Confessions Of A Former IAD Man

by Robyn LaSalle, aka TM Alexander

Fandom: 21 Jumpstreet

Pairing: Penhill/Harry

Rated: PG

I found the zine with a bunch of my old 21JS stuff in it! Here's a poem....


"Confessions of a Former IAD Man"

by by Robyn LaSalle, aka TM Alexander


Hey, Harry
I know you can hear me
They say people in comas
are very tuned-in

I've been sitting here a while
watchin' you
You don't move
Not even your eyeballs
They call that R.E.M.
-- heh --
Sounds like a rock group

Sorry, man
Guess I'm a little new
to this emotional crap
You know me
-- Heart of Ice --
A rose by any other name...
Don't get too close
You might cut yourself
on my thorns

But that never bothered you
You were used to barbed wire
Shrapnel in Vietnam
Hard to scare off someone who's been through
what you've been through

As I've been sitting here
-- watching you --
I've been thinking
So quiet
Guess it can't be helped
in my case
Especially since all I can think of
is you

Even with Tom in jail
And Penhall goin' out of his mind
I know what he's going through
'Cause that would be me
if our roles were reversed

Too many tears, Harry

Aw, Harry
I just wish
you'd wake up, man
Just open your eyes
Look at me
You're not Sleeping Beauty
for Christ's sake

I need you
-- okay, I admitted it --
You're my partner
Not just at Jump Street
Aw, you know what I mean

Dammit, Harry
You wanna scare me
-- well, you are --
and I wish you'd stop
Just wake the fuck up
'Cause I want you back

I love you, man
Don't leave me, now

