in good shape, other than a little underweight like you always are. That sad, lost little boy face isn't going to cut with me. So can it."

Blair huffed a little in disappointment and shifted back up on the cushion a little.

"It was worth a try."

Blair couldn't keep a tiny whine from edging his voice. He really didn't want to go where this conversation was leading.

"No, it wasn't."

Jim pulled him up straighter on the couch.

"You and I have some serious discussing to do here, Chief. I've held off until you were well enough and now's the time. I'm not going to delay your punishment. You know what's coming and you know you deserve it. So cut the crap and listen up."

"OK, Jim." The little boy voice caused Jim to frown meaningfully at his young charge.

"No bullshit here, Junior. I have never been more serious than this. Let's take this from the top. You tell me what you did that your butt deserves attention for."

"Oh, come on, Jim! Don't you think being kidnapped was punishment enough! I got a BROKEN ankle, man. And my hands! I can barely use my hands, even now!" Blair held out his sutured and heavily bandaged palms as evidence of his prior payment.

"None of that would have happened if you had listened to me and done as you were told. You promised to obey me, Blair. You promised not to try to run away. You promised to do what the kidnappers told you. All of your injuries could have been avoided if you had done what you were told. What you promised."

"That is so not fair, man! I was trying to help you find me! It would have worked if the battery hadn't run out!" Blair's indignant tone rose with each word.

"It WAS a very daring and creative move, Blair. I'll give you credit for it. It took a lot of courage and faith to pull it off. I don't want to diminish your efforts. But it also accomplished nothing. Burke realized the phone was gone way before we would have established the trace. The only thing that happened was you got hurt. You are a brilliant young man, Chief, but you were outmatched. You should have kept your promises."

"Fine! Let's just get this over with then. You refuse to see I was right, so let's fulfill your parental need to re-establish your authority and bust my ass. Where do you want me, DAD?"

Blair struggled to his feet and tried to hop to the end of the couch. He half expected Jim to materialize immediately behind him as he had each time Blair had tried to walk since his return. The abnormal stillness and silence of the loft caused him to turn to check on his roommate.

Jim stood silently by the couch, willing himself not to race to the belligerent young man's side to steady and protect him. Jim could mold his body into an unmoving statue, but he couldn't keep the love and concern from his eyes.

He understood Blair's need to lash out at someone or something. The young man had not verbalized his feelings about his abduction and resulting injuries since his return six days ago. Stress and tension had been eating away at him. Jim had seen it in his overly wide blue eyes and heard it in his too rapid speech and restless nights.

Jim continued to stare silently at his guide.

Blair shifted nervously, leaning his weight against the back of the couch. He lightly grabbed the back with his bandaged hands, tiring rapidly from favoring his broken ankle. Blair studied the floor, not wanting to see the anger and hurt in his sentinel's face that his words had undoubtedly caused. Finally looking up and finding nothing but love and devotion reflected in his Blessed Protector's face, Blair's defiance crumbled.

"I'm sorry! I-I'm so s-sorry." Blair's whispered voice cracked on the final word.

Moving instantly around the couch, Jim wrapped his shaking young guide in his arms, taking most of his weight and pulling him close to his chest.

"Are you finished, Junior? Can you honestly stand there and tell me you don't deserve to be punished for breaking a promise that accomplished nothing and could have gotten you killed? That resulted in your being seriously injured? Are you being honest with me? Honest with yourself?"

Blair clung to Jim for support and sorely needed comfort, hands wrapped tightly in the big man's shirt.

"No. You're right, Jim. I d-do deserve to be p-punished. I-I broke my promise and tried something foolish that didn't work. I-I was scared and I wanted you to find me. I'm so sorry for what I said." Anguished blue eyes looked up at Jim through wet lashes. "You're everything I'd want my father to be."

Jim hugged his sobbing young charge closer as he bent down and lifted him into his arms.

"I think we'd better take this next part into your room. You've been standing too long and we're going to need to prop that leg of yours up while we attend to business."

Jim felt the slight nod of agreement. Sitting down on the end corner of the single bed, Jim gently settled Blair down beside him.

"Stay right there. I'll be back in a minute. Think about what got you into this position until I get back. You have a couple of things to answer for, young man."

Lightly tousling the brown curls, Jim left the room and made his way upstairs. Returning a moment later, he watched as Blair paled slightly at the sight of the large hairbrush in his protector's hand.

Large panic-stricken blue eyes darted silently between the brush and Jim's face.

"This is pretty serious, Chief. You knowingly put your life at extreme risk. You disobeyed a direct order and you broke a promise. Again. Let's not forget breaking your grounding before this mess ever started. If you hadn't been at the station, you would have been safe at home, not riding with me to check out a snitch. Leaving the truck when you were told to stay put is another one. I think this deserves something a little heavier than a hand spanking."

Frightened and tearful, Blair looked all of six-years-old. He nodded shakily and clumsily stood to lower his sweat pants and boxers. Jim reached out to help mindful of the boy's injured hands.

Drawing a choked breath, he allowed the older man to sit down and pull him over his lap. Jim spent several minutes positioning pillows to support his injured ankle.

Jim gently rubbed circles on the shivering back under his hand as he pulled his charge closer to him and anchored him firmly in place.

"Is your ankle all right this way?"

A rapid shake of wild curls signaled yes.

"You haven't taken any pain pills this afternoon have you?"

Another rapid head shaking, this time to the negative.

"Good. I wouldn't want any of your nerve endings dulled for this. You need to appreciate the full affect."

Settling more comfortably on the bed, Jim raised his arm.

"Tell me why, Blair." The arm around his waist tightened and the first stroke of the hairbrush fell.


Blair jumped at the sound and seconds later gasped at the burning pain blossoming in his left cheek.

/Oh, my god, that REALLY hurts! SHIT!/


A matching burn burst out on his right side. More gasps followed.


"B-because I answered the p-phone and went to the s-station when I-I was grounded."

Sobs shook the small figure across Jim's lap. Gasping breaths filled the room and the smell of salty tears filled the air.


"That a good start. I'm glad to see you remembered the phone call. What else?"


"Leaving the t-truck to warn y-you!"

Jim watched as the skin before him turned from white to pink to light red. Heat began to radiate and warm the air.

"You should have stayed in the truck. I was out numbered and out gunned. Your warning wouldn't have changed that. What else?"


"I-I broke a p-promise! Please stop! I r-risked my l-life. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I am!"


Each new swat generated a gut wrenching sob. Blair hung exhausted over the big man's lap and hugged a small pillow to his chest, cradling his injured hands as best he could. His crying unexpectedly increased to the point of near hysteria.


Landing the last two swats directly on the area where thighs met buttocks, Jim tossed the brush onto the bedside stand.

Gently turning the nearly hysterical young man in his arms, Jim hugged him tightly to his chest, tucking Blair's curls under his chin. After gently tugging boxers back in place, sweat pants were discarded.

Tightly held emotions exploded from his young guide with frightening force. Jim tried to calm and anchor the trembling and heaving boy before he reached the point of vomiting.

"Chief, Chief, settle down. It OK now. You're home. You're safe. We're going to be all right. Take a breath. That right, just take a breath. You're safe now."

"I was so s-scared."

"I know."

"Not for m-me! For you!"

"Why for me, buddy? You were the one in danger. Not me."

"No! It was y-you they wanted! They w-wanted to get s-something on.on you! T-to try and force you back into t-their operation! T-they WANTED you to do something illegal so they could use it against y-you! I-I couldn't let that happened. Not to you! Not because of me! Ruin y-your l-life and..and reputation!...Take you away from m-me!"

Jim pulled the quaking body more snuggly to him and slowly stroked the disheveled hair. He rubbed soothing patterns on his distraught guide's back and shoulders.

"They can't hurt me that way, Chief. I'll never go back to that kind of work. I have too much here to lose. Too many precious things."

"I was really scared they'd do it! I had to try SOMETHING! I just had to!"

Shuddering sobs started again, as Blair clung desperately to the center of his universe.

"I'm not going anywhere, kiddo. At least, not anywhere without you. I would have died if I had lost you, Chief. You have to promise me you'll never do anything that foolhardy again. Not even for me. I would never want you to sacrifice yourself for me."

"I-I can't! I won't! I'd die without you too! I won't promise, Jim!"

Pulling back and staring into each other's eyes, both realized the truth behind the stubborn declaration.

Sighing deeply, Jim bopped the young guide on the forehead and lifted him in the air. Turning with great care and precision, he gently deposited his guide on the bed and helped position him comfortably on his left side. Pillows were placed under his leg and ankle and still more were propped in front of him, leaving his glowing bottom free.

Seating himself behind the younger man, Jim continued the hypnotic motions on Blair's back and shoulders. Soon, muffled sobs turned into intermittent hitches, then faded to soft snores.

Jim continued to rub the slight form for several more minutes, allowing his thoughts to wander back to the feelings of dread and emptiness he had experienced at the sight of his young charge being carried off by his kidnapers.

He realized the reason Burke had arranged the bogus assassination rumor in the end was because of Blair. His feisty, quirky, little innocent guide had made an impact on the hardened operative. Maybe all of them.

Jim made a mental note to have Jack Kelso keep track of Daniel Burke and his men. Just for future reference.

In case anyone else tried to steal his heart again.
