
By Keltic Dream

The night was filled with the sounds of Coyotes. Curry looked over at his cousin, who sat putting branches on the fire. The scent of roasting rabbits made Currys' mouth water. Every so often, drippings from the rabbits would drip down into the fire, causing a hissing sound. Several potatoes were roasting as well, in some of the coals of the fire.

Heyes turned and smiled and sat back on his heels. He looked into his cousins' blue eyes."Kid. It seems strange, no one chasing us lately. A whole two weeks and no running." Curry turned from the rabbits, and smiled back."Yes, it is. But at least we got the chance to rest, I could get used to that."

Heyes took out his knife and pulled the rabbits off the fire, and put them down on the plate began to cut the meat, he divided the first rabbit and put the second back on the fire. He put Currys' share on the second plate, and handed it to him. Stabbing the potatoes, he divided them up also. The two outlaws sat down to eat their dinner, on a warm summer night.

After dinner the boys sat quietly around the fire, Heyes lay his head back and looked up at the sky, studying the stars. A light streaked across the night sky, and Heyes watched it till it disappeared. Curry looked, but lost interest, and turned back to the fire, gazing into the flames.

The dark-haired man moved and stretched out on his bedroll. He wished for a soft bed, for the night. The fair-haired man watched the flames for a few more minutes till he heard his cousins breathing slowed, then he stretched out as well, taking his gun and putting it within easy reach. He quickly joined his partner in the land of dreams.

The brightening sky awakened Curry, and he opened blue eyes and looked around. He could smell coffee, and bacon cooking. He sat up stretching. He grabbed a cup and stretched his arm out to his cousin. Who smiled and poured him a cup, which he sipped and watched the breakfast being cooked. Beans sat near him, and he hated beans.

"I was thinking Kid, we should get to a town, and spend a little time doing normal things." Curry choked on his coffee, and coughed. "We do what?" His cousin smiled that smile of his that melted the ladies hearts, and had a habit of making people believe his sometimes outrageous lies.

"That's what I said Kid. Maybe our lucks changing." His cousin shook his head.

"Oh no...cousin. Since when do we do anything like other people?" "Well, we can start, see how we like it. After all when we get our amnesty, we will do it all the time?" "Oh no, you would be bored to death in a week."Heyes thought for a moment, then turned back. "You might be right, Kid. I can't imagine myself settled in one place, not knowing what is just over the hill, or down the road. I can't even imagine myself married either." Curry nodded, his head. He couldn't imagine it for his cousin either. Though he would like to have a home and family, but could he abandon his cousin?

The day was a beautiful summer day, and the heat was bearable. As they rode Curry looked over at his cousin, who was lost in his thoughts, as he rode along. It wasn't that he had anything against work, but what kind of work could they get in a town? For that matter even a ranch? For it seemed they didn't care for jobs in either place, well what did that leave, bounty hunting, guards, he couldn't think of anything else. Not good.

Curry turned at the sound of a thump, it was his cousin, bent over his horse. He reached out a hand, and grabbed his arm. "Heyes, what happened, you sick?" Heyes sat up, and turned slightly, and Curry caught sight of the arrow protruding from his cousins shoulder. In a flash he drew his gun, looking around, seeing nothing. No more arrows came their way.

He grabbed his cousins' reins, and led him in the opposite direction from where the arrow had come from. Heyes grabbed the pummel and held on, and felt the flames shooting through his shoulder, and down his arm and side. His trade mark smile had vanished, as he rode.

They pulled up in a stand of trees, and the horses came to a stop, Curry slid from the saddle and came over to his partner. Reaching up, he grabbed his cousin, and helped him down,mindful of the arrow still lodged in the dark-haired mans shoulder. He helped him over to a nice bare spot, and seated him,and went back for a canteen. Heyes put up a hand and tried to pull the shaft from his flesh, but the pain stopped him, as he felt the dizziness come over him.

He took the open canteen and took a drink, and felt the nausea rise. He didn't feel too good. He turned and tried to smile at his companion. "Darn it Heyes, you going to leave me to do the work in town? Found a way to get out of it, an arrow. Not even a posse, or bounty hunter." "I sure try Kid. It was getting too peaceful anyway."

Part 2

Curry stood over his cousin for a few minutes, watching his partner. Before sitting down beside him, his blue eyes looking with concern into the pain filled dark ones. "We have to get that thing out, you are losing a lot of blood there cousin."

"I know, just pull it out, Kid. It really hurts, and I don't want to see a doctor." Curry shook his head, and pulled out Heyes knife from his boot. Heyes watched him, and tried to grin.

"Going to put me out of my misery are you?" The kid grinned at him, and turned away and began to put the makings of a fire together.

"What and let you get out of work totally? No way Heyes." He turned glanced at his partner. With one hand he gently pushed his cousin down on to his back. "You rest a moment, while I get this fire going. " He turned back, and lit the fire.

Curry held the knife in the flames, and watched it as it grew hot. He turned and looked at the other man, who lay there his eyes closed tight. "Heyes, you ready?" No answer just a nod. Curry moved around on his heel, and grabbed the shaft of the arrow, and pulled, a deep moan greeted this added pain, and as it came free with a weld of blood, Curry placed the hot blade onto the wound and cauterized it. The burning smell sickened him as he saw and felt his cousin move beneath him. "Easy Heyes, easy." He threw the arrow away, and pulled the blade away he put a cloth on the wound. It was then he let out his breath.

When Heyes opened his eyes a few hours later, he found his cousin sitting by him, watching. He smiled and ask for water. Curry opened the canteen and helped him to drink. The water felt good as he felt it slide down his throat. Heyes found himself laid on his bedroll, and the other acting as his pillow. There was something cooking over the fire, glancing that way he found it to be a couple of birds.

"Hungry, sleepyhead?"

"Not really. I found a new job for you Kid."

"Yeah, what?"

"Doctor?" Curry laughed at him, and shook his head.

"Not me, I get enough practice with you, besides I don't have the stomach for it." Heyes smiled at him, and all seemed better because of that smile, at least he knew his cousin felt a little better. He wouldn't find himself traveling alone. Curry busied himself fixing two plates and pouring two cups of coffee.

He turned and saw Heyes struggling to sit up, and moved to help him, leaning him against the tree. "Now Heyes you sit here and eat your supper and get your strength back, so you can travel in the morning." He handed him his plate. He sat the plate in his lap, and looked at the plate, seeing meat cut up so he could eat it easier, that brought a smile. Also fried potatoes. He picked up his fork, and began to eat. Blue eyes across the fire watched, as their owner ate his own supper.

Early the next morning the two were riding towards the next town. On the road, they ran into a old woman, who was standing beside a wagon, with a broken wheel. She turned to them, her eyes watchful, as they rode up. "Morning ma'am." Spoke Heyes.

"Morning, boys." Curry got down from his horse. He walked over to her, tipping his hat, he turned to the wagon. She watched him, as he looked it over.

"It needs a new wheel, ma'am."

"Stop calling me ma'am boys. I am known around here as Sady." She motioned to the road leading to the west. "My ranch is that way."

"Well Miss Sady, if you would do us the honor of riding with us, we would be glad to take you there." She smiled at Heyes.

"I think I will take you up on that....mister.?"

"I am Joshua Smith and this is my partner Thaddeus Jones." The grey haired lady smiled at the boys.

"Hey you boys wouldn't be looking for a job would you?"

"Why as a matter of fact Miss Sady we were. Going into town to see about some there."

"Well if, you know anything about ranch work, then I could use a couple more hands. You Joshua, I was wondering, do you know anything about giving orders, like a foreman?" Curry broke out laughing, and Heyes smiled.

"Miss Sady, he's a natural born leader."

"Good, then you got the jobs. Now young man, I guess I will be riding with you. Since your partner, is hurt." She glanced at Heyes. "Is it bad? I could check it out for you."

"I think it will be okay. Just could use a little salve, to help it heal faster." She smiled as she got up behind Curry.

"I can fix that. Plus some breakfast if you are hungry. Then work."

"Yes, ma'am. Sounds good to us.Don't get home cookin too often." The three rode off towards the ranch. Curry was thinking that he had gotten the hard part of this deal, and Heyes had gotten the softer part, again.

End Part 2