FYI TO THE AUTHORS: ************************** HI, PEJA here. If your reading this post, you're very likely an author, or thinking of trying your hand at it. That's great. The list does, however have some requests. First: I ask that you use the story template at the bottom of this post. This list, as you may or may not know is just one of a very great many lists that I archive. The stories go through a process of stages before I get them into the archive. The headers help me know where the story should be placed when it reaches the final posting stage. If you do not use the headers, I may or may not go through the extra steps that will find the email for feedback, depending on how far behind I am at the time Second: Because of how many lists I archive, I WILL archive any story that comes into the list that does not have the notation 'DO NOT ARCHIVE". This includes the headers that say ask first, or name different sites. YOU MUST SAY NO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN THE LIST ARCHIVE. Third: If you want to know when your story is posted to the archive, I recommend you join I try to post as many stories as I can each day. Posting a separate note to each author is time consuming to say the least. Fourth: DO NOT POST ATTACHMENTS. I was recently repeatedly slammed with the Snow White and Romeo Viruses. Although I know and recognize these there are way too many that could slip through and infect. Since your stories are saved on my computer before they are posted, I don't want to risk losing them because of a virus. If you wish to share a pic with the list, the shared files on the list site at yahoogroups is available, and much safer for all concerned. Fifth: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..... use a block format in your stories. I've been getting in quite a few lately that are single spaced. They are very hard to code correctly and slows down the process Sixth: I have a rating scale that I use for the archive. Do consider using it. RATINGS: G - appropriate for all ages. PG - nothing graphic, but not appropriate for young readers. R - contains sex, violence or language and is not appropriate for anyone under legal age. NC-17 - contains *graphic* sex, violence or language -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES: When you are submitting a story to the list, please include these in the sub line: FIC: TITLE/RATING/SLASH OR GEN(OR M/M F/F M/F)/WARNINGS (Rape/death/BDSM/UNDERAGE/Bestiality/etc) If your story is large, post it in segments, and do number them. This is very important to the Otherwise I won't promise to find the story parts I prefer that you post your stories in email format (block style) NO ATTACHMENTS, PLEASE. If you have a pic or such you would like to share, use the SHARED FILES on egroups and post an announcement to the list. If its an original work/photo manipulation, be sure to include your credits and make a note as to archiving. I do post these as well, when time allows, so be aware of that. Now, I would once again remind the authors that there is a template I prefer you use when you submit a story. It provides a lot of information that makes filing the stories in the archive a lot easier for me, and provides all the information I need to do up the story introduction in the index. (If there is no summary/ rating included with the post, it is usually posted without.The template can be found on the archive in the submissions page or you can save this copy of it, if you prefer: Title: Author/pseudonym: Fandom: No initials, please. There are some fandoms I'm not familiar with Pairing: And I don't watch everything, so first and/or last name please. Rating: Status: eg- new/repost, complete etc. CRIT: If your posting for a crit, include the revision phase # and be sure to include us in the final revision. There's a new section in the archive fandom indexes for these stories posted in stages. Archive: Just include a note stating that you will like for this story to be included in the WWOMB. I WILL post ALL stories unless a notation is made otherwise. If you do not want the story on the list archive, you MUST say so here. Feedback: want it or no? E-mail address for feedback:: IF YOU DON'T WANT FEEDBACK PLEASE PUT NO HERE. Series/Sequel: Is this story part of a series? Other websites: Here's where you put your URL so readers know where to find more of your work Disclaimers: (better safe than sorry but optional) Notes: optional Summary: YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS - EVEN IF IT IS JUST TO PWP. OTHERWISE FROM NOW ON THE SUMMARY SECTION WILL REMAIN EMPTY. Warnings: optional, but if it is a first time, death, AU, spoilers for eps etc please tell me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WWOMB IS TAKING SUBMISSIONS IN ALL FANDOMS. We would welcome you contacting us if you have past stories, in any fandom, as well as original work, available that you would like included here. If you have something that does not fit the list but you would like it archived here, send it to me along with the template at OR We are also ACTIVELY looking for ORPHAN AUTHORS/MAILING LISTS to add to our contributors. If you know of an author or ML that needs a home, have them contact me at one of the above addies